void Excitation::CalcCustomExcitation(double f0, int nTS, string signal) { if (dT==0) return; if (nTS<=0) return; Length = (unsigned int)(nTS); // cerr << "Operator::CalcSinusExcitation: Length of the excite signal: " << ExciteLength << " timesteps" << endl; delete[] Signal_volt; delete[] Signal_curr; Signal_volt = new FDTD_FLOAT[Length+1]; Signal_curr = new FDTD_FLOAT[Length+1]; Signal_volt[0]=0.0; Signal_curr[0]=0.0; FunctionParser fParse; fParse.AddConstant("pi", 3.14159265358979323846); fParse.AddConstant("e", 2.71828182845904523536); fParse.Parse(signal,"t"); if (fParse.GetParseErrorType()!=FunctionParser::FP_NO_ERROR) { cerr << "Operator::CalcCustomExcitation: Function Parser error: " << fParse.ErrorMsg() << endl; exit(1); } double vars[1]; for (unsigned int n=1; n<Length+1; ++n) { vars[0] = (n-1)*dT; Signal_volt[n] = fParse.Eval(vars); vars[0] += 0.5*dT; Signal_curr[n] = fParse.Eval(vars); } m_f_max = f0; m_foi = f0; SetNyquistNum( CalcNyquistNum(f0,dT) ); }
double ribi::gtst::ParametersGroupReAssign::CalculateNextPeriodPayoff(const double average_payoff) const { FunctionParser f; //Parse the formula f.Parse(m_next_period_payoff_function,"p"); assert(f.GetParseErrorType()== FunctionParser::FP_NO_ERROR); //Evaluate the parsed formula const double payoffs[1] = { average_payoff }; const double payoff_for_reaching_next_period = f.Eval(payoffs); if (f.EvalError()!=0) { std::clog << "Function \'" << m_next_period_payoff_function << "\'could not be evaluated" << " for a payoff of " << average_payoff << '\n'; return 0.0; } return payoff_for_reaching_next_period; }
void Primitive::calculateFunctionDefPointCoor() { float x, y, dx, x1, y1, x2, y2; FunctionParser fparser; // Function parser object double funcVals[1]; // Setup first and last point of the curve defPointCoor[0] = enteredPointCoor[0]; defPointCoor[1] = enteredPointCoor[1]; defPointCoor[2*(nDefPoints-1)] = enteredPointCoor[2]; defPointCoor[2*(nDefPoints-1)+1] = enteredPointCoor[3]; // Define some shotcuts x1 = enteredPointCoor[0]; // First point of the curve y1 = enteredPointCoor[1]; x2 = enteredPointCoor[2]; // Last point of the curve y2 = enteredPointCoor[3]; dx = (x2-x1)/(FUNCTION_DEF_POINTS-1); // Generate the points that will define the curve for (int j = 1; j < nDefPoints - 1; j++) { x = x1 + j*dx; funcVals[0] = x; fparser.Parse(function, "x"); y = fparser.Eval(funcVals); defPointCoor[2*j] = x; defPointCoor[2*j+1] = y; } } // End of function calculateFunctionDefPointCoor()
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double BenchFParser::DoBenchmark(const std::string& sExpr, long iCount) { double fRes (0); double fSum (0); FunctionParser Parser; Parser.AddConstant("pi", (double)M_PI); Parser.AddConstant("e", (double)M_E); if (Parser.Parse(sExpr.c_str(), "a,b,c,x,y,z,w") >= 0) { StopTimerAndReport(Parser.ErrorMsg()); return m_fTime1; } else { double vals[] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 2.123456, 3.123456, 4.123456, 5.123456 }; fRes = Parser.Eval(vals); StartTimer(); for (int j = 0; j < iCount; ++j) { fSum += Parser.Eval(vals); std::swap(vals[0], vals[1]); std::swap(vals[3], vals[4]); } StopTimer(fRes, fSum, iCount); } return m_fTime1; }
