Example #1
void Person::RequestFloor(Environment &env) {

	Floor *next = path_.front();

	if (!next) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Invalid operation: no next floor in path ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << "ID of person: <" << GetId();
		oss << ", this error should never occur.";
		throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());

	for (int i = 0; i < elevator_->GetInterfaceCount(); ++i) {

		Interface *interf = elevator_->GetInterface(i);
		Floor *floor = static_cast<Floor*>(interf->GetLoadable(0));

		if (floor == next) {
			action_ = env.SendEvent("Interface::Interact", 3, this, elevator_->GetInterface(i));


	std::ostringstream oss("Invalid operation: ", std::ostringstream::ate);
	oss << elevator_->GetName() << " can not go to Floor " << next->GetId();
	oss << ", this error should never occur.";
	throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
Example #2
void Person::RequestElevator(Environment &env, int time) {

	if (current_ == final_)

	Floor *next = path_.front();

	if (!next) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Invalid operation: no next floor in path ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << "ID of person: <" << GetId();
		oss << ", this error should never occur.";
		throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());

	for (int i = 0; i < current_->GetInterfaceCount(); ++i) {

		Interface *interf = current_->GetInterface(i);
		Elevator *ele = static_cast<Elevator*>(interf->GetLoadable(0));

		if (ele->HasFloor(next)) {

			requested_ = current_->GetInterface(i);
			env.SendEvent("Interface::Interact", time - env.GetClock(), this, requested_);


	std::ostringstream oss("Invalid operation: no elevator available to go from Floor ", std::ostringstream::ate);
	oss << current_->GetId() << " to Floor " << next->GetId();
	oss << ", this error should never occur.";
	throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
Example #3
void Elevator::Validate() {


	if (speed_ <= 0) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Speed of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetName() << " must be positive.";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());

	if (load_ < 10) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Maximum load of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetName() << " must be greater or equal to 10.";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());

	if (!current_) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Starting floor of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetName() << " is null.";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());

	if (current_->GetType() != "Floor") {
		std::ostringstream oss("Starting floor of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetName() << " does not reference a floor object.";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());

	if (count_ < 2) {
		std::ostringstream oss("", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetName() << " must have at least 2 interfaces.";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());

	std::set<Interface*> unique;

	Floor *lowest = nullptr;
	Floor *highest = nullptr;

	for (int i = 0; i < count_; ++i) {

		Interface *interf = interfs_[i];

		if (!interf) {
			std::ostringstream oss("An interface of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
			oss << GetName() << " is null.";
			throw TestfileException(oss.str());

		if (unique.count(interf)) {
			std::ostringstream oss("Interfaces used by ", std::ostringstream::ate);
			oss << GetName() << " are not unique.";
			throw TestfileException(oss.str());

		if (interf->GetType() != "Interface") {
			std::ostringstream oss("Interface ", std::ostringstream::ate);
			oss << interf->GetId() << " of ";
			oss << GetName() << " is not an interface object.";
			throw TestfileException(oss.str());

		if (interf->GetLoadableCount() != 1) {
			std::ostringstream oss("", std::ostringstream::ate);
			oss << interf->GetName() << " of ";
			oss << GetName() << " must reference exactly one object.";
			throw TestfileException(oss.str());

		Loadable *loadable = interf->GetLoadable(0);

		if (!loadable) {
			std::ostringstream oss("Referenced object of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
			oss << interf->GetName() << " of ";
			oss << GetName() << " is null.";
			throw TestfileException(oss.str());

		if (loadable->GetType() != "Floor") {
			std::ostringstream oss("Referenced object of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
			oss << interf->GetName() << " of ";
			oss << GetName() << " must be an floor object.";
			throw TestfileException(oss.str());

		Floor *floor = static_cast<Floor*>(loadable);

		if (!floor->HasElevator(this)) {
			std::ostringstream oss("Floor ", std::ostringstream::ate);
			oss << floor->GetId() << " referenced by ";
			oss << interf->GetName() << " of ";
			oss << GetName() << " does not point back to the elevator.";
			throw TestfileException(oss.str());

		if (!lowest)
			lowest = floor;
		else if (lowest->IsBelow(floor)) {
			lowest = floor;

		if (!highest)
			highest = floor;
		else if (highest->IsAbove(floor)) {
			highest = floor;

	if (highest->IsAbove(current_) || lowest->IsBelow(current_)) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Starting floor of ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetName() << " is not between Floor " << lowest->GetId() << " and Floor " << highest->GetId() << ".";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());

	// validate if the elevator can start in the starting floor
	if (!HasFloor(this->current_)) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Elevator ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetId() << " can not start in Floor " << current_->GetId() << " because the Floor has no interface to this Elevator.";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());

	Floor* floorTmp = CanReachFloor(lowest, highest);
	if (floorTmp) {
		std::ostringstream oss("Elevator ", std::ostringstream::ate);
		oss << GetId() << " can not reach center of Floor " << floorTmp->GetId() << ".";
		throw TestfileException(oss.str());