static void extractKeyTimes(FbxNode* fbxChildNode, FbxAnimLayer* fbxAnimLayer, const char* channel, hkxNode* node, hkReal startTime, hkReal endTime)
	HK_ASSERT(0x0, startTime <= endTime || endTime < 0.f);
	startTime = hkMath::max2(startTime, 0.f);
	FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurve = fbxChildNode->LclTranslation.GetCurve(fbxAnimLayer, channel);
	if (lAnimCurve)
		int lKeyCount = lAnimCurve->KeyGetCount();
		hkReal lKeyTime;

		// Store keyframe times in seconds(from [0, endTime])
		for(int lCount = 0; lCount < lKeyCount; lCount++)
			lKeyTime = hkMath::max2((hkReal)lAnimCurve->KeyGetTime(lCount).GetSecondDouble(), 0.f);
			if (lKeyTime >= startTime && (lKeyTime <= endTime || endTime < 0.f))
				if (node->m_linearKeyFrameHints.indexOf(lKeyTime) < 0)
					node->m_linearKeyFrameHints.pushBack(lKeyTime - startTime);
			else // handle case of [EXP-2436], where no keys in the range but range is affected by keys outside, so have to mark at start and end
				if ((lKeyTime < startTime) &&(node->m_linearKeyFrameHints.indexOf(0.f) < 0))
				else if (endTime >= 0.f &&(lKeyTime - startTime > endTime) &&(node->m_linearKeyFrameHints.indexOf(endTime - startTime) < 0))
					node->m_linearKeyFrameHints.pushBack(endTime - startTime);
Example #2
// Deform the vertex array with the shapes contained in the mesh.
void compute_shape_deformation(FbxMesh* pMesh, FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer * pAnimLayer, FbxVector4* pVertexArray)
  int lVertexCount = pMesh->GetControlPointsCount();

  FbxVector4* lSrcVertexArray = pVertexArray;
  FbxVector4* lDstVertexArray = new FbxVector4[lVertexCount];
  memcpy(lDstVertexArray, pVertexArray, lVertexCount * sizeof(FbxVector4));

  int lBlendShapeDeformerCount = pMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);

  for(int lBlendShapeIndex = 0; lBlendShapeIndex<lBlendShapeDeformerCount; ++lBlendShapeIndex) {
    FbxBlendShape* lBlendShape = (FbxBlendShape*)pMesh->GetDeformer(lBlendShapeIndex, FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);

    int lBlendShapeChannelCount = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannelCount();

    for(int lChannelIndex = 0; lChannelIndex<lBlendShapeChannelCount; ++lChannelIndex) {
      FbxBlendShapeChannel* lChannel = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannel(lChannelIndex);

      if(lChannel) {
        // Get the percentage of influence of the shape.
        FbxAnimCurve* lFCurve = pMesh->GetShapeChannel(lBlendShapeIndex, lChannelIndex, pAnimLayer);

        if(!lFCurve) {

        double lWeight = lFCurve->Evaluate(pTime);

        //Find which shape should we use according to the weight.
        int lShapeCount = lChannel->GetTargetShapeCount();
        double* lFullWeights = lChannel->GetTargetShapeFullWeights();

        for(int lShapeIndex = 0; lShapeIndex<lShapeCount; ++lShapeIndex) {
          FbxShape* lShape = NULL;

          if(lWeight > 0 && lWeight <= lFullWeights[0]) {
            lShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(0);

          if(lWeight > lFullWeights[lShapeIndex] && lWeight < lFullWeights[lShapeIndex+1]) {
            lShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(lShapeIndex+1);

          if(lShape) {
            for(int j = 0; j < lVertexCount; j++) {
              // Add the influence of the shape vertex to the mesh vertex.
              FbxVector4 lInfluence = (lShape->GetControlPoints()[j] - lSrcVertexArray[j]) * lWeight * 0.01;
              lDstVertexArray[j] += lInfluence;
        }//For each target shape
      }//If lChannel is valid
    }//For each blend shape channel
  }//For each blend shape deformer

  memcpy(pVertexArray, lDstVertexArray, lVertexCount * sizeof(FbxVector4));

  delete [] lDstVertexArray;
Example #3
void readKeys(FbxAnimCurve* curveX, FbxAnimCurve* curveY, FbxAnimCurve* curveZ,
              const FbxDouble3& defaultValue,
              std::vector<osgAnimation::TemplateKeyframe<osg::Vec3> >& keyFrameCntr, float scalar = 1.0f)
    FbxAnimCurve* curves[3] = {curveX, curveY, curveZ};

    typedef std::set<double> TimeSet;
    typedef std::map<double, float> TimeFloatMap;
    TimeSet times;
    TimeFloatMap curveTimeMap[3];

    for (int nCurve = 0; nCurve < 3; ++nCurve)
        FbxAnimCurve* pCurve = curves[nCurve];

        int nKeys = pCurve ? pCurve->KeyGetCount() : 0;

        if (!nKeys)
            curveTimeMap[nCurve][0.0] = defaultValue[nCurve] * scalar;

        for (int i = 0; i < nKeys; ++i)
            FbxAnimCurveKey key = pCurve->KeyGet(i);
            double fTime = key.GetTime().GetSecondDouble();
            curveTimeMap[nCurve][fTime] = static_cast<float>(key.GetValue()) * scalar;

    for (TimeSet::iterator it = times.begin(); it != times.end(); ++it)
        double fTime = *it;
        osg::Vec3 val;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            if (curveTimeMap[i].empty()) continue;

            TimeFloatMap::iterator lb = curveTimeMap[i].lower_bound(fTime);
            if (lb == curveTimeMap[i].end()) --lb;
            val[i] = lb->second;
        keyFrameCntr.push_back(osgAnimation::Vec3Keyframe(fTime, val));
Example #4
void fbxLoader2::readAnimationTakeData(FbxNode* node)
	FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack = FbxCast<FbxAnimStack>(scene->GetSrcObject(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimStack)));
	FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer = pAnimStack->GetMember(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimLayer));

	FbxAnimCurve* animCv = node->LclTranslation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X);

	FbxTimeSpan length = FbxTimeSpan();

	int p = animCv->KeyGetCount();

	const char* nameAnim = animCv->GetName();
	const size_t len = strlen(nameAnim);
	char * new_name = new char[len + 1];
	strncpy(new_name, nameAnim, len);


	FbxTime duration = length.GetDuration();
	FbxTime::EMode mode = duration.GetGlobalTimeMode();
	double frameRate = duration.GetFrameRate(mode);

	double startt = length.GetStart().GetMilliSeconds();
	double endt = length.GetStop().GetMilliSeconds();

	int frames = animCv->KeyGetCount();

	animationStructure = new AnimationData(new_name, startt, endt, (int)frameRate, frames);

	for (int i = 0; i< frames; i++)
		SkeletalData *sk = new SkeletalData();
		for(int j = 0; j<skeleton->GetBonesCount(); j++)
			BoneData *bonecopy = new BoneData();
		animationStructure->SetSkeleton(sk, i);
Example #5
// The curve code doesn't differentiate between angles and other data, so an interpolation from 179 to -179
// will cause the bone to rotate all the way around through 0 degrees.  So here we make a second pass over the 
// rotation tracks to convert the angles into a more interpolation-friendly format.  
void FFbxExporter::CorrectAnimTrackInterpolation( TArray<FbxNode*>& BoneNodes, FbxAnimLayer* InAnimLayer )
	// Add the animation data to the bone nodes
	for(int32 BoneIndex = 0; BoneIndex < BoneNodes.Num(); ++BoneIndex)
		FbxNode* CurrentBoneNode = BoneNodes[BoneIndex];

		// Fetch the AnimCurves
		FbxAnimCurve* Curves[3];
		Curves[0] = CurrentBoneNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(InAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X, true);
		Curves[1] = CurrentBoneNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(InAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y, true);
		Curves[2] = CurrentBoneNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(InAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z, true);

		for(int32 CurveIndex = 0; CurveIndex < 3; ++CurveIndex)
			FbxAnimCurve* CurrentCurve = Curves[CurveIndex];

			float CurrentAngleOffset = 0.f;
			for(int32 KeyIndex = 1; KeyIndex < CurrentCurve->KeyGetCount(); ++KeyIndex)
				float PreviousOutVal	= CurrentCurve->KeyGetValue( KeyIndex-1 );
				float CurrentOutVal		= CurrentCurve->KeyGetValue( KeyIndex );

				float DeltaAngle = (CurrentOutVal + CurrentAngleOffset) - PreviousOutVal;

				if(DeltaAngle >= 180)
					CurrentAngleOffset -= 360;
				else if(DeltaAngle <= -180)
					CurrentAngleOffset += 360;

