FdoDateTime FdoXmlFeatureReaderImpl::GetDateTime(FdoString* propertyName) { FdoStringP value = GetString (propertyName); if (value.GetLength () == 0) { return FdoDateTime (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } FdoPtr<FdoDateTimeValue> dt; // let's try DATE first FdoStringP date = FdoStringP(L"DATE '") + value + L"'"; try { dt = static_cast<FdoDateTimeValue *> (FdoDateTimeValue::Parse (date)); } catch (FdoException* e) { e->Release(); // oops, it's not a date, try TIMESTAMP FdoStringP timestamp = FdoStringP(L"TIMESTAMP '") + value + L"'"; try { dt = static_cast<FdoDateTimeValue *> (FdoDateTimeValue::Parse (timestamp)); } catch (FdoException* e1) { e1->Release(); // failed again, try the last option: TIME, this time, do not catch any exception FdoStringP time = FdoStringP(L"TIME '") + value + L"'"; dt = static_cast<FdoDateTimeValue *> (FdoDateTimeValue::Parse (time)); } } return dt->GetDateTime (); }
void SuperMapSelectTest::select_sdb_date() { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("FDO连接未打开!", m_connection != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("FDO连接引用次数不为1!", m_connection->GetRefCount() == 1); FdoPtr<FdoISelect> Select; Select = (FdoISelect *)m_connection->CreateCommand(FdoCommandType_Select); if(Select) { Select->SetFeatureClassName(L"面"); FdoString *strFilter = L"TestDate <= TIMESTAMP '2007-12-12 00:00:00'"; Select->SetFilter( strFilter ); FdoPtr<FdoIFeatureReader> ret; try { ret = Select->Execute(); } catch (FdoException* ex) { FdoException* nex = ex; while (nex) { AfxMessageBox(ex->GetExceptionMessage()); nex = nex->GetCause(); } ex->Release(); } catch(...) { CPPUNIT_FAIL("unresolved exception"); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("返回的要素集合为空!", ret != NULL); int count = 0; int SmID; int UserID; FdoDateTime Date; FdoPtr<FdoByteArray> geometry; try { while (ret->ReadNext ()) { count++; if(!ret->IsNull(L"SmID")) { SmID = ret->GetInt32 (L"SmID"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"SmUserID")) { UserID = ret->GetInt32 (L"SmUserID"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"TestDate")) { Date = ret->GetDateTime (L"TestDate"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"Geometry")) { geometry = ret->GetGeometry (L"Geometry"); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("几何对象类型不正确", FdoGeometryType_Polygon == *(int*)geometry->GetData()); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("未查出面数据集中的要素", 0 != count); } catch (FdoException* ex) { FdoException* nex = ex; while (nex) { AfxMessageBox(ex->GetExceptionMessage()); nex = nex->GetCause(); } ex->Release(); } } }
void SuperMapSelectTest::select_region() { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("FDO连接未打开!", m_connection != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("FDO连接引用次数不为1!", m_connection->GetRefCount() == 1); FdoPtr<FdoISelect> Select; Select = (FdoISelect *)m_connection->CreateCommand(FdoCommandType_Select); Select->SetFeatureClassName(L"面"); FdoPtr<FdoIFeatureReader> ret; try { ret = Select->Execute(); } catch (FdoException* ex) { FdoException* nex = ex; while (nex) { AfxMessageBox(ex->GetExceptionMessage()); nex = nex->GetCause(); } ex->Release(); } catch(...) { CPPUNIT_FAIL("unresolved exception"); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("返回的要素集合为空!", ret != NULL); int count = 0; int SmID; int UserID; double SmArea; double SmPerimeter; bool TestBoolen; short TestShort; float TestFloat; FdoString *str; FdoDateTime date; int length; FdoPtr<FdoByteArray> geometry; try { while (ret->ReadNext ()) { count++; if(!ret->IsNull(L"SmID")) { SmID = ret->GetInt32 (L"SmID"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"SmUserID")) { UserID = ret->GetInt32 (L"SmUserID"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"SmArea")) { SmArea = ret->GetDouble (L"SmArea"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"SmPerimeter")) { SmPerimeter = ret->GetDouble (L"SmPerimeter"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"TestBoolen")) { TestBoolen = ret->GetBoolean (L"TestBoolen"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"TestShort")) { TestShort = ret->GetInt16(L"TestShort"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"TestFloat")) { TestFloat = ret->GetSingle(L"TestFloat"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"TestString")) { str = ret->GetString(L"TestString"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"TestDate")) { date = ret->GetDateTime(L"TestDate"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"长度")) { length = ret->GetInt32(L"长度"); } if(!ret->IsNull(L"Geometry")) { geometry = ret->GetGeometry (L"Geometry"); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("几何对象类型不正确", FdoGeometryType_Polygon == *(int*)geometry->GetData()); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("未查出面数据集中的要素", 0 != count); } catch (FdoException* ex) { FdoException* nex = ex; while (nex) { AfxMessageBox(ex->GetExceptionMessage()); nex = nex->GetCause(); } ex->Release(); } catch(...) { CPPUNIT_FAIL("unresolved exception"); } }
