Example #1
void Mesh::calcScaledNormalEl2D(const std::map<MElement*,GEntity*> &element2entity, int iEl)
  const JacobianBasis *jac = _el[iEl]->getJacobianFuncSpace();

  fullMatrix<double> primNodesXYZ(jac->getNumPrimMapNodes(),3);
  SVector3 geoNorm(0.,0.,0.);
  std::map<MElement*,GEntity*>::const_iterator itEl2ent = element2entity.find(_el[iEl]);
  GEntity *ge = (itEl2ent == element2entity.end()) ? 0 : itEl2ent->second;
  const bool hasGeoNorm = ge && (ge->dim() == 2) && ge->haveParametrization();
  for (int i=0; i<jac->getNumPrimMapNodes(); i++) {
    const int &iV = _el2V[iEl][i];
    primNodesXYZ(i,0) = _xyz[iV].x();
    primNodesXYZ(i,1) = _xyz[iV].y();
    primNodesXYZ(i,2) = _xyz[iV].z();
    if (hasGeoNorm && (_vert[iV]->onWhat() == ge)) {
      double u, v;
      geoNorm += ((GFace*)ge)->normal(SPoint2(u,v));
  if (hasGeoNorm && (geoNorm.normSq() == 0.)) {
    SPoint2 param = ((GFace*)ge)->parFromPoint(_el[iEl]->barycenter(true),false);
    geoNorm = ((GFace*)ge)->normal(param);

  fullMatrix<double> &elNorm = _scaledNormEl[iEl];
  const double norm = jac->getPrimNormal2D(primNodesXYZ,elNorm);
  double factor = 1./norm;
  if (hasGeoNorm) {
    const double scal = geoNorm(0)*elNorm(0,0)+geoNorm(1)*elNorm(0,1)+geoNorm(2)*elNorm(0,2);
    if (scal < 0.) factor = -factor;
  elNorm.scale(factor);   // Re-scaling normal here is faster than an extra scaling operation on the Jacobian

Example #2
Mesh::Mesh(const std::map<MElement*,GEntity*> &element2entity,
           const std::set<MElement*> &els, std::set<MVertex*> &toFix,
           bool fixBndNodes, bool fastJacEval) :

  _dim = (*els.begin())->getDim();

  // Initialize elements, vertices, free vertices and element->vertices
  // connectivity
  const int nElements = els.size();
  _nPC = 0;
  int iEl = 0;
  bool nonGeoMove = false;
  for(std::set<MElement*>::const_iterator it = els.begin();
      it != els.end(); ++it, ++iEl) {
    _el[iEl] = *it;
    const JacobianBasis *jac = _el[iEl]->getJacobianFuncSpace();
    _nBezEl[iEl] = _fastJacEval ? jac->getNumJacNodesFast() : jac->getNumJacNodes();
    _nNodEl[iEl] = jac->getNumMapNodes();
    for (int iVEl = 0; iVEl < jac->getNumMapNodes(); iVEl++) {
      MVertex *vert = _el[iEl]->getVertex(iVEl);
      GEntity *ge = vert->onWhat();
      const int vDim = ge->dim();
      const bool hasParam = ge->haveParametrization();
      int iV = addVert(vert);
      if ((vDim > 0) && (toFix.find(vert) == toFix.end()) && (!fixBndNodes || vDim == _dim)) {   // Free vertex?
        ParamCoord *param;
        if (vDim == 3) param = new ParamCoordPhys3D();
        else if (hasParam) param = new ParamCoordParent(vert);
        else {
          if (vDim == 2) param = new ParamCoordLocalSurf(vert);
          else param = new ParamCoordLocalLine(vert);
          nonGeoMove = true;
        int iFV = addFreeVert(vert,iV,vDim,param,toFix);
        for (int i=_startPCFV[iFV]; i<_startPCFV[iFV]+vDim; i++) _indPCEl[iEl].push_back(i);
      else _el2FV[iEl].push_back(-1);

  if (nonGeoMove) Msg::Info("WARNING: Some vertices will be moved along local lines "
                            "or planes, they may not remain on the exact geometry");

  // Initial coordinates
  for (int iV = 0; iV < nVert(); iV++) _ixyz[iV] = _vert[iV]->point();
  for (int iFV = 0; iFV < nFV(); iFV++) _iuvw[iFV] = _paramFV[iFV]->getUvw(_freeVert[iFV]);

  // Set current coordinates
  _xyz = _ixyz;
  _uvw = _iuvw;

  // Set normals to 2D elements (with magnitude of inverse Jacobian) or initial
  // Jacobians of 3D elements
  if (_dim == 2) {
    for (int iEl = 0; iEl < nEl(); iEl++) calcScaledNormalEl2D(element2entity,iEl);
  else {
    double dumJac[3][3];
    for (int iEl = 0; iEl < nEl(); iEl++)
      _invStraightJac[iEl] = 1. / fabs(_el[iEl]->getPrimaryJacobian(0.,0.,0.,dumJac));