QtDialog::QtDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::QtDialog), m_curve(new QwtPlotCurve("Sine")), m_plot(new QwtPlot(QwtText("CppQwtExample1"))) { ui->setupUi(this); assert(!this->layout()); QLayout * const my_layout = new QVBoxLayout; this->setLayout(my_layout); #ifndef NDEBUG my_layout->addWidget(new QLabel("DEBUG")); #else my_layout->addWidget(new QLabel("RELEASE")); #endif my_layout->addWidget(new QLabel( ("GCC version: " + GetGccVersion()).c_str())); //my_layout->addWidget(new QLabel( ("Qt Creator version: " + GetQtCreatorVersion()).c_str())); my_layout->addWidget(new QLabel( ("STL version: " + GetStlVersion()).c_str())); my_layout->addWidget(new QLabel( ("Boost version: " + GetBoostVersion()).c_str())); { FunctionParser f; f.Parse("x * x","x"); assert(f.GetParseErrorType()== FunctionParser::FP_NO_ERROR); const double xs[1] = { M_PI }; const double y = f.Eval(xs); assert(f.EvalError()==0); my_layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Warp's function parser version: 4.5.1")); } { m_plot->setGeometry(0,0,640,400); m_plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, 0.0,2.0 * M_PI); m_plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft,-1.0,1.0); std::vector<double> xs; std::vector<double> ys; for (double x = 0; x < 2.0 * M_PI; x+=(M_PI / 10.0)) { xs.push_back(x); ys.push_back(std::sin(x)); } QwtPointArrayData * const data = new QwtPointArrayData(&xs[0],&ys[0],xs.size()); m_curve->setData(data); m_curve->attach(m_plot); m_plot->replot(); my_layout->addWidget(m_plot); } }
ribi::FunctionPlotterMainDialog::FunctionPlotterMainDialog( const std::string& formula, const double x_min, const double x_max, const int n_cols ) : m_x(std::vector<double>(n_cols,0.0)), m_y(std::vector<double>(n_cols,0.0)) { #ifndef NDEBUG assert(Rescale(2.0,1.0,5.0,0.0,100.0) >= 24.9999 && Rescale(2.0,1.0,5.0,0.0,100.0) < 25.0001); #endif FunctionParser f; f.Parse(formula,"x"); if (f.GetParseErrorType()!= FunctionParser::FP_NO_ERROR) { throw std::runtime_error("Function cannot not be parsed"); } if (x_min >= x_max) { throw std::runtime_error("Value of x_min must be smaller than x_max"); } //Evaluate the function in a 2D std::vector const double n_cols_d = static_cast<double>(n_cols); for (int x = 0; x!=n_cols; ++x) { const double xD = static_cast<double>(x); const double x_scaled = Rescale(xD,0.0,n_cols_d,x_min,x_max); const double xs[1] = { x_scaled }; const double y = f.Eval(xs); if (!f.EvalError()) { m_y[x] = y; } else { m_y[x] = 0.0; } m_x[x] = x_scaled; } }
//_____________________________________________________________________________ // void tf_set_formula() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { // Parse transfer function formula if( tf_fun_formula[0] == '\0' ) return ; FunctionParser fparser ; int res = fparser.Parse( (const char*)tf_fun_formula, "x" ) ; if( fparser.GetParseErrorType() != FunctionParser::NO_SYNTAX_ERROR ) { printf( "transfer formula error: %s\n\t%s\n\t% *d\n", fparser.ErrorMsg(), tf_fun_formula, res, 1 ) ; return ; } // Retreives the color map if( tf_colmap < 0 || tf_colmap >= CMAP_NB ) return ; const float *colmap = cmaps[tf_colmap] ; // allocate the transfer function int tf_size = tf_sym ? 512 : 256 ; vsvr.tf_set_intern() ; vsvr.tf_set_size( tf_size ) ; vsvr.tf_alloc() ; // fills the texture float x = 0.0f ; float dx = 1.0f / (tf_size-1) ; for( int i = 0 ; i < tf_size ; ++i, x += dx ) { int k = i ; // symmetric if( i > 255 ) k = 511 - i ; // inverse if( tf_inv ) k = 255 - k ; const float *col = colmap + 3*k ; float a = fparser.Eval( &x ) ; if( a < 0.0f ) a = 0.0f ; if( a > 1.0f ) a = 1.0f ; vsvr.tf_set( i, col[0], col[1], col[2], a*opacity ) ; } force_reload = true ; }
