Example #1
Metric Filler::get_metric(double x,double y,double z,GEntity* ge){
  Metric m;
  SMetric3 temp;
  SVector3 v1,v2,v3;
  Field* field;
  FieldManager* manager;
  v1 = SVector3(1.0,0.0,0.0);
  v2 = SVector3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
  v3 = SVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
  manager = ge->model()->getFields();
    field = manager->get(manager->getBackgroundField());
  return m;
Example #2
double Filler::get_size(double x,double y,double z,GEntity* ge){
  double h;
  Field* field;
  FieldManager* manager;

  h = 1.0;
  manager = ge->model()->getFields();
    field = manager->get(manager->getBackgroundField());
	  h = (*field)(x,y,z,ge);

  return h;
Example #3
// anisotropic version of the background field
SMetric3 BGM_MeshMetric(GEntity *ge,
                        double U, double V,
                        double X, double Y, double Z)

  // Metrics based on element size

  // Element size = min. between default lc and lc from point (if applicable),
  // constrained by lcMin and lcMax
  double lc = CTX::instance()->lc;
  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromPoints && ge->dim() < 2)
    lc = std::min(lc, LC_MVertex_PNTS(ge, U, V));
  lc = std::min(lc, ge->getMeshSize());
  lc = std::max(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
  lc = std::min(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
  if(lc <= 0.){
    Msg::Error("Wrong mesh element size lc = %g (lcmin = %g, lcmax = %g)",
               lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
    lc = CTX::instance()->lc;
  SMetric3 m0(1./(lc*lc));

  // Intersect with metrics from fields if applicable
  FieldManager *fields = ge->model()->getFields();
  SMetric3 m1 = m0;
  if(fields->getBackgroundField() > 0){
    Field *f = fields->get(fields->getBackgroundField());
    if(f) {
      SMetric3 l4;
      if (!f->isotropic()) (*f)(X, Y, Z, l4, ge);
      else {
        const double L = (*f)(X, Y, Z, ge);
        l4 = SMetric3(1/(L*L));
      m1 = intersection(l4, m0);

  // Intersect with metrics from curvature if applicable
  SMetric3 m = (CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature && ge->dim() < 3) ?
      intersection(m1, LC_MVertex_CURV_ANISO(ge, U, V)) : m1;

  return m;
Example #4
// This is the only function that is used by the meshers
double BGM_MeshSize(GEntity *ge, double U, double V,
                    double X, double Y, double Z)
  // default lc (mesh size == size of the model)
  double l1 = CTX::instance()->lc;

  // lc from points
  double l2 = MAX_LC;
  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromPoints && ge->dim() < 2)
    l2 = LC_MVertex_PNTS(ge, U, V);

  // lc from curvature
  double l3 = MAX_LC;
  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature && ge->dim() < 3)
    l3 = LC_MVertex_CURV(ge, U, V);

  // lc from fields
  double l4 = MAX_LC;
  FieldManager *fields = ge->model()->getFields();
  if(fields->getBackgroundField() > 0){
    Field *f = fields->get(fields->getBackgroundField());
    if(f) l4 = (*f)(X, Y, Z, ge);

  // global lc from entity
  double l5 = ge->getMeshSize();

  // take the minimum, then constrain by lcMin and lcMax
  double lc = std::min(std::min(std::min(std::min(l1, l2), l3), l4), l5);
  lc = std::max(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
  lc = std::min(lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);

  if(lc <= 0.){
    Msg::Error("Wrong mesh element size lc = %g (lcmin = %g, lcmax = %g)",
               lc, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
    lc = l1;

  return lc * CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor;
Example #5
static double F_Lc_aniso(GEdge *ge, double t)
#if defined(HAVE_ANN)
  FieldManager *fields = ge->model()->getFields();
  BoundaryLayerField *blf = 0;
  Field *bl_field = fields->get(fields->getBoundaryLayerField());
  blf = dynamic_cast<BoundaryLayerField*> (bl_field);
  bool blf = false;

  GPoint p = ge->point(t);
  SMetric3 lc_here;

  Range<double> bounds = ge->parBounds(0);
  double t_begin = bounds.low();
  double t_end = bounds.high();

  if(t == t_begin)
    lc_here = BGM_MeshMetric(ge->getBeginVertex(), t, 0, p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
  else if(t == t_end)
    lc_here = BGM_MeshMetric(ge->getEndVertex(), t, 0, p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
    lc_here = BGM_MeshMetric(ge, t, 0, p.x(), p.y(), p.z());

