Gun* GunFactory::build(std::string const gunType, Ship* const ship, bool const isPlayer){ FileLoader loader; std::map<std::string, XMLGunBlueprint> blueprints = loader.getGunBlueprints(); if ( blueprints.find(gunType) == blueprints.end()) { std::runtime_error("Not an valid gun type"); } XMLGunBlueprint blueprint = blueprints[gunType]; BulletFactory* bulletFactory = new BulletFactory(this->fWorld, ship, blueprint.bullets); Gun* gun; // The direction the gun is pointed to if(isPlayer == true){ // The player is up Direction direction("up"); gun = new Gun(ship, direction, bulletFactory, blueprint); }else{ // Enemies are down Direction direction("down"); gun = new Gun(ship, direction, bulletFactory, blueprint); } return gun; }
bool Container::unserializeItemNode(FileLoader& f, NODE node, PropStream& propStream) { bool ret = Item::unserializeItemNode(f, node, propStream); if(ret){ unsigned long type; NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(node, type); while(nodeItem){ //load container items if(type == OTBM_ITEM){ PropStream itemPropStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, itemPropStream); Item* item = Item::CreateItem(itemPropStream); if(!item){ return false; } if(!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, itemPropStream)){ return false; } addItem(item); } else /*unknown type*/ return false; nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } return true; } return false; }
bool Container::unserializeItemNode(FileLoader& f, NODE node, PropStream& propStream) { if(!Item::unserializeItemNode(f, node, propStream)) return false; uint32_t type; for(NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(node, type); nodeItem; nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type)) { //load container items if(type != OTBM_ITEM) return false; PropStream itemPropStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, itemPropStream); Item* item = Item::CreateItem(itemPropStream); if(!item) return false; if(!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, itemPropStream)) return false; addItem(item); updateItemWeight(item->getWeight()); } return true; }
bool DBSystem::LoadDBFile() { do { char* pBuffer = NULL; unsigned int iLength = 0; if (!EngineSystem::LoadAppFile("resource/data/", pBuffer, iLength)) { LOGGERSYSTEM->LogFatal("Init DBSystem Failed, DB Data Invalid\n"); return false; } std::string buffer = ""; if (EngineSystem::IsAndroid480X800()) { buffer = "d42fcd0a5e6145fd988b55dc0570bb82"; } else { buffer = "3ecae97470b968ec37bb640246a425e9"; } // 进行静态数据md5码校验 std::string md5Key = MD5Crypto::md5(pBuffer, iLength); if ( != 0) { delete []pBuffer; LOGGERSYSTEM->LogFatal("Init DBSystem Failed, DB Data Invalid2\n"); return false; } // 保存到SD卡对应目录下面 std::string dbFile = EngineSystem::GetDocumentDir()+"game.db"; FileLoader loader; if (!loader.load((char*)dbFile.c_str(), FileLoader::_TYPED_CLEAR_WRITE_)) { loader.unload(); delete []pBuffer; return false; } loader.write(pBuffer, iLength); loader.unload(); delete []pBuffer; int ret = sqlite3_open(dbFile.c_str(), &m_pSQLite); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOGGERSYSTEM->LogFatal("Init DBSystem Failed, DBFile=%s\n", dbFile.c_str()); return false; } return true; } while(false); return false; }
void SimpleVolumeGenerator::generate( const FileLoader &loader, const FieldSelector &selector, CoordinateAdjuster &adjuster, const ColorMap &colormap ) { if( selector.getFieldNum() < 4 ) { throw std::runtime_error("SimpleVolumeGenerator::4 indeces is needed at least."); } volume_->clear(); // setting coordinates range const FileLoader::DataType &max_range = loader.getMaxRange(); const FileLoader::DataType &min_range = loader.getMinRange(); const double min_x = selector.getField( min_range, 0); const double min_y = selector.getField( min_range, 1); const double min_z = selector.getField( min_range, 2); const double dist_x = selector.getField( max_range, 0) - min_x; const double dist_y = selector.getField( max_range, 1) - min_y; const double dist_z = selector.getField( max_range, 2) - min_z; const double dist = std::max( dist_x, std::max( dist_y, dist_z ) ); const double max_x = min_x + dist; const double max_y = min_y + dist; const double max_z = min_z + dist; adjuster.setRangeX( max_x, min_x ); adjuster.setRangeY( max_y, min_y ); adjuster.setRangeZ( max_z, min_z ); // setting volume data for( FileLoader::DataContainerType::const_iterator it = loader.begin(); it != loader.end(); ++it ) { const FileLoader::DataType &data = *it; const double raw_x = selector.getField( data, 0 ); const double raw_y = selector.getField( data, 1 ); const double raw_z = selector.getField( data, 2 ); const double x = adjuster.x(raw_x) * ( getVolume()->sizex() ); const double y = adjuster.y(raw_y) * ( getVolume()->sizey() ); const double z = adjuster.z(raw_z) * ( getVolume()->sizez() ); double r, g, b, a; colormap.getColor( adjuster.x(raw_x), &r, &g, &b, &a ); setVolumeElement ( x, y, z, r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char Name = 'M'; std::string taq = "TaquinA5_2.txt"; if (argc == 3) { std::ifstream infile;[2]); if (!infile.is_open()) { std::cout << "Error: file <" << argv[2] << ">" << " not found" << std::endl; return (-1); } infile.close(); taq = argv[2]; FileLoader F; std::string S; Puzzle P; SolutionGenerator SG; short unsigned int** Tab; clock_t timeDeb, timeEnd; std::list<Puzzle> OpenedList, ClosedList; int x = 0, y = 0, fg = -42; timeDeb = clock(); DisplayLogo(); F.LoadFile(taq.c_str(), S); std::istringstream In(S); P.SetAlgo(Name); Tab = P.CreatePuzzle(S); std::list<Puzzle>::iterator FirstPuzzle; OpenedList.push_back(P); while (fg != 0 && !OpenedList.empty()) { FirstPuzzle = OpenedList.begin(); fg = Resume(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList, timeEnd); ProcessUp(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); ProcessDown(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); ProcessRight(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); ProcessLeft(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); (*FirstPuzzle).ClearListTab(); ClosedList.push_back(*FirstPuzzle); OpenedList.erase(FirstPuzzle); } if (fg != 0) std::cout << "NO SOLUTION FOR THIS TAQUIN!!!" << std::endl; std::cout << "CLOSED LIST NUMBER OF CONTENTS : \t\t[" << ClosedList.size() << "]"<< std::endl; std::cout << "TIME ELAPSED : \t\t[" << static_cast<double>(timeEnd - timeDeb) << "] ms." << std::endl; ShowNbMoves(); std::cout << "Cleaning..." << std::endl; Clean(OpenedList, ClosedList); std::cout << "Clean done" << std::endl; } return (0); }
