Example #1
// Returns the string that results from concatenating the arguments.
// concat() returns NULL if any argument is NULL.
string Func_concat::getStrVal(Row& row,
								FunctionParm& parm,
								bool& isNull,
	string ret = stringValue(parm[0], row, isNull);

	for ( unsigned int id = 1 ; id < parm.size() ; id++) {
		ret.append( stringValue(parm[id], row, isNull) );

	return ret;
Example #2
uint64_t Func_greatest::getUintVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
						FunctionParm& fp,
						bool& isNull,
						execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& op_ct)
	double str = fp[0]->data()->getDoubleVal(row, isNull);

	double greatestStr = str;
	for (uint i = 1; i < fp.size(); i++)
		double str1 = fp[i]->data()->getDoubleVal(row, isNull);

		if ( greatestStr < str1 )
			greatestStr = str1;

	return (uint64_t) greatestStr;
Example #3
IDB_Decimal Func_greatest::getDecimalVal(Row& row,
							FunctionParm& fp,
							bool& isNull,
							CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& ct)
//	double str = fp[0]->data()->getDoubleVal(row, isNull);
	IDB_Decimal str = fp[0]->data()->getDecimalVal(row, isNull);

	IDB_Decimal greatestStr = str;
	for (uint i = 1; i < fp.size(); i++)
		IDB_Decimal str1 = fp[i]->data()->getDecimalVal(row, isNull);

		if ( greatestStr < str1 )
			greatestStr = str1;

	return greatestStr;
Example #4
std::string Func_greatest::getStrVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
						FunctionParm& fp,
						bool& isNull,
						execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& op_ct)
	const string& str = fp[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);

	string greatestStr = str;
	for (uint i = 1; i < fp.size(); i++)
		const string& str1 = fp[i]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);

		int tmp = utf8::idb_strcoll(greatestStr.c_str(), str1.c_str());
		if ( tmp < 0 )

//		if ( greatestStr < str1 )
			greatestStr = str1;

	return greatestStr;
Example #5
int64_t Func_bitxor::getIntVal(Row& row,
									FunctionParm& parm,
									bool& isNull,
									CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& operationColType)
	if ( parm.size() < 2 ) {
		isNull = true;
		return 0;

	uint64_t val1 = 0;
	uint64_t val2 = 0;
	if (!getUIntValFromParm(row, parm[0], val1, isNull) ||
		!getUIntValFromParm(row, parm[1], val2, isNull))
		std::ostringstream oss;
		oss << "bitxor: datatype of " << execplan::colDataTypeToString(operationColType.colDataType);
		throw logging::IDBExcept(oss.str(), ERR_DATATYPE_NOT_SUPPORT);

	return val1 ^ val2;
string Func_from_unixtime::getStrVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
                                     FunctionParm& parm,
                                     bool& isNull,
    DateTime dt = getDateTime(row, parm, isNull);

    if (*reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(&dt) == 0)
        isNull = true;
        return "";

    if (parm.size() == 2)
        const string& format = parm[1]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);
        return helpers::IDB_date_format(dt, format);

    char buf[256] = {0};
    DataConvert::datetimeToString(*(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(&dt)), buf, 255);
    return string(buf, 255);
double Func_from_unixtime::getDoubleVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
                                        FunctionParm& parm,
                                        bool& isNull,
                                        CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& ct)
    if (parm.size() == 1)
        DateTime dt = getDateTime(row, parm, isNull);

        if (*reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(&dt) == 0)
            isNull = true;
            return 0;

        char buf[32];  // actual string guaranteed to be 22
        snprintf( buf, 32, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%06d",
                  dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour,
                  dt.minute, dt.second, dt.msecond );
        return atof(buf);

    return (double) atoi(getStrVal(row, parm, isNull, ct).c_str());
Example #8
int64_t Func_bitand::getIntVal(Row& row,
									FunctionParm& parm,
									bool& isNull,
									CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& operationColType)

	vector<int64_t> values;

	if ( parm.size() < 2 ) {
		isNull = true;
		return 0;