void GraphOption::generate_function(QString name,QString formula){ m_button_generate_function->setEnabled(false); //ferification of name and formula input if(name.isEmpty() || formula.isEmpty()){ core::NLog::global()->add_error("Please give function's name and formula."); m_button_generate_function->setEnabled(true); return; } //check if the function name already exist for(int i=0; i < m_data_table->rowCount(); ++i){ if((((QLabel *)m_data_table->cellWidget(i,0))->text()) == name){ core::NLog::global()->add_error("The function name already exist."); m_button_generate_function->setEnabled(true); return; } } FunctionParser fparser; //get all fct name separated by ',' QString variable = ""; for(int i=1; i < m_data_table->rowCount(); ++i){ if(!(((QLabel *)m_data_table->cellWidget(i,0))->text()).isEmpty()){ if(!variable.isEmpty()){ variable += ","; } variable.append(((QLabel *)m_data_table->cellWidget(i,0))->text()); } } //parsing function int res = fparser.Parse(formula.toStdString().c_str(), variable.toStdString().c_str()); if(res > 0){ core::NLog::global()->add_error("The function is not recognized."); m_button_generate_function->setEnabled(true); return; } //<to remove> int max_it = 0; if(m_data_table->rowCount()>0) { max_it = m_fcts->size(); }else{ core::NLog::global()->add_error("The function is not recognized."); m_button_generate_function->setEnabled(true); return; } //</to remove> //generate the new function's data std::vector<double> vector_temp(max_it); double vals[m_data_table->rowCount()-1]; for(int i=0;i<max_it;++i) { for(int j=0;j<m_data_table->rowCount()-1;++j) { vals[j] = (*m_fcts)[i][j+1]; } vector_temp[i] = fparser.Eval(vals); } //add the new function this->add_data(vector_temp,name,formula); //get back the button and clear the name and function line m_button_generate_function->setEnabled(true); m_line_function->clear(); m_line_function_name->clear(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double BenchFParser::DoBenchmark(const std::string& sExpr, long iCount) { double fRes = 0.0; double fSum = 0.0; FunctionParser Parser; Parser.AddConstant("pi", (double)M_PI); Parser.AddConstant("e", (double)M_E); if (Parser.Parse(sExpr.c_str(), "a,b,c,x,y,z,w") >= 0) { StopTimerAndReport(Parser.ErrorMsg()); return m_fTime1; } else { double vals[] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 2.123456, 3.123456, 4.123456, 5.123456 }; //Prime the I and D caches for the expression { double d0 = 0.0; double d1 = 0.0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < priming_rounds; ++i) { if (i & 1) d0 += Parser.Eval(vals); else d1 += Parser.Eval(vals); } if ( (d0 == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) && (d1 == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) ) { printf("\n"); } } fRes = Parser.Eval(vals); StartTimer(); for (int j = 0; j < iCount; ++j) { fSum += Parser.Eval(vals); std::swap(vals[0], vals[1]); std::swap(vals[3], vals[4]); } StopTimer(fRes, fSum, iCount); } return m_fTime1; }
void ribi::QtToolSurfacePlotterMainDialog::OnAnyChange() { try { boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_minx->text().toStdString()); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { this->setWindowTitle("Value of x_min is not a valid double"); return; } try { boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_miny->text().toStdString()); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { this->setWindowTitle("Value of y_min is not a valid double"); return; } try { boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_maxx->text().toStdString()); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { this->setWindowTitle("Value of x_max is not a valid double"); return; } try { boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_maxy->text().toStdString()); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { this->setWindowTitle("Value of y_max is not a valid double"); return; } FunctionParser f; //Parse the formula f.Parse(ui->edit_equation->text().toStdString().c_str(),"x,y"); if (f.GetParseErrorType()!