Example #1
BSONObj UpdateStage::applyUpdateOpsForInsert(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                             const CanonicalQuery* cq,
                                             const BSONObj& query,
                                             UpdateDriver* driver,
                                             mutablebson::Document* doc,
                                             bool isInternalRequest,
                                             const NamespaceString& ns,
                                             bool enforceOkForStorage,
                                             UpdateStats* stats) {
    // Since this is an insert (no docs found and upsert:true), we will be logging it
    // as an insert in the oplog. We don't need the driver's help to build the
    // oplog record, then. We also set the context of the update driver to the INSERT_CONTEXT.
    // Some mods may only work in that context (e.g. $setOnInsert).

    FieldRefSet immutablePaths;
    if (!isInternalRequest) {
        auto immutablePathsVector = getImmutableFields(opCtx, ns);
        if (immutablePathsVector) {

    if (cq) {
        uassertStatusOK(driver->populateDocumentWithQueryFields(*cq, immutablePaths, *doc));
        if (driver->isDocReplacement())
            stats->fastmodinsert = true;
    } else {
        fassert(17354, CanonicalQuery::isSimpleIdQuery(query));
        BSONElement idElt = query[idFieldName];
        fassert(17352, doc->root().appendElement(idElt));

    // Apply the update modifications here. Do not validate for storage, since we will validate the
    // entire document after the update. However, we ensure that no immutable fields are updated.
    const bool validateForStorage = false;
    if (isInternalRequest) {
    Status updateStatus = driver->update(StringData(), doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths);
    if (!updateStatus.isOK()) {
        uasserted(16836, updateStatus.reason());

    // Ensure _id exists and is first
    auto idAndFirstStatus = ensureIdFieldIsFirst(doc);
    if (idAndFirstStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::InvalidIdField) {  // _id field is missing
    } else {

    // Validate that the object replacement or modifiers resulted in a document
    // that contains all the immutable keys and can be stored if it isn't coming
    // from a migration or via replication.
    if (!isInternalRequest) {
        if (enforceOkForStorage) {
        checkImmutablePathsPresent(*doc, immutablePaths);

    BSONObj newObj = doc->getObject();
    if (newObj.objsize() > BSONObjMaxUserSize) {
                  str::stream() << "Document to upsert is larger than " << BSONObjMaxUserSize);

    return newObj;
Example #2
 * This will verify that all updated fields are
 *   1.) Valid for storage (checking parent to make sure things like DBRefs are valid)
 *   2.) Compare updated immutable fields do not change values
 * If updateFields is empty then it was replacement and/or we need to check all fields
inline Status validate(const BSONObj& original,
                       const FieldRefSet& updatedFields,
                       const mb::Document& updated,
                       const std::vector<FieldRef*>* immutableAndSingleValueFields,
                       const ModifierInterface::Options& opts) {
    LOG(3) << "update validate options -- "
           << " updatedFields: " << updatedFields << " immutableAndSingleValueFields.size:"
           << (immutableAndSingleValueFields ? immutableAndSingleValueFields->size() : 0)
           << " validate:" << opts.enforceOkForStorage;

    // 1.) Loop through each updated field and validate for storage
    // and detect immutable field updates

    // The set of possibly changed immutable fields -- we will need to check their vals
    FieldRefSet changedImmutableFields;

    // Check to see if there were no fields specified or if we are not validating
    // The case if a range query, or query that didn't result in saved fields
    if (updatedFields.empty() || !opts.enforceOkForStorage) {
        if (opts.enforceOkForStorage) {
            // No specific fields were updated so the whole doc must be checked
            Status s = storageValid(updated, true);
            if (!s.isOK())
                return s;

        // Check all immutable fields
        if (immutableAndSingleValueFields)
    } else {
        // TODO: Change impl so we don't need to create a new FieldRefSet
        //       -- move all conflict logic into static function on FieldRefSet?
        FieldRefSet immutableFieldRef;
        if (immutableAndSingleValueFields)

        FieldRefSet::const_iterator where = updatedFields.begin();
        const FieldRefSet::const_iterator end = updatedFields.end();
        for (; where != end; ++where) {
            const FieldRef& current = **where;

            // Find the updated field in the updated document.
            mutablebson::ConstElement newElem = updated.root();
            size_t currentPart = 0;
            while (newElem.ok() && currentPart < current.numParts())
                newElem = newElem[current.getPart(currentPart++)];