				CurrentOutVal += CurrentAngleOffset;

				CurrentCurve->KeySetValue(KeyIndex, CurrentOutVal);
Example #6
void ofxFBXScene::parseRotationCurve(ofxFBXNode & node, FbxAnimLayer * pAnimLayer, FbxNode* fbxNode, FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> &rotation){
	node.originalRotation = ofQuaternion(rotation.Get().mData[0], ofVec3f(1, 0, 0), rotation.Get().mData[1], ofVec3f(0, 1, 0), rotation.Get().mData[2], ofVec3f(0, 0, 1));
	ofLogVerbose("ofxFBXScene") << "original rotation " << endl << node.originalRotation << endl;

	if(!rotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer)) return;
	FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurveX = rotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer,"X");
	FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurveY = rotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer,"Y");
	FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurveZ = rotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer,"Z");

    int xKeyCount = lAnimCurveX ? lAnimCurveX->KeyGetCount() : 0;
    int yKeyCount = lAnimCurveY ? lAnimCurveY->KeyGetCount() : 0;
    int zKeyCount = lAnimCurveZ ? lAnimCurveZ->KeyGetCount() : 0;

	FbxTime   lKeyTime;
	int     lCount;
	FbxTime lXKeyTime,lYKeyTime,lZKeyTime;
	for(lCount = 0; lCount < max(max(xKeyCount,yKeyCount),zKeyCount); lCount++)
			lXKeyTime  = lAnimCurveX->KeyGetTime(lCount);
			lYKeyTime  = lAnimCurveY->KeyGetTime(lCount);
			lZKeyTime  = lAnimCurveZ->KeyGetTime(lCount);
		lKeyTime = min(min(lXKeyTime,lYKeyTime),lZKeyTime);
		lKeyTime = lXKeyTime;

		FbxAMatrix & matrix = fbxNode->EvaluateLocalTransform(lKeyTime);
		ofxFBXKey<ofQuaternion> key;
		ofVec3f t,s;
		ofQuaternion so;
		ofMatrix4x4 m = toOf(matrix);
		key.timeMillis = lKeyTime.GetMilliSeconds();
Example #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifndef _DEBUG
	if (argc != 2)
		printf("invalid arg");
		return 0;
	const char* filename = argv[1];
	const char* filename = "*****@*****.**";
#endif"output.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);"output2.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);"output3.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	if (!output.is_open())
	FbxManager* fm = FbxManager::Create();
	FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fm, IOSROOT);
	//ios->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_ANIMATION, false);
	ios->SetIntProp(EXP_FBX_COMPRESS_LEVEL, 9);

	FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(fm, "");
	if (!importer->Initialize(filename, -1, fm->GetIOSettings()))
		printf("error returned : %s\n", importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString());

	FbxScene* scene = FbxScene::Create(fm, "myscene");

	output << "some\n";
	output << "charcnt : " << scene->GetCharacterCount() << endl << "node cnt : " << scene->GetNodeCount() << endl;
	int animstackcnt = scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>();
	output << "animstackcnt : " << animstackcnt << endl;

	output << "------------" << endl;
	vector<FbxNode*> removableNodes;

	for (int i = 0; i < scene->GetNodeCount(); i++)
		FbxNode* node = scene->GetNode(i);
		output << "scene's node " << i << " : " << node->GetName() << ", childcnt : " << node->GetChildCount();
		if (node->GetNodeAttribute())
			output <<", att type : " << node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType();
			if (node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eMesh)
				FbxMesh* mesh = node->GetMesh();

				output << ", mem usage : " << mesh->MemoryUsage() << ", deformer cnt : " << mesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin) << endl;
				FbxSkin* skin = (FbxSkin*) (mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin));
				if (skin)
					for (int cli = 0; cli < skin->GetClusterCount(); cli++)
						FbxCluster* cluster = skin->GetCluster(cli);
						output << "\tcluster no." << cli << " has " << cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() << " connected verts" << endl;
						if (cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() == 0)
							removableNodes.push_back( cluster->GetLink() );

				if (mesh->IsTriangleMesh())
					output << "\tit's triangle mesh" << endl;
				output << endl;
			output << ", att type : none" << endl;

	for (int rni = 0; rni < removableNodes.size(); rni++)
		FbxNode* rnd = removableNodes[rni];
		if (rnd && rnd->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eSkeleton)
			output3 << rnd->GetName() << " node with no vert attached's curve : " << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurve>() << "," << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>() << endl;

	output << "-----------animinfo" << endl;
	int cubic = 0, linear = 0, cons = 0;
	for (int si = 0; si < animstackcnt; si++)
		FbxAnimStack* stack = scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(si);
		for (int i = 0; i < stack->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimLayer>(); i++)
			FbxAnimLayer* layer = stack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>(i);
			int curvenodecnt = layer->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>();
			int compositcnt = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++)
				FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j);
				compositcnt += (cnode->IsComposite() ? 1 : 0);
			output << "\tanimstack's layer " << i << " : " << layer->GetName() << ", curve node cnt : " << curvenodecnt << ", composit node cnt : " << compositcnt << endl;
			vector<FbxAnimCurveNode*> nodes2del;
			for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++)
				FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j);
				output << "\t\tcurvenode " << j << " channel cnt : " << cnode->GetChannelsCount() << ", dst obj cnt " << cnode->GetDstObjectCount() << "(";
				for (int dsti = 0; dsti < cnode->GetDstObjectCount(); dsti++)
					output << "," << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetName();
					if (cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount() > 0)
						output << "<" << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxSkeleton>() << ">";
				output << ")";
				FbxTimeSpan interval;
				if (cnode->GetAnimationInterval(interval))
					output << ", start : " << interval.GetStart().GetTimeString() << ", end : " << interval.GetStop().GetTimeString() << endl;
					output << ", no interval" << endl;

				for (int chi = 0; chi < cnode->GetChannelsCount(); chi++)
					int curvecnt = cnode->GetCurveCount(chi);
					output << "\t\t\tchannel." << chi << " curvecnt : " << curvecnt << endl;
					for (int ci = 0; ci < curvecnt; ci++)
						FbxAnimCurve* curve = cnode->GetCurve(chi, ci);
						int keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount();
						output << "\t\t\t\tcurve no." << ci << " : key count : " << keycnt;
						output2 << "curve  " << ci << endl;
						vector<int> keys2Remove;
						for (int cki = 0; cki < keycnt; cki++)
							FbxAnimCurveKey prevkey, currkey, nextkey;

							if (cki == 0 || cki == keycnt - 1)
							currkey = curve->KeyGet(cki);
							prevkey = curve->KeyGet(cki-1);
							nextkey = curve->KeyGet(cki + 1);
							bool keepit = true;

							output2 << ci << "-" << cki;

//							keepit = keepTestHorizon(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey);
	//						if (keepit)
	//							keepit = slopkeepTest(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey);

							if (!keepit)
								if (!(currkey.GetInterpolation() == FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant && nextkey.GetInterpolation() != FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant))
						for (int kri = keys2Remove.size() - 1; kri >= 0; kri--)
						output2 << endl;
						//output << ", cubic:linear:const : " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl;
						if (keys2Remove.size() > 0)
							output << ", " << keys2Remove.size() << " keys removed";

						keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount();

			//이부분은 별로 효과없음
			for (int di = 0; di < nodes2del.size(); di++)
	output << "cubic:linear:const  " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl;
	FbxExporter* exporter = FbxExporter::Create(fm, "");
	const char* outFBXName = "after.fbx";

	bool exportstatus = exporter->Initialize(outFBXName, -1, fm->GetIOSettings());
	if (exportstatus == false)
		puts("err export fail");
	return 0;
bool UnFbx::FFbxImporter::ImportAnimation(USkeleton* Skeleton, UAnimSequence * DestSeq, const FString& FileName, TArray<FbxNode*>& SortedLinks, TArray<FbxNode*>& NodeArray, FbxAnimStack* CurAnimStack, const int32 ResampleRate, const FbxTimeSpan AnimTimeSpan)
	// @todo : the length might need to change w.r.t. sampling keys
	FbxTime SequenceLength = AnimTimeSpan.GetDuration();
	float PreviousSequenceLength = DestSeq->SequenceLength;

