Example #1
 * Calculates function values for domain. In contrast to CompositeFunction, the
 * of values is performed in a different way: The values are set to zero once at
 *the beginning,
 * then it is expected of the member functions to use
 *FunctionValues::addToCalculated or add
 * their values otherwise, without erasing the values.
 * @param domain :: Function domain which is passed on to the member functions.
 * @param values :: Function values.
void Poldi2DFunction::function(const FunctionDomain &domain,
                               FunctionValues &values) const {
  CompositeFunction::function(domain, values);

  if (m_iteration > 0) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
      values.setFitWeight(i, 1.0 / sqrt(values.getCalculated(i) + 0.1));
/// Update the peaks parameters after recalculationof the crystal field.
/// @param spectrum :: A composite function containings the peaks to update.
///                    May contain other functions (background) fix indices
///                    < iFirst.
/// @param peakShape :: A shape of each peak as a name of an IPeakFunction.
/// @param centresAndIntensities :: A FunctionValues object containing centres
///        and intensities for the peaks. First nPeaks calculated values are the
///        centres and the following nPeaks values are the intensities.
/// @param iFirst :: The first index in the composite function (spectrum) at
///        which the peaks begin.
/// @param xVec :: x-values of a tabulated width function.
/// @param yVec :: y-values of a tabulated width function.
/// @param fwhmVariation :: A variation in the peak width allowed in a fit.
/// @param defaultFWHM :: A default value for the FWHM to use if xVec and yVec
///        are empty.
/// @param fixAllPeaks :: If true fix all peak parameters
/// @return :: The new number of fitted peaks.
size_t updateSpectrumFunction(API::CompositeFunction &spectrum,
                              const std::string &peakShape,
                              const FunctionValues &centresAndIntensities,
                              size_t iFirst, const std::vector<double> &xVec,
                              const std::vector<double> &yVec,
                              double fwhmVariation, double defaultFWHM,
                              bool fixAllPeaks) {
  size_t nGoodPeaks = calculateNPeaks(centresAndIntensities);
  size_t maxNPeaks = calculateMaxNPeaks(nGoodPeaks);
  size_t nFunctions = spectrum.nFunctions();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < maxNPeaks; ++i) {
    const bool isGood = i < nGoodPeaks;
    auto centre = isGood ? centresAndIntensities.getCalculated(i) : 0.0;
    auto intensity =
        isGood ? centresAndIntensities.getCalculated(i + nGoodPeaks) : 0.0;

    if (i < nFunctions - iFirst) {
      auto fun = spectrum.getFunction(i + iFirst);
      auto &peak = dynamic_cast<API::IPeakFunction &>(*fun);
      updatePeak(peak, centre, intensity, xVec, yVec, fwhmVariation, isGood,
    } else {
      auto peakPtr =
          createPeak(peakShape, centre, intensity, xVec, yVec, fwhmVariation,
                     defaultFWHM, isGood, fixAllPeaks);
  // If there are any peaks above the maxNPeaks, ignore them
  // but don't remove
  for (size_t i = maxNPeaks; i < nFunctions - iFirst; ++i) {
    auto fun = spectrum.getFunction(i + iFirst);
    auto &peak = dynamic_cast<API::IPeakFunction &>(*fun);
    const auto fwhm = peak.fwhm();
    ignorePeak(peak, fwhm);
  return nGoodPeaks;