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parm.size(); i++)
		switch (parm[i]->data()->resultType().colDataType)
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::BIGINT:
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::INT:
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::MEDINT:
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::TINYINT:
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::SMALLINT:
            case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UBIGINT:
            case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UINT:
            case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UMEDINT:
            case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UTINYINT:
            case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::USMALLINT:
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::DOUBLE:
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::FLOAT:
            case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UDOUBLE:
            case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UFLOAT:
				values.push_back(parm[i]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull));
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::VARCHAR:
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::CHAR:
				int64_t value = parm[i]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);
				if (isNull)
					isNull = true;
					return value;
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::DECIMAL:
				IDB_Decimal d = parm[i]->data()->getDecimalVal(row, isNull);
				int64_t value = d.value / power(d.scale);
				int lefto = (d.value - value * power(d.scale)) / power(d.scale-1);
				if ( value >= 0 && lefto > 4 )
				if ( value < 0 && lefto < -4 )
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::DATE:
				int64_t time = parm[i]->data()->getDateIntVal(row, isNull);
				int32_t year = 0, 
						month = 0, 
						day = 0;
				year = (uint32_t)((time >> 16) & 0xffff);
				month = (uint32_t)((time >> 12) & 0xf);
				day = (uint32_t)((time >> 6) & 0x3f);
			case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::DATETIME:
				int64_t time = parm[i]->data()->getDatetimeIntVal(row, isNull);
				int32_t year = 0, 
						month = 0, 
						day = 0, 
						hour = 0, 
						min = 0, 
						sec = 0;
						year = (uint32_t)((time >> 48) & 0xffff);
						month = (uint32_t)((time >> 44) & 0xf);
						day = (uint32_t)((time >> 38) & 0x3f);
						hour = (uint32_t)((time >> 32) & 0x3f);
						min = (uint32_t)((time >> 26) & 0x3f);
						sec = (uint32_t)((time >> 20) & 0x3f);
	//			return (int64_t) (year*1000000000000)+(month*100000000)+(day*1000000)+(hour*10000)+(min*100)+sec;
				std::ostringstream oss;
				oss << "bitand: datatype of " << execplan::colDataTypeToString(operationColType.colDataType);
				throw logging::IDBExcept(oss.str(), ERR_DATATYPE_NOT_SUPPORT);

	vector<int64_t>::iterator p = values.begin();
	int64_t retValue = *p;
	while ( p != values.end() )
		retValue = retValue & *p;

	return retValue;
Example #9
string Func_concat_ws::getStrVal(Row& row,
								FunctionParm& parm,
								bool& isNull,
	string delim = stringValue(parm[0], row, isNull);
	if (isNull)
		return "";

#ifdef STRCOLL_ENH__
	wstring wstr;
	size_t strwclen = utf8::idb_mbstowcs(0,delim.c_str(),0) + 1;
	wchar_t* wcbuf = (wchar_t*)alloca(strwclen * sizeof(wchar_t));
	strwclen = utf8::idb_mbstowcs(wcbuf, delim.c_str(), strwclen);
	wstring wdelim(wcbuf, strwclen); 

	for ( unsigned int id = 1 ; id < parm.size() ; id++) 
		string tstr = stringValue(parm[id], row, isNull); 
		if (isNull)
			isNull = false;
		if (!wstr.empty())
			wstr += wdelim;
		size_t strwclen1 = utf8::idb_mbstowcs(0, tstr.c_str(), 0) + 1;
		wchar_t* wcbuf1 = (wchar_t*)alloca(strwclen1 * sizeof(wchar_t));
		strwclen1 = utf8::idb_mbstowcs(wcbuf1, tstr.c_str(), strwclen1);
		wstring str1(wcbuf1, strwclen1);
		wstr += str1; 

	size_t strmblen = utf8::idb_wcstombs(0, wstr.c_str(), 0) + 1;
	char* outbuf = (char*)alloca(strmblen * sizeof(char));
	strmblen = utf8::idb_wcstombs(outbuf, wstr.c_str(), strmblen);
	if (strmblen == 0)
		isNull = true;
		isNull = false;
	return string(outbuf, strmblen);

