void AssignmentNode::getFormat(QSharedPointer<ASTNode>& node, QString& format, QString& fnamespace) const { Formatter *fnode = static_cast<Formatter *>(node->child(0).data()); format = fnode->format(); fnamespace = fnode->fnamespace(); if ( format == "" || format == sUNDEF) { Formatter *fnode = ScriptNode::activeFormat(itRASTER); if ( fnode) { format = fnode->format(); fnamespace = fnode->fnamespace(); } } }
inline void QodeMagic_Text_Formatter_Test::test_format_1() { Formatter sut; sut.setFirstLineLeftIndent(2); sut.setFirstLineRightIndent(5); sut.setParagraphLeftIndent(4); sut.setParagraphRightIndent(10); sut.setMaxLineLength(30); QString text("1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "sdfl skgjskjfghkd f djkfshgkdfskg kdfh kdf kdjfgh dk jfsdkfgh dkjfgh kdjfhgksjdh " "kdsjfghk jhdfgjsdhfkgj hsdkfjgh ksjdhgksdjhg kjdhsgkj ksjd dkfgd,fmgldkfmgl kdmfg" " dlfkgl kdfjlgk jdflgkjdl kfgdslkfg sdfgsdlökjfgl sdlkfgjl sdkfjgl sdkfgjldskfgj " "lfkgjdl kjdflgkdjlgk jdlkfgjld jlfgj fwe."); qDebug() << QString("RESULT:\n%1").arg(sut.format(text).join('\n')); }
void format_entity(const Formatter& f, const Entity& e, const bool empty_out_content = false) { const auto fn(f.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_name()); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Formatting: '" << e.name() << "' with '" << fn << "'"; const auto ctx(factory_.make(e.id())); const auto fp(ctx.formatter_properties()); const auto i(fp.find(fn)); if (i == fp.end()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << formatter_properties_not_found << fn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( workflow_error(formatter_properties_not_found + fn)); } const auto is_formatter_enabled(i->second.enabled()); if (!is_formatter_enabled) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Formatter not enabled for type."; return; } auto file(f.format(ctx, e)); if (empty_out_content) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Emptying out content."; file.content().clear(); } files_.push_front(file); if (!file.overwrite()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Filename: " << file.path().generic_string(); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Content: " << (file.content().empty() ? "<empty>" : file.content()); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Finished formatting: '" << e.name() << "'"; } else { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Not dumping file contents to log " << "(overwrite is false)."; } }
void format(const Formatter& f, const Formatable& e, const bool empty_out_content = false) { const auto fn(f.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_name()); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Formatting with: '" << fn << "'"; auto file(f.format(factory_.make_empty_context(), e)); if (empty_out_content) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Emptying out content."; file.content().clear(); } files_.push_front(file); if (!file.overwrite()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Filename: " << file.path().generic_string(); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Content: " << (file.content().empty() ? "<empty>" : file.content()); } else { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Not dumping file contents to log " << "(overwrite is false)."; } }
void format_diagnostics_callback(Func callback, Args... args) { callback(formatter.format(std::move(args)...)); }
std::string format_diagnostics(Args... args) { return formatter.format(std::move(args)...); }
std::string format() { return formatter.format(); }
VCharacter Font::formatVChar(VCharacter vchar, float row_size) { Formatter formatter = Formatter(vchar, row_size); return formatter.format(); }