void texture2DArray()
      Log::error("Texture 2d array not supported.\n");

    // Create a 2x2 vertices quad facing the camera
    mQuad2DArrayTex = makeGrid( vec3(0,0,0), 10.0f, 10.0f, 2, 2 );
    // Rotate plane toward the user
    mQuad2DArrayTex->transform( mat4::getRotation(90, 1,0,0), false );

    // Texture coordinates to be animated in updateScene()
    mTexCoords_2DArray = new ArrayFloat3;
    mTexCoords_2DArray->resize( 2*2 );
    mQuad2DArrayTex->setTexCoordArray(0, mTexCoords_2DArray.get());

    // Create the effect used by the actor
    ref<Effect> fx_2darray = new Effect;

    // Add and position the actor in the scene
    Actor* act_2darray = sceneManager()->tree()->addActor( mQuad2DArrayTex.get(), fx_2darray.get(), new Transform );
    act_2darray->transform()->setLocalAndWorldMatrix( mat4::getTranslation(+6,+6,-6) );

    // Load a 3D image, VL considers 3D images equivalent to an array of 2D images.
    ref<Image> img_volume = loadImage("/volume/VLTest.dat");
    m2DArraySize = img_volume->depth();

    // Create the 2D texture array and bind it to unit #0
    ref<Texture> texture_2darray = new Texture;
    texture_2darray->prepareTexture2DArray( img_volume.get(), TF_RGBA, mMipmappingOn );
    fx_2darray->shader()->gocTextureSampler(0)->setTexture( texture_2darray.get() );
    // We need a GLSL program that uses 'sampler2DArray()' to access the 1D and 2D texture arrays!
    GLSLProgram* glsl = fx_2darray->shader()->gocGLSLProgram();
    glsl->attachShader( new GLSLFragmentShader("/glsl/texture_2d_array.fs") );
    // Bind the sampler to unit #0
  void texture1DArray()
      Log::error("Texture 1d array not supported.\n");

    // Load a 2D texture, VL considers 2D images equivalent to arrays of 1D images.
    ref<Image> img_holebox = loadImage("/images/holebox.tif");    
    m1DArraySize = img_holebox->height();

    // Create a grid with img_holebox->height() slices
    mQuad1DArrayTex = makeGrid( vec3(0,0,0), 10, 10, 2, img_holebox->height() );
    mQuad1DArrayTex->transform( mat4::getRotation(90, 1,0,0), false );

    // Texture coordinates to be animated in updateScene()
    mTexCoords_1DArray = new ArrayFloat2;
    mTexCoords_1DArray->resize( 2 * img_holebox->height() );
    mQuad1DArrayTex->setTexCoordArray(0, mTexCoords_1DArray.get());

    // Create the effect used by the actor
    ref<Effect> fx_1darray = new Effect;

    // Add and position the actor in the scene
    Actor* act_1darray = sceneManager()->tree()->addActor( mQuad1DArrayTex.get(), fx_1darray.get(), new Transform );
    act_1darray->transform()->setLocalAndWorldMatrix( mat4::getTranslation(+6,-6,-6) );

    // Create the 1D texture array and bind it to unit #0
    ref<Texture> texture_1darray = new Texture;
    texture_1darray->prepareTexture1DArray( img_holebox.get(), TF_RGBA, mMipmappingOn );
    fx_1darray->shader()->gocTextureSampler(0)->setTexture( texture_1darray.get() );
    // We need a GLSL program that uses 'sampler1DArray()' to access the 1D and 2D texture arrays!
    GLSLProgram* glsl = fx_1darray->shader()->gocGLSLProgram();
    glsl->attachShader( new GLSLFragmentShader("/glsl/texture_1d_array.fs") );