	// if you have one pose(thus 0.f duration), it still contains animation, so we'll need to consider that as MINIMUM_ANIMATION_LENGTH time length
	DestSeq->SequenceLength = FGenericPlatformMath::Max<float>(SequenceLength.GetSecondDouble(), MINIMUM_ANIMATION_LENGTH);

	if(PreviousSequenceLength > MINIMUM_ANIMATION_LENGTH && DestSeq->RawCurveData.FloatCurves.Num() > 0)
		// The sequence already existed when we began the import. We need to scale the key times for all curves to match the new 
		// duration before importing over them. This is to catch any user-added curves
		float ScaleFactor = DestSeq->SequenceLength / PreviousSequenceLength;
		for(FFloatCurve& Curve : DestSeq->RawCurveData.FloatCurves)
			Curve.FloatCurve.ScaleCurve(0.0f, ScaleFactor);

	if (ImportOptions->bDeleteExistingMorphTargetCurves)
		for (int32 CurveIdx=0; CurveIdx<DestSeq->RawCurveData.FloatCurves.Num(); ++CurveIdx)
			auto& Curve = DestSeq->RawCurveData.FloatCurves[CurveIdx];
			if (Curve.GetCurveTypeFlag(ACF_DrivesMorphTarget))
				DestSeq->RawCurveData.FloatCurves.RemoveAt(CurveIdx, 1, false);


	// import blend shape curves
		GWarn->BeginSlowTask( LOCTEXT("BeginImportMorphTargetCurves", "Importing Morph Target Curves"), true);
		for ( int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < NodeArray.Num(); NodeIndex++ )
			// consider blendshape animation curve
			FbxGeometry* Geometry = (FbxGeometry*)NodeArray[NodeIndex]->GetNodeAttribute();
			if (Geometry)
				int32 BlendShapeDeformerCount = Geometry->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);
				for(int32 BlendShapeIndex = 0; BlendShapeIndex<BlendShapeDeformerCount; ++BlendShapeIndex)
					FbxBlendShape* BlendShape = (FbxBlendShape*)Geometry->GetDeformer(BlendShapeIndex, FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);

					const int32 BlendShapeChannelCount = BlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannelCount();

					FString BlendShapeName = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(MakeName(BlendShape->GetName()));

					for(int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex<BlendShapeChannelCount; ++ChannelIndex)
						FbxBlendShapeChannel* Channel = BlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannel(ChannelIndex);

							FString ChannelName = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(MakeName(Channel->GetName()));

							// Maya adds the name of the blendshape and an underscore to the front of the channel name, so remove it
								ChannelName = ChannelName.Right(ChannelName.Len() - (BlendShapeName.Len()+1));

							FbxAnimCurve* Curve = Geometry->GetShapeChannel(BlendShapeIndex, ChannelIndex, (FbxAnimLayer*)CurAnimStack->GetMember(0));
							if (Curve && Curve->KeyGetCount() > 0)
								FFormatNamedArguments Args;
								Args.Add(TEXT("BlendShape"), FText::FromString(ChannelName));
								const FText StatusUpate = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("ImportingMorphTargetCurvesDetail", "Importing Morph Target Curves [{BlendShape}]"), Args);
								GWarn->StatusUpdate(NodeIndex + 1, NodeArray.Num(), StatusUpate);
								// now see if we have one already exists. If so, just overwrite that. if not, add new one. 
								ImportCurveToAnimSequence(DestSeq, *ChannelName, Curve,  ACF_DrivesMorphTarget | ACF_TriggerEvent, AnimTimeSpan, 0.01f /** for some reason blend shape values are coming as 100 scaled **/);

	// importing custom attribute START
	if (ImportOptions->bImportCustomAttribute)
		GWarn->BeginSlowTask( LOCTEXT("BeginImportMorphTargetCurves", "Importing Custom Attirubte Curves"), true);
		const int32 TotalLinks = SortedLinks.Num();
		int32 CurLinkIndex=0;
		for(auto Node: SortedLinks)
			FbxProperty Property = Node->GetFirstProperty();
			while (Property.IsValid())
				FbxAnimCurveNode* CurveNode = Property.GetCurveNode();
				// do this if user defined and animated and leaf node
				if( CurveNode && Property.GetFlag(FbxPropertyAttr::eUserDefined) && 
					CurveNode->IsAnimated() && IsSupportedCurveDataType(Property.GetPropertyDataType().GetType()) )
					FString CurveName = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(CurveNode->GetName());
					UE_LOG(LogFbx, Log, TEXT("CurveName : %s"), *CurveName );

					int32 TotalCount = CurveNode->GetChannelsCount();
					for (int32 ChannelIndex=0; ChannelIndex<TotalCount; ++ChannelIndex)
						FbxAnimCurve * AnimCurve = CurveNode->GetCurve(ChannelIndex);
						FString ChannelName = CurveNode->GetChannelName(ChannelIndex).Buffer();

						if (AnimCurve)
							FString FinalCurveName;
							if (TotalCount == 1)
								FinalCurveName = CurveName;
								FinalCurveName = CurveName + "_" + ChannelName;

							FFormatNamedArguments Args;
							Args.Add(TEXT("CurveName"), FText::FromString(FinalCurveName));
							const FText StatusUpate = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("ImportingCustomAttributeCurvesDetail", "Importing Custom Attribute [{CurveName}]"), Args);
							GWarn->StatusUpdate(CurLinkIndex + 1, TotalLinks, StatusUpate);

							ImportCurveToAnimSequence(DestSeq, FinalCurveName, AnimCurve,  ACF_DefaultCurve, AnimTimeSpan);

				Property = Node->GetNextProperty(Property); 



	// importing custom attribute END

	const bool bSourceDataExists = (DestSeq->SourceRawAnimationData.Num() > 0);
	TArray<AnimationTransformDebug::FAnimationTransformDebugData> TransformDebugData;
	int32 TotalNumKeys = 0;
	const FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton = Skeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton();

	// import animation
		GWarn->BeginSlowTask( LOCTEXT("BeginImportAnimation", "Importing Animation"), true);

		TArray<struct FRawAnimSequenceTrack>& RawAnimationData = bSourceDataExists? DestSeq->SourceRawAnimationData : DestSeq->RawAnimationData;

		TArray<FName> FbxRawBoneNames;
		FillAndVerifyBoneNames(Skeleton, SortedLinks, FbxRawBoneNames, FileName);

		UnFbx::FFbxImporter* FbxImporter = UnFbx::FFbxImporter::GetInstance();

		const bool bPreserveLocalTransform = FbxImporter->GetImportOptions()->bPreserveLocalTransform;

		// Build additional transform matrix
		UFbxAnimSequenceImportData* TemplateData = Cast<UFbxAnimSequenceImportData>(DestSeq->AssetImportData);
		FbxAMatrix FbxAddedMatrix;
		BuildFbxMatrixForImportTransform(FbxAddedMatrix, TemplateData);
		FMatrix AddedMatrix = Converter.ConvertMatrix(FbxAddedMatrix);

		const int32 NumSamplingKeys = FMath::FloorToInt(AnimTimeSpan.GetDuration().GetSecondDouble() * ResampleRate);
		const FbxTime TimeIncrement = (NumSamplingKeys > 1)? AnimTimeSpan.GetDuration() / (NumSamplingKeys - 1) : AnimTimeSpan.GetDuration();
		for(int32 SourceTrackIdx = 0; SourceTrackIdx < FbxRawBoneNames.Num(); ++SourceTrackIdx)
			int32 NumKeysForTrack = 0;

			// see if it's found in Skeleton
			FName BoneName = FbxRawBoneNames[SourceTrackIdx];
			int32 BoneTreeIndex = RefSkeleton.FindBoneIndex(BoneName);

			// update status
			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add(TEXT("TrackName"), FText::FromName(BoneName));
			Args.Add(TEXT("TotalKey"), FText::AsNumber(NumSamplingKeys));
			Args.Add(TEXT("TrackIndex"), FText::AsNumber(SourceTrackIdx+1));
			Args.Add(TEXT("TotalTracks"), FText::AsNumber(FbxRawBoneNames.Num()));
			const FText StatusUpate = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("ImportingAnimTrackDetail", "Importing Animation Track [{TrackName}] ({TrackIndex}/{TotalTracks}) - TotalKey {TotalKey}"), Args);
			GWarn->StatusForceUpdate(SourceTrackIdx + 1, FbxRawBoneNames.Num(), StatusUpate);

			if (BoneTreeIndex!=INDEX_NONE)
				bool bSuccess = true;

				FRawAnimSequenceTrack RawTrack;

				AnimationTransformDebug::FAnimationTransformDebugData NewDebugData;