void SQLTests::query () { if (CreateSchemaOnly()) return; try { FdoPtr<FdoISQLCommand> sqlCmd = (FdoISQLCommand*)mConnection->CreateCommand (FdoCommandType_SQLCommand); // Clean up previous tests (ignore exceptions, we'll get one if the table doesn't actually exist): try { sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (L"drop table bar"); sqlCmd->ExecuteNonQuery (); } catch (FdoException *e) { e->Release(); } // Execute various tests: sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (ArcSDETestConfig::SqlStmtCreateTable()); sqlCmd->ExecuteNonQuery (); sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (ArcSDETestConfig::SqlStmtInsert1()); sqlCmd->ExecuteNonQuery (); sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (L"select * from bar"); { FdoPtr<FdoISQLDataReader> reader = sqlCmd->ExecuteReader (); // Test accessing SQLDataReader's metadata BEFORE calling ReadNext(): IterateSQLDataReaderProperties(reader); reader->ReadNext (); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("int16 wrong", 42 == reader->GetInt16 (L"ID")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("int32 wrong", 8272772 == reader->GetInt32 (L"COUNT")); float x = (float)reader->GetSingle (L"SCALE"); float diff = x - 1e-2f; if (0 > diff) diff = -diff; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("float wrong", 1e-9 > diff); double y = reader->GetDouble (L"LENGTH"); double difference = y - 10280288.29929; if (0 > difference) difference = -difference; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("double wrong", 1e-4 > difference); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("string wrong", 0 == wcscmp (L"the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog", reader->GetString(L"DESCRIPTION"))); FdoPtr<FdoBLOBValue> blobValue = static_cast<FdoBLOBValue*>(reader->GetLOB(L"DATA")); FdoByteArray* data = blobValue->GetData(); FdoByte test[] = { 0x25, 0x2f, 0x82, 0xe3 }; for (int i = 0; i < data->GetCount (); i++) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("blob wrong", test[i] == (*data)[i]); data->Release (); FdoDateTime now = reader->GetDateTime (L"MODIFIED"); struct tm systime; #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4996) _getsystime (&systime); #pragma warning(default : 4996) #else time_t current; time (¤t); localtime_r (¤t, &systime); #endif CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("year wrong (NOTE: THIS IS MAY BE CAUSED BY TIME ZONE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERVER AND CLIENT MACHINES)", now.year == systime.tm_year + 1900); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("month wrong (NOTE: THIS IS MAY BE CAUSED BY TIME ZONE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERVER AND CLIENT MACHINES)", now.month == systime.tm_mon + 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("day wrong (NOTE: THIS IS OFTEN CAUSED BY TIME ZONE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERVER AND CLIENT MACHINES)", now.day == systime.tm_mday); //THE FOLLOWING TEST FAILS FREQUENTLY, SINCE THE CLIENT'S TIME AND SERVER'S TIME ARE USUALLY NOT IN SYNC: //CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("hour wrong", now.hour == systime.tm_hour); } // Test aggregate functions in select clause: sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (ArcSDETestConfig::SqlStmtInsert2()); sqlCmd->ExecuteNonQuery (); sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (L"select count(*) from bar"); FdoPtr<FdoISQLDataReader> reader = sqlCmd->ExecuteReader(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected 1 row, got 0 rows instead.", reader->ReadNext ()); FdoInt32 colCount = reader->GetColumnCount(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("column count wrong", colCount == 1); FdoString *colName = reader->GetColumnName(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("column name wrong", 0==FdoCommonOSUtil::wcsicmp(colName, ArcSDETestConfig::SqlCountStarColumnName())); FdoDataType colType = reader->GetColumnType(colName); if (colType==FdoDataType_Int32) { FdoInt32 iRowCount = reader->GetInt32(colName); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("count(*) value wrong", iRowCount == 2); } else if (colType==FdoDataType_Double) { double dRowCount = reader->GetDouble(colName); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("count(*) value wrong", dRowCount == 2); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected 1 row, got 2 or more rows instead.", !reader->ReadNext ()); // Test functions in where clause: sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (ArcSDETestConfig::SqlStmtAggrQuery1()); reader = sqlCmd->ExecuteReader(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected 1 row, got 0 rows instead.", reader->ReadNext ()); colCount = reader->GetColumnCount(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("column count wrong", colCount == 1); colName = reader->GetColumnName(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("column name wrong", 0==FdoCommonOSUtil::wcsicmp(colName, ArcSDETestConfig::SqlAggrColumnName())); colType = reader->GetColumnType(colName); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE ("column type wrong", colType==FdoDataType_Double); double dResult = reader->GetDouble(colName); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("ABS(SUM(length)) value wrong", ArcSDETests::fuzzyEqual(dResult, ArcSDETestConfig::SqlStmtAggrQuery1Result())); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Expected 1 row, got 2 or more rows instead.", !reader->ReadNext ()); // Clean up: sqlCmd->SetSQLStatement (L"drop table bar"); sqlCmd->ExecuteNonQuery (); } catch (FdoException *e) { fail(e); } }