OGRGMLLayer *OGRGMLDataSource::TranslateGMLSchema( GMLFeatureClass *poClass )

    OGRGMLLayer *poLayer;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create an empty layer.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poLayer = new OGRGMLLayer( poClass->GetName(), NULL, FALSE, 
                               wkbUnknown, this );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Added attributes (properties).                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int iField = 0; iField < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); iField++ )
        GMLPropertyDefn *poProperty = poClass->GetProperty( iField );
        OGRFieldType eFType;

        if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_Untyped )
            eFType = OFTString;
        else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_String )
            eFType = OFTString;
        else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_Integer )
            eFType = OFTInteger;
        else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_Real )
            eFType = OFTReal;
            eFType = OFTString;
        OGRFieldDefn oField( poProperty->GetName(), eFType );
        if ( EQUALN(oField.GetNameRef(), "ogr:", 4) )
        if( poProperty->GetWidth() > 0 )
            oField.SetWidth( poProperty->GetWidth() );
        if( poProperty->GetPrecision() > 0 )
            oField.SetPrecision( poProperty->GetPrecision() );

        poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->AddFieldDefn( &oField );

    return poLayer;
Example #2
CPLXMLNode *GMLFeatureClass::SerializeToXML()

    CPLXMLNode  *psRoot;
    int         iProperty;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set feature class and core information.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psRoot = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "GMLFeatureClass" );

    CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "Name", GetName() );
    CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "ElementPath", GetElementName() );
    if( GetGeometryElement() != NULL && strlen(GetGeometryElement()) > 0 )
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "GeometryElementPath", 
                                     GetGeometryElement() );
    if( GetGeometryType() != 0 /* wkbUnknown */ )
        char szValue[128];

        sprintf( szValue, "%d", GetGeometryType() );
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "GeometryType", szValue );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out dataset specific information.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psDSI;

    if( m_bHaveExtents || m_nFeatureCount != -1 || m_pszExtraInfo != NULL )
        psDSI = CPLCreateXMLNode( psRoot, CXT_Element, "DatasetSpecificInfo" );

        if( m_nFeatureCount != -1 )
            char szValue[128];

            sprintf( szValue, "%d", m_nFeatureCount );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "FeatureCount", szValue );

        if( m_bHaveExtents )
            char szValue[128];

            sprintf( szValue, "%.5f", m_dfXMin );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentXMin", szValue );

            sprintf( szValue, "%.5f", m_dfXMax );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentXMax", szValue );

            sprintf( szValue, "%.5f", m_dfYMin );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentYMin", szValue );

            sprintf( szValue, "%.5f", m_dfYMax );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentYMax", szValue );

        if( m_pszExtraInfo )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtraInfo", m_pszExtraInfo );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      emit property information.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( iProperty = 0; iProperty < GetPropertyCount(); iProperty++ )
        GMLPropertyDefn *poPDefn = GetProperty( iProperty );
        CPLXMLNode *psPDefnNode;
        const char *pszTypeName = "Unknown";

        psPDefnNode = CPLCreateXMLNode( psRoot, CXT_Element, "PropertyDefn" );
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Name", 
                                     poPDefn->GetName() );
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "ElementPath", 
                                     poPDefn->GetSrcElement() );
        switch( poPDefn->GetType() )
          case GMLPT_Untyped:
            pszTypeName = "Untyped";
          case GMLPT_String:
            pszTypeName = "String";
          case GMLPT_Integer:
            pszTypeName = "Integer";
          case GMLPT_Real:
            pszTypeName = "Real";
          case GMLPT_Complex:
            pszTypeName = "Complex";

          case GMLPT_IntegerList:
            pszTypeName = "IntegerList";

          case GMLPT_RealList:
            pszTypeName = "RealList";

          case GMLPT_StringList:
            pszTypeName = "StringList";
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Type", pszTypeName );

