Error ResourceImporterImage::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path, const Map<StringName, Variant> &p_options, List<String> *r_platform_variants, List<String> *r_gen_files) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_source_file, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!f, ERR_CANT_OPEN); } size_t len = f->get_len(); Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(len); f->get_buffer(data.ptrw(), len); memdelete(f); f = FileAccess::open(p_save_path + ".image", FileAccess::WRITE); //save the header GDIM const uint8_t header[4] = { 'G', 'D', 'I', 'M' }; f->store_buffer(header, 4); //SAVE the extension (so it can be recognized by the loader later f->store_pascal_string(p_source_file.get_extension().to_lower()); //SAVE the actual image f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), len); memdelete(f); return OK; }
void ExportTemplateManager::_http_download_templates_completed(int p_status, int p_code, const PoolStringArray &headers, const PoolByteArray &p_data) { switch (p_status) { case HTTPRequest::RESULT_CANT_RESOLVE: { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Can't resolve.")); } break; case HTTPRequest::RESULT_BODY_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: case HTTPRequest::RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR: case HTTPRequest::RESULT_CHUNKED_BODY_SIZE_MISMATCH: { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Can't connect.")); } break; case HTTPRequest::RESULT_SSL_HANDSHAKE_ERROR: case HTTPRequest::RESULT_CANT_CONNECT: { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Can't connect.")); } break; case HTTPRequest::RESULT_NO_RESPONSE: { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("No response.")); } break; case HTTPRequest::RESULT_REQUEST_FAILED: { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Req. Failed.")); } break; case HTTPRequest::RESULT_REDIRECT_LIMIT_REACHED: { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Redirect Loop.")); } break; default: { if (p_code != 200) { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Failed:") + " " + itos(p_code)); } else { String path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file("tmp_templates.tpz"); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(path, FileAccess::WRITE); if (!f) { template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Can't write file.")); } else { int size = p_data.size(); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), size); memdelete(f); template_list_state->set_text(TTR("Download Complete.")); template_downloader->hide(); _install_from_file(path); } } } break; } set_process(false); }
void ExportTemplateManager::_install_from_file(const String &p_file, bool p_use_progress) { FileAccess *fa = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&fa); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(p_file.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't open export templates zip.")); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); int fc = 0; //count them and find version String version; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; if (file.ends_with("version.txt")) { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); ret = unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptrw(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); String data_str; data_str.parse_utf8((const char *)data.ptr(), data.size()); data_str = data_str.strip_edges(); // Version number should be of the form major.minor[.patch].status[.module_config] // so it can in theory have 3 or more slices. if (data_str.get_slice_count(".") < 3) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(vformat(TTR("Invalid version.txt format inside templates: %s."), data_str)); unzClose(pkg); return; } version = data_str; } if (file.get_file().size() != 0) { fc++; } ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } if (version == String()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("No version.txt found inside templates.