void FileLoader::loadNext() { if (_queue->queries >= _queue->limit) return; for (FileLoader *i = _queue->start; i;) { if (i->loadPart()) { if (_queue->queries >= _queue->limit) return; } else { i = i->_next; } } }
void SDFShadowDemo::LoadSDFBuffer() { const std::wstring sdfFile = L"testScene.sdf"; FileLoader loader; loader.Open(FileSystem::getSingleton().GetModelsFolder() + sdfFile); auto ptr = loader.GetDataPtr(); std::string sdfText(ptr); std::vector<std::string> lines; pystring::splitlines(sdfText, lines); std::string line0 = lines[0]; std::vector<std::string> line0Split; pystring::split(line0, line0Split, " "); m_sdfParams.x = strtof(line0Split[0].c_str(), 0); m_sdfParams.y = strtof(line0Split[1].c_str(), 0); m_sdfParams.z = strtof(line0Split[2].c_str(), 0); m_sdfParams.w = strtof(lines[2].c_str(), 0); std::string line1 = lines[1]; std::vector<std::string> line1Split; pystring::split(line1, line1Split, " "); m_sdfOrigin.x = strtof(line1Split[0].c_str(), 0); m_sdfOrigin.y = strtof(line1Split[1].c_str(), 0); m_sdfOrigin.z = strtof(line1Split[2].c_str(), 0); const auto SDFCount = m_sdfParams.x * m_sdfParams.y * m_sdfParams.z; for (auto i = 0; i < SDFCount; ++i) { f32 value = strtof(lines[3 + i].c_str(), 0); m_sdf.push_back(value); } Texture3dConfigDX11 texConfig; texConfig.SetDefaults(); texConfig.SetWidth(static_cast<u32>(m_sdfParams.x)); texConfig.SetHeight(static_cast<u32>(m_sdfParams.y)); texConfig.SetDepth(static_cast<u32>(m_sdfParams.z)); texConfig.SetFormat(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT); D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA data; data.pSysMem = &m_sdf[0]; data.SysMemPitch = static_cast<u32>(sizeof(f32) * m_sdfParams.x); data.SysMemSlicePitch = static_cast<u32>(sizeof(f32) * m_sdfParams.x * m_sdfParams.y); ShaderResourceViewConfigDX11 srvConfig; srvConfig.SetFormat(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT); srvConfig.SetViewDimensions(D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D); D3D11_TEX3D_SRV srv; srv.MostDetailedMip = 0; srv.MipLevels = 1; srvConfig.SetTexture3D(srv); m_SDFTex3D = m_pRender->CreateTexture3D(&texConfig, &data, &srvConfig); }
void Preprocessor::LoadFile(cc_string filename) { FileLoader * loader = new FileLoader(filename.c_str()); if (!loader->isLoad()) { delete loader; return ; } m_Tokenizer.Init(filename, loader); }
bool Container::unserializeItemNode(FileLoader& f, NODE node, PropStream& propStream) { bool ret = Item::unserializeItemNode(f, node, propStream); if(ret){ unsigned long type; NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(node, type); while(nodeItem){ //load container items if(type == OTBM_ITEM){ PropStream itemPropStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, itemPropStream); Item* item = Item::CreateItem(itemPropStream); if(!item){ return false; } if(!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, itemPropStream)){ return false; } addItem(item); //deepness if (item->getContainer()){ if (getParentContainer()) item->getContainer()->setDeepness(getDeepness() + 1); else{ //we only update deepness when a container get inside of another, so it means that deepness is not updated setDeepness(1); item->getContainer()->setDeepness(2); } } updateAmountOfItems(item->getTotalAmountOfItemsInside()); total_weight += item->getWeight(); if(Container* parent_container = getParentContainer()) { parent_container->updateItemWeight(item->getWeight()); } } else /*unknown type*/ return false; nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } return true; } return false; }
void loadFile( FileLoader& loader, std::string path, std::function<void(std::string const&)> continuation) { loader.loadFile(path, continuation); }
bool CachingFileLoader::Exists() { if (exists_ == -1) { lock_guard guard(backendMutex_); exists_ = backend_->Exists() ? 1 : 0; } return exists_ == 1; }
bool CachingFileLoader::IsDirectory() { if (isDirectory_ == -1) { lock_guard guard(backendMutex_); isDirectory_ = backend_->IsDirectory() ? 1 : 0; } return isDirectory_ == 1; }
SpriteFactory::SpriteFactory() { FileLoader loader; // #ifdef _WIN32 // loader.setExtension(".dll"); // #else loader.setExtension(".so"); //#endif std::cout << "\033[34mLoad des libs Ships" << std::endl; loader.runInDirectory("libs/ships/", this->_shipLibs); std::cout << "Load des libs Weapons" << std::endl; loader.runInDirectory("libs/weapons/", this->_weaponLibs); std::cout << "Load des libs Decors" << std::endl; loader.runInDirectory("libs/decors/", this->_decorLibs); std::cout << "\033[39m"; }
void loadFilePair( FileLoader& loader, std::string path1, std::string path2, std::function<void(std::string const&, std::string const&)> continuation) { loader.loadFiles(path1, path2, continuation); }
char* LocalPlayerDataManager::LoadDBFile(std::string fileName, long& length) { FileLoader loader; if (!loader.load((char*)fileName.c_str(), FileLoader::_TYPED_READ_ONLY_)) { loader.unload(); return NULL; } length = loader.length(); if (length <= (sizeof(char)*32+sizeof(int))) { loader.unload(); return NULL; } // 读取文件信息 char* pBuffer = new char[length+1]; memset(pBuffer, 0, length+1);, length); loader.unload(); // 先进行解密 DBSYSTEM->XORBuffer((char*)DBSYSTEM->GetLocalDataEncryptionKey().c_str(), pBuffer, length); // 判断文件是否完整 std::string md5Key = MD5Crypto::md5((unsigned char*)pBuffer, length-32); if ( != 0) { delete[] pBuffer; return NULL; } return pBuffer; }