#if defined(HAVE_ANN)
  if (blf && !blf->isEdgeBL(ge->tag())){
    SMetric3 lc_bgm;
    blf->computeFor1dMesh ( p.x(), p.y(), p.z() , lc_bgm );
    lc_here = intersection_conserveM1 (lc_here, lc_bgm );

  SVector3 der = ge->firstDer(t);
  double lSquared = dot(der, lc_here, der);
  return sqrt(lSquared);
Example #6
void meshGEdge::operator() (GEdge *ge)
#if defined(HAVE_ANN)
  FieldManager *fields = ge->model()->getFields();
  BoundaryLayerField *blf = 0;
  Field *bl_field = fields->get(fields->getBoundaryLayerField());
  blf = dynamic_cast<BoundaryLayerField*> (bl_field);
  bool blf = false;


  if(ge->geomType() == GEntity::DiscreteCurve) return;
  if(ge->geomType() == GEntity::BoundaryLayerCurve) return;
  if(ge->meshAttributes.method == MESH_NONE) return;
  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.meshOnlyVisible && !ge->getVisibility()) return;

  // look if we are doing the STL triangulation
  std::vector<MVertex*> &mesh_vertices = ge->mesh_vertices ;
  std::vector<MLine*> &lines = ge->lines ;

  deMeshGEdge dem;

  if(MeshExtrudedCurve(ge)) return;

  if (ge->meshMaster() != ge){
    GEdge *gef = dynamic_cast<GEdge*> (ge->meshMaster());
    if (gef->meshStatistics.status == GEdge::PENDING) return;
    Msg::Info("Meshing curve %d (%s) as a copy of %d", ge->tag(),
              ge->getTypeString().c_str(), ge->meshMaster()->tag());
    copyMesh(gef, ge, ge->masterOrientation);
    ge->meshStatistics.status = GEdge::DONE;

  Msg::Info("Meshing curve %d (%s)", ge->tag(), ge->getTypeString().c_str());

  // compute bounds
  Range<double> bounds = ge->parBounds(0);
  double t_begin = bounds.low();
  double t_end = bounds.high();

  // first compute the length of the curve by integrating one
  double length;
  std::vector<IntPoint> Points;
  if(ge->geomType() == GEntity::Line &&
      ge->getBeginVertex() == ge->getEndVertex() &&
      //do not consider closed lines as degenerated
      (ge->position(0.5) - ge->getBeginVertex()->xyz()).norm() < CTX::instance()->geom.tolerance)
    length = 0.; // special case t avoid infinite loop in integration
    length = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_One, Points, 1.e-8 * CTX::instance()->lc);

  if(length < CTX::instance()->mesh.toleranceEdgeLength){

  // Integrate detJ/lc du
  double a;
  int N;
  if(length == 0. && CTX::instance()->mesh.toleranceEdgeLength == 0.){
    Msg::Warning("Curve %d has a zero length", ge->tag());
    a = 0.;
    N = 1;
  else if(ge->degenerate(0)){
    a = 0.;
    N = 1;
  else if(ge->meshAttributes.method == MESH_TRANSFINITE){
    a = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Transfinite, Points,
    N = ge->meshAttributes.nbPointsTransfinite;
    if(CTX::instance()->mesh.flexibleTransfinite && CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor)
      N /= CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor;
    if (CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d == ALGO_2D_BAMG || blf){
      a = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc_aniso, Points,
       a = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc, Points,

    // we should maybe provide an option to disable the smoothing
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Points.size(); i++){
      IntPoint &pt = Points[i];
      SVector3 der = ge->firstDer(pt.t);
      pt.xp = der.norm();
    a = smoothPrimitive(ge, sqrt(CTX::instance()->mesh.smoothRatio), Points);
    N = std::max(ge->minimumMeshSegments() + 1, (int)(a + 1.99));

  // force odd number of points if blossom is used for recombination
  if((ge->meshAttributes.method != MESH_TRANSFINITE ||
      CTX::instance()->mesh.flexibleTransfinite) &&
     CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine != 0){
      if (N % 2 == 0) N++;
      if (CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 2)
	N = increaseN(N);
      std::list<GFace*> faces = ge->faces();
      for(std::list<GFace*>::iterator it = faces.begin(); it != faces.end(); it++){
	  if (N % 2 == 0) N ++;
	  if (CTX::instance()->mesh.algoRecombine == 2)
	    N = increaseN(N);

  // printFandPrimitive(ge->tag(),Points);