	string str;
	for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < parm.size() ; i++) 
		str += string(stringValue(parm[i], row, isNull).c_str()); 

		if (isNull)
			isNull = false;
		if (!str.empty() && !isNull)
			str += delim;
	if (str.empty())
		isNull = true;
		isNull = false;
	return str;
int64_t Func_week::getIntVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
                             FunctionParm& parm,
                             bool& isNull,
                             CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& op_ct)
    uint32_t year = 0,
             month = 0,
             day = 0;

    int64_t val = 0;
    int16_t mode = 0;
    DateTime aDateTime;
    Time     aTime;

    if (parm.size() > 1)  // mode value
        mode = parm[1]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);

    switch (parm[0]->data()->resultType().colDataType)
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::DATE:
            val = parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);
            year = (uint32_t)((val >> 16) & 0xffff);
            month = (uint32_t)((val >> 12) & 0xf);
            day = (uint32_t)((val >> 6) & 0x3f);

        case CalpontSystemCatalog::DATETIME:
            val = parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);
            year = (uint32_t)((val >> 48) & 0xffff);
            month = (uint32_t)((val >> 44) & 0xf);
            day = (uint32_t)((val >> 38) & 0x3f);

        // Time adds to now() and then gets value
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::TIME:
            aDateTime = static_cast<DateTime>(nowDatetime());
            aTime = parm[0]->data()->getTimeIntVal(row, isNull);
            aTime.day = 0;
            val = addTime(aDateTime, aTime);
            year = (uint32_t)((val >> 48) & 0xffff);
            month = (uint32_t)((val >> 44) & 0xf);
            day = (uint32_t)((val >> 38) & 0x3f);

        case CalpontSystemCatalog::CHAR:
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::TEXT:
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::VARCHAR:
            val = dataconvert::DataConvert::stringToDatetime(parm[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull));

            if (val == -1)
                isNull = true;
                return -1;
                year = (uint32_t)((val >> 48) & 0xffff);
                month = (uint32_t)((val >> 44) & 0xf);
                day = (uint32_t)((val >> 38) & 0x3f);


        case CalpontSystemCatalog::BIGINT:
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::MEDINT:
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::SMALLINT:
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::TINYINT:
        case CalpontSystemCatalog::INT:
            val = dataconvert::DataConvert::intToDatetime(parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull));

            if (val == -1)
                isNull = true;
                return -1;
                year = (uint32_t)((val >> 48) & 0xffff);
                month = (uint32_t)((val >> 44) & 0xf);
                day = (uint32_t)((val >> 38) & 0x3f);


        case CalpontSystemCatalog::DECIMAL:
            if (parm[0]->data()->resultType().scale == 0)
                val = dataconvert::DataConvert::intToDatetime(parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull));

                if (val == -1)
                    isNull = true;
                    return -1;
                    year = (uint32_t)((val >> 48) & 0xffff);
                    month = (uint32_t)((val >> 44) & 0xf);
                    day = (uint32_t)((val >> 38) & 0x3f);


            isNull = true;
            return -1;
Example #11
std::string Func_substr::getStrVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
						FunctionParm& fp,
						bool& isNull,
#ifdef STRCOLL_ENH__
	const string& tstr = fp[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);
	if (isNull)
		return "";

	size_t strwclen = utf8::erydb_mbstowcs(0, tstr.c_str(), 0) + 1;
	wchar_t* wcbuf = (wchar_t*)alloca(strwclen * sizeof(wchar_t));
	strwclen = utf8::erydb_mbstowcs(wcbuf, tstr.c_str(), strwclen);
	wstring str(wcbuf, strwclen);

	int64_t start = fp[1]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull) - 1;
	if (isNull)
		return "";

	if (start == -1)  // pos == 0
		return "";

	wstring::size_type n = wstring::npos;
	if (fp.size() == 3)
		int64_t len = fp[2]->data()->getIntVal(row,isNull);
		if (isNull)
			return "";