bool Container::unserializeItemNode(FileLoader& f, NODE node, PropStream& propStream) { bool ret = Item::unserializeItemNode(f, node, propStream); if (!ret) { return false; } uint32_t type; NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(node, type); while (nodeItem) { //load container items if (type != OTBM_ITEM) { // unknown type return false; } PropStream itemPropStream; if (!f.getProps(nodeItem, itemPropStream)) { return false; } Item* item = Item::CreateItem(itemPropStream); if (!item) { return false; } if (!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, itemPropStream)) { return false; } addItem(item); totalWeight += item->getWeight(); if (Container* parent_container = getParentContainer()) { parent_container->updateItemWeight(item->getWeight()); } nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } return true; }
void __UmdReplace(std::string filepath) { // TODO: This should really go through Loaders, no? What if it's an invalid file? // Only get system from disc0 seems have been enough. IFileSystem* currentUMD = pspFileSystem.GetSystem("disc0:"); IFileSystem* currentISOBlock = pspFileSystem.GetSystem("umd0:"); if (!currentUMD) return; FileLoader *loadedFile = ConstructFileLoader(filepath); IFileSystem* umd2; if (!loadedFile->Exists()) { delete loadedFile; return; } UpdateLoadedFile(loadedFile); if (loadedFile->IsDirectory()) { umd2 = new VirtualDiscFileSystem(&pspFileSystem, filepath); } else { auto bd = constructBlockDevice(loadedFile); if (!bd) return; umd2 = new ISOFileSystem(&pspFileSystem, bd); pspFileSystem.Remount(currentUMD, umd2); if (currentUMD != currentISOBlock) { // We mounted an ISO block system separately. IFileSystem *iso = new ISOBlockSystem(static_cast<ISOFileSystem *>(umd2)); pspFileSystem.Remount(currentISOBlock, iso); delete currentISOBlock; } } delete currentUMD; // TODO Is this always correct if UMD was not activated? u32 notifyArg = PSP_UMD_PRESENT | PSP_UMD_READABLE | PSP_UMD_CHANGED; if (driveCBId != -1) __KernelNotifyCallback(driveCBId, notifyArg); }
bool EngineSystem::LoadTempFile(char* pFileName, char*& pBuffer, unsigned int& iLength) { assert(pFileName != NULL); assert(strlen(pFileName) > 0); std::string filepath = EngineSystem::GetDocumentDir(); filepath += pFileName; FileLoader loader; if (!loader.load((char*)filepath.c_str(), FileLoader::_TYPED_READ_ONLY_)) return false; // 读取文件内容 iLength = loader.length(); pBuffer = new char[iLength+1]; memset(pBuffer, 0, iLength+1);, iLength); loader.unload(); return true; }
void ShipFactory::buildStage(XMLStage stage){ if(this->fWorld == nullptr){ throw std::runtime_error("Can't build any ships because there is no World* avaible"); } FileLoader loader; std::map<std::string, XMLShipBlueprint> blueprints = loader.getShipBlueprints(); for(auto i : stage.ships){ if ( blueprints.find(i.type) == blueprints.end()) { std::runtime_error("Not an valid ship type"); } XMLShipBlueprint blueprint =; Vector location(i.x, i.y); Ship* ship = this->buildShip(location, blueprint, false); // Add the ship to the ships list this->fWorld->addShip(ship); } }
void Config::AddRecent(const std::string &file) { // Don't bother with this if the user disabled recents (it's -1). if (iMaxRecent <= 0) return; for (auto str = recentIsos.begin(); str != recentIsos.end(); ++str) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (!strcmpIgnore((*str).c_str(), file.c_str(), "\\", "/")) { #else if (!strcmp((*str).c_str(), file.c_str())) { #endif recentIsos.erase(str); recentIsos.insert(recentIsos.begin(), file); if ((int)recentIsos.size() > iMaxRecent) recentIsos.resize(iMaxRecent); return; } } recentIsos.insert(recentIsos.begin(), file); if ((int)recentIsos.size() > iMaxRecent) recentIsos.resize(iMaxRecent); } void Config::CleanRecent() { std::vector<std::string> cleanedRecent; for (size_t i = 0; i < recentIsos.size(); i++) { FileLoader *loader = ConstructFileLoader(recentIsos[i]); if (loader->Exists()) { // Make sure we don't have any redundant items. auto duplicate = std::find(cleanedRecent.begin(), cleanedRecent.end(), recentIsos[i]); if (duplicate == cleanedRecent.end()) { cleanedRecent.push_back(recentIsos[i]); } } delete loader; } recentIsos = cleanedRecent; }
bool ScriptSys::Init() { m_IDIndex = 0; m_MainState = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs( m_MainState ); m_Holder = new ScriptHolder( m_MainState ); m_Holder->Init(); BuildFuncs(); // test, add some scripts first. char file[512]; for( int i = 0; i < SCRIPT_NUM; ++ i ) { sprintf( file, "scripts\\%d.lua", i + 1 ); FileLoader loader; loader.Load( file, FileLoader::BINARY ); FileLoader::RawData data = loader.GetRawData(); m_Holder->Add( file, (char*) data.buf, data.size ); } return true; }
bool Container::unserializeItemNode(FileLoader& f, NODE node, PropStream& propStream) { if(Item::unserializeItemNode(f, node, propStream)) { uint32_t type; NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(node, type); while(nodeItem) { //load container items if(type == OTBM_ITEM) { PropStream itemPropStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, itemPropStream); Item* item = Item::CreateItem(itemPropStream); if(!item) return false; if(!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, itemPropStream)) return false; addItem(item); totalWeight += item->getWeight(); if(Container* parent = getParentContainer()) parent->updateItemWeight(item->getWeight()); } else/*unknown type*/ return false; nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } return true; } return false; }
