void Graph<T>::mst(T inf) { std::vector<EdgeNode<T>*> minSpanTree; typename std::map<T,VertexNode<T>*>::iterator iter = graph->begin(); std::map<T,bool> visitedMap; std::map<T,FibonacciNode<EdgeNode<T>*>*> pointerList; FibonacciHeap<EdgeNode<T>*> fiboHeap; for(;iter!=graph->end();++iter) { VertexNode<T>* vertex = iter->second; //set visited false for each vertex visitedMap[vertex->getVertex()]=false; EdgeNode<T>* edge = new EdgeNode<T>(NULL,vertex,inf); //assign key to infinity. FibonacciNode<EdgeNode<T>*>* fNode = new FibonacciNode<EdgeNode<T>*>(inf,edge); pointerList[vertex->getVertex()] = fNode; fiboHeap.insert(fNode); } int i=0; while(!fiboHeap.isEmpty()) { i++; FibonacciNode<EdgeNode<T>*>* node = fiboHeap.removeMin(); fiboHeap.printFibo(); if(node != NULL) { EdgeNode<T>* tempEdge = node->getData(); //just a tweak to store VertexNode<T>* source = tempEdge->getDestination(); minSpanTree.push_back(tempEdge); visitedMap[source->getVertex()]=true; EdgeNode<T>* temp = source->edgeListHead; while(temp != NULL) { VertexNode<T>* vertex = temp->getDestination(); int fibKey = pointerList[vertex->getVertex()]->getKey(); int edgeKey = temp->getCost(); if(!visitedMap[vertex->getVertex()] && fibKey> edgeKey) { temp->setSource(source); temp->setCost(edgeKey); FibonacciNode<EdgeNode<T>*>* fibNode = pointerList.find(vertex->getVertex())->second; fiboHeap.decreaseKey(fibNode,edgeKey); } temp = temp->next; } } } //cout<<"Total cost::"<<i<<endl; // typename std::vector<EdgeNode<T>*>::iterator printIter = minSpanTree.begin(); // for(;printIter!=minSpanTree.end();++printIter) // cout<<(*printIter)->getSource()->getVertex()<<" "<<(*printIter)->getDestination()->getVertex()<<endl; }
int main() { file.open("fibonacciHeap.txt"); FibonacciHeap<int> heap; for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) heap.insert(i); cout<<"minimo "<<heap.getMinimumKey()<<endl; heap.extractMin(); cout<<"minimo "<<heap.getMinimumKey()<<endl; heap.decreaseKey(999,-2); cout<<"minimo "<<heap.getMinimumKey()<<endl; printHeap(heap); file.close(); return 0; }
int main() { FibonacciHeap<int> mQ = FibonacciHeap<int>(); int arr[RUN]; for (int i = 0; i < RUN; i++) { arr[i] = i; } for (int i = 0; i < RUN; i++) { mQ.insertNode(arr + i, arr[i]); } #ifdef DEBUG cout<<"Printing Heap"<<endl; mQ.printHeap(); #endif for (int i = 0; i < RUN; i++) { assert(*(mQ.extractMin()) == i); } #ifdef DEBUG cout<<"Printing Heap"<<endl; mQ.printHeap(); #endif for (int i = 0; i < RUN/2; i++) { mQ.insertNode(arr + i, arr[i]); } #ifdef DEBUG cout<<"Printing Heap"<<endl; mQ.printHeap(); #endif #ifdef DEBUG cout<<"Decreasing Key 50 to 5"<<endl; #endif mQ.decreaseKey(arr +4, -1); #ifdef DEBUG mQ.printHeap(); #endif assert(*mQ.extractMin() == 4); return 0; }
int shortest_path(int strt,int* hops) //int main() { //printf("\n\nK-Shortest Path Algorithm\n\n"); /* STEP 0: Initialization */ long n; int dat; //int strt = 3; /*if(argv[1]== NULL) { printf("1 Argument required: shortestpath.exe [graph file name]\n"); printf("Example: ./Dijkstra.exe scotland_big.dat\n"); return 0; }*/ // Define test vertices std::vector<Node*> vertices; std::vector<Edge*> edges; // Read source file //printf("Loading %s\n", argv[1]); std::ifstream indat("network.txt"); char inp[100]; if(indat) { indat.getline(inp, 160); n = atol(inp); for(int j=0; j<n-1 ; j++) { Node* v = new Node(j, -1); vertices.push_back(v); } //printf("Vertices loaded...\n"); vertices.push_back(new Node(n-1, 0)); vertices[n-1]->state = LABELED; // Read edges and initialize while(!indat.eof()) { memset(inp, '\0', sizeof(inp)); indat.getline(inp, 160); int k=1; while(inp[k] != ' ' && inp[k]!='\0') k++; std::string inpstr = inp; int tail = atoi(const_cast<char*>(inpstr.substr(0, k).c_str())); int l=k+1; while(inp[l] != ' ' && inp[l]!='\0') l++; int head = atoi(const_cast<char*>(inpstr.substr(k+1, l).c_str())); k=l+1; while(inp[k] != ' ' && inp[k]!='\0') k++; double length = atof(const_cast<char*>(inpstr.substr(l+1, k).c_str())); Edge* edge = new Edge(vertices[tail], vertices[head], length); edge->head->addIncomingEdge(edge); edge->tail->addOutgoingEdge(edge); edges.push_back(edge); Edge* edge1 = new Edge(vertices[head], vertices[tail], length); edge1->head->addIncomingEdge(edge1); edge1->tail->addOutgoingEdge(edge1); edges.push_back(edge1); } } else { //printf("Could not open input data...\n"); return 0; } /*printf("Edges loaded...\n"); printf("Vertices: %d\nEdges: %d\n\n", vertices.size(), edges.size()); printf("Building shortest path tree...\n");*/ /* STEP 1: Shortest Path Tree */ FibonacciHeap* heap = new FibonacciHeap(); heap->insertVertex(vertices[n-1]); bool abort = false; long j = 0; // Scan do { // Delete minimum path Node* v = heap->deleteMin(); v->state = SCANNED; for(int i = 0; i < v->incomingEdges.size(); i++) { Edge* currentEdge = v->incomingEdges[i]; Node* headOfCurrentEdge = currentEdge->tail; if(headOfCurrentEdge->state != SCANNED) { if(headOfCurrentEdge->state == UNLABELED) { // Insert a vertex with infinite key headOfCurrentEdge->state = LABELED; headOfCurrentEdge->pred = v; headOfCurrentEdge->key = v->key + currentEdge->length; heap->insertVertex(headOfCurrentEdge); } else if(headOfCurrentEdge->key > v->key + currentEdge->length ) { // decrease the key of a vertex with finite key headOfCurrentEdge->pred = v; heap->decreaseKey(v->key + currentEdge->length, headOfCurrentEdge); } } } } while(!heap->isEmpty()); // Print out path Node* temp = vertices[strt]; if(!temp->pred) { //printf("There exist no s-t paths\n"); return 0; } int vertexCount = 0; //printf("Shortest Path found:\n"); //printf("Distance: %f\n", vertices[strt]->key); while(temp) { dat = temp->data; if(hops!=NULL) hops[dat]++; //printf("%d", dat); //link<<dat; temp = temp->pred; if(temp) { // printf(" - "); //link<<" - "; } vertexCount++; } //link<<"\n"; //printf("\nVertices passed: %d\n", vertexCount); //char chh = getchar(); return (vertexCount-1); }