Example #1
bool DecalManager::prepRenderImage(SceneState* state, const U32 stateKey,
                                   const U32 /*startZone*/, const bool /*modifyBaseState*/)
   PROFILE_SCOPE( DecalManager_RenderDecals );

   if ( !smDecalsOn || !mData ) 
      return false;

   if (isLastState(state, stateKey))
      return false;
   setLastState(state, stateKey);

   if ( !state->isDiffusePass() && !state->isReflectPass() )
      return false;

   PROFILE_START( DecalManager_RenderDecals_SphereTreeCull );

   // Grab this before anything here changes it.
   mCuller = state->getFrustum();

   // Populate vector of decal instances to be rendered with all
   // decals from visible decal spheres.


   const Vector<DecalSphere*> &grid = mData->getGrid();
   for ( U32 i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++ )
      const DecalSphere *decalSphere = grid[i];
      const SphereF &worldSphere = decalSphere->mWorldSphere;
      if ( !mCuller.sphereInFrustum( worldSphere.center, worldSphere.radius ) )

      // TODO: If each sphere stored its largest decal instance we
      // could do an LOD step on it here and skip adding any of the
      // decals in the sphere.

      mDecalQueue.merge( decalSphere->mItems );


   PROFILE_START( DecalManager_RenderDecals_Update );

   const U32 &curSimTime = Sim::getCurrentTime();
   const Point2I &viewportExtent = state->getViewportExtent();
   Point3F cameraOffset; 
   F32   decalSize, 
   U32 delta, diff;
   DecalInstance *dinst;

   // Loop through DecalQueue once for preRendering work.
   // 1. Update DecalInstance fade (over time)
   // 2. Clip geometry if flagged to do so.
   // 3. Calculate lod - if decal is far enough away it will not render.
   for ( U32 i = 0; i < mDecalQueue.size(); i++ )
      dinst = mDecalQueue[i];

      // LOD calculation.
      // See TSShapeInstance::setDetailFromDistance for more
      // information on these calculations.
      decalSize = getMax( dinst->mSize, 0.001f );
      pixelRadius = dinst->calcPixelRadius( state );

      // Need to clamp here.
      if ( pixelRadius < dinst->calcEndPixRadius( viewportExtent ) )
         mDecalQueue.erase_fast( i );

      // We're gonna try to render this decal... so do any 
      // final adjustments to it before rendering.

      // Update fade and delete expired.
      if ( !( dinst->mFlags & PermanentDecal || dinst->mFlags & CustomDecal ) )
         delta = ( curSimTime - dinst->mCreateTime );
         if ( delta > dinst->mDataBlock->lifeSpan )         
            diff = delta - dinst->mDataBlock->lifeSpan;
            dinst->mVisibility = 1.0f - (F32)diff / (F32)dinst->mDataBlock->fadeTime;

            if ( dinst->mVisibility <= 0.0f )
               mDecalQueue.erase_fast( i );
               removeDecal( dinst );               

      // Build clipped geometry for this decal if needed.
      if ( dinst->mFlags & ClipDecal/* && !( dinst->mFlags & CustomDecal ) */)
         // Turn off the flag so we don't continually try to clip
         // if it fails.
		  if(!clipDecal( dinst ))
				dinst->mFlags = dinst->mFlags & ~ClipDecal;
				if ( !(dinst->mFlags & CustomDecal) )
					// Clipping failed to get any geometry...

					// Remove it from the render queue.
					mDecalQueue.erase_fast( i );

					// If the decal is one placed at run-time (not the editor)
					// then we should also permanently delete the decal instance.
					if ( !(dinst->mFlags & SaveDecal) )
						removeDecal( dinst );
				// If this is a decal placed by the editor it will be
				// flagged to attempt clipping again the next time it is
				// modified. For now we just skip rendering it.      