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } String template_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_templates_dir().plus_file(version); DirAccess *d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); Error err = d->make_dir_recursive(template_path); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Error creating path for templates:") + "\n" + template_path); unzClose(pkg); return; } memdelete(d); ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); EditorProgress *p = NULL; if (p_use_progress) { p = memnew(EditorProgress("ltask", TTR("Extracting Export Templates"), fc)); } fc = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = String(fname).get_file(); if (file.size() == 0) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); continue; } Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptrw(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); if (p) { p->step(TTR("Importing:") + " " + file, fc); } FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(template_path.plus_file(file), FileAccess::WRITE); if (!f) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); fc++; ERR_CONTINUE(!f); } f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); memdelete(f); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); fc++; } if (p) { memdelete(p); } unzClose(pkg); _update_template_list(); }
Error EditorExportPlatform::save_pack(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, const String &p_path, Vector<SharedObject> *p_so_files) { EditorProgress ep("savepack", TTR("Packing"), 102, true); String tmppath = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file("packtmp"); FileAccess *ftmp = FileAccess::open(tmppath, FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ftmp, ERR_CANT_CREATE) PackData pd; pd.ep = &ep; pd.f = ftmp; pd.so_files = p_so_files; Error err = export_project_files(p_preset, _save_pack_file, &pd, _add_shared_object); memdelete(ftmp); //close tmp file if (err) return err; pd.file_ofs.sort(); //do sort, so we can do binary search later FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!f, ERR_CANT_CREATE) f->store_32(0x43504447); //GDPK f->store_32(1); //pack version f->store_32(VERSION_MAJOR); f->store_32(VERSION_MINOR); f->store_32(0); //hmph for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //reserved f->store_32(0); } f->store_32(pd.file_ofs.size()); //amount of files size_t header_size = f->get_position(); //precalculate header size for (int i = 0; i < pd.file_ofs.size(); i++) { header_size += 4; // size of path string (32 bits is enough) uint32_t string_len = pd.file_ofs[i].path_utf8.length(); header_size += string_len + _get_pad(4, string_len); ///size of path string header_size += 8; // offset to file _with_ header size included header_size += 8; // size of file header_size += 16; // md5 } size_t header_padding = _get_pad(PCK_PADDING, header_size); for (int i = 0; i < pd.file_ofs.size(); i++) { uint32_t string_len = pd.file_ofs[i].path_utf8.length(); uint32_t pad = _get_pad(4, string_len); ; f->store_32(string_len + pad); f->store_buffer((const uint8_t *)pd.file_ofs[i].path_utf8.get_data(), string_len); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < pad; j++) { f->store_8(0); } f->store_64(pd.file_ofs[i].ofs + header_padding + header_size); f->store_64(pd.file_ofs[i].size); // pay attention here, this is where file is f->store_buffer(pd.file_ofs[i].md5.ptr(), 16); //also save md5 for file } for (uint32_t j = 0; j < header_padding; j++) { f->store_8(0); } //save the rest of the data ftmp = FileAccess::open(tmppath, FileAccess::READ); if (!ftmp) { memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ftmp, ERR_CANT_CREATE) }
static void _write_png_data(png_structp png_ptr,png_bytep data, png_size_t p_length) { FileAccess *f = (FileAccess*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); f->store_buffer( (const uint8_t*)data,p_length); }
void ResourceImporterTexture::_save_stex(const Ref<Image> &p_image, const String &p_to_path, int p_compress_mode, float p_lossy_quality, Image::CompressMode p_vram_compression, bool p_mipmaps, int p_texture_flags, bool p_streamable, bool p_detect_3d, bool p_detect_srgb, bool p_force_rgbe, bool p_detect_normal, bool p_force_normal) { print_line("saving: " + p_to_path); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_to_path, FileAccess::WRITE); f->store_8('G'); f->store_8('D'); f->store_8('S'); f->store_8('T'); //godot streamable texture f->store_32(p_image->get_width()); f->store_32(p_image->get_height()); f->store_32(p_texture_flags); uint32_t format = 0; if (p_streamable) format |= StreamTexture::FORMAT_BIT_STREAM; if (p_mipmaps || p_compress_mode == COMPRESS_VIDEO_RAM) //VRAM always uses mipmaps format |= StreamTexture::FORMAT_BIT_HAS_MIPMAPS; //mipmaps bit if (p_detect_3d) format |= StreamTexture::FORMAT_BIT_DETECT_3D; if (p_detect_srgb) format |= StreamTexture::FORMAT_BIT_DETECT_SRGB; if (p_detect_normal) format |= StreamTexture::FORMAT_BIT_DETECT_NORMAL; if ((p_compress_mode == COMPRESS_LOSSLESS || p_compress_mode == COMPRESS_LOSSY) && p_image->get_format() > Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) { p_compress_mode == COMPRESS_UNCOMPRESSED; //these can't go as lossy } switch (p_compress_mode) { case COMPRESS_LOSSLESS: { Ref<Image> image = p_image->duplicate(); if (p_mipmaps) { image->generate_mipmaps(); } else { image->clear_mipmaps(); } int mmc = image->get_mipmap_count() + 1; format |= StreamTexture::FORMAT_BIT_LOSSLESS; f->store_32(format); f->store_32(mmc); for (int i = 0; i < mmc; i++) { if (i > 0) { image->shrink_x2(); } PoolVector<uint8_t> data = Image::lossless_packer(image); int data_len = data.size(); f->store_32(data_len); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), data_len); } } break; case COMPRESS_LOSSY: { Ref<Image> image = p_image->duplicate(); if (p_mipmaps) { image->generate_mipmaps(); } else { image->clear_mipmaps(); } int mmc = image->get_mipmap_count() + 1; format |= StreamTexture::FORMAT_BIT_LOSSY; f->store_32(format); f->store_32(mmc); for (int i = 0; i < mmc; i++) { if (i > 0) { image->shrink_x2(); } PoolVector<uint8_t> data = Image::lossy_packer(image, p_lossy_quality); int data_len = data.size(); f->store_32(data_len); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), data_len); } } break; case COMPRESS_VIDEO_RAM: { Ref<Image> image = p_image->duplicate(); image->generate_mipmaps(); if (p_force_rgbe && image->get_format() >= Image::FORMAT_R8 && image->get_format() <= Image::FORMAT_RGBE9995) { image->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBE9995); } else { Image::CompressSource csource = Image::COMPRESS_SOURCE_GENERIC; if (p_force_normal) { csource = Image::COMPRESS_SOURCE_NORMAL; } else if (p_texture_flags & VS::TEXTURE_FLAG_CONVERT_TO_LINEAR) { csource = Image::COMPRESS_SOURCE_SRGB; } image->compress(p_vram_compression, csource, p_lossy_quality); } format |= image->get_format(); f->store_32(format); PoolVector<uint8_t> data = image->get_data(); int dl = data.size(); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), dl); } break; case COMPRESS_UNCOMPRESSED: { Ref<Image> image = p_image->duplicate(); if (p_mipmaps) { image->generate_mipmaps(); } else { image->clear_mipmaps(); } format |= image->get_format(); f->store_32(format); PoolVector<uint8_t> data = image->get_data(); int dl = data.size(); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r =; f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), dl); } break; } memdelete(f); }
MainLoop *test(TestType p_type) { List<String> cmdlargs = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args(); if (cmdlargs.empty()) { //try editor! return NULL; } String test = cmdlargs.back()->get(); FileAccess *fa = FileAccess::open(test, FileAccess::READ); if (!fa) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Could not open file: " + test); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); } Vector<uint8_t> buf; int flen = fa->get_len(); buf.resize(fa->get_len() + 1); fa->get_buffer(buf.ptrw(), flen); buf.write[flen] = 0; String code; code.parse_utf8((const char *)&buf[0]); Vector<String> lines; int last = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= code.length(); i++) { if (code[i] == '\n' || code[i] == 0) { lines.push_back(code.substr(last, i - last)); last = i + 1; } } if (p_type == TEST_TOKENIZER) { GDScriptTokenizerText tk; tk.set_code(code); int line = -1; while (tk.get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_EOF) { String text; if (tk.get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER) text = "'" + tk.get_token_identifier() + "' (identifier)"; else if (tk.get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CONSTANT) { Variant c = tk.get_token_constant(); if (c.get_type() == Variant::STRING) text = "\"" + String(c) + "\""; else text = c; text = text + " (" + Variant::get_type_name(c.get_type()) + " constant)"; } else if (tk.get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_ERROR) text = "ERROR: " + tk.get_token_error(); else if (tk.get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_NEWLINE) text = "newline (" + itos(tk.get_token_line()) + ") + indent: " + itos(tk.get_token_line_indent()); else if (tk.get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_BUILT_IN_FUNC) text = "'" + String(GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(tk.get_token_built_in_func())) + "' (built-in function)"; else text = tk.get_token_name(tk.get_token()); if (tk.get_token_line() != line) { int from = line + 1; line = tk.get_token_line(); for (int i = from; i <= line; i++) { int l = i - 1; if (l >= 0 && l < lines.size()) { print_line("\n" + itos(i) + ": " + lines[l] + "\n"); } } } print_line("\t(" + itos(tk.get_token_column()) + "): " + text); tk.advance(); } } if (p_type == TEST_PARSER) { GDScriptParser parser; Error err = parser.parse(code); if (err) { print_line("Parse