            // newElem might be missing if $unset/$renamed-away
            if (newElem.ok()) {
                // Check element, and its children
                Status s = storageValid(newElem, true);
                if (!s.isOK())
                    return s;

                // Check parents to make sure they are valid as well.
                s = storageValidParents(newElem);
                if (!s.isOK())
                    return s;
            // Check if the updated field conflicts with immutable fields
            immutableFieldRef.findConflicts(&current, &changedImmutableFields);

    const bool checkIdField = (updatedFields.empty() && !original.isEmpty()) ||
        updatedFields.findConflicts(&idFieldRef, NULL);

    // Add _id to fields to check since it too is immutable
    if (checkIdField)
    else if (changedImmutableFields.empty()) {
        // Return early if nothing changed which is immutable
        return Status::OK();

    LOG(4) << "Changed immutable fields: " << changedImmutableFields;
    // 2.) Now compare values of the changed immutable fields (to make sure they haven't)

    const mutablebson::ConstElement newIdElem = updated.root()[idFieldName];

    FieldRefSet::const_iterator where = changedImmutableFields.begin();
    const FieldRefSet::const_iterator end = changedImmutableFields.end();
    for (; where != end; ++where) {
        const FieldRef& current = **where;

        // Find the updated field in the updated document.
        mutablebson::ConstElement newElem = updated.root();
        size_t currentPart = 0;
        while (newElem.ok() && currentPart < current.numParts())
            newElem = newElem[current.getPart(currentPart++)];

        if (!newElem.ok()) {
            if (original.isEmpty()) {
                // If the _id is missing and not required, then skip this check
                if (!(current.dottedField() == idFieldName))
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey,
                                  mongoutils::str::stream() << "After applying the update, the new"
                                                            << " document was missing the '"
                                                            << current.dottedField()
                                                            << "' (required and immutable) field.");

            } else {
                if (current.dottedField() != idFieldName)
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::ImmutableField,
                                      << "After applying the update to the document with "
                                      << newIdElem.toString()
                                      << ", the '"
                                      << current.dottedField()
                                      << "' (required and immutable) field was "
                                         "found to have been removed --"
                                      << original);
        } else {
            // Find the potentially affected field in the original document.
            const BSONElement oldElem = dps::extractElementAtPath(original, current.dottedField());
            const BSONElement oldIdElem = original.getField(idFieldName);

            // Ensure no arrays since neither _id nor shard keys can be in an array, or one.
            mb::ConstElement currElem = newElem;
            while (currElem.ok()) {
                if (currElem.getType() == Array) {
                    return Status(
                            << "After applying the update to the document {"
                            << (oldIdElem.ok() ? oldIdElem.toString() : newIdElem.toString())
                            << " , ...}, the (immutable) field '"
                            << current.dottedField()
                            << "' was found to be an array or array descendant.");
                currElem = currElem.parent();

            // If we have both (old and new), compare them. If we just have new we are good
            if (oldElem.ok() && newElem.compareWithBSONElement(oldElem, nullptr, false) != 0) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::ImmutableField,
                                  << "After applying the update to the document {"
                                  << oldElem.toString()
                                  << " , ...}, the (immutable) field '"
                                  << current.dottedField()
                                  << "' was found to have been altered to "
                                  << newElem.toString());

    return Status::OK();
Example #3
BSONObj UpdateStage::transformAndUpdate(const Snapshotted<BSONObj>& oldObj, RecordId& recordId) {
    const UpdateRequest* request = _params.request;
    UpdateDriver* driver = _params.driver;
    CanonicalQuery* cq = _params.canonicalQuery;
    UpdateLifecycle* lifecycle = request->getLifecycle();

    // If asked to return new doc, default to the oldObj, in case nothing changes.
    BSONObj newObj = oldObj.value();

    // Ask the driver to apply the mods. It may be that the driver can apply those "in
    // place", that is, some values of the old document just get adjusted without any
    // change to the binary layout on the bson layer. It may be that a whole new document
    // is needed to accomodate the new bson layout of the resulting document. In any event,
    // only enable in-place mutations if the underlying storage engine offers support for
    // writing damage events.
                    ? mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceEnabled
                    : mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceDisabled));

    BSONObj logObj;

    bool docWasModified = false;