				FbxNode* Link = SortedLinks[SourceTrackIdx];
				FbxNode * LinkParent = Link->GetParent();
				for(FbxTime CurTime = AnimTimeSpan.GetStart(); CurTime <= AnimTimeSpan.GetStop(); CurTime += TimeIncrement)
					// save global trasnform
					FbxAMatrix GlobalMatrix = Link->EvaluateGlobalTransform(CurTime);
					// we'd like to verify this before going to Transform. 
					// currently transform has tons of NaN check, so it will crash there
					FMatrix GlobalUEMatrix = Converter.ConvertMatrix(GlobalMatrix);
					if (GlobalUEMatrix.ContainsNaN())
						bSuccess = false;
						AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("Error_InvalidTransform",
							"Track {0} contains invalid transform. Could not import the track."), FText::FromName(BoneName))), FFbxErrors::Animation_TransformError);

					FTransform GlobalTransform =  Converter.ConvertTransform(GlobalMatrix);
					if (GlobalTransform.ContainsNaN())
						bSuccess = false;
						AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("Error_InvalidUnrealTransform",
											"Track {0} did not yeild valid transform. Please report this to animation team."), FText::FromName(BoneName))), FFbxErrors::Animation_TransformError);

					// debug data, including import transformation
					FTransform AddedTransform(AddedMatrix);
					NewDebugData.SourceGlobalTransform.Add(GlobalTransform * AddedTransform);

					FTransform LocalTransform;
					if( !bPreserveLocalTransform && LinkParent)
						// I can't rely on LocalMatrix. I need to recalculate quaternion/scale based on global transform if Parent exists
						FbxAMatrix ParentGlobalMatrix = Link->GetParent()->EvaluateGlobalTransform(CurTime);
						FTransform ParentGlobalTransform =  Converter.ConvertTransform(ParentGlobalMatrix);

						LocalTransform = GlobalTransform.GetRelativeTransform(ParentGlobalTransform);
						FbxAMatrix& LocalMatrix = Link->EvaluateLocalTransform(CurTime); 
						FbxVector4 NewLocalT = LocalMatrix.GetT();
						FbxVector4 NewLocalS = LocalMatrix.GetS();
						FbxQuaternion NewLocalQ = LocalMatrix.GetQ();



					if(TemplateData && BoneTreeIndex == 0)
						// If we found template data earlier, apply the import transform matrix to
						// the root track.
						LocalTransform.SetFromMatrix(LocalTransform.ToMatrixWithScale() * AddedMatrix);

					if (LocalTransform.ContainsNaN())
						bSuccess = false;
						AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("Error_InvalidUnrealLocalTransform",
											"Track {0} did not yeild valid local transform. Please report this to animation team."), FText::FromName(BoneName))), FFbxErrors::Animation_TransformError);



				if (bSuccess)
					//add new track
					int32 NewTrackIdx = RawAnimationData.Add(RawTrack);

					NewDebugData.SetTrackData(NewTrackIdx, BoneTreeIndex, BoneName);

					// add mapping to skeleton bone track

			TotalNumKeys = FMath::Max( TotalNumKeys, NumKeysForTrack );

		DestSeq->NumFrames = TotalNumKeys;

	// compress animation
		GWarn->BeginSlowTask( LOCTEXT("BeginCompressAnimation", "Compress Animation"), true);
		GWarn->StatusForceUpdate(1, 1, LOCTEXT("CompressAnimation", "Compressing Animation"));
		// if source data exists, you should bake it to Raw to apply
			// otherwise just compress

		// run debug mode
		AnimationTransformDebug::OutputAnimationTransformDebugData(TransformDebugData, TotalNumKeys, RefSkeleton);

	return true;
bool UnFbx::FFbxImporter::ValidateAnimStack(TArray<FbxNode*>& SortedLinks, TArray<FbxNode*>& NodeArray, FbxAnimStack* CurAnimStack, int32 ResampleRate, bool bImportMorph, FbxTimeSpan &AnimTimeSpan)
	// set current anim stack

	UE_LOG(LogFbx, Log, TEXT("Parsing AnimStack %s"),UTF8_TO_TCHAR(CurAnimStack->GetName()));

	// There are a FBX unroll filter bug, so don't bake animation layer at all
	MergeAllLayerAnimation(CurAnimStack, ResampleRate);

	bool bValidAnimStack = true;

	AnimTimeSpan = GetAnimationTimeSpan(SortedLinks[0], CurAnimStack);
	// if no duration is found, return false
	if (AnimTimeSpan.GetDuration() <= 0)
		return false;

	const FBXImportOptions* ImportOption = GetImportOptions();
	// only add morph time if not setrange. If Set Range there is no reason to override time
	if ( bImportMorph && ImportOption->AnimationLengthImportType != FBXALIT_SetRange)
		for ( int32 NodeIndex = 0; NodeIndex < NodeArray.Num(); NodeIndex++ )
			// consider blendshape animation curve
			FbxGeometry* Geometry = (FbxGeometry*)NodeArray[NodeIndex]->GetNodeAttribute();
			if (Geometry)
				int32 BlendShapeDeformerCount = Geometry->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);
				for(int32 BlendShapeIndex = 0; BlendShapeIndex<BlendShapeDeformerCount; ++BlendShapeIndex)
					FbxBlendShape* BlendShape = (FbxBlendShape*)Geometry->GetDeformer(BlendShapeIndex, FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);

					int32 BlendShapeChannelCount = BlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannelCount();
					for(int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex<BlendShapeChannelCount; ++ChannelIndex)
						FbxBlendShapeChannel* Channel = BlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannel(ChannelIndex);

							// Get the percentage of influence of the shape.
							FbxAnimCurve* Curve = Geometry->GetShapeChannel(BlendShapeIndex, ChannelIndex, (FbxAnimLayer*)CurAnimStack->GetMember(0));
							if (Curve && Curve->KeyGetCount() > 0)
								FbxTimeSpan TmpAnimSpan;

								if (Curve->GetTimeInterval(TmpAnimSpan))
									bValidAnimStack = true;
									// update animation interval to include morph target range

	return bValidAnimStack;
int32 UnFbx::FFbxImporter::GetMaxSampleRate(TArray<FbxNode*>& SortedLinks, TArray<FbxNode*>& NodeArray)
	int32 MaxStackResampleRate = 0;

	int32 AnimStackCount = Scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>();
	for( int32 AnimStackIndex = 0; AnimStackIndex < AnimStackCount; AnimStackIndex++)
		FbxAnimStack* CurAnimStack = Scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(AnimStackIndex);

		FbxTimeSpan AnimStackTimeSpan = GetAnimationTimeSpan(SortedLinks[0], CurAnimStack);

		double AnimStackStart = AnimStackTimeSpan.GetStart().GetSecondDouble();
		double AnimStackStop = AnimStackTimeSpan.GetStop().GetSecondDouble();

		FbxAnimLayer* AnimLayer = (FbxAnimLayer*)CurAnimStack->GetMember(0);

		for(int32 LinkIndex = 0; LinkIndex < SortedLinks.Num(); ++LinkIndex)
			FbxNode* CurrentLink = SortedLinks[LinkIndex];

			FbxAnimCurve* Curves[6];

			Curves[0] = CurrentLink->LclTranslation.GetCurve(AnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X, false);
			Curves[1] = CurrentLink->LclTranslation.GetCurve(AnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y, false);
			Curves[2] = CurrentLink->LclTranslation.GetCurve(AnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z, false);
			Curves[3] = CurrentLink->LclRotation.GetCurve(AnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X, false);
			Curves[4] = CurrentLink->LclRotation.GetCurve(AnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y, false);
			Curves[5] = CurrentLink->LclRotation.GetCurve(AnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z, false);

			for(int32 CurveIndex = 0; CurveIndex < 6; ++CurveIndex)
				FbxAnimCurve* CurrentCurve = Curves[CurveIndex];
					int32 KeyCount = CurrentCurve->KeyGetCount();

					bool bValidTimeInterval = CurrentCurve->GetTimeInterval(TimeInterval);

 					if(KeyCount > 1 && bValidTimeInterval)
						double KeyAnimLength = TimeInterval.GetDuration().GetSecondDouble();
						double KeyAnimStart = TimeInterval.GetStart().GetSecondDouble();
						double KeyAnimStop = TimeInterval.GetStop().GetSecondDouble();

						if(KeyAnimLength != 0.0)
							// 30 fps animation has 31 keys because it includes index 0 key for 0.0 second
							int32 NewRate = FPlatformMath::RoundToInt((KeyCount-1) / KeyAnimLength);
							MaxStackResampleRate = FMath::Max(NewRate, MaxStackResampleRate);

	// Make sure we're not hitting 0 for samplerate
	if ( MaxStackResampleRate != 0 )
		return MaxStackResampleRate;

bool UnFbx::FFbxImporter::IsValidAnimationData(TArray<FbxNode*>& SortedLinks, TArray<FbxNode*>& NodeArray, int32& ValidTakeCount)
	// If there are no valid links, then we cannot import the anim set
	if(SortedLinks.Num() == 0)
		return false;