      // If we get here and the decal still does not have any geometry
      // skip rendering it. It must be an editor placed decal that failed
      // to clip any geometry but has not yet been flagged to try again.
      if ( !dinst->mVerts || dinst->mVertCount == 0 || dinst->mIndxCount == 0 )
         mDecalQueue.erase_fast( i );

      F32 alpha = pixelRadius / (dinst->mDataBlock->startPixRadius * decalSize) - 1.0f;
      if ( dinst->mFlags & CustomDecal )
         alpha = mClampF( alpha, 0.0f, 1.0f );
         alpha *= dinst->mVisibility;
         alpha = mClampF( alpha * dinst->mVisibility, 0.0f, 1.0f );

      for ( U32 v = 0; v < dinst->mVertCount; v++ )
         dinst->mVerts[v].color.set( 255, 255, 255, alpha * 255.0f );


   if ( mDecalQueue.empty() )
      return false;

   // Sort queued decals...
   // 1. Editor decals - in render priority order first, creation time second, and material third.
   // 2. Dynamic decals - in render priority order first and creation time second.
   // With the constraint that decals with different render priority cannot
   // be rendered together in the same draw call.

   PROFILE_START( DecalManager_RenderDecals_Sort );
   dQsort( mDecalQueue.address(), mDecalQueue.size(), sizeof(DecalInstance*), cmpDecalRenderOrder );

   PROFILE_SCOPE( DecalManager_RenderDecals_RenderBatch );


   RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass();

   // Base render instance for convenience we use for convenience.
   // Data shared by all instances we allocate below can be copied
   // from the base instance at the same time.
   MeshRenderInst baseRenderInst;

   MatrixF *tempMat = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( MatrixF( true ) );
   MathUtils::getZBiasProjectionMatrix( gDecalBias, mCuller, tempMat );
   baseRenderInst.projection = tempMat;

   baseRenderInst.objectToWorld = &MatrixF::Identity;
   baseRenderInst.worldToCamera = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View);

   baseRenderInst.type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Decal;      

   // Make it the sort distance the max distance so that 
   // it renders after all the other opaque geometry in 
   // the prepass bin.
   baseRenderInst.sortDistSq = F32_MAX;

   // Get the best lights for the current camera position.
   LightManager *lm = state->getLightManager();
   if ( lm )
      lm->setupLights(  NULL, 
                        mCuller.getFarDist() );
      lm->getBestLights( baseRenderInst.lights, 4 );

   Vector<DecalBatch> batches;
   DecalBatch *currentBatch = NULL;

   // Loop through DecalQueue collecting them into render batches.
   for ( U32 i = 0; i < mDecalQueue.size(); i++ )
      DecalInstance *decal = mDecalQueue[i];      
      DecalData *data = decal->mDataBlock;
      Material *mat = data->getMaterial();

      if ( currentBatch == NULL )
         // Start a new batch, beginning with this decal.

         currentBatch = &batches.last();
         currentBatch->startDecal = i;
         currentBatch->decalCount = 1;
         currentBatch->iCount = decal->mIndxCount;
         currentBatch->vCount = decal->mVertCount;
         currentBatch->mat = mat;
         currentBatch->matInst = decal->mDataBlock->getMaterialInstance();
         currentBatch->priority = decal->getRenderPriority();         
         currentBatch->dynamic = !(decal->mFlags & SaveDecal);


      if ( currentBatch->iCount + decal->mIndxCount >= smMaxIndices || 
           currentBatch->vCount + decal->mVertCount >= smMaxVerts ||
           currentBatch->mat != mat ||
           currentBatch->priority != decal->getRenderPriority() ||
           decal->mCustomTex )
         // End batch.

         currentBatch = NULL;

      // Add on to current batch.
      currentBatch->iCount += decal->mIndxCount;
      currentBatch->vCount += decal->mVertCount;

   // Loop through batches allocating buffers and submitting render instances.
   for ( U32 i = 0; i < batches.size(); i++ )
      DecalBatch &currentBatch = batches[i];

      // Allocate buffers...

      GFXVertexBufferHandle<DecalVertex> vb;
      vb.set( GFX, currentBatch.vCount, GFXBufferTypeDynamic );
      DecalVertex *vpPtr = vb.lock();

      GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle pb;
      pb.set( GFX, currentBatch.iCount, 0, GFXBufferTypeDynamic );
      U16 *pbPtr;
      pb.lock( &pbPtr );

      // Copy data into the buffers from all decals in this batch...

