Example #1
/// Create a submatrix. A submatrix is a view into the parent matrix.
/// Lifetime of a submatrix cannot exceed the lifetime of the parent.
/// @param M :: The parent matrix.
/// @param row :: The first row in the submatrix.
/// @param col :: The first column in the submatrix.
/// @param nRows :: The number of rows in the submatrix.
/// @param nCols :: The number of columns in the submatrix.
GSLMatrix::GSLMatrix(const GSLMatrix &M, size_t row, size_t col, size_t nRows,
                     size_t nCols) {
  if (row + nRows > M.size1() || col + nCols > M.size2()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Submatrix exceeds matrix size.");
  auto view = gsl_matrix_const_submatrix(M.gsl(), row, col, nRows, nCols);
  m_matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nCols);
  gsl_matrix_memcpy(m_matrix, &view.matrix);
Example #2
  * Calculates covariance matrix for fitting function's active parameters.
  * @param covar :: Output cavariance matrix.
  * @param epsrel :: Tolerance.
void CostFuncLeastSquares::calActiveCovarianceMatrix(GSLMatrix &covar,
                                                     double epsrel) {

  if (m_hessian.isEmpty()) {

  if (g_log.is(Kernel::Logger::Priority::PRIO_DEBUG)) {
    std::ostringstream osHess;
    osHess << "== Hessian (H) ==\n";
    osHess << std::left << std::fixed;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_hessian.size1(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < m_hessian.size2(); ++j) {
        osHess << std::setw(10);
        osHess << m_hessian.get(i, j) << "  ";
      osHess << "\n";
    g_log.debug() << osHess.str();

  covar = m_hessian;
  if (g_log.is(Kernel::Logger::Priority::PRIO_DEBUG)) {
    std::ostringstream osCovar;
    osCovar << "== Covariance matrix (H^-1) ==\n";
    osCovar << std::left << std::fixed;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < covar.size1(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < covar.size2(); ++j) {
        osCovar << std::setw(10);
        osCovar << covar.get(i, j) << "  ";
      osCovar << "\n";
    g_log.debug() << osCovar.str();
Example #3
/// Copy constructor
/// @param M :: The other matrix.
GSLMatrix::GSLMatrix(const GSLMatrix &M)
    : m_data(M.m_data),
      m_view(gsl_matrix_view_array(m_data.data(), M.size1(), M.size2())) {}
Example #4
/// Execute algorithm.
void Schrodinger1D::exec()
  double startX = get("StartX");
  double endX = get("EndX");

  if (endX <= startX)
    throw std::invalid_argument("StartX must be <= EndX");

  IFunction_sptr VPot = getClass("VPot");
  chebfun vpot( 0, startX, endX );
  vpot.bestFit( *VPot );

  size_t nBasis = vpot.n() + 1;
  std::cerr << "n=" << nBasis << std::endl;
  //if (n < 3)
    nBasis = 200;
    vpot.resize( nBasis );

  const double beta = get("Beta");

  auto kinet = new ChebCompositeOperator;
  kinet->addRight( new ChebTimes(-beta) );
  kinet->addRight( new ChebDiff2 );
  auto hamiltonian = new ChebPlus;
  hamiltonian->add('+', kinet );
  hamiltonian->add('+', new ChebTimes(VPot) );

  GSLMatrix L;
  hamiltonian->createMatrix( vpot.getBase(), L );

  GSLVector d;
  GSLMatrix v;
  L.diag( d, v );

  std::vector<double> norms = vpot.baseNorm();
  assert(norms.size() == L.size1());
  assert(norms.size() == L.size2());

  for(size_t i = 0; i < norms.size(); ++i)
      double factor = 1.0 / norms[i];
      for(size_t j = i; j < norms.size(); ++j)

//  eigenvectors orthogonality check
//  GSLMatrix v1 = v;
//  GSLMatrix tst;
//  tst = Tr(v1) * v;
//  std::cerr << tst << std::endl;

  std::vector<size_t> indx(L.size1());
  getSortedIndex( d, indx );

  auto eigenvalues = API::TableWorkspace_ptr(dynamic_cast<API::TableWorkspace*>(
  setProperty("Eigenvalues", eigenvalues);

  auto nColumn = static_cast<API::TableColumn<double>*>(eigenvalues->getColumn("N").get());
  auto& nc = nColumn->data();

  auto eColumn = static_cast<API::TableColumn<double>*>(eigenvalues->getColumn("Energy").get());
  auto& ec = eigenvalues->getDoubleData("Energy");

  boost::scoped_ptr<ChebfunVector> eigenvectors(new ChebfunVector);

  chebfun fun0(nBasis,startX,endX);
  ChebFunction_sptr theSum(new ChebFunction(fun0));

  // collect indices of spurious eigenvalues to move them to the back
  std::vector<size_t> spurious;
  // index for good eigenvalues
  size_t n = 0;
  for(size_t j = 0; j < nBasis; ++j)
    size_t i = indx[j];
    chebfun fun(fun0);

    // check eigenvalues for spurious ones
    chebfun dfun(fun);
    double norm = dfun.integr();

    // I am not sure that it's a solid condition
    if ( norm < 0.999999 )
        // bad eigenvalue
        nc[n] = double(n);
        ec[n] = d[i];
        eigenvectors->add(ChebFunction_sptr(new ChebFunction(fun)));

        // test sum of functions squares
        *theSum += dfun;

//        chebfun dfun(fun);
//        hamiltonian->apply(fun,dfun);
//        dfun *= fun;
//        std::cerr << "ener["<<n<<"]=" << ec[n] << ' ' << norm << ' ' << dfun.integr() << std::endl;

  GSLVector eigv;
  ChebfunVector *eigf = NULL;
  improve(hamiltonian, eigenvectors.get(), eigv, &eigf);

  eigenvalues->setRowCount( eigv.size() );
  for(size_t i = 0; i < eigv.size(); ++i)
      nc[i] = double(i);
      ec[i] = eigv[i];



Example #5
/// Copy constructor
/// @param M :: The other matrix.
GSLMatrix::GSLMatrix(const GSLMatrix &M) {
  m_matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(M.size1(), M.size2());
  gsl_matrix_memcpy(m_matrix, M.gsl());