	ValidTakeCount = 0;

	int32 AnimStackCount = Scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>();

	int32 AnimStackIndex;
	for (AnimStackIndex = 0; AnimStackIndex < AnimStackCount; AnimStackIndex++ )
		FbxAnimStack* CurAnimStack = Scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(AnimStackIndex);
		// set current anim stack

		// debug purpose
		for (int32 BoneIndex = 0; BoneIndex < SortedLinks.Num(); BoneIndex++)
			FString BoneName = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(MakeName(SortedLinks[BoneIndex]->GetName()));
			UE_LOG(LogFbx, Log, TEXT("SortedLinks :(%d) %s"), BoneIndex, *BoneName );

		FbxTimeSpan AnimTimeSpan = GetAnimationTimeSpan(SortedLinks[0], CurAnimStack);
		if (AnimTimeSpan.GetDuration() <= 0)
			AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Warning, FText::Format(LOCTEXT("FBXImport_ZeroLength", "Animation Stack {0} does not contain any valid key. Try different time options when import."), FText::FromString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(CurAnimStack->GetName())))), FFbxErrors::Animation_ZeroLength);

			bool bBlendCurveFound = false;

			for ( int32 NodeIndex = 0; !bBlendCurveFound && NodeIndex < NodeArray.Num(); NodeIndex++ )
				// consider blendshape animation curve
				FbxGeometry* Geometry = (FbxGeometry*)NodeArray[NodeIndex]->GetNodeAttribute();
				if (Geometry)
					int32 BlendShapeDeformerCount = Geometry->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);
					for(int32 BlendShapeIndex = 0; BlendShapeIndex<BlendShapeDeformerCount; ++BlendShapeIndex)
						FbxBlendShape* BlendShape = (FbxBlendShape*)Geometry->GetDeformer(BlendShapeIndex, FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);

						int32 BlendShapeChannelCount = BlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannelCount();
						for(int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex<BlendShapeChannelCount; ++ChannelIndex)
							FbxBlendShapeChannel* Channel = BlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannel(ChannelIndex);

								// Get the percentage of influence of the shape.
								FbxAnimCurve* Curve = Geometry->GetShapeChannel(BlendShapeIndex, ChannelIndex, (FbxAnimLayer*)CurAnimStack->GetMember(0));
								if (Curve && Curve->KeyGetCount() > 0)
									bBlendCurveFound = true;

	return ( ValidTakeCount != 0 );
Example #12
void readFbxRotationAnimation(osgAnimation::Channel* channels[3],
    FbxNode* pNode,
    FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer, const char* targetName)
    if (!pNode->LclRotation.IsValid())

    EFbxRotationOrder rotOrder = pNode->RotationOrder.IsValid() ? pNode->RotationOrder.Get() : eEulerXYZ;

    if (pNode->QuaternionInterpolate.IsValid() && pNode->QuaternionInterpolate.Get())
        channels[0] = readFbxChannelsQuat(
            pNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X),
            pNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y),
            pNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z),
            targetName, rotOrder);

        FbxDouble3 fbxPropValue = pNode->LclRotation.Get();
        fbxPropValue[0] = osg::DegreesToRadians(fbxPropValue[0]);
        fbxPropValue[1] = osg::DegreesToRadians(fbxPropValue[1]);
        fbxPropValue[2] = osg::DegreesToRadians(fbxPropValue[2]);

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            FbxAnimCurve* curve = pNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, curveNames[i]);
            if (!curve)

            FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType interpolationType = FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationConstant;
            if (curve && curve->KeyGetCount()) interpolationType = curve->KeyGetInterpolation(0);

            if (interpolationType == FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic)
                osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezierKeyframeContainer* pKeyFrameCntr = new osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezierKeyframeContainer;

                for (int j = 0; j < curve->KeyGetCount(); ++j)
                    double fTime = curve->KeyGetTime(j).GetSecondDouble();
                    float angle = curve->KeyGetValue(j);
                    //FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode tangentWeightMode = curve->KeyGet(j).GetTangentWeightMode();

                    FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo leftTangent = curve->KeyGetLeftDerivativeInfo(j);
                    FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo rightTangent = curve->KeyGetRightDerivativeInfo(j);
                    if (j > 0)
                        leftTangent.mDerivative *= fTime - curve->KeyGetTime(j - 1).GetSecondDouble();
                    if (j + 1 < curve->KeyGetCount())
                        rightTangent.mDerivative *= curve->KeyGetTime(j + 1).GetSecondDouble() - fTime;
                    osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezier key(
                        osg::DegreesToRadians(angle - leftTangent.mDerivative / 3.0),
                        osg::DegreesToRadians(angle + rightTangent.mDerivative / 3.0));



                osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezierChannel* pCubicChannel = new osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezierChannel;
                channels[i] = pCubicChannel;
                osgAnimation::FloatKeyframeContainer* keys = new osgAnimation::FloatKeyframeContainer;

                for (int j = 0; j < curve->KeyGetCount(); ++j)
                    FbxAnimCurveKey key = curve->KeyGet(j);

                if (interpolationType == FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationConstant)
                    osgAnimation::FloatStepChannel* pStepChannel = new osgAnimation::FloatStepChannel();
                    channels[i] = pStepChannel;
                    osgAnimation::FloatLinearChannel* pLinearChannel = new osgAnimation::FloatLinearChannel();
                    channels[i] = pLinearChannel;

            channels[i]->setName(std::string("rotate") + curveNames[i]);
// Get the animated parameters of a camera contained in the scene
// and store them in the associated member variables contained in 
// the camera.
void GetCameraAnimatedParameters(FbxNode* pNode, FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer)
    FbxCamera* lCamera = (FbxCamera*) pNode->GetNodeAttribute();
    lCamera->Position.Set(GetGlobalPosition(pNode, pTime).GetT());

    FbxAnimCurve* fc = lCamera->Roll.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
    if (fc)

    FbxCamera::EApertureMode lCameraApertureMode = lCamera->GetApertureMode();
    if (lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eHorizontal || 
        lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eVertical) 
        double lFieldOfView = lCamera->FieldOfView.Get();
        fc = lCamera->FieldOfView.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
        if (fc)
            lFieldOfView = fc->Evaluate(pTime);

        //update FOV and focal length
        lCamera->FieldOfView.Set( lFieldOfView);
        lCamera->FocalLength.Set( lCamera->ComputeFocalLength( lFieldOfView));
    else if ( lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eHorizAndVert)
        double lOldFieldOfViewX = lCamera->FieldOfViewX.Get();
        double lOldFieldOfViewY = lCamera->FieldOfViewY.Get();

        //update FOV
        double lNewFieldOfViewX = lOldFieldOfViewX;
        double lNewFieldOfViewY = lOldFieldOfViewY;
        fc = lCamera->FieldOfViewX.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
        if (fc)
            lNewFieldOfViewX = fc->Evaluate(pTime);

        fc = lCamera->FieldOfViewY.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
        if (fc)
            lNewFieldOfViewY = fc->Evaluate(pTime);


        //update aspect
        double lUpdatedApertureX = lCamera->GetApertureWidth();
        double lUpdatedApertureY = lCamera->GetApertureHeight();
        lUpdatedApertureX *= tan( lNewFieldOfViewX * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) / tan( lOldFieldOfViewX * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180);
        lUpdatedApertureY *= tan( lNewFieldOfViewY * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) / tan( lOldFieldOfViewY * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180);
        lCamera->FilmWidth.Set( lUpdatedApertureX);
        lCamera->FilmHeight.Set( lUpdatedApertureY);
        lCamera->FilmAspectRatio.Set( lUpdatedApertureX / lUpdatedApertureY);

    else if ( lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eFocalLength)
        double lFocalLength = lCamera->FocalLength.Get();
        fc = lCamera->FocalLength.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
        if (fc && fc ->Evaluate(pTime))
            lFocalLength = fc->Evaluate( pTime);

        //update FOV and focal length
        lCamera->FocalLength.Set( lFocalLength);
        lCamera->FieldOfView.Set( lCamera->ComputeFieldOfView( lFocalLength));
Example #14
void WccToFbxExporter::addPositionKeyToNode(FbxNode *pNode, FbxAnimLayer *pAnimLayer, int timeMs, const QVector3D &position)
    FbxAnimCurve* lCurve = nullptr;
    FbxTime lTime;
    int lKeyIndex = 0;
    lCurve = pNode->LclTranslation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X, true);
    if (lCurve)

        lKeyIndex = lCurve->KeyAdd(lTime);
        lCurve->KeySet(lKeyIndex, lTime, position.x(), FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic);


    lCurve = pNode->LclTranslation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y, true);
    if (lCurve)

        lKeyIndex = lCurve->KeyAdd(lTime);
        lCurve->KeySet(lKeyIndex, lTime, position.y(), FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic);


    lCurve = pNode->LclTranslation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z, true);
    if (lCurve)

        lKeyIndex = lCurve->KeyAdd(lTime);
        lCurve->KeySet(lKeyIndex, lTime, position.z(), FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic);

