Example #1
File: Tree.cpp Project: obmun/moab
    ErrorCode Tree::parse_common_options(FileOptions &options) 
      double tmp_dbl;
      int tmp_int;
        // MAX_PER_LEAF: max entities per leaf; default = 6
      ErrorCode rval = options.get_int_option("MAX_PER_LEAF", tmp_int);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) maxPerLeaf = std::max(tmp_int, 1);
        // MAX_DEPTH: max depth of the tree; default = 30
      rval = options.get_int_option("MAX_DEPTH", tmp_int);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) maxDepth = tmp_int;
      if (maxDepth < 1) maxDepth = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();

        // MIN_WIDTH: minimum width of box, used like a tolerance; default = 1.0e-10
      rval = options.get_real_option("MIN_WIDTH", tmp_dbl);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) minWidth = tmp_dbl;

        // MESHSET_FLAGS: flags passed into meshset creation for tree nodes; should be a value from
        //          ENTITY_SET_PROPERTY (see Types.hpp); default = MESHSET_SET
      rval = options.get_int_option("MESHSET_FLAGS", tmp_int);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval && 0 <= tmp_int) meshsetFlags = (unsigned) tmp_int;
      else if (0 > tmp_int) return MB_FAILURE;

        // CLEAN_UP: if false, do not delete tree sets upon tree class destruction; default = true
      bool tmp_bool;
      rval = options.get_toggle_option("CLEAN_UP", true, tmp_bool);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval && !tmp_bool) cleanUp = false;

        // TAG_NAME: tag name to store tree information on tree nodes; default = "AKDTree"
      std::string tmp_str;
      rval = options.get_str_option("TAG_NAME", tmp_str);
      if (MB_SUCCESS == rval) boxTagName = tmp_str;

      return MB_SUCCESS;