  // if the curve is periodic and if the begin vertex is identical to
  // the end vertex and if this vertex has only one model curve
  // adjacent to it, then the vertex is not connecting any other
  // curve. So, the mesh vertex and its associated geom vertex are not
  // necessary at the same location
  GPoint beg_p, end_p;
  if(ge->getBeginVertex() == ge->getEndVertex() &&
     ge->getBeginVertex()->edges().size() == 1){
    end_p = beg_p = ge->point(t_begin);
    Msg::Debug("Meshing periodic closed curve");
    MVertex *v0 = ge->getBeginVertex()->mesh_vertices[0];
    MVertex *v1 = ge->getEndVertex()->mesh_vertices[0];
    beg_p = GPoint(v0->x(), v0->y(), v0->z());
    end_p = GPoint(v1->x(), v1->y(), v1->z());

  // do not consider the first and the last vertex (those are not
  // classified on this mesh edge)
  if(N > 1){
    const double b = a / (double)(N - 1);
    int count = 1, NUMP = 1;
    IntPoint P1, P2;
    mesh_vertices.resize(N - 2);
    while(NUMP < N - 1) {
      P1 = Points[count - 1];
      P2 = Points[count];
      const double d = (double)NUMP * b;
      if((fabs(P2.p) >= fabs(d)) && (fabs(P1.p) < fabs(d))) {
        double dt = P2.t - P1.t;
        double dlc = P2.lc - P1.lc;
        double dp = P2.p - P1.p;
        double t   = P1.t + dt / dp * (d - P1.p);
        SVector3 der = ge->firstDer(t);
        const double d = norm(der);
        double lc  = d/(P1.lc + dlc / dp * (d - P1.p));
        GPoint V = ge->point(t);
        mesh_vertices[NUMP - 1] = new MEdgeVertex(V.x(), V.y(), V.z(), ge, t, lc);
      else {
    mesh_vertices.resize(NUMP - 1);

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh_vertices.size() + 1; i++){
    MVertex *v0 = (i == 0) ?
      ge->getBeginVertex()->mesh_vertices[0] : mesh_vertices[i - 1];
    MVertex *v1 = (i == mesh_vertices.size()) ?
      ge->getEndVertex()->mesh_vertices[0] : mesh_vertices[i];
    lines.push_back(new MLine(v0, v1));

  if(ge->getBeginVertex() == ge->getEndVertex() &&
     ge->getBeginVertex()->edges().size() == 1){
    MVertex *v0 = ge->getBeginVertex()->mesh_vertices[0];
    v0->x() = beg_p.x();
    v0->y() = beg_p.y();
    v0->z() = beg_p.z();

  ge->meshStatistics.status = GEdge::DONE;
Example #7
bool frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::compute_RK_infos(double u,double v, double x, double y, double z, RK_form &infos)
    // check if point is in domain
    if (!inDomain(u,v)) return false;

    // get stored angle

    double angle_current = angle(u,v);

    // compute t1,t2: cross field directions

    // get the unit normal at that point
    GFace *face = dynamic_cast<GFace*>(gf);
    if(!face) {
        Msg::Error("Entity is not a face in background mesh");
        return false;

    Pair<SVector3, SVector3> der = face->firstDer(SPoint2(u,v));
    SVector3 s1 = der.first();
    SVector3 s2 = der.second();
    SVector3 n = crossprod(s1,s2);
    SVector3 basis_u = s1;
    SVector3 basis_v = crossprod(n,basis_u);
    // normalize vector t1 that is tangent to gf at uv
    SVector3 t1 = basis_u * cos(angle_current) + basis_v * sin(angle_current) ;
    // compute the second direction t2 and normalize (t1,t2,n) is the tangent frame
    SVector3 t2 = crossprod(n,t1);

    // get metric

    double L = size(u,v);
    infos.metricField = SMetric3(1./(L*L));
    FieldManager *fields = gf->model()->getFields();
    if(fields->getBackgroundField() > 0) {
        Field *f = fields->get(fields->getBackgroundField());
        if (!f->isotropic()) {
            (*f)(x,y,z, infos.metricField,gf);
        else {
            L = (*f)(x,y,z,gf);
            infos.metricField = SMetric3(1./(L*L));
    double M = dot(s1,s1);
    double N = dot(s2,s2);
    double E = dot(s1,s2);
    // compute the first fundamental form i.e. the metric tensor at the point
    // M_{ij} = s_i \cdot s_j
    double metric[2][2] = {{M,E},{E,N}};

    // get sizes

    double size_1 = sqrt(1. / dot(t1,infos.metricField,t1));
    double size_2 = sqrt(1. / dot(t2,infos.metricField,t2));

