Example #1
static inline bool
UncachedInlineCall(VMFrame &f, InitialFrameFlags initial,
                   void **pret, bool *unjittable, uint32_t argc)
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromSp(argc, f.regs.sp);
    RootedFunction newfun(cx, args.callee().toFunction());

    RootedScript newscript(cx, newfun->getOrCreateScript(cx));
    if (!newscript)
        return false;

    bool construct = InitialFrameFlagsAreConstructing(initial);

    RootedScript fscript(cx, f.script());
    bool newType = construct && cx->typeInferenceEnabled() &&
        types::UseNewType(cx, fscript, f.pc());

    if (!types::TypeMonitorCall(cx, args, construct))
        return false;

    /* Try to compile if not already compiled. */
    if (ShouldJaegerCompileCallee(cx, f.script(), newscript, f.jit())) {
        CompileStatus status = CanMethodJIT(cx, newscript, newscript->code, construct,
                                            CompileRequest_JIT, f.fp());
        if (status == Compile_Error) {
            /* A runtime exception was thrown, get out. */
            return false;
        if (status == Compile_Abort)
            *unjittable = true;

     * Make sure we are not calling from an inline frame if we need to make a
     * call object for the callee, as doing so could trigger GC and cause
     * jitcode discarding / frame expansion.
    if (f.regs.inlined() && newfun->isHeavyweight()) {

     * Preserve f.regs.fp while pushing the new frame, for the invariant that
     * f.regs reflects the state when we entered the stub call. This handoff is
     * tricky: we need to make sure that f.regs is not updated to the new
     * frame, and we also need to ensure that cx->regs still points to f.regs
     * when space is reserved, in case doing so throws an exception.
    FrameRegs regs = f.regs;

    /* Get pointer to new frame/slots, prepare arguments. */
    if (!cx->stack.pushInlineFrame(cx, regs, args, *newfun, newscript, initial, &f.stackLimit))
        return false;

    /* Finish the handoff to the new frame regs. */
    PreserveRegsGuard regsGuard(cx, regs);

     * If newscript was successfully compiled, run it. Skip for calls which
     * will be constructing a new type object for 'this'.
    if (!newType) {
        if (JITScript *jit = newscript->getJIT(regs.fp()->isConstructing(), cx->compartment->compileBarriers())) {
            if (jit->invokeEntry) {
                *pret = jit->invokeEntry;

                /* Restore the old fp around and let the JIT code repush the new fp. */
                regs.popFrame((Value *) regs.fp());
                return true;

     * Otherwise, run newscript in the interpreter. Expand any inlined frame we
     * are calling from, as the new frame is not associated with the VMFrame
     * and will not have its prevpc info updated if frame expansion is
     * triggered while interpreting.
    if (f.regs.inlined()) {
        regs.fp()->resetInlinePrev(f.fp(), f.regs.pc);

    JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false);

    RootedScript script(cx, newscript);
    bool ok = RunScript(cx, script, cx->fp());

    if (ok) {
        RootedScript fscript(cx, f.script());
        types::TypeScript::Monitor(f.cx, fscript, f.pc(), args.rval());

    *pret = NULL;
    return ok;
 * This helper function brings the ContextStack to the top of the thread stack
 * (so that it can be extended to push a frame and/or arguments) by potentially
 * pushing a StackSegment. The 'pushedSeg' outparam indicates whether such a
 * segment was pushed (and hence whether the caller needs to call popSegment).
 * Additionally, to minimize calls to ensureSpace, ensureOnTop ensures that
 * there is space for nvars slots on top of the stack.
Value *
ContextStack::ensureOnTop(JSContext *cx, MaybeReportError report, unsigned nvars,
                          MaybeExtend extend, bool *pushedSeg)
    Value *firstUnused = space().firstUnused();
    FrameRegs *regs = cx->maybeRegs();

     * The only calls made by inlined methodjit frames can be to other JIT
     * frames associated with the same VMFrame. If we try to Invoke(),
     * Execute() or so forth, any topmost inline frame will need to be
     * expanded (along with other inline frames in the compartment).
     * To avoid pathological behavior here, make sure to mark any topmost
     * function as uninlineable, which will expand inline frames if there are
     * any and prevent the function from being inlined in the future.
     * Note: When called from pushBailoutFrame, error = DONT_REPORT_ERROR. Use
     * this to deny potential invalidation, which would read from
     * runtime->ionTop.
    if (regs && report != DONT_REPORT_ERROR) {
        RootedFunction fun(cx);
        if (InlinedSite *site = regs->inlined()) {
            mjit::JITChunk *chunk = regs->fp()->jit()->chunk(regs->pc);
            fun = chunk->inlineFrames()[site->inlineIndex].fun;
        } else {
            StackFrame *fp = regs->fp();
            if (fp->isFunctionFrame()) {
                JSFunction *f = fp->fun();
                if (f->isInterpreted())
                    fun = f;

        if (fun) {
            AutoCompartment ac(cx, fun);
            fun->script()->uninlineable = true;
            types::MarkTypeObjectFlags(cx, fun, types::OBJECT_FLAG_UNINLINEABLE);
    JS_ASSERT_IF(cx->hasfp(), !cx->regs().inlined());

    if (onTop() && extend) {
        if (!space().ensureSpace(cx, report, firstUnused, nvars))
            return NULL;
        return firstUnused;

    if (!space().ensureSpace(cx, report, firstUnused, VALUES_PER_STACK_SEGMENT + nvars))
        return NULL;

    CallArgsList *calls;
    if (seg_ && extend) {
        regs = seg_->maybeRegs();
        calls = seg_->maybeCalls();
    } else {
        regs = NULL;
        calls = NULL;

    seg_ = new(firstUnused) StackSegment(seg_, space().seg_, regs, calls);
    space().seg_ = seg_;
    *pushedSeg = true;
    return seg_->slotsBegin();