      U32 lastDecal = currentBatch.startDecal + currentBatch.decalCount;

      U32 voffset = 0;
      U32 ioffset = 0;

      // This is an ugly hack for ProjectedShadow!
      GFXTextureObject *customTex = NULL;

      for ( U32 j = currentBatch.startDecal; j < lastDecal; j++ )
         DecalInstance *dinst = mDecalQueue[j];

         for ( U32 k = 0; k < dinst->mIndxCount; k++ )
            *( pbPtr + ioffset + k ) = dinst->mIndices[k] + voffset;            

         ioffset += dinst->mIndxCount;

         dMemcpy( vpPtr + voffset, dinst->mVerts, sizeof( DecalVertex ) * dinst->mVertCount );
         voffset += dinst->mVertCount;

         // Ugly hack for ProjectedShadow!
         if ( (dinst->mFlags & CustomDecal) && dinst->mCustomTex != NULL )
            customTex = *dinst->mCustomTex;

      AssertFatal( ioffset == currentBatch.iCount, "bad" );
      AssertFatal( voffset == currentBatch.vCount, "bad" );

      // DecalManager must hold handles to these buffers so they remain valid,
      // we don't actually use them elsewhere.
      mPrimBuffs.push_back( pb );
      mVBs.push_back( vb );

      // Submit render inst...

      MeshRenderInst *ri = renderPass->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>();

      *ri = baseRenderInst;

      ri->primBuff = &mPrimBuffs.last();
      ri->vertBuff = &mVBs.last();

      ri->matInst = currentBatch.matInst;

      ri->prim = renderPass->allocPrim();
      ri->prim->type = GFXTriangleList;
      ri->prim->minIndex = 0;
      ri->prim->startIndex = 0;
      ri->prim->numPrimitives = currentBatch.iCount / 3;
      ri->prim->startVertex = 0;
      ri->prim->numVertices = currentBatch.vCount;

      // Ugly hack for ProjectedShadow!
      if ( customTex )
         ri->miscTex = customTex;

      // The decal bin will contain render instances for both decals and decalRoad's.
      // Dynamic decals render last, then editor decals and roads in priority order.
      // DefaultKey is sorted in descending order.
      ri->defaultKey = currentBatch.dynamic ? 0xFFFFFFFF : (U32)currentBatch.priority;
      ri->defaultKey2 = 1;//(U32)lastDecal->mDataBlock;

      renderPass->addInst( ri );

   return false;
void GroundPlane::generateGrid( U32 width, U32 height, F32 squareSize,
                                const Point2F& min, const Point2F& max,
                                GFXVertexBufferHandle< VertexType >& outVertices,
                                GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle& outPrimitives )
   // Generate the vertices.

   VertexType* vertices = outVertices.lock();
   for( F32 y = min.y; y <= max.y; y += squareSize )
      for( F32 x = min.x; x <= max.x; x += squareSize )
         vertices->point.x = x;
         vertices->point.y = y;
         vertices->point.z = 0.0;

         vertices->texCoord.x = ( x / squareSize ) * mScaleU;
         vertices->texCoord.y = ( y / squareSize ) * -mScaleV;

         vertices->normal.x = 0.0f;
         vertices->normal.y = 0.0f;
         vertices->normal.z = 1.0f;

         vertices->tangent.x = 1.0f;
         vertices->tangent.y = 0.0f;
         vertices->tangent.z = 0.0f;

         vertices->binormal.x = 0.0f;
         vertices->binormal.y = 1.0f;
         vertices->binormal.z = 0.0f;


   // Generate the indices.

   U16* indices;
   outPrimitives.lock( &indices );
   U16 corner1 = 0;
   U16 corner2 = 1;
   U16 corner3 = width + 1;
   U16 corner4 = width + 2;
   for( U32 y = 0; y < height; ++ y )
      for( U32 x = 0; x < width; ++ x )
         indices[ 0 ] = corner3;
         indices[ 1 ] = corner2;
         indices[ 2 ] = corner1;

         indices += 3;

         indices[ 0 ] = corner3;
         indices[ 1 ] = corner4;
         indices[ 2 ] = corner2;

         indices += 3;

         corner1 ++;
         corner2 ++;
         corner3 ++;
         corner4 ++;

      corner1 ++;
      corner2 ++;
      corner3 ++;
      corner4 ++;