void QHexEdit::loadFromFile(const QString &path) { QFileInfo fileInf(path); if (fileInf.size() > MAX_BINARY_FILE_SIZE) { QMessageBox::warning(this, ERROR_TOO_LARGE_BINARY_FILE_TITLE, ERROR_TOO_LARGE_BINARY_FILE_MSG.arg( QString::number(fileInf.size())), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } if (fileInf.size() > SCROLLED_BINARY_FILE_MAX_SIZE) { QMessageBox::warning(this, WARNING_LARGE_BINARY_FILE_TITLE, WARNING_LARGE_BINARY_FILE_TEXT); } //Check if the file has already been opened //or it is not file at all if (getCurrentPath() == fileInf.filePath() || !fileInf.isFile()) { return; } FileLoader *fLoader = new FileLoader(); fLoader->openFile(fileInf.filePath()); QByteArray arr; fLoader->loadToByteArray(arr); setCursorPosition(0); clearSelection(); setData(arr); setCurrentPath(fileInf.filePath()); fLoader->deleteLater(); }
GpuShaderProgramID ShaderAsset::Refresh(FileLoader& loader) { GpuShaderProgramID old = m_shaderProgram; char fullPath[SHADER_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; PrintFullPath(fullPath, sizeof fullPath, GetName()); u8* data; u32 size; loader.Load(fullPath, &data, &size, Alloc, NULL); m_shaderProgram = m_device.ShaderProgramCreate((const char*)data, (size_t)size); free(data); m_refCountAndRefreshStatus |= REFRESH_STATUS_MASK; return old; }
ShaderAsset::ShaderAsset(GpuDevice& device, FileLoader& loader, const char* name) : m_link() , m_device(device) , m_shaderProgram(0) , m_refCountAndRefreshStatus(0) { char fullPath[SHADER_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; PrintFullPath(fullPath, sizeof fullPath, name); u8* data; u32 size; loader.Load(fullPath, &data, &size, Alloc, NULL); m_shaderProgram = device.ShaderProgramCreate((const char*)data, (size_t)size); free(data); }
FILELOADER_ERRORS Items::loadFromOtb(const std::string& file) { FileLoader f; if (!f.openFile(file.c_str(), "OTBI")) { return f.getError(); } uint32_t type; NODE node = f.getChildNode(NO_NODE, type); PropStream props; if (f.getProps(node, props)) { //4 byte flags //attributes //0x01 = version data uint32_t flags; if (!<uint32_t>(flags)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } uint8_t attr; if (!<uint8_t>(attr)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (attr == ROOT_ATTR_VERSION) { uint16_t datalen; if (!<uint16_t>(datalen)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (datalen != sizeof(VERSIONINFO)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } VERSIONINFO vi; if (! { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } Items::dwMajorVersion = vi.dwMajorVersion; //items otb format file version Items::dwMinorVersion = vi.dwMinorVersion; //client version Items::dwBuildNumber = vi.dwBuildNumber; //revision } } if (Items::dwMajorVersion == 0xFFFFFFFF) { std::cout << "[Warning - Items::loadFromOtb] items.otb using generic client version." << std::endl; } else if (Items::dwMajorVersion != 2) { std::cout << "Old version detected, a newer version of items.otb is required." << std::endl; return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } else if (Items::dwMinorVersion < CLIENT_VERSION_800) { std::cout << "A newer version of items.otb is required." << std::endl; return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } node = f.getChildNode(node, type); while (node != NO_NODE) { PropStream stream; if (!f.getProps(node, stream)) { return f.getError(); } uint32_t flags; if (!<uint32_t>(flags)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } uint16_t serverId = 0; uint16_t clientId = 0; uint16_t speed = 0; uint16_t wareId = 0; uint8_t lightLevel = 0; uint8_t lightColor = 0; uint8_t alwaysOnTopOrder = 0; uint8_t attrib; while (<uint8_t>(attrib)) { uint16_t datalen; if (!<uint16_t>(datalen)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } switch (attrib) { case ITEM_ATTR_SERVERID: { if (datalen != sizeof(uint16_t)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (!<uint16_t>(serverId)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (serverId > 30000 && serverId < 30100) { serverId -= 30000; } break; } case ITEM_ATTR_CLIENTID: { if (datalen != sizeof(uint16_t)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (!<uint16_t>(clientId)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } break; } case ITEM_ATTR_SPEED: { if (datalen != sizeof(uint16_t)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (!<uint16_t>(speed)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } break; } case ITEM_ATTR_LIGHT2: { if (datalen != sizeof(lightBlock2)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } lightBlock2 lb2; if (! { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } lightLevel = static_cast<uint8_t>(lb2.lightLevel); lightColor = static_cast<uint8_t>(lb2.lightColor); break; } case ITEM_ATTR_TOPORDER: { if (datalen != sizeof(uint8_t)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (!<uint8_t>(alwaysOnTopOrder)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } break; } case ITEM_ATTR_WAREID: { if (datalen != sizeof(uint16_t)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } if (!<uint16_t>(wareId)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } break; } default: { //skip unknown attributes if (!stream.skip(datalen)) { return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } break; } } } reverseItemMap.emplace(clientId, serverId); // store the found item if (serverId >= items.size()) { items.resize(serverId + 1); } ItemType& iType = items[serverId]; = static_cast<itemgroup_t>(type); switch (type) { case ITEM_GROUP_CONTAINER: iType.type = ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER; break; case ITEM_GROUP_DOOR: //not used iType.type = ITEM_TYPE_DOOR; break; case ITEM_GROUP_MAGICFIELD: //not used iType.type = ITEM_TYPE_MAGICFIELD; break; case ITEM_GROUP_TELEPORT: //not used iType.type = ITEM_TYPE_TELEPORT; break; case ITEM_GROUP_NONE: case ITEM_GROUP_GROUND: case ITEM_GROUP_SPLASH: case ITEM_GROUP_FLUID: case ITEM_GROUP_CHARGES: case ITEM_GROUP_DEPRECATED: break; default: return ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; } iType.blockSolid = hasBitSet(FLAG_BLOCK_SOLID, flags); iType.blockProjectile = hasBitSet(FLAG_BLOCK_PROJECTILE, flags); iType.blockPathFind = hasBitSet(FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFIND, flags); iType.hasHeight = hasBitSet(FLAG_HAS_HEIGHT, flags); iType.useable = hasBitSet(FLAG_USEABLE, flags); iType.pickupable = hasBitSet(FLAG_PICKUPABLE, flags); iType.moveable = hasBitSet(FLAG_MOVEABLE, flags); iType.stackable = hasBitSet(FLAG_STACKABLE, flags); iType.alwaysOnTop = hasBitSet(FLAG_ALWAYSONTOP, flags); iType.isVertical = hasBitSet(FLAG_VERTICAL, flags); iType.isHorizontal = hasBitSet(FLAG_HORIZONTAL, flags); iType.isHangable = hasBitSet(FLAG_HANGABLE, flags); iType.allowDistRead = hasBitSet(FLAG_ALLOWDISTREAD, flags); iType.rotatable = hasBitSet(FLAG_ROTATABLE, flags); iType.canReadText = hasBitSet(FLAG_READABLE, flags); iType.lookThrough = hasBitSet(FLAG_LOOKTHROUGH, flags); // iType.walkStack = !hasBitSet(FLAG_FULLTILE, flags); iType.forceUse = hasBitSet(FLAG_FORCEUSE, flags); = serverId; iType.clientId = clientId; iType.speed = speed; iType.lightLevel = lightLevel; iType.lightColor = lightColor; iType.wareId = wareId; iType.alwaysOnTopOrder = alwaysOnTopOrder; node = f.getNextNode(node, type); } items.shrink_to_fit(); return ERROR_NONE; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ArgumentParser argp(argc, argv, "uw:h:c:"); if ( argp.num_items() != 2 ) { print_usage(argp.program_name()); printf("\nInvalid number of files given\n\n"); return -1; } const char *fn_in = argp.items()[0]; const char *fn_out = argp.items()[1]; char* fn_out_copy = strdup(fn_out); printf("Input file: %s\n" "Output file: %s\n", fn_in, fn_out); // strip off extension char *t = strtok(fn_out_copy, "."); if (NULL == t) { printf("invalid filename"); return -2; } char* ext_out; while(NULL != t) { ext_out = t; t = strtok(NULL, "."); } FileLoader *fl = NULL; Writer* writer = NULL; if ( argp.has_arg("u") ) { if (argp.has_arg("c") && argp.has_arg("w") && argp.has_arg("h")) { fl = new FileLoader(colorspace_by_name(argp.arg("c")), fn_in, argp.parse_int("w"), argp.parse_int("h")); printf("Input image: %s, %lix%li\n", argp.arg("c"), argp.parse_int("w"), argp.parse_int("h")); } else { printf("You have to supply all of -w, -h, -c when using -u.\n"); return -3; } } else { fl = new FileLoader(fn_in); } fl->open(); fl->start(); unsigned char *tmpbuf = malloc_buffer(YUV422_PLANAR, fl->pixel_width(), fl->pixel_height()); convert(fl->colorspace(), YUV422_PLANAR, fl->buffer(), tmpbuf, fl->pixel_width(), fl->pixel_height()); // FvRaw if ( 0 == strcmp(ext_out, "raw") ) { printf("Format for out file %s is FvRaw\n", fn_out); writer = new FvRawWriter(); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBJPEG // JPEG else if ( 0 == strcmp(ext_out, "jpeg") || 0 == strcmp(ext_out, "jpg") ) { printf("Format for out file %s is Jpeg\n", fn_out); writer = new JpegWriter(); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBPNG // PNG else if ( 0 == strcmp(ext_out, "png") ) { printf("Format for out file %s is PNG\n", fn_out); writer = new PNGWriter(); } #endif // PNM else if ( 0 == strcmp(ext_out, "pnm") ) { printf("Format for out file %s is PNM\n", fn_out); writer = new PNMWriter(PNM_PPM); } else { printf("Unknown output file format\n"); exit(-2); } writer->set_filename(fn_out); writer->set_dimensions(fl->pixel_width(), fl->pixel_height()); writer->set_buffer(YUV422_PLANAR, tmpbuf); writer->write(); free(fn_out_copy); delete fl; delete writer; free(tmpbuf); return 0; }
bool IOMap::loadMap(Map* map, const std::string& identifier) { FileLoader f; if(!f.openFile(identifier.c_str(), false, true)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Could not open the file " << identifier << "."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } uint32_t type = 0; NODE root = f.getChildNode((NODE)NULL, type); PropStream propStream; if(!f.getProps(root, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read root property."); return false; } OTBM_root_header* rootHeader; if(!propStream.GET_STRUCT(rootHeader)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read header."); return false; } uint32_t headerVersion = rootHeader->version; if(headerVersion <= 0) { //In otbm version 1 the count variable after splashes/fluidcontainers and stackables //are saved as attributes instead, this solves alot of problems with items //that is changed (stackable/charges/fluidcontainer/splash) during an update. setLastErrorString("This map needs to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if(headerVersion > 2) { setLastErrorString("Unknown OTBM version detected."); return false; } uint32_t headerMajorItems = rootHeader->majorVersionItems; if(headerMajorItems < 3) { setLastErrorString("This map needs to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if(headerMajorItems > (uint32_t)Items::dwMajorVersion) { setLastErrorString("The map was saved with a different items.otb version, an upgraded items.otb is required."); return false; } uint32_t headerMinorItems = rootHeader->minorVersionItems; if(headerMinorItems < CLIENT_VERSION_810) { setLastErrorString("This map needs an updated items.otb."); return false; } if(headerMinorItems > (uint32_t)Items::dwMinorVersion) setLastErrorString("This map needs an updated items.otb."); std::cout << "> Map size: " << rootHeader->width << "x" << rootHeader->height << "." << std::endl; map->mapWidth = rootHeader->width; map->mapHeight = rootHeader->height; NODE nodeMap = f.getChildNode(root, type); if(type != OTBM_MAP_DATA) { setLastErrorString("Could not read data node."); return false; } if(!f.getProps(nodeMap, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read map data attributes."); return false; } std::string tmp; uint8_t attribute; while(propStream.GET_UCHAR(attribute)) { switch(attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION: { if(!propStream.GET_STRING(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid description tag."); return false; } map->descriptions.push_back(tmp); break; } case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_SPAWN_FILE: { if(!propStream.GET_STRING(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid spawnfile tag."); return false; } map->spawnfile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->spawnfile += tmp; break; } case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_HOUSE_FILE: { if(!propStream.GET_STRING(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid housefile tag."); return false; } map->housefile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->housefile += tmp; break; } default: { setLastErrorString("Unknown header node."); return false; } } } std::cout << "> Map descriptions: " << std::endl; for(StringVec::iterator it = map->descriptions.begin(); it != map->descriptions.end(); ++it) std::cout << (*it) << std::endl; NODE nodeMapData = f.getChildNode(nodeMap, type); while(nodeMapData != NO_NODE) { if(f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } if(type == OTBM_TILE_AREA) { if(!f.getProps(nodeMapData, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } OTBM_Destination_coords* area_coord; if(!propStream.GET_STRUCT(area_coord)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } int32_t base_x = area_coord->_x, base_y = area_coord->_y, base_z = area_coord->_z; NODE nodeTile = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeTile != NO_NODE) { if(f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } if(type == OTBM_TILE || type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { if(!f.getProps(nodeTile, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } OTBM_Tile_coords* tileCoord; if(!propStream.GET_STRUCT(tileCoord)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read tile position."); return false; } Tile* tile = NULL; Item* groundItem = NULL; uint32_t tileflags = 0; uint16_t px = base_x + tileCoord->_x, py = base_y + tileCoord->_y, pz = base_z; House* house = NULL; if(type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { uint32_t _houseid; if(!propStream.GET_ULONG(_houseid)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not read house id."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } house = Houses::getInstance().getHouse(_houseid, true); if(!house) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not create house id: " << _houseid; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } tile = new HouseTile(px, py, pz, house); house->addTile(static_cast<HouseTile*>(tile)); } //read tile attributes uint8_t attribute; while(propStream.GET_UCHAR(attribute)) { switch(attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS: { uint32_t flags; if(!propStream.GET_ULONG(flags)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to read tile flags."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if((flags & TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) == TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) tileflags |= TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE; else if((flags & TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE) == TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE) tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE; else if((flags & TILESTATE_PVPZONE) == TILESTATE_PVPZONE) tileflags |= TILESTATE_PVPZONE; if((flags & TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) == TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT; if((flags & TILESTATE_REFRESH) == TILESTATE_REFRESH) { if(house) std::cout << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] House tile flagged as refreshing!"; tileflags |= TILESTATE_REFRESH; } break; } case OTBM_ATTR_ITEM: { Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if(!item) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if(house && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Movable item in house: " << house->getHouseId(); std::cout << ", item type: " << item->getID() << ", at position " << px << "/" << py << "/"; std::cout << pz << std::endl; delete item; item = NULL; } else if(tile) { tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if(item->isGroundTile()) { if(groundItem) delete groundItem; groundItem = item; } else { tile = createTile(groundItem, item, px, py, pz); tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } break; } default: { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown tile attribute."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } } } NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(nodeTile, type); while(nodeItem) { if(type == OTBM_ITEM) { PropStream propStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, propStream); Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if(!item) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if(item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, propStream)) { if(house && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Movable item in house: "; std::cout << house->getHouseId() << ", item type: " << item->getID(); std::cout << ", pos " << px << "/" << py << "/" << pz << std::endl; delete item; item = NULL; } else if(tile) { tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if(item->isGroundTile()) { if(groundItem) delete groundItem; groundItem = item; } else { tile = createTile(groundItem, item, px, py, pz); tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to load item " << item->getID() << "."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); delete item; item = NULL; return false; } } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown node type."