= FunctionParser::FP_NO_ERROR) { this->setWindowTitle("Function cannot not be parsed"); return; } const double x_min = boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_minx->text().toStdString()); const double y_min = boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_miny->text().toStdString()); const double x_max = boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_maxx->text().toStdString()); const double y_max = boost::lexical_cast<double>(ui->edit_maxy->text().toStdString()); if (x_min >= x_max) { this->setWindowTitle("Value of x_min must be smaller than x_max"); return; } if (y_min >= y_max) { this->setWindowTitle("Value of y_min must be smaller than y_max"); return; } //Evaluate the function in a 2D std::vector const int n_rows = ui->surfaceplotwidget->height(); const int n_cols = ui->surfaceplotwidget->width(); std::vector<std::vector<double> > v(n_rows,std::vector<double>(n_cols,0.0)); const double n_rows_d = static_cast<double>(n_rows); const double n_cols_d = static_cast<double>(n_cols); for (int y = 0; y!=n_rows; ++y) { const double yD = static_cast<double>(y); const double y_scaled = Rescale(yD,0.0,n_rows_d,y_min,y_max); for (int x = 0; x!=n_cols; ++x) { const double xD = static_cast<double>(x); const double x_scaled = Rescale(xD,0.0,n_cols_d,x_min,x_max); const double xs[2] = { x_scaled,y_scaled }; const double z = f.Eval(xs); if (!f.EvalError()) { v[y][x] = z; } else { v[y][x] = 0.0; } } } this->setWindowTitle("Function plotted successfully"); //Plot the 2D std::vector ui->surfaceplotwidget->SetSurfaceGrey(v); }
double ScrSpinBox::valueFromText ( const QString & text ) const { //Get all our units strings //CB: Replaced by new CommonStrings versions // QString trStrPT=unitGetStrFromIndex(SC_PT); // QString trStrMM=unitGetStrFromIndex(SC_MM); // QString trStrIN=unitGetStrFromIndex(SC_IN); // QString trStrP =unitGetStrFromIndex(SC_P); // QString trStrCM=unitGetStrFromIndex(SC_CM); // QString trStrC =unitGetStrFromIndex(SC_C); // QString strPT=unitGetUntranslatedStrFromIndex(SC_PT); // QString strMM=unitGetUntranslatedStrFromIndex(SC_MM); // QString strIN=unitGetUntranslatedStrFromIndex(SC_IN); // QString strP =unitGetUntranslatedStrFromIndex(SC_P); // QString strCM=unitGetUntranslatedStrFromIndex(SC_CM); // QString strC =unitGetUntranslatedStrFromIndex(SC_C); //Get a copy for use QString ts = text.trimmed(); //Find our suffix QString su(unitGetStrFromIndex(m_unitIndex)); //Replace our pica XpY.Z format with (X*12+Y.Z)pt if (CommonStrings::trStrP.localeAwareCompare(CommonStrings::strP)!=0) ts.replace(CommonStrings::trStrP, CommonStrings::strP); QRegExp rxP; if (m_unitIndex==SC_PICAS) rxP.setPattern("\\b(\\d+)"+CommonStrings::strP+"?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?\\b"); else rxP.setPattern("\\b(\\d+)"+CommonStrings::strP+"(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?