Example #15
void ExportCurve(FbxAnimLayer* lAnimLayer, FbxNode* pNode, const Value& animCurve, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end)
	int rx = -1, ry = -1, rz = -1, rw = -1;
	for (uint32_t i = begin; i < end; i++)
		FbxAnimCurve* fbxCurve = NULL;
		const Value& curve = animCurve[i];
		if (strcmp(curve["propertyName"].GetString(), "m_LocalPosition.x") == 0)
			fbxCurve = pNode->LclTranslation.GetCurve(lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X, true);
		else if (strcmp(curve["propertyName"].GetString(), "m_LocalPosition.y") == 0)
			fbxCurve = pNode->LclTranslation.GetCurve(lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y, true);
		else if (strcmp(curve["propertyName"].GetString(), "m_LocalPosition.z") == 0)
			fbxCurve = pNode->LclTranslation.GetCurve(lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z, true);
		else if (strcmp(curve["propertyName"].GetString(), "m_LocalRotation.x") == 0)
			rx = i;
		else if (strcmp(curve["propertyName"].GetString(), "m_LocalRotation.y") == 0)
			ry = i;
		else if (strcmp(curve["propertyName"].GetString(), "m_LocalRotation.z") == 0)
			rz = i;
		else if (strcmp(curve["propertyName"].GetString(), "m_LocalRotation.w") == 0)
			rw = i;

		if (fbxCurve != NULL)

			FbxTime lTime;
			const Value& time = curve["time"];
			const Value& value = curve["value"];
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < time.Size(); i++)
				double timeValue = time[i].GetDouble();
				double v = value[i].GetDouble();
				int lKeyIndex = fbxCurve->KeyAdd(lTime);
				fbxCurve->KeySetValue(lKeyIndex, v);
				fbxCurve->KeySetInterpolation(lKeyIndex, FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic);

	// rotation animation will be convert from quaternion to euler angle
	if (rx != -1)
		FbxAnimCurve* fbxCurve[3];

		fbxCurve[0] = pNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X, true);
		fbxCurve[1] = pNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y, true);
		fbxCurve[2] = pNode->LclRotation.GetCurve(lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z, true);

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

		FbxTime lTime;
		const Value& time = animCurve[rx]["time"];
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < time.Size(); i++)
			double timeValue = time[i].GetDouble();

			double x = animCurve[rx]["value"][i].GetDouble();
			double y = animCurve[ry]["value"][i].GetDouble();
			double z = animCurve[rz]["value"][i].GetDouble();
			double w = animCurve[rw]["value"][i].GetDouble();
			FbxQuaternion qRot(x, y, z, w);
			FbxVector4 euler = qRot.DecomposeSphericalXYZ();

			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				int lKeyIndex = fbxCurve[j]->KeyAdd(lTime);
				fbxCurve[j]->KeySetValue(lKeyIndex, euler[j]);
				fbxCurve[j]->KeySetInterpolation(lKeyIndex, FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic);
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Example #16
void FbxToHkxConverter::extractKeyFramesAndAnnotations(hkxScene *scene, FbxNode* fbxChildNode, hkxNode* newChildNode, int animStackIndex)
	FbxAMatrix bindPoseMatrix;
	FbxAnimStack* lAnimStack = NULL;
	int numAnimLayers = 0;
	FbxTimeSpan animTimeSpan;
	if (animStackIndex >= 0)
		lAnimStack = m_curFbxScene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(animStackIndex);
		numAnimLayers = lAnimStack->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimLayer>();
		animTimeSpan = lAnimStack->GetLocalTimeSpan();

	// Find the time offset (in the "time space" of the FBX file) of the first animation frame
	FbxTime timePerFrame; timePerFrame.SetTime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, m_curFbxScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetTimeMode());
	const FbxTime startTime = animTimeSpan.GetStart();
	const FbxTime endTime = animTimeSpan.GetStop();

	const hkReal startTimeSeconds = static_cast<hkReal>(startTime.GetSecondDouble());
	const hkReal endTimeSeconds = static_cast<hkReal>(endTime.GetSecondDouble());

	int numFrames = 0;
	bool staticNode = true;

	if (scene->m_sceneLength == 0)
		bindPoseMatrix = fbxChildNode->EvaluateLocalTransform(startTime);
		hkArray<hkStringOld> annotationStrings;
		hkArray<hkReal> annotationTimes;

		HK_ASSERT(0x0, newChildNode->m_keyFrames.getSize() == 0);

		// Sample each animation frame
		for (FbxTime time = startTime, priorSampleTime = endTime;
			 time < endTime;
			 priorSampleTime = time, time += timePerFrame, ++numFrames)
			FbxAMatrix frameMatrix = fbxChildNode->EvaluateLocalTransform(time);
			staticNode = staticNode && (frameMatrix == bindPoseMatrix);

			hkMatrix4 mat;

			// Extract this frame's transform
			convertFbxXMatrixToMatrix4(frameMatrix, mat);

			// Extract all annotation strings for this frame using the deprecated
			// pipeline (new annotations are extracted when sampling attributes)
			if (m_options.m_exportAnnotations && numAnimLayers > 0)
				FbxProperty prop = fbxChildNode->GetFirstProperty();
					FbxString propName  = prop.GetName();
					FbxDataType lDataType = prop.GetPropertyDataType();
					hkStringOld name(propName.Buffer(), (int) propName.GetLen());
					if (name.asUpperCase().beginsWith("HK") && lDataType.GetType() == eFbxEnum)
						FbxAnimLayer* lAnimLayer = lAnimStack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>(0);
						FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurve = prop.GetCurve(lAnimLayer);

						int currentKeyIndex;
						const int keyIndex = (int) lAnimCurve->KeyFind(time, &currentKeyIndex);
						const int priorKeyIndex = (int) lAnimCurve->KeyFind(priorSampleTime);

						// Only store annotations on frames where they're explicitly keyframed, or if this is the first keyframe 
						if (priorKeyIndex != keyIndex)
							const int currentEnumValueIndex = keyIndex < 0 ? (int) lAnimCurve->Evaluate(priorSampleTime) : (int) lAnimCurve->Evaluate(time);
							HK_ASSERT(0x0, currentEnumValueIndex < prop.GetEnumCount());
							const char* enumValue = prop.GetEnumValue(currentEnumValueIndex);
							hkxNode::AnnotationData& annotation = newChildNode->m_annotations.expandOne();
							annotation.m_time = (hkReal) (time - startTime).GetSecondDouble();
							annotation.m_description = (name + hkStringOld(enumValue, hkString::strLen(enumValue))).cString();
					prop = fbxChildNode->GetNextProperty(prop);

	// Replace animation key data for static nodes with just 1 or 2 frames of bind pose data
	if (staticNode)
		// Static nodes in animated scene data are exported with two keys
		const bool exportTwoFramesForStaticNodes = (numFrames > 1);

		// replace transform
		newChildNode->m_keyFrames.setSize(exportTwoFramesForStaticNodes ? 2: 1);
		newChildNode->m_keyFrames.optimizeCapacity(0, true);

		// convert the bind pose transform to Havok format
		convertFbxXMatrixToMatrix4(bindPoseMatrix, newChildNode->m_keyFrames[0]);

		if (exportTwoFramesForStaticNodes)
			newChildNode->m_keyFrames[1] = newChildNode->m_keyFrames[0];