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); } nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } if(!tile) tile = createTile(groundItem, NULL, px, py, pz); tile->setFlag((tileflags_t)tileflags); map->setTile(px, py, pz, tile); } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown tile node."); return false; } nodeTile = f.getNextNode(nodeTile, type); } } else if(type == OTBM_TOWNS) { NODE nodeTown = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeTown != NO_NODE) { if(type == OTBM_TOWN) { if(!f.getProps(nodeTown, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town data."); return false; } uint32_t townId = 0; if(!propStream.GET_ULONG(townId)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town id."); return false; } Town* town = Towns::getInstance().getTown(townId); if(!town) { town = new Town(townId); Towns::getInstance().addTown(townId, town); } std::string townName = ""; if(!propStream.GET_STRING(townName)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town name."); return false; } town->setName(townName); OTBM_Destination_coords *town_coords; if(!propStream.GET_STRUCT(town_coords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town coordinates."); return false; } town->setTemplePos(Position(town_coords->_x, town_coords->_y, town_coords->_z)); } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown town node."); return false; } nodeTown = f.getNextNode(nodeTown, type); } } else if(type == OTBM_WAYPOINTS && headerVersion > 1) { NODE nodeWaypoint = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeWaypoint != NO_NODE) { if(type == OTBM_WAYPOINT) { if(!f.getProps(nodeWaypoint, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint data."); return false; } std::string name; if(!propStream.GET_STRING(name)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint name."); return false; } OTBM_Destination_coords* waypoint_coords; if(!propStream.GET_STRUCT(waypoint_coords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint coordinates."); return false; } map->waypoints.addWaypoint(WaypointPtr(new Waypoint(name, Position(waypoint_coords->_x, waypoint_coords->_y, waypoint_coords->_z)))); } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown waypoint node."); return false; } nodeWaypoint = f.getNextNode(nodeWaypoint, type); } } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown map node."); return false; } nodeMapData = f.getNextNode(nodeMapData, type); } return true; }
bool IOMap::loadMap(Map* map, const std::string& identifier) { int64_t start = OTSYS_TIME(); FileLoader f; if (!f.openFile(identifier.c_str(), "OTBM")) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Could not open the file " << identifier << '.'; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } uint32_t type; PropStream propStream; NODE root = f.getChildNode(nullptr, type); if (!f.getProps(root, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read root property."); return false; } const OTBM_root_header* root_header; if (!propStream.readStruct(root_header)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read header."); return false; } uint32_t headerVersion = root_header->version; if (headerVersion <= 0) { //In otbm version 1 the count variable after splashes/fluidcontainers and stackables //are saved as attributes instead, this solves alot of problems with items //that is changed (stackable/charges/fluidcontainer/splash) during an update. setLastErrorString("This map need to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if (headerVersion > 2) { setLastErrorString("Unknown OTBM version detected."); return false; } if (root_header->majorVersionItems < 3) { setLastErrorString("This map need to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if (root_header->majorVersionItems > Items::dwMajorVersion) { setLastErrorString("The map was saved with a different items.otb version, an upgraded items.otb is required."); return false; } if (root_header->minorVersionItems < CLIENT_VERSION_810) { setLastErrorString("This map needs to be updated."); return false; } if (root_header->minorVersionItems > Items::dwMinorVersion) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] This map needs an updated items.otb." << std::endl; } std::cout << "> Map size: " << root_header->width << "x" << root_header->height << '.' << std::endl; map->width = root_header->width; map->height = root_header->height; NODE nodeMap = f.getChildNode(root, type); if (type != OTBM_MAP_DATA) { setLastErrorString("Could not read data node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeMap, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read map data attributes."); return false; } std::string mapDescription; std::string tmp; uint8_t attribute; while (<uint8_t>(attribute)) { switch (attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION: if (!propStream.readString(mapDescription)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid description tag."); return false; } break; case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_SPAWN_FILE: if (!propStream.readString(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid spawn tag."); return false; } map->spawnfile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->spawnfile += tmp; break; case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_HOUSE_FILE: if (!propStream.readString(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid house tag."); return false; } map->housefile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->housefile += tmp; break; default: setLastErrorString("Unknown header node."); return false; } } NODE nodeMapData = f.getChildNode(nodeMap, type); while (nodeMapData != NO_NODE) { if (f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } if (type == OTBM_TILE_AREA) { if (!f.getProps(nodeMapData, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } const OTBM_Destination_coords* area_coord; if (!propStream.readStruct(area_coord)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } int32_t base_x = area_coord->x; int32_t base_y = area_coord->y; int32_t base_z = area_coord->z; NODE nodeTile = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while (nodeTile != NO_NODE) { if (f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } if (type != OTBM_TILE && type != OTBM_HOUSETILE) { setLastErrorString("Unknown tile node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeTile, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } const OTBM_Tile_coords* tile_coord; if (!propStream.readStruct(tile_coord)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read tile position."); return false; } uint16_t px = base_x + tile_coord->x; uint16_t py = base_y + tile_coord->y; uint16_t pz = base_z; bool isHouseTile = false; House* house = nullptr; Tile* tile = nullptr; Item* ground_item = nullptr; uint32_t tileflags = TILESTATE_NONE; if (type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { uint32_t houseId; if (!