Example #1
/** Prints attributes for a field */
void PrintFileContents10::print_field_attr(std::ostream & ostream ,  FieldDescription & fdes ) {
    int array_dim ;

    ostream << "{\"" << fdes.getName() << "\""                               // name
            << ", \"" << fdes.getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "\"" // type_name
            << ", \"" << fdes.getUnits() << "\""                             // units
            << ", \"\", \"\"," << std::endl                                   // alias, user_defined
            << "  \"" << fdes.getDescription() << "\"," << std::endl         // description
            << "  " << fdes.getIO()                                          // io
            << "," << fdes.getEnumString() ;                                 // type
    // There are several cases when printing the size of a variable.
    if ( fdes.isBitField() ) {
        // bitfields are handled in 4 byte (32 bit) chunks
        ostream << ", 4" ;
    } else if (  fdes.isRecord() or fdes.isEnum() or fdes.getTypeName().empty() ) {
        // records enums use io_src_get_size. The sentinel has no typename
        ostream << ", 0" ;
    } else {
        // print size of the underlying type
        ostream << ", sizeof(" << fdes.getTypeName() << ")" ;
    ostream << ", 0, 0, Language_CPP" ; // range_min, range_max, language
    ostream << ", " << (fdes.isStatic() << 1) + (fdes.isDashDashUnits() << 2) << "," << std::endl ; // mods
    if ( fdes.isBitField() ) {
        // For bitfields we need the offset to start on 4 byte boundaries because that is what our
        // insert and extract bitfield routines work with.
        ostream << "  " << (fdes.getFieldOffset() - (fdes.getFieldOffset() % 32)) / 8 ; // offset
    } else {
        ostream << "  " << (fdes.getFieldOffset() / 8) ; // offset
    ostream << ", NULL" ; // attr
    ostream << ", " << fdes.getNumDims() ;                // num_index

    ostream << ", {" ;
    if ( fdes.isBitField() ) {
        ostream << "{" << fdes.getBitFieldWidth() ; // size of bitfield
        ostream << ", " << 32 - (fdes.getFieldOffset() % 32) - fdes.getBitFieldWidth() << "}" ; // start bit
    } else {
        array_dim = fdes.getArrayDim(0) ;
        if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ;
        ostream << "{" << array_dim << ", 0}" ; // index 0
    unsigned int ii ;
    for ( ii = 1 ; ii < 8 ; ii++ ) {
        array_dim = fdes.getArrayDim(ii) ;
        if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ;
        ostream << ", {" << array_dim << ", 0}" ; // indexes 1 through 7
    ostream << "}," << std::endl ;
    ostream << "  NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL" ;
    ostream << "}" ;
Example #2
void PrintFileContents10::printStlFunction(const std::string& name, const std::string& parameters, const std::string& call, std::ostream& ostream, FieldDescription& fieldDescription, ClassValues& classValues) {
    const std::string typeName = fieldDescription.getTypeName();
    const std::string functionName = name + "_stl";
    ostream << "void " << functionName << "_" << classValues.getFullyQualifiedMangledTypeName("__") << "_" << sanitize(fieldDescription.getName())
            << "(" << parameters << ") {" << std::endl
            << "    " << typeName << "* stl = reinterpret_cast<" << typeName << "*>(start_address);" << std::endl
            << "    " << call << ";" << std::endl
            << "}" << std::endl ;