		if (len < 1)
			return "";

		n = len;

	int64_t strLen = static_cast<int64_t>(str.length());
	if (start < -1)  // negative pos, beginning from end
		start += strLen + 1;

	if (start < 0 || strLen <= start)
		return "";

	wstring out = str.substr(start, n);
	size_t strmblen = utf8::erydb_wcstombs(0, out.c_str(), 0) + 1;
	char* outbuf = (char*)alloca(strmblen * sizeof(char));
	strmblen = utf8::erydb_wcstombs(outbuf, out.c_str(), strmblen);
	return string(outbuf, strmblen);
	const string& str = fp[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);
	if (isNull)
		return "";

	int64_t start = fp[1]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull) - 1;
	if (isNull)
		return "";

	if (start == -1)  // pos == 0
		return "";

	size_t n = string::npos;
	if (fp.size() == 3)
		int64_t len = fp[2]->data()->getIntVal(row,isNull);
		if (isNull)
			return "";

		if (len < 1)
			return "";

		n = len;

	size_t strLen = strlen(str.c_str());
	if (start < -1)  // negative pos, beginning from end
		start += strLen + 1;

	if (start < 0 || (int64_t)strLen <= start)
		return "";

	return str.substr(start, n);
Example #12
std::string Func_ltrim::getStrVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
						FunctionParm& fp,
						bool& isNull,
    // The number of characters (not bytes) in our input tstr.
    // Not all of these are necessarily significant. We need to search for the 
    // NULL terminator to be sure.
    size_t strwclen; 
    // this holds the number of characters (not bytes) in ourtrim tstr.
    size_t trimwclen;

    // The original string
    const string& tstr = fp[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);

    // The trim characters.
    const string& trim = (fp.size() > 1 ? fp[1]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull) : " ");

    if (isNull)
        return "";
    if (tstr.empty() || tstr.length() == 0)
        return tstr;

    // Rather than calling the wideconvert functions with a null buffer to 
    // determine the size of buffer to allocate, we can be sure the wide
    // char string won't be longer than:
    strwclen = tstr.length(); // a guess to start with. This will be >= to the real count.
    int bufsize = (strwclen+1) * sizeof(wchar_t);

    // Convert the string to wide characters. Do all further work in wide characters
    wchar_t* wcbuf = (wchar_t*)alloca(bufsize);
    strwclen = utf8::erydb_mbstowcs(wcbuf, tstr.c_str(), strwclen+1);
	// erydb_mbstowcs can return -1 if there is bad mbs char in tstr
	if(strwclen == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
		strwclen = 0;

    // Convert the trim string to wide
    trimwclen = trim.length();  // A guess to start.
    int trimbufsize = (trimwclen+1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
    wchar_t* wctrim = (wchar_t*)alloca(trimbufsize);
    size_t trimlen = utf8::erydb_mbstowcs(wctrim,trim.c_str(), trimwclen+1);
	// erydb_mbstowcs can return -1 if there is bad mbs char in tstr
	if(trimlen == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
		trimlen = 0;
    size_t trimCmpLen = trimlen * sizeof(wchar_t);

    const wchar_t* oPtr = wcbuf;      // To remember the start of the string
    const wchar_t* aPtr = oPtr;
    const wchar_t* aEnd = wcbuf+strwclen-1;

		if (trimlen == 1)
			// If trim is a single char, then don't spend the overhead for memcmp.
			wchar_t chr=wctrim[0];
			while (aPtr <= aEnd && *aPtr == chr)
			aEnd-=(trimlen-1);    // So we don't compare past the end of the string.
			while (aPtr <= aEnd && !memcmp(aPtr, wctrim, trimCmpLen))

	// Bug 5110 - error in allocating enough memory for utf8 chars 
	size_t aLen = strwclen-(aPtr-oPtr);
	wstring trimmed = wstring(aPtr, aLen);
	// Turn back to a string
	return utf8::wstring_to_utf8(trimmed.c_str());