Example #1
Bone::Bone(FbxScene& scene) {
  //construct hierarchy
  *this = Bone { *(scene.GetRootNode()) };

  std::map<std::string, std::pair<unsigned int, scm::math::mat4f> > bone_info{}
  unsigned num_bones = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene.GetGeometryCount(); i++) {
    FbxGeometry* geo = scene.GetGeometry(i);
    if (geo->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh) {

      //check for skinning, use first skin deformer
      FbxSkin* skin;
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < geo->GetDeformerCount(); ++i) {
        FbxDeformer* defPtr = { geo->GetDeformer(i) };
        if (defPtr->GetDeformerType() == FbxDeformer::eSkin) {
          skin = static_cast<FbxSkin*>(defPtr);

      if (!skin) {
        Logger::LOG_ERROR << "Mesh does not contain skin deformer" << std::endl;

      //one cluster corresponds to one bone
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < skin->GetClusterCount(); ++i) {
        FbxCluster* cluster = skin->GetCluster(i);
        FbxNode* node = cluster->GetLink();

        if (!node) {
          Logger::LOG_ERROR << "associated node does not exist!" << std::endl;

        std::string bone_name(node->GetName());
        //helper to check for matrix magnitude
        auto magnitude = [](scm::math::mat4f const & mat)->float {
          float mag = 0.0f;
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
            mag += mat[i] * mat[i];
          return mag;

        //reference pose of bone
        FbxAMatrix bind_transform;
        //check if the clusters have an extra transformation
        FbxAMatrix cluster_transform;
        if (magnitude(to_gua::mat4f(cluster_transform) -
                      scm::math::mat4f::identity()) > 0.000000001f) {
              << "weight cluster of bone '" << bone_name
              << "' has transformation, animation will be skewed" << std::endl;
        //add bone to list if it is not already included
        if (bone_info.find(bone_name) == bone_info.end()) {
          bone_info[bone_name] = std::make_pair(
              to_gua::mat4f(bind_transform.Inverse() * cluster_transform));

      // traverse hierarchy and set accumulated values in the bone
float UFBXBLUEPRINT::getCircleAreaDLL() //(float radius)
	// Create the FBX SDK manager
	FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create();

	// Create an IOSettings object.
	FbxIOSettings * ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT);

	// ... Configure the FbxIOSettings object ...

	// Create an importer.
	FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager, "");

	// Declare the path and filename of the file containing the scene.
	// In this case, we are assuming the file is in the same directory as the executable.
	const char* lFilename = "file.fbx";

	// Initialize the importer.
	bool lImportStatus = lImporter->Initialize(lFilename, -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings());

	if (!lImportStatus) {
		printf("Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n");
		printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString());

	// Create a new scene so it can be populated by the imported file.
	FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "myScene");

	// Import the contents of the file into the scene.

	// The file has been imported; we can get rid of the importer.

	// File format version numbers to be populated.
	int lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision;

	// Populate the FBX file format version numbers with the import file.
	lImporter->GetFileVersion(lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision);

	int numofgeometrys = lScene->GetGeometryCount();

	for (int i = 0; i < numofgeometrys; i++)
		fbxsdk::FbxGeometry* fbxgeo = lScene->GetGeometry(i);

	//	fbxsdk::FbxMesh* fbxmesh = fbxgeo->Get

		if (fbxgeo != 0)
			int numofcontrolpoints =fbxgeo->GetControlPointsCount();
			FbxVector4* controlpoints = fbxgeo->GetControlPoints(0);
			// x[12] = controlpoints[12]->mData[0];

			//Fbxsdk::FbxVector4* pNormalArray;

		//	fbxgeo->GetNormals();

		//	fbxgeo->get

	FbxClassId lShaderClassID = lSdkManager->FindFbxFileClass("Shader", "FlatShader");
	for(int i = 0; i < lNode->GetSrcObjectCount(lShaderClassID); i++) 
		FbxObject* lObject = lNode->GetSrcObject(lShaderClassID, i);
	return 1.00f;