        if( EQUAL(pszTypeName,"String") )
            char szMaxLength[48];
            sprintf(szMaxLength, "%d", poPDefn->GetWidth());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Width", szMaxLength );
        if( poPDefn->GetWidth() > 0 && EQUAL(pszTypeName,"Integer") )
            char szLength[48];
            sprintf(szLength, "%d", poPDefn->GetWidth());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Width", szLength );
        if( poPDefn->GetWidth() > 0 && EQUAL(pszTypeName,"Real") )
            char szLength[48];
            sprintf(szLength, "%d", poPDefn->GetWidth());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Width", szLength );
            char szPrecision[48];
            sprintf(szPrecision, "%d", poPDefn->GetPrecision());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Precision", szPrecision );

    return psRoot;
Example #3
CPLXMLNode *GMLFeatureClass::SerializeToXML()

    CPLXMLNode  *psRoot;
    int         iProperty;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set feature class and core information.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psRoot = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "GMLFeatureClass" );

    CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "Name", GetName() );
    CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "ElementPath", GetElementName() );
    if( m_nGeometryPropertyCount > 1 )
        for(int i=0; i < m_nGeometryPropertyCount; i++)
            GMLGeometryPropertyDefn* poGeomFDefn = m_papoGeometryProperty[i];

            CPLXMLNode *psPDefnNode;
            psPDefnNode = CPLCreateXMLNode( psRoot, CXT_Element, "GeomPropertyDefn" );
            if( strlen(poGeomFDefn->GetName()) > 0 )
                CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Name", 
                                             poGeomFDefn->GetName() );
            if( poGeomFDefn->GetSrcElement() != NULL && strlen(poGeomFDefn->GetSrcElement()) > 0 )
                CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "ElementPath", 
                                             poGeomFDefn->GetSrcElement() );
            if( poGeomFDefn->GetType() != 0 /* wkbUnknown */ )
                char szValue[128];

                OGRwkbGeometryType eType = (OGRwkbGeometryType)poGeomFDefn->GetType();

                CPLString osStr(OGRToOGCGeomType(eType));
                if( wkbHasZ(eType) ) osStr += "Z";
                CPLCreateXMLNode( psPDefnNode, CXT_Comment, osStr.c_str() );

                sprintf( szValue, "%d", eType );
                CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Type", szValue );
    else if( m_nGeometryPropertyCount == 1 )
        GMLGeometryPropertyDefn* poGeomFDefn = m_papoGeometryProperty[0];
        if( strlen(poGeomFDefn->GetName()) > 0 )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "GeometryName", 
                                         poGeomFDefn->GetName() );

        if( poGeomFDefn->GetSrcElement() != NULL && strlen(poGeomFDefn->GetSrcElement()) > 0 )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "GeometryElementPath", 
                                         poGeomFDefn->GetSrcElement() );
        if( poGeomFDefn->GetType() != 0 /* wkbUnknown */ )
            char szValue[128];

            OGRwkbGeometryType eType = (OGRwkbGeometryType)poGeomFDefn->GetType();

            CPLString osStr(OGRToOGCGeomType(eType));
            if( wkbHasZ(eType) ) osStr += "Z";
            CPLCreateXMLNode( psRoot, CXT_Comment, osStr.c_str() );

            sprintf( szValue, "%d", eType );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "GeometryType", szValue );
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "GeometryType", "100" );

    const char* pszSRSName = GetSRSName();
    if( pszSRSName )
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psRoot, "SRSName", pszSRSName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out dataset specific information.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psDSI;

    if( m_bHaveExtents || m_nFeatureCount != -1 || m_pszExtraInfo != NULL )
        psDSI = CPLCreateXMLNode( psRoot, CXT_Element, "DatasetSpecificInfo" );

        if( m_nFeatureCount != -1 )
            char szValue[128];

            sprintf( szValue, CPL_FRMT_GIB, m_nFeatureCount );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "FeatureCount", szValue );

        if( m_bHaveExtents &&
            fabs(m_dfXMin) < 1e100 &&
            fabs(m_dfXMax) < 1e100 &&
            fabs(m_dfYMin) < 1e100 &&
            fabs(m_dfYMax) < 1e100 )
            char szValue[128];