	// Extract all times of actual keyframes for the current node... this can be used by Vision
	if ( m_options.m_storeKeyframeSamplePoints &&
		 newChildNode->m_keyFrames.getSize() > 2 &&
		 numAnimLayers > 0 )
		FbxAnimLayer* lAnimLayer = lAnimStack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>(0);

		extractKeyTimes(fbxChildNode, lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_TRANSLATION, newChildNode, startTimeSeconds, endTimeSeconds);
		extractKeyTimes(fbxChildNode, lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_ROTATION, newChildNode, startTimeSeconds, endTimeSeconds);
		extractKeyTimes(fbxChildNode, lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_SCALING, newChildNode, startTimeSeconds, endTimeSeconds);
		extractKeyTimes(fbxChildNode, lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X, newChildNode, startTimeSeconds, endTimeSeconds);
		extractKeyTimes(fbxChildNode, lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Y, newChildNode, startTimeSeconds, endTimeSeconds);
		extractKeyTimes(fbxChildNode, lAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_Z, newChildNode, startTimeSeconds, endTimeSeconds);

		if (newChildNode->m_linearKeyFrameHints.getSize() > 1)
			hkSort(newChildNode->m_linearKeyFrameHints.begin(), newChildNode->m_linearKeyFrameHints.getSize());
Example #17
void readKeys(FbxAnimCurve* curveX, FbxAnimCurve* curveY, FbxAnimCurve* curveZ,
              const FbxDouble3& defaultValue,
              std::vector<osgAnimation::Vec3CubicBezierKeyframe>& keyFrameCntr, float scalar = 1.0f)
    FbxAnimCurve* curves[3] = {curveX, curveY, curveZ};

    typedef std::set<double> TimeSet;
    typedef std::map<double, osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezier> TimeValueMap;
    TimeSet times;
    TimeValueMap curveTimeMap[3];

    for (int nCurve = 0; nCurve < 3; ++nCurve)
        FbxAnimCurve* pCurve = curves[nCurve];

        int nKeys = pCurve ? pCurve->KeyGetCount() : 0;

        if (!nKeys)
            curveTimeMap[nCurve][0.0] = osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezier(defaultValue[nCurve] * scalar);

        for (int i = 0; i < nKeys; ++i)
            double fTime = pCurve->KeyGetTime(i).GetSecondDouble();
            float val = pCurve->KeyGetValue(i);
            FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo leftTangent = pCurve->KeyGetLeftDerivativeInfo(i);
            FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo rightTangent = pCurve->KeyGetRightDerivativeInfo(i);

            if (i > 0)
                leftTangent.mDerivative *= fTime - pCurve->KeyGetTime(i - 1).GetSecondDouble();
            if (i + 1 < pCurve->KeyGetCount())
                rightTangent.mDerivative *= pCurve->KeyGetTime(i + 1).GetSecondDouble() - fTime;

            osgAnimation::FloatCubicBezier key(
                val * scalar,
                (val - leftTangent.mDerivative / 3.0) * scalar,
                (val + rightTangent.mDerivative / 3.0) * scalar);

            curveTimeMap[nCurve][fTime] = key;

    for (TimeSet::iterator it = times.begin(); it != times.end(); ++it)
        double fTime = *it;
        osg::Vec3 val, cpIn, cpOut;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            if (curveTimeMap[i].empty()) continue;

            TimeValueMap::iterator lb = curveTimeMap[i].lower_bound(fTime);
            if (lb == curveTimeMap[i].end()) --lb;
            val[i] = lb->second.getPosition();
            cpIn[i] = lb->second.getControlPointIn();
            cpOut[i] = lb->second.getControlPointOut();

            osgAnimation::Vec3CubicBezier(val, cpIn, cpOut)));
Example #18
void ofxFBXMesh::computeBlendShapes( ofMesh* aMesh, FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer * pAnimLayer ) {
    int lBlendShapeDeformerCount = fbxMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);
//    cout << "Computing blendshapes for " << getName() << endl;
    for(int lBlendShapeIndex = 0; lBlendShapeIndex<lBlendShapeDeformerCount; ++lBlendShapeIndex) {
        FbxBlendShape* lBlendShape = (FbxBlendShape*)fbxMesh->GetDeformer(lBlendShapeIndex, FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);
        int lBlendShapeChannelCount = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannelCount();
		for(int lChannelIndex = 0; lChannelIndex<lBlendShapeChannelCount; ++lChannelIndex) {
			FbxBlendShapeChannel* lChannel = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannel(lChannelIndex);
			if(lChannel) {
				// Get the percentage of influence on this channel.
				FbxAnimCurve* lFCurve = fbxMesh->GetShapeChannel(lBlendShapeIndex, lChannelIndex, pAnimLayer);
				if (!lFCurve) continue;
				double lWeight          = lFCurve->Evaluate(pTime);
//                cout << "updateMesh lWeight = " << lWeight << " time = " << pTime.GetMilliSeconds() << endl;
                int lShapeCount         = lChannel->GetTargetShapeCount();
				double* lFullWeights    = lChannel->GetTargetShapeFullWeights();
                // Find out which scope the lWeight falls in.
				int lStartIndex = -1;
				int lEndIndex = -1;
				for(int lShapeIndex = 0; lShapeIndex<lShapeCount; ++lShapeIndex) {
					if(lWeight > 0 && lWeight <= lFullWeights[0]) {
						lEndIndex = 0;
					if(lWeight > lFullWeights[lShapeIndex] && lWeight < lFullWeights[lShapeIndex+1]) {
						lStartIndex = lShapeIndex;
						lEndIndex = lShapeIndex + 1;
                FbxShape* lStartShape = NULL;
				FbxShape* lEndShape = NULL;
				if(lStartIndex > -1) {
					lStartShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(lStartIndex);
				if(lEndIndex > -1) {
					lEndShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(lEndIndex);
                //The weight percentage falls between base geometry and the first target shape.
				if(lStartIndex == -1 && lEndShape) {
                    float lEndWeight    = lFullWeights[0];
                    lWeight = (lWeight/lEndWeight);
                    cout << "updateMesh : weight = " << lWeight << endl;
                    for (int j = 0; j < aMesh->getNumVertices(); j++) {
                        // Add the influence of the shape vertex to the mesh vertex.
                        ofVec3f influence = (toOf(lEndShape->GetControlPoints()[j]) - original.getVertices()[j]) * lWeight;
                        aMesh->getVertices()[j] += influence;
                } else if(lStartShape && lEndShape) {
                    float lStartWeight  = lFullWeights[lStartIndex];
					float lEndWeight    = lFullWeights[lEndIndex];
                    // Calculate the real weight.
                    lWeight = ofMap(lWeight, lStartWeight, lEndWeight, 0, 1, true);
                    cout << "updateMesh : weight = " << lWeight << " lStartWeight " << lStartWeight << " lEndWeight " << lEndWeight << endl;
                    //					lWeight = ((lWeight-lStartWeight)/(lEndWeight-lStartWeight)) * 100;
                    for (int j = 0; j < aMesh->getNumVertices(); j++) {
                        // Add the influence of the shape vertex to the mesh vertex.
                        ofVec3f influence = (toOf(lEndShape->GetControlPoints()[j] - lStartShape->GetControlPoints()[j] )) * lWeight;
                        aMesh->getVertices()[j] += influence;
void FBXConverter::processAnimations( FbxNode* node , std::vector<JointData> &skeleton , std::vector<VertexData> &verts , std::vector<IndexData> &indices )
	FbxMesh* theMesh = node->GetMesh();

	FbxAnimStack* animationStack = node->GetScene()->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>();
	FbxAnimLayer* animationLayer = animationStack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>();
	std::vector<FbxTime> frames;
	for ( int curveNodeIndex = 0; curveNodeIndex < animationLayer->GetMemberCount(); ++curveNodeIndex )
		FbxAnimCurveNode* currentCurve = animationLayer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>( curveNodeIndex );

		for ( unsigned int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < currentCurve->GetChannelsCount(); ++channelIndex )
			for ( int curve = 0; curve < currentCurve->GetCurveCount( channelIndex ); ++curve )
				FbxAnimCurve* theCurveVictim = currentCurve->GetCurve( channelIndex , curve );
				for ( int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < theCurveVictim->KeyGetCount(); ++keyIndex )
					bool alreadyIn = false;
					for ( unsigned int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frames.size(); ++frameIndex )
						if ( ( unsigned int ) frames[frameIndex].GetFrameCount() == ( unsigned int ) theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime().GetFrameCount() )
							alreadyIn = true;
							//std::cout << frames[frameIndex].GetFrameCount() << " " << theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime().GetFrameCount() << " " << alreadyIn << std::endl;
					std::cout << theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime().GetFrameCount() << " " << alreadyIn << std::endl;
					if(!alreadyIn) frames.push_back(theCurveVictim->KeyGet( keyIndex ).GetTime());
	std::sort( frames.begin() , frames.end() , frameCompare );

	FbxAMatrix geoTransform( node->GetGeometricTranslation( FbxNode::eSourcePivot ) , node->GetGeometricRotation( FbxNode::eSourcePivot ) , node->GetGeometricScaling( FbxNode::eSourcePivot ) );

	for ( int i = 0; i < theMesh->GetDeformerCount(); ++i )
		FbxSkin* theSkin = reinterpret_cast< FbxSkin* >( theMesh->GetDeformer( i , FbxDeformer::eSkin ) );
		if ( !theSkin ) continue;

		for ( int j = 0; j < theSkin->GetClusterCount(); ++j )
			FbxCluster* cluster = theSkin->GetCluster( j );
			std::string jointName = cluster->GetLink()->GetName();
			int currentJointIndex = -1;
			for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < skeleton.size(); ++k )
				if ( !skeleton[k] jointName ) )
					currentJointIndex = k;
			if ( currentJointIndex < 0 )
				std::cout << "wrong bone" << std::endl;