Error:\n" + itos(parser.get_error_line()) + ":" + itos(parser.get_error_column()) + ":" + parser.get_error()); memdelete(fa); return NULL; } const GDScriptParser::Node *root = parser.get_parse_tree(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(root->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CLASS, NULL); const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *cnode = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root); _parser_show_class(cnode, 0, lines); } if (p_type == TEST_COMPILER) { GDScriptParser parser; Error err = parser.parse(code); if (err) { print_line("Parse Error:\n" + itos(parser.get_error_line()) + ":" + itos(parser.get_error_column()) + ":" + parser.get_error()); memdelete(fa); return NULL; } GDScript *script = memnew(GDScript); GDScriptCompiler gdc; err = gdc.compile(&parser, script); if (err) { print_line("Compile Error:\n" + itos(gdc.get_error_line()) + ":" + itos(gdc.get_error_column()) + ":" + gdc.get_error()); memdelete(script); return NULL; } Ref<GDScript> gds = Ref<GDScript>(script); Ref<GDScript> current = gds; while (current.is_valid()) { print_line("** CLASS **"); _disassemble_class(current, lines); current = current->get_base(); } } else if (p_type == TEST_BYTECODE) { Vector<uint8_t> buf = GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::parse_code_string(code); String dst = test.get_basename() + ".gdc"; FileAccess *fw = FileAccess::open(dst, FileAccess::WRITE); fw->store_buffer(buf.ptr(), buf.size()); memdelete(fw); } memdelete(fa); return NULL; }
Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, bool p_debug, const String &p_path, int p_flags) { String src_pkg_name; EditorProgress ep("export", "Exporting for OSX", 3); if (p_debug) src_pkg_name = p_preset->get("custom_package/debug"); else src_pkg_name = p_preset->get("custom_package/release"); if (src_pkg_name == "") { String err; src_pkg_name = find_export_template("", &err); if (src_pkg_name == "") { EditorNode::add_io_error(err); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } FileAccess *src_f = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); ep.step("Creating app", 0); unzFile src_pkg_zip = unzOpen2(src_pkg_name.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!src_pkg_zip) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not find template app to export:\n" + src_pkg_name); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!src_pkg_zip, ERR_CANT_OPEN); int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(src_pkg_zip); String binary_to_use = "godot_osx_" + String(p_debug ? "debug" : "release") + "."; int bits_mode = p_preset->get("application/bits_mode"); binary_to_use += String(bits_mode == 0 ? "fat" : bits_mode == 1 ? "64" : "32"); print_line("binary: " + binary_to_use); String pkg_name; if (p_preset->get("application/name") != "") pkg_name = p_preset->get("application/name"); // app_name else if (String(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name")) != "") pkg_name = String(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name")); else pkg_name = "Unnamed"; Error err = OK; String tmp_app_path_name = ""; zlib_filefunc_def io2 = io; FileAccess *dst_f = NULL; io2.opaque = &dst_f; zipFile dst_pkg_zip = NULL; if (use_dmg()) { // We're on OSX so we can export to DMG, but first we create our application bundle tmp_app_path_name = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(pkg_name + ".app"); print_line("Exporting to " + tmp_app_path_name); DirAccess *tmp_app_path = DirAccess::create_for_path(tmp_app_path_name); if (!tmp_app_path) { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } // Create our folder structure or rely on unzip? if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); } if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); } } else { // Open our destination zip file dst_pkg_zip = zipOpen2(p_path.utf8().get_data(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE, NULL, &io2); if (!dst_pkg_zip) { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } // Now process our template bool found_binary = false; int total_size = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK && err == OK) { bool is_execute = false; //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(src_pkg_zip, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; print_line("READ: " + file); Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip); unzReadCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip, data.ptr(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip); //write file = file.replace_first("", ""); if (file == "Contents/Info.plist") { print_line("parse plist"); _fix_plist(p_preset, data, pkg_name); } if (file.begins_with("Contents/MacOS/godot_")) { if (file != "Contents/MacOS/" + binary_to_use) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); continue; //ignore! } found_binary = true; is_execute = true; file = "Contents/MacOS/" + pkg_name; } if (file == "Contents/Resources/icon.icns") { //see if there is an icon String iconpath; if (p_preset->get("application/icon") != "") iconpath = p_preset->get("application/icon"); else iconpath = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/icon"); print_line("icon? " + iconpath); if (iconpath != "") { Ref<Image> icon; icon.instance(); icon->load(iconpath); if (!icon->empty()) { print_line("loaded?"); _make_icon(icon, data); } } //bleh? } if (data.size() > 0) { print_line("ADDING: " + file + " size: " + itos(data.size())); total_size += data.size(); if (use_dmg()) { // write it into our application bundle file = tmp_app_path_name + "/" + file; // write the file, need to add chmod FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(file, FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); f->close(); if (is_execute) { // Chmod with 0755 if the file is executable f->_chmod(file, 0755); } memdelete(f); } else { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } else { // add it to our zip file file = pkg_name + ".app/" + file; zip_fileinfo fi; fi.tmz_date.tm_hour = info.tmu_date.tm_hour; fi.tmz_date.tm_min = info.tmu_date.tm_min; fi.tmz_date.tm_sec = info.tmu_date.tm_sec; fi.tmz_date.tm_mon = info.tmu_date.tm_mon; fi.tmz_date.tm_mday = info.tmu_date.tm_mday; fi.tmz_date.tm_year = info.tmu_date.tm_year; fi.dosDate = info.dosDate; fi.internal_fa = info.internal_fa; fi.external_fa = info.external_fa; int zerr = zipOpenNewFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, file.utf8().get_data(), &fi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); print_line("OPEN ERR: " + itos(zerr)); zerr = zipWriteInFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, data.ptr(), data.size()); print_line("WRITE ERR: " + itos(zerr)); zipCloseFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip); } } ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); } // we're done with our source zip unzClose(src_pkg_zip); if (!found_binary) { ERR_PRINTS("Requested template binary '" + binary_to_use + "' not found. It might be missing from your template archive."); err = ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (err == OK) { ep.step("Making PKG", 1); if (use_dmg()) { String pack_path = tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources/" + pkg_name + ".pck"; err = save_pack(p_preset, pack_path); // see if we can code sign our new package String identity = p_preset->get("codesign/identity"); if (err == OK && identity != "") { ep.step("Code signing bundle", 2); // the order in which we code sign is important, this is a bit of a shame or we could do this in our loop that extracts the files from our ZIP // start with our application err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS/" + pkg_name); ///@TODO we should check the contents of /Contents/Frameworks for frameworks to sign } if (err == OK && identity != "") { // we should probably loop through all resources and sign them? err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources/icon.icns"); } if (err == OK && identity != "") { err = _code_sign(p_preset, pack_path); } if (err == OK && identity != "") { err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Info.plist"); } // and finally create a DMG if (err == OK) { ep.step("Making DMG", 3); err = _create_dmg(p_path, pkg_name, tmp_app_path_name); } // Clean up temporary .app dir OS::get_singleton()->move_to_trash(tmp_app_path_name); } else { String pack_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(pkg_name + ".pck"); Error err = save_pack(p_preset, pack_path); if (err == OK) { zipOpenNewFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, (pkg_name + ".app/Contents/Resources/" + pkg_name + ".pck").utf8().get_data(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); FileAccess *pf = FileAccess::open(pack_path, FileAccess::READ); if (pf) { const int BSIZE = 16384; uint8_t buf[BSIZE]; while (true) { int r = pf->get_buffer(buf, BSIZE); if (r <= 0) break; zipWriteInFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, buf, r); } zipCloseFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip); memdelete(pf); } else { err = ERR_CANT_OPEN; } } } } if (dst_pkg_zip) { zipClose(dst_pkg_zip, NULL); } return OK; }