<uint32_t>(houseId)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not read house id."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } house = map->houses.addHouse(houseId); if (!house) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not create house id: " << houseId; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } tile = new HouseTile(px, py, pz, house); house->addTile(reinterpret_cast<HouseTile*>(tile)); isHouseTile = true; } //read tile attributes while (<uint8_t>(attribute)) { switch (attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS: { uint32_t flags; if (!<uint32_t>(flags)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to read tile flags."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if ((flags & TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) == TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE; } else if ((flags & TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE) == TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE; } else if ((flags & TILESTATE_PVPZONE) == TILESTATE_PVPZONE) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_PVPZONE; } if ((flags & TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) == TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT; } break; } case OTBM_ATTR_ITEM: { Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if (!item) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if (isHouseTile && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Moveable item with ID: " << item->getID() << ", in house: " << house->getId() << ", at position [x: " << px << ", y: " << py << ", z: " << pz << "]." << std::endl; delete item; } else { if (item->getItemCount() <= 0) { item->setItemCount(1); } if (tile) { tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if (item->isGroundTile()) { delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground_item, item, px, py, pz); tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } break; } default: std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown tile attribute."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } } NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(nodeTile, type); while (nodeItem) { if (type != OTBM_ITEM) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown node type."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } PropStream stream; if (!f.getProps(nodeItem, stream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid item node."); return false; } Item* item = Item::CreateItem(stream); if (!item) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if (!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, stream)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to load item " << item->getID() << '.'; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); delete item; return false; } if (isHouseTile && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Moveable item with ID: " << item->getID() << ", in house: " << house->getId() << ", at position [x: " << px << ", y: " << py << ", z: " << pz << "]." << std::endl; delete item; } else { if (item->getItemCount() <= 0) { item->setItemCount(1); } if (tile) { tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if (item->isGroundTile()) { delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground_item, item, px, py, pz); tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } if (!tile) { tile = createTile(ground_item, nullptr, px, py, pz); } tile->setFlag(static_cast<tileflags_t>(tileflags)); map->setTile(px, py, pz, tile); nodeTile = f.getNextNode(nodeTile, type); } } else if (type == OTBM_TOWNS) { NODE nodeTown = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while (nodeTown != NO_NODE) { if (type != OTBM_TOWN) { setLastErrorString("Unknown town node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeTown, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town data."); return false; } uint32_t townId; if (!<uint32_t>(townId)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town id."); return false; } Town* town = map->towns.getTown(townId); if (!town) { town = new Town(townId); map->towns.addTown(townId, town); } std::string townName; if (!propStream.readString(townName)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town name."); return false; } town->setName(townName); const OTBM_Destination_coords* town_coords; if (!propStream.readStruct(town_coords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town coordinates."); return false; } town->setTemplePos(Position(town_coords->x, town_coords->y, town_coords->z)); nodeTown = f.getNextNode(nodeTown, type); } } else if (type == OTBM_WAYPOINTS && headerVersion > 1) { NODE nodeWaypoint = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while (nodeWaypoint != NO_NODE) { if (type != OTBM_WAYPOINT) { setLastErrorString("Unknown waypoint node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeWaypoint, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint data."); return false; } std::string name; if (!propStream.readString(name)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint name."); return false; } const OTBM_Destination_coords* waypoint_coords; if (!propStream.readStruct(waypoint_coords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint coordinates."); return false; } map->waypoints[name] = Position(waypoint_coords->x, waypoint_coords->y, waypoint_coords->z); nodeWaypoint = f.getNextNode(nodeWaypoint, type); } } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown map node."); return false; } nodeMapData = f.getNextNode(nodeMapData, type); } std::cout << "> Map loading time: " << (OTSYS_TIME() - start) / (1000.) << " seconds." << std::endl; return true; }