    // compute covariant coordinates of t1 and t2 - cross field directions in parametric domain
    double covar1[2],covar2[2];
    // t1 = a s1 + b s2 -->
    // t1 . s1 = a M + b E
    // t1 . s2 = a E + b N --> solve the 2 x 2 system
    // and get covariant coordinates a and b
    double rhs1[2] = {dot(t1,s1),dot(t1,s2)};
    bool singular = false;
    if (!sys2x2(metric,rhs1,covar1)) {
        Msg::Info("Argh surface %d %g %g %g -- %g %g %g -- %g %g",gf->tag(),s1.x(),s1.y(),s1.z(),s2.x(),s2.y(),s2.z(),size_1,size_2);
        covar1[1] = 1.0;
        covar1[0] = 0.0;
        singular = true;
    double rhs2[2] = {dot(t2,s1),dot(t2,s2)};
    if (!sys2x2(metric,rhs2,covar2)) {
        Msg::Info("Argh surface %d %g %g %g -- %g %g %g",gf->tag(),s1.x(),s1.y(),s1.z(),s2.x(),s2.y(),s2.z());
        covar2[0] = 1.0;
        covar2[1] = 0.0;
        singular = true;

    // transform the sizes with respect to the metric
    // consider a vector v of size 1 in the parameter plane
    // its length is sqrt (v^T M v) --> if I want a real size
    // of size1 in direction v, it should be sqrt(v^T M v) * size1
    double l1 = sqrt(covar1[0]*covar1[0]+covar1[1]*covar1[1]);
    double l2 = sqrt(covar2[0]*covar2[0]+covar2[1]*covar2[1]);

    covar1[0] /= l1;
    covar1[1] /= l1;
    covar2[0] /= l2;
    covar2[1] /= l2;

    double size_param_1  = size_1 / sqrt (  M*covar1[0]*covar1[0]+
    double size_param_2  = size_2 / sqrt (  M*covar2[0]*covar2[0]+
    if (singular) {
        size_param_1 = size_param_2 = std::min (size_param_1,size_param_2);

    // filling form...

    infos.t1 = t1;
    infos.h.first  = size_1;
    infos.h.second = size_2;
    infos.paramh.first  = size_param_1;
    infos.paramh.second = size_param_2;
    infos.paramt1 = SPoint2(covar1[0],covar1[1]);
    infos.paramt2 = SPoint2(covar2[0],covar2[1]);
    infos.angle = angle_current;
    infos.localsize = L;
    infos.normal = n;

    return true;
Example #8
bool gmshFace::buildSTLTriangulation(bool force)
  return false;

      delete va_geom_triangles;
      return true;


#if defined(HAVE_MESH)
  if (!triangles.size()){
    contextMeshOptions _temp = CTX::instance()->mesh;
    FieldManager *fields = model()->getFields();
    int BGM  = fields->getBackgroundField();
    CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromPoints = 0;
    CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature = 1;
    CTX::instance()->mesh.lcExtendFromBoundary = 0;
    CTX::instance()->mesh.scalingFactor = 1;
    CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFactor = 1;
    CTX::instance()->mesh.order = 1;
    CTX::instance()->mesh.lcIntegrationPrecision = 1.e-3;
    //  CTX::instance()->mesh.Algorithm = 5;
    CTX::instance()->mesh = _temp;

  std::map<MVertex*,int> _v;
  int COUNT =0;
  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < triangles.size(); j++){
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
      std::map<MVertex*,int>::iterator it =
      if (it != _v.end()){
        _v[triangles[j]->getVertex(j)] = COUNT++;
      else stl_triangles.push_back(it->second);
  std::map<MVertex*,int>::iterator itv = _v.begin();
  for ( ; itv != _v.end() ; ++itv){
    MVertex *v = itv->first;
    SPoint2 param;
    reparamMeshVertexOnFace(v, this, param);

  va_geom_triangles = new VertexArray(3, stl_triangles.size() / 3);
  unsigned int c = CTX::instance()->color.geom.surface;
  unsigned int col[4] = {c, c, c, c};
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stl_triangles.size(); i += 3){
    SPoint2 &p1(stl_vertices[stl_triangles[i]]);
    SPoint2 &p2(stl_vertices[stl_triangles[i + 1]]);
    SPoint2 &p3(stl_vertices[stl_triangles[i + 2]]);
    GPoint gp1 = GFace::point(p1);
    GPoint gp2 = GFace::point(p2);
    GPoint gp3 = GFace::point(p3);
    double x[3] = {gp1.x(), gp2.x(), gp3.x()};
    double y[3] = {gp1.y(), gp2.y(), gp3.y()};
    double z[3] = {gp1.z(), gp2.z(), gp3.z()};
    SVector3 n[3] = {normal(p1), normal(p2), normal(p3)};
    va_geom_triangles->add(x, y, z, n, col);
  return true;