\\b"); int posP = 0; while (posP >= 0) { // qDebug() << "#"; posP = rxP.indexIn(ts, posP); if (posP >= 0) { // qDebug() << rxP.cap(1); // qDebug() << rxP.cap(2); QString replacement = QString("%1%2").arg(rxP.cap(1).toDouble()*(static_cast<double>(unitGetBaseFromIndex(SC_PICAS))) + rxP.cap(2).toDouble()).arg(CommonStrings::strPT); ts.replace(posP, rxP.cap(0).length(), replacement); // qDebug() << ts; } } // qDebug() << "##" << ts; ts.replace(",", "."); ts.replace("%", ""); ts.replace("°", ""); ts.replace(FinishTag, ""); ts = ts.trimmed(); if (ts.endsWith(su)) ts = ts.left(ts.length()-su.length()); int pos = ts.length(); while (pos > 0) { pos = ts.lastIndexOf(".", pos); if (pos >= 0) { if (pos < static_cast<int>(ts.length())) { if (!ts[pos+1].isDigit()) ts.insert(pos+1, "0 "); } pos--; } } if (ts.endsWith(".")) ts.append("0"); //CB FParser doesn't handle unicode well/at all. //So, instead of just getting the translated strings and //sticking them in as variables in the parser, if they are //not the same as the untranslated version, then we replace them. //We lose the ability for now to have some strings in languages //that might use them in variables. //To return to previous functionality, remove the follow replacement ifs, //S&R in the trStr* assignments trStrPT->strPT and remove the current str* ones. //IE, send the translated strings through to the regexp. if (CommonStrings::trStrPT.localeAwareCompare(CommonStrings::strPT)!=0) ts.replace(CommonStrings::trStrPT, CommonStrings::strPT); if (CommonStrings::trStrMM.localeAwareCompare(CommonStrings::strMM)!=0) ts.replace(CommonStrings::trStrMM, CommonStrings::strMM); if (CommonStrings::trStrIN.localeAwareCompare(CommonStrings::strIN)!=0) ts.replace(CommonStrings::trStrIN, CommonStrings::strIN); if (CommonStrings::trStrCM.localeAwareCompare(CommonStrings::strCM)!=0) ts.replace(CommonStrings::trStrCM, CommonStrings::strCM); if (CommonStrings::trStrC.localeAwareCompare(CommonStrings::trStrC)!=0) ts.replace(CommonStrings::trStrC, CommonStrings::strC); //Replace in our typed text all of the units strings with *unitstring QRegExp rx("\\b(\\d+)\\s*("+CommonStrings::strPT+"|"+CommonStrings::strMM+"|"+CommonStrings::strC+"|"+CommonStrings::strCM+"|"+CommonStrings::strIN+")\\b"); pos = 0; while (pos >= 0) { pos = rx.indexIn(ts, pos); if (pos >= 0) { QString replacement = rx.cap(1) + "*" + rx.cap(2); ts.replace(pos, rx.cap(0).length(), replacement); } } //Add in the fparser constants using our unit strings, and the conversion factors. FunctionParser fp; // setFPConstants(fp); fp.AddConstant(CommonStrings::strPT.toStdString(), value2value(1.0, SC_PT, m_unitIndex)); fp.AddConstant(CommonStrings::strMM.toStdString(), value2value(1.0, SC_MM, m_unitIndex)); fp.AddConstant(CommonStrings::strIN.toStdString(), value2value(1.0, SC_IN, m_unitIndex)); fp.AddConstant(CommonStrings::strP.toStdString(), value2value(1.0, SC_P, m_unitIndex)); fp.AddConstant(CommonStrings::strCM.toStdString(), value2value(1.0, SC_CM, m_unitIndex)); fp.AddConstant(CommonStrings::strC.toStdString(), value2value(1.0, SC_C, m_unitIndex)); fp.AddConstant("old", value()); if (m_constants) { QMap<QString, double>::ConstIterator itend = m_constants->constEnd(); QMap<QString, double>::ConstIterator it = m_constants->constBegin(); while(it != itend) { fp.AddConstant(it.key().toStdString(), it.value() * unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_unitIndex)); ++it; } } int ret = fp.Parse(ts.toStdString(), "", true); // qDebug() << "fp return =" << ret; if (ret >= 0) return 0; double erg = fp.Eval(NULL); // qDebug() << "fp value =" << erg; return erg; }