void ExportTemplateManager::_install_from_file(const String &p_file) { FileAccess *fa = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&fa); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(p_file.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't open export templates zip.")); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); int fc = 0; //count them and find version String version; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; if (file.ends_with("version.txt")) { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); ret = unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptr(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); String data_str; data_str.parse_utf8((const char *)data.ptr(), data.size()); data_str = data_str.strip_edges(); if (data_str.get_slice_count("-") != 2 || data_str.get_slice_count(".") != 2) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Invalid version.txt format inside templates.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } String ver = data_str.get_slice("-", 0); int major = ver.get_slice(".", 0).to_int(); int minor = ver.get_slice(".", 1).to_int(); String rev = data_str.get_slice("-", 1); if (!rev.is_valid_identifier()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Invalid version.txt format inside templates. Revision is not a valid identifier.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } version = itos(major) + "." + itos(minor) + "-" + rev; } fc++; ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } if (version == String()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("No version.txt found inside templates.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } String template_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_templates_dir().plus_file(version); DirAccess *d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); Error err = d->make_dir_recursive(template_path); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Error creating path for templates:\n") + template_path); unzClose(pkg); return; } memdelete(d); ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); EditorProgress p("ltask", TTR("Extracting Export Templates"), fc); fc = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptr(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); print_line(fname); /* for(int i=0;i<512;i++) { print_line(itos(data[i])); } */ file = file.get_file(); p.step(TTR("Importing:") + " " + file, fc); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(template_path.plus_file(file), FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_CONTINUE(!f); f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); memdelete(f); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); fc++; } unzClose(pkg); _update_template_list(); }
void EditorAssetInstaller::ok_pressed() { FileAccess *src_f = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(package_path.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { error->set_text(TTR("Error opening package file, not in zip format.")); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); Vector<String> failed_files; ProgressDialog::get_singleton()->add_task("uncompress", TTR("Uncompressing Assets"), status_map.size()); int idx = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String name = fname; if (status_map.has(name) && status_map[name]->is_checked(0)) { String path = status_map[name]->get_metadata(0); if (path == String()) { // a dir String dirpath; TreeItem *t = status_map[name]; while (t) { dirpath = t->get_text(0) + dirpath; t = t->get_parent(); } if (dirpath.ends_with("/")) { dirpath = dirpath.substr(0, dirpath.length() - 1); } DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); da->make_dir(dirpath); memdelete(da); } else { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptrw(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(path, FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); memdelete(f); } else { failed_files.push_back(path); } ProgressDialog::get_singleton()->task_step("uncompress", path, idx); } } idx++; ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } ProgressDialog::get_singleton()->end_task("uncompress"); unzClose(pkg); if (failed_files.size()) { String msg = "The following files failed extraction from package:\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < failed_files.size(); i++) { if (i > 15) { msg += "\nAnd " + itos(failed_files.size() - i) + " more files."; break; } msg += failed_files[i]; } if (EditorNode::get_singleton() != NULL) EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(msg); } else { if (EditorNode::get_singleton() != NULL) EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Package Installed Successfully!"), TTR("Success!")); } EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->scan_changes(); }