            CPLsnprintf( szValue, sizeof(szValue), "%.5f", m_dfXMin );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentXMin", szValue );

            CPLsnprintf( szValue, sizeof(szValue), "%.5f", m_dfXMax );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentXMax", szValue );

            CPLsnprintf( szValue, sizeof(szValue), "%.5f", m_dfYMin );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentYMin", szValue );

            CPLsnprintf( szValue, sizeof(szValue), "%.5f", m_dfYMax );
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtentYMax", szValue );

        if( m_pszExtraInfo )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psDSI, "ExtraInfo", m_pszExtraInfo );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      emit property information.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( iProperty = 0; iProperty < GetPropertyCount(); iProperty++ )
        GMLPropertyDefn *poPDefn = GetProperty( iProperty );
        CPLXMLNode *psPDefnNode;
        const char *pszTypeName = "Unknown";

        psPDefnNode = CPLCreateXMLNode( psRoot, CXT_Element, "PropertyDefn" );
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Name", 
                                     poPDefn->GetName() );
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "ElementPath", 
                                     poPDefn->GetSrcElement() );
        switch( poPDefn->GetType() )
          case GMLPT_Untyped:
            pszTypeName = "Untyped";
          case GMLPT_String:
          case GMLPT_Boolean:
            pszTypeName = "String";
          case GMLPT_Integer:
          case GMLPT_Short:
          case GMLPT_Integer64:
            pszTypeName = "Integer";
          case GMLPT_Real:
          case GMLPT_Float:
            pszTypeName = "Real";
          case GMLPT_Complex:
            pszTypeName = "Complex";

          case GMLPT_IntegerList:
          case GMLPT_Integer64List:
            pszTypeName = "IntegerList";

          case GMLPT_RealList:
            pszTypeName = "RealList";

          case GMLPT_StringList:
          case GMLPT_BooleanList:
            pszTypeName = "StringList";

          /* should not happen in practise for now because this is not */
          /* autodetected */
          case GMLPT_FeatureProperty:
            pszTypeName = "FeatureProperty";

          /* should not happen in practise for now because this is not */
          /* autodetected */
          case GMLPT_FeaturePropertyList:
            pszTypeName = "FeaturePropertyList";
        CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Type", pszTypeName );
        if( poPDefn->GetType() == GMLPT_Boolean || poPDefn->GetType() == GMLPT_BooleanList )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Subtype", "Boolean" );
        else if( poPDefn->GetType() == GMLPT_Short )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Subtype", "Short" );
        else if( poPDefn->GetType() == GMLPT_Float )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Subtype", "Float" );
        else if( poPDefn->GetType() == GMLPT_Integer64 ||
                 poPDefn->GetType() == GMLPT_Integer64List )
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psPDefnNode, "Subtype", "Integer64" );

        if( EQUAL(pszTypeName,"String") )
            char szMaxLength[48];
            sprintf(szMaxLength, "%d", poPDefn->GetWidth());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Width", szMaxLength );
        if( poPDefn->GetWidth() > 0 && EQUAL(pszTypeName,"Integer") )
            char szLength[48];
            sprintf(szLength, "%d", poPDefn->GetWidth());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Width", szLength );
        if( poPDefn->GetWidth() > 0 && EQUAL(pszTypeName,"Real") )
            char szLength[48];
            sprintf(szLength, "%d", poPDefn->GetWidth());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Width", szLength );
            char szPrecision[48];
            sprintf(szPrecision, "%d", poPDefn->GetPrecision());
            CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue ( psPDefnNode, "Precision", szPrecision );

    return psRoot;