			FbxAMatrix transformMatrix, transformLinkMatrix, offsetMatrix;
			cluster->GetTransformMatrix( transformMatrix );
			cluster->GetTransformLinkMatrix( transformLinkMatrix );
			//offsetMatrix = transformLinkMatrix.Inverse() * transformMatrix * geoTransform;

			FbxMatrix realMatrix( transformLinkMatrix.Inverse() * transformMatrix );
			for ( unsigned int row = 0; row < 4; ++row )
				for ( unsigned int column = 0; column < 4; ++column )
					skeleton[currentJointIndex].offsetMatrix[row][column] = (float)realMatrix.Get( row , column );

			for ( int k = 0; k < cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount(); ++k )
				BlendingIndexWeightPair weightPair;
				weightPair.blendingIndex = currentJointIndex;
				weightPair.blendingWeight = (float)cluster->GetControlPointWeights()[k];
				unsigned int controlPoint = cluster->GetControlPointIndices()[k];
				for ( unsigned int z = 0; z < indices.size(); ++z )
					if ( indices[z].oldControlPoint == controlPoint )
						if ( verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.size() > 4 )
							std::cout << "Warning: vert has more than 4 bones connected, ignoring additional bone." << std::endl;
						//else verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.push_back( weightPair );
						bool found = false;
						for ( unsigned int omg = 0; omg < verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.size(); ++omg )
							if ( verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo[omg].blendingIndex == weightPair.blendingIndex )
								found = true;
						if ( !found ) verts[indices[z].index].blendingInfo.push_back( weightPair );

			for ( unsigned int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frames.size(); ++frameIndex )
				FbxVector4 translation = cluster->GetLink()->EvaluateLocalTranslation( frames[frameIndex] );
				FbxVector4 rotation = cluster->GetLink()->EvaluateLocalRotation( frames[frameIndex] );
				FbxVector4 scale = cluster->GetLink()->EvaluateLocalScaling( frames[frameIndex] );
				AnimationData animData;
				animData.frame = (int)frames[frameIndex].GetFrameCount();
				animData.translation = glm::vec3(translation[0],translation[1],translation[2]);
				animData.rotation = glm::angleAxis( glm::radians( (float)rotation[2] ), glm::vec3(0,0,1)) * glm::angleAxis(glm::radians((float) rotation[1]), glm::vec3(0,1,0)) * glm::angleAxis(glm::radians((float)rotation[0]), glm::vec3(1,0,0));
				animData.scale = glm::vec3(scale[0],scale[1],scale[2]);
				skeleton[currentJointIndex].animation.push_back( animData );
Example #20
void ofxFBXScene::parseScaleCurve(ofxFBXNode & node, FbxAnimLayer * pAnimLayer, FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> &scale){
	node.originalScale = toOf(scale.Get());
	ofLogVerbose("ofxFBXScene") << "original scale " << node.originalScale << endl;

	if(!scale.GetCurve(pAnimLayer)) return;
	FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurveX = scale.GetCurve(pAnimLayer,"X");
	FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurveY = scale.GetCurve(pAnimLayer,"Y");
	FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurveZ = scale.GetCurve(pAnimLayer,"Z");

    FbxTime   lKeyTime;
    int     lCount;

    int xKeyCount = lAnimCurveX? lAnimCurveX->KeyGetCount() : 0;
    int yKeyCount = lAnimCurveY? lAnimCurveY->KeyGetCount() : 0;
    int zKeyCount = lAnimCurveZ? lAnimCurveZ->KeyGetCount() : 0;

    ofxFBXKey<float> key;
    for(lCount = 0; lCount < xKeyCount; lCount++)
    	key.value = lAnimCurveX->KeyGetValue(lCount);
        lKeyTime  = lAnimCurveX->KeyGetTime(lCount);
        key.timeMillis = lKeyTime.GetMilliSeconds();
    for(lCount = 0; lCount < yKeyCount; lCount++)
    	key.value = lAnimCurveY->KeyGetValue(lCount);
        lKeyTime  = lAnimCurveY->KeyGetTime(lCount);
        key.timeMillis = lKeyTime.GetMilliSeconds();
    for(lCount = 0; lCount < zKeyCount; lCount++)
    	key.value = lAnimCurveZ->KeyGetValue(lCount);
        lKeyTime  = lAnimCurveZ->KeyGetTime(lCount);
        key.timeMillis = lKeyTime.GetMilliSeconds();
Example #21
void fbxLoader2::processMesh(FbxNode* node)
	FbxMesh* mesh = node->GetMesh();


	if(mesh!=NULL && mesh->IsTriangleMesh())
		for (int i = 0; i<mesh->GetControlPointsCount(); i++)
			readVertex(mesh, i, &vertex[i]);
			vertexArray[i].position = D3DXVECTOR3(vertex[i]);

		int a = mesh->GetPolygonVertexCount();

		for (int i = 0; i<mesh->GetPolygonVertexCount(); i++)
			readUV(mesh, i, 0, &uv[i]);
			readNormal(mesh, i, &normal[i]);
			indices[i].indice = mesh->GetPolygonVertices()[i];
			indices[i].normal1 = normal[i];
			indices[i].uv1 = uv[i];


	FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack = FbxCast<FbxAnimStack>(scene->GetSrcObject(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimStack)));
	int numAnimLayers = pAnimStack->GetMemberCount(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimLayer));


	for (int i = 0; i < numAnimLayers; i++)
		FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer = pAnimStack->GetMember(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimLayer), i);
		FbxAnimCurve* animCv = this->findSkeletonRootBone(scene->GetRootNode())->GetChild(0)->LclTranslation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X);

		if (animCv)
			FbxTimeSpan animationLength;
			int p = animCv->KeyGetCount();

			for(int j = 0; j<animationStructure->GetFramesNumber();j++)
				FbxTime timeKey = animCv->KeyGet(j).mTime;
				//FbxTime interval = (duration/p)*j + animationLength.GetStart();

				//int intervalVal = (duration.GetSecondCount()/p)*j + animationLength.GetStart().GetSecondCount();
				const FbxTime pTime = animCv->KeyGet(j).mTime;

				FbxAMatrix pGlobalPos = GetGlobalPosition(node, pTime, scene->GetPose(j));

				ComputeSkinDeformation(pGlobalPos, mesh, timeKey, scene->GetPose(j), j);

	for(int i = 0; i<node->GetChildCount(); i++)
// Find the current camera at the given time.
FbxCamera* GetCurrentCamera(FbxScene* pScene, 
                             FbxTime& pTime, 
                             FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer,
                             const FbxArray<FbxNode*>& pCameraArray)
    FbxGlobalSettings& lGlobalSettings = pScene->GetGlobalSettings();
    FbxGlobalCameraSettings& lGlobalCameraSettings = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings();
    FbxString lCurrentCameraName = lGlobalSettings.GetDefaultCamera();


    // check if we need to create the Producer cameras!
    if (lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight() == NULL &&
        lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft() == NULL)

    if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_BOTTOM) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_TOP) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_FRONT) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_BACK) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_RIGHT) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_LEFT) == 0)
        return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft();
    else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_SWITCHER) == 0)
        FbxCameraSwitcher* lCameraSwitcher = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings().GetCameraSwitcher();
		FbxAnimCurve* lCurve = NULL;
		if (lCameraSwitcher)
			lCurve = lCameraSwitcher->CameraIndex.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
			int lCameraIndex = lCurve ? int(lCurve->Evaluate(pTime)) - 1 : 0;
			if (lCameraIndex >= 0 && lCameraIndex < pCameraArray.GetCount())
				FbxNode* lNode = pCameraArray[lCameraIndex];

				// Get the animated parameters of the camera.
				GetCameraAnimatedParameters(lNode, pTime, pAnimLayer);

				return (FbxCamera*) lNode->GetNodeAttribute();
        int i;
        FbxNode* lNode = NULL;

        // Find the camera in the camera array.
        for (i = 0; i < pCameraArray.GetCount(); i++)
            if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(pCameraArray[i]->GetName()) == 0)
                lNode = pCameraArray[i];

        if (lNode)
            // Get the animated parameters of the camera.
            GetCameraAnimatedParameters(lNode, pTime, pAnimLayer);

            return (FbxCamera*) lNode->GetNodeAttribute();

    return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective();