void MeshImporter::LoadNodeMesh(FbxNode* node, ID3D11Device3* device,
	ID3D11DeviceContext3* context)
	unsigned int numPolygons = 0;
	unsigned int numVertices = 0;
	unsigned int numIndices = 0;
	unsigned int numPolygonVert = 0;

	if (node->GetNodeAttribute() != NULL &&
		node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh)
		// Create meshes
		FbxMesh* fbxMesh = node->GetMesh();
		numPolygons = fbxMesh->GetPolygonCount();
		numIndices = fbxMesh->GetPolygonVertexCount();
		numVertices = fbxMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
		// Do not use indexed drawing method
		numVertices = numIndices;

		vector<Vertex> vertices(numVertices);
		vector<unsigned int> indices(numIndices);

		numPolygonVert = 3;
		//assert(numPolygonVert == 3);

		FbxVector4* controlPoints = fbxMesh->GetControlPoints();

		int* indices_array = fbxMesh->GetPolygonVertices();

		// Need to be changed for optimization
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++)
			indices[i] = indices_array[i];

			vertices[i].pos.x = (float)fbxMesh->GetControlPointAt(indices[i]).mData[0];// / 1000.0f;
			vertices[i].pos.y = (float)fbxMesh->GetControlPointAt(indices[i]).mData[1];// / 1000.0f;
			vertices[i].pos.z = (float)fbxMesh->GetControlPointAt(indices[i]).mData[2];// / 1000.0f;

		// For indexed drawing
		/*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
			vertices[i].pos.x = (float)controlPoints[i].mData[0];
			vertices[i].pos.y = (float)controlPoints[i].mData[1];
			vertices[i].pos.z = (float)controlPoints[i].mData[2];

		LoadUV(fbxMesh, &vertices[0], &indices[0]);

		//OutputDebugStringA(("\n number of polygons: " + to_string(numPolygons) + " \n").c_str());
		//OutputDebugStringA(("\n number of indices: " + to_string(numIndices) + " \n").c_str());
		//OutputDebugStringA(("\n number of vertices: " + to_string(vertices.size()) + " \n").c_str());

		// Read mesh base transform matrix
		FbxAMatrix fbxGlobalMeshBaseMatrix = node->EvaluateGlobalTransform().Inverse().Transpose();
		XMFLOAT4X4 globalMeshBaseMatrix;

		for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++)
			//PrintTab("Global mesh base mat: " + to_string(fbxGlobalMeshBaseMatrix.mData[r][0]));

			for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
				globalMeshBaseMatrix.m[r][c] = (float)fbxGlobalMeshBaseMatrix.mData[r][c];

		// To be considered when importing Maya fbx model
		//FbxAMatrix geoMatrix = GetTransformMatrix(node);

		//ConvertFbxAMatrixToDXMatrix(&globalMeshBaseMatrix, fbxGlobalMeshBaseMatrix);

		MeshEntry mesh;
		mesh.vertices = vertices;
		mesh.indices = indices;
		mesh.numVertices = numVertices;
		mesh.numIndices = numIndices;
		mesh.fbxNode = node;
		mesh.globalMeshBaseMatrix = globalMeshBaseMatrix;

		// Load materials and textures
		LoadMaterials(node, &mesh, device, context);

		// Load weights
		LoadWeight(fbxMesh, &mesh);

		// Set to be clockwise, must be done after reading uvs, normals, weights and etc
		for (auto it = mesh.vertices.begin(); it != mesh.vertices.end(); it += 3)
			swap(*it, *(it + 2));


	int numChild = node->GetChildCount();

	for (int i = 0; i < numChild; i++)
		LoadNodeMesh(node->GetChild(i), device, context);
void MeshImporter::LoadNodeMesh(FbxNode* node, ID3D11Device3* device,
	ID3D11DeviceContext3* context)
	unsigned int numPolygons = 0;
	unsigned int numVertices = 0;
	unsigned int numIndices = 0;
	unsigned int numPolygonVert = 0;

	if (node->GetNodeAttribute() != NULL &&
		node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh)

		// Create meshes
		FbxMesh* fbxMesh = node->GetMesh();
		numPolygons = fbxMesh->GetPolygonCount();
		numIndices = fbxMesh->GetPolygonVertexCount();
		numVertices = fbxMesh->GetControlPointsCount();

		// Do not use indexed drawing method
		numVertices = numIndices;

		vector<Vertex> vertices(numVertices);
		vector<unsigned int> indices(numIndices);

		numPolygonVert = 3;
		//assert(numPolygonVert == 3);

		FbxVector4* controlPoints = fbxMesh->GetControlPoints();

		int* indices_array = fbxMesh->GetPolygonVertices();

		// Need to be changed for optimization
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++)
			indices[i] = indices_array[i];

			vertices[i].pos.x = (float)fbxMesh->GetControlPointAt(indices[i]).mData[0] / 10000.0f;
			vertices[i].pos.y = (float)fbxMesh->GetControlPointAt(indices[i]).mData[1] / 10000.0f;
			vertices[i].pos.z = (float)fbxMesh->GetControlPointAt(indices[i]).mData[2] / 10000.0f;

		// For indexed drawing
		/*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
		vertices[i].pos.x = (float)controlPoints[i].mData[0];// / 25.0f;
		vertices[i].pos.y = (float)controlPoints[i].mData[1];// / 25.0f;
		vertices[i].pos.z = (float)controlPoints[i].mData[2];// / 25.0f;

		LoadUV(fbxMesh, &vertices[0], &indices[0]);

		// Set to be clockwise, must be done after reading uvs and normals
		for (auto it = vertices.begin(); it != vertices.end(); it += 3)
			std::swap(*it, *(it + 2));

		//OutputDebugStringA(("\n number of polygons: " + to_string(numPolygons) + " \n").c_str());
		//OutputDebugStringA(("\n number of indices: " + to_string(numIndices) + " \n").c_str());
		//OutputDebugStringA(("\n number of vertices: " + to_string(vertices.size()) + " \n").c_str());

		ModelObj::MeshEntry mesh;
		mesh.vertices = vertices;
		mesh.indices = indices;
		mesh.numVertices = numVertices;
		mesh.numIndices = numIndices;

		LoadMaterials(node, &mesh, device, context);


	for (int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); i++)
		LoadNodeMesh(node->GetChild(i), device, context);
Example #3
	void importFBXNode(
		FbxNode *node, 
		vector<Vector3> &vertices, 
		vector<Color> &colors, 
		vector<Vector2> &uvs, 
		vector<Vector3> &normals,
		vector<uint32> &elements) {

		FbxNode *childNode = 0;
		int numKids = node->GetChildCount();
		for ( int i=0 ; i<numKids ; i++)
			childNode = node->GetChild(i);
			FbxMesh *mesh = childNode->GetMesh();

			if ( mesh != NULL )
				auto offset = node->GetGeometricTranslation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);

				//================= Get Vertices ====================================
				int baseline = vertices.size();
				int numVerts = mesh->GetControlPointsCount();

				for ( int j=0; j<numVerts; j++)
					FbxVector4 vert = mesh->GetControlPointAt(j);
						Vector3(vert.mData[0], vert.mData[1], vert.mData[2])
						/*+ Vector3(offset.mData[0], offset.mData[1], offset.mData[2])*/);
					colors.push_back(Vector3(1, 1, 1));
					uvs.push_back(Vector2(0, 0));

				//================= Get Indices ====================================
				int numIndices=mesh->GetPolygonVertexCount();
				int *indicesRaw = mesh->GetPolygonVertices();
				for (int j = 0; j < numIndices; j++) {
					elements.push_back(indicesRaw[j] + baseline);

				int cnt = 0;
				int polygonCount = mesh->GetPolygonCount();
				for (int j = 0; j < polygonCount; ++j) {

					FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<FbxVector2>* uvVertices= 0;
					mesh->GetTextureUV(&uvVertices, FbxLayerElement::eTextureDiffuse);

					for (int k = 0; k < mesh->GetPolygonSize(j); ++k) {

						FbxVector2 uv = (*uvVertices)[mesh->GetTextureUVIndex(j, k)];

						uvs[indicesRaw[cnt] + baseline].x = uv[0];
						uvs[indicesRaw[cnt] + baseline].y = uv[1];

			importFBXNode(childNode, vertices, colors, uvs, normals, elements);
Example #4
void fbxLoader2::processMesh(FbxNode* node)
	FbxMesh* mesh = node->GetMesh();


	if(mesh!=NULL && mesh->IsTriangleMesh())
		for (int i = 0; i<mesh->GetControlPointsCount(); i++)
			readVertex(mesh, i, &vertex[i]);
			vertexArray[i].position = D3DXVECTOR3(vertex[i]);

		int a = mesh->GetPolygonVertexCount();

		for (int i = 0; i<mesh->GetPolygonVertexCount(); i++)
			readUV(mesh, i, 0, &uv[i]);
			readNormal(mesh, i, &normal[i]);
			indices[i].indice = mesh->GetPolygonVertices()[i];
			indices[i].normal1 = normal[i];
			indices[i].uv1 = uv[i];


	FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack = FbxCast<FbxAnimStack>(scene->GetSrcObject(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimStack)));
	int numAnimLayers = pAnimStack->GetMemberCount(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimLayer));


	for (int i = 0; i < numAnimLayers; i++)
		FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer = pAnimStack->GetMember(FBX_TYPE(FbxAnimLayer), i);
		FbxAnimCurve* animCv = this->findSkeletonRootBone(scene->GetRootNode())->GetChild(0)->LclTranslation.GetCurve(pAnimLayer, FBXSDK_CURVENODE_COMPONENT_X);

		if (animCv)
			FbxTimeSpan animationLength;
			int p = animCv->KeyGetCount();

			for(int j = 0; j<animationStructure->GetFramesNumber();j++)
				FbxTime timeKey = animCv->KeyGet(j).mTime;
				//FbxTime interval = (duration/p)*j + animationLength.GetStart();

				//int intervalVal = (duration.GetSecondCount()/p)*j + animationLength.GetStart().GetSecondCount();
				const FbxTime pTime = animCv->KeyGet(j).mTime;

				FbxAMatrix pGlobalPos = GetGlobalPosition(node, pTime, scene->GetPose(j));

				ComputeSkinDeformation(pGlobalPos, mesh, timeKey, scene->GetPose(j), j);

	for(int i = 0; i<node->GetChildCount(); i++)
Example #5
	void FbxLoader::LoadAttribute(FbxNodeAttribute* pAttribute)
		if (pAttribute->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh)
			FbxMesh* pMesh = (FbxMesh*)pAttribute;

			FbxVector4* IControlPoints = pMesh->GetControlPoints();
			m_vertexCount = pMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
			m_vertexBuffer = new float[m_vertexCount * 4];
			for (int i = 0; i < m_vertexCount * 4; i+=4)
				m_vertexBuffer[i]     = (float)IControlPoints[i / 4].mData[0];
				m_vertexBuffer[i + 1] = (float)IControlPoints[i / 4].mData[1];
				m_vertexBuffer[i + 2] = (float)IControlPoints[i / 4].mData[2];
				m_vertexBuffer[i + 3] = 1.0f;// IControlPoints[i / 4].mData[3];

			int* pIndices = pMesh->GetPolygonVertices();
			m_indexCount = pMesh->GetPolygonVertexCount();
			m_indexBuffer = new uint32[m_indexCount];
			for (int i = 0; i < m_indexCount; ++i)
				m_indexBuffer[i] = pIndices[i];

			FbxLayer* pLayer = pMesh->GetLayer(0);
			if (pLayer != NULL)
				FbxLayerElementNormal* pNormal = pLayer->GetNormals();
				m_normalCount = pNormal->mDirectArray->GetCount();
				m_normalBuffer = new float[m_normalCount * 3];
				for (int i = 0; i < m_normalCount * 3; i+=3)
					m_normalBuffer[i]     = (float)(*pNormal->mDirectArray)[i / 3][0];
					m_normalBuffer[i + 1] = (float)(*pNormal->mDirectArray)[i / 3][1];
					m_normalBuffer[i + 2] = (float)(*pNormal->mDirectArray)[i / 3][2];
					//m_normalBuffer[i + 3] = (*pNormal->mDirectArray)[i / 4][3];

				FbxLayerElementUV* pUV = pLayer->GetUVs();
				if (pUV->GetMappingMode() == FbxLayerElement::eByPolygonVertex)
					if (pUV->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
						m_uvCount = pUV->mIndexArray->GetCount();
						m_uvBuffer = new float[m_uvCount * 2];
						for (int i = 0; i < m_uvCount * 2; i+=2)
							m_uvBuffer[i] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[(*pUV->mIndexArray)[i / 2]][0];
							m_uvBuffer[i + 1] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[(*pUV->mIndexArray)[i / 2]][1];
						m_uvCount = pUV->mDirectArray->GetCount();
						m_uvBuffer = new float[m_uvCount * 2];
						for (int i = 0; i < m_uvCount * 2; i += 2)
							m_uvBuffer[i] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[i / 2][0];
							m_uvBuffer[i + 1] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[i / 2][1];
					if (pUV->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
						m_uvCount = pUV->mIndexArray->GetCount();
						m_uvBuffer = new float[m_uvCount * 2];
						for (int i = 0; i < m_uvCount * 2; i+=2)
							m_uvBuffer[i] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[(*pUV->mIndexArray)[i / 2]][0];
							m_uvBuffer[i + 1] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[(*pUV->mIndexArray)[i / 2]][1];
						m_uvCount = pUV->mDirectArray->GetCount();
						m_uvBuffer = new float[m_uvCount * 2];
						for (int i = 0; i < m_uvCount * 2; i+=2)
							m_uvBuffer[i] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[i / 2][0];
							m_uvBuffer[i + 1] = (float)(*pUV->mDirectArray)[i / 2][1];