    Status status = Status::OK();
    const bool validateForStorage = getOpCtx()->writesAreReplicated() && _enforceOkForStorage;
    FieldRefSet immutablePaths;
    if (getOpCtx()->writesAreReplicated() && !request->isFromMigration()) {
        if (lifecycle) {
            auto immutablePathsVector =
                getImmutableFields(getOpCtx(), request->getNamespaceString());
            if (immutablePathsVector) {
    if (!driver->needMatchDetails()) {
        // If we don't need match details, avoid doing the rematch
        status = driver->update(
            StringData(), &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, &logObj, &docWasModified);
    } else {
        // If there was a matched field, obtain it.
        MatchDetails matchDetails;

        verify(cq->root()->matchesBSON(oldObj.value(), &matchDetails));

        string matchedField;
        if (matchDetails.hasElemMatchKey())
            matchedField = matchDetails.elemMatchKey();

        status = driver->update(
            matchedField, &_doc, validateForStorage, immutablePaths, &logObj, &docWasModified);

    if (!status.isOK()) {
        uasserted(16837, status.reason());

    // Skip adding _id field if the collection is capped (since capped collection documents can
    // neither grow nor shrink).
    const auto createIdField = !_collection->isCapped();

    // Ensure if _id exists it is first
    status = ensureIdFieldIsFirst(&_doc);
    if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::InvalidIdField) {
        // Create ObjectId _id field if we are doing that
        if (createIdField) {
    } else {

    // See if the changes were applied in place
    const char* source = NULL;
    const bool inPlace = _doc.getInPlaceUpdates(&_damages, &source);

    if (inPlace && _damages.empty()) {
        // An interesting edge case. A modifier didn't notice that it was really a no-op
        // during its 'prepare' phase. That represents a missed optimization, but we still
        // shouldn't do any real work. Toggle 'docWasModified' to 'false'.
        // Currently, an example of this is '{ $push : { x : {$each: [], $sort: 1} } }' when the 'x'
        // array exists and is already sorted.
        docWasModified = false;

    if (docWasModified) {

        // Prepare to write back the modified document
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(getOpCtx());

        RecordId newRecordId;
        OplogUpdateEntryArgs args;
        if (!request->isExplain()) {
            auto* css = CollectionShardingState::get(getOpCtx(), _collection->ns());
            args.nss = _collection->ns();
            args.uuid = _collection->uuid();
            args.stmtId = request->getStmtId();
            args.update = logObj;
            args.criteria = css->getMetadata().extractDocumentKey(newObj);
                    "Multi-update operations require all documents to have an '_id' field",
                    !request->isMulti() || args.criteria.hasField("_id"_sd));
            args.fromMigrate = request->isFromMigration();
            args.storeDocOption = getStoreDocMode(*request);
            if (args.storeDocOption == OplogUpdateEntryArgs::StoreDocOption::PreImage) {
                args.preImageDoc = oldObj.value().getOwned();

        if (inPlace) {
            if (!request->isExplain()) {
                newObj = oldObj.value();
                const RecordData oldRec(oldObj.value().objdata(), oldObj.value().objsize());

                Snapshotted<RecordData> snap(oldObj.snapshotId(), oldRec);

                StatusWith<RecordData> newRecStatus = _collection->updateDocumentWithDamages(
                    getOpCtx(), recordId, std::move(snap), source, _damages, &args);

                newObj = uassertStatusOK(std::move(newRecStatus)).releaseToBson();

            newRecordId = recordId;
        } else {
            // The updates were not in place. Apply them through the file manager.

            newObj = _doc.getObject();
                    str::stream() << "Resulting document after update is larger than "
                                  << BSONObjMaxUserSize,
                    newObj.objsize() <= BSONObjMaxUserSize);

            if (!request->isExplain()) {
                newRecordId = _collection->updateDocument(getOpCtx(),

        invariant(oldObj.snapshotId() == getOpCtx()->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId());

        // If the document moved, we might see it again in a collection scan (maybe it's
        // a document after our current document).
        // If the document is indexed and the mod changes an indexed value, we might see
        // it again.  For an example, see the comment above near declaration of
        // updatedRecordIds.
        // This must be done after the wunit commits so we are sure we won't be rolling back.
        if (_updatedRecordIds && (newRecordId != recordId || driver->modsAffectIndices())) {

    // Only record doc modifications if they wrote (exclude no-ops). Explains get
    // recorded as if they wrote.
    if (docWasModified || request->isExplain()) {

    return newObj;