bool CAgpCoder::DeCode_Agp( const CDataChunk& inData , OBJ_HANDLE handle ) { CAnimationGroup* pAniGroup = (CAnimationGroup*)handle; CBufFile tData( inData.GetBuffer(), inData.GetSize() ); int dataSize; tData.SafeRead((TCHAR*)&dataSize,sizeof(int)); pAniGroup->m_SkeName.resize(dataSize); tData.SafeRead((TCHAR*)pAniGroup->, dataSize ); CSkeletalsMgr::GetInst()->GetSkeInPool( pAniGroup->m_SkeName.c_str(), &pAniGroup->m_pSke ); int Size; tData.SafeRead( &Size, sizeof(Size) ); pAniGroup->m_AnimationList.resize( Size, NULL ); pAniGroup->m_NameList.clear(); TCHAR szAniName[256]; TCHAR* szChild = szAniName + pAniGroup->m_szName.size() - 3; strncpy( szAniName, pAniGroup->m_szName.c_str(), pAniGroup->m_szName.size() - 4 ); szChild[-1] = '_'; CAnimate* pAnimate = NULL; GString strAniname; int i; for ( i = 0; i < (int)pAniGroup->m_AnimationList.size(); i++ ) { tData.SafeRead( szChild, sizeof(IDNAME) ); strAniname = szChild; IDNAME Name = *(IDNAME*)szChild; pAniGroup->m_NameList[szChild] = i; strcat( szChild, ".ani" ); pAnimate = CDataSources::GetInst()->NewAnimate(pAniGroup, szAniName, Name);//new CAnimate(this, szAniName, Name ); pAniGroup->m_AnimationList[i] = pAnimate; if(strAniname.find("stand")!=GString::npos)//这个地方以后要改,以后会在插件到处调整骨骼动画的加载顺序和批量处理老资源,现在临时在这里过滤下把stand在最先加载 pAniGroup->InsertAni(pAniGroup->m_AnimationList[i]); } pAniGroup->LoadNextAni(); pAniGroup->Release(); return true; }
shared_ptr<osb::SpriteList> ReadOSBEvents(std::istream& event_str) { auto list = make_shared<osb::SpriteList>(); int previous_lead = 100; shared_ptr<osb::BGASprite> sprite = nullptr; shared_ptr<osb::Loop> loop = nullptr; bool readingLoop = false; GString line; while (std::getline(event_str, line)) { int lead_spaces; line = line.substr(line.find("//")); // strip comments lead_spaces = line.find_first_not_of("\t _"); line = line.substr(lead_spaces, line.length() - lead_spaces + 1); vector<GString> split_result; boost::split(split_result, line, boost::is_any_of(",")); for (auto &&s : split_result) boost::algorithm::to_lower(s); if (!line.length() || !split_result.size()) continue; if (lead_spaces < previous_lead && !readingLoop) { if (split_result[0] == "sprite") { Vec2 new_position(latof(split_result[3]), latof(split_result[4])); sprite = make_shared<osb::BGASprite>(split_result[1], OriginFromString(split_result[2]), new_position); list->push_back(sprite); } } else { if (!sprite) throw std::runtime_error("OSB command unpaired with sprite."); // If it's a loop, check if we're out of it. // If we're out of it, read a regular event, otherwise, read an event to the loop if (readingLoop) { if (lead_spaces < previous_lead) { readingLoop = false; // We're done reading the loop - unroll it. auto loop_events = loop->Unroll(); for (auto i = 0; i < osb::EVT_COUNT; i++) for (auto evt : (*loop_events)[i]) sprite->AddEvent(evt); } else loop->AddEvent(ParseEvent(split_result)); } // It's not a command on the loop, or we weren't reading a loop in the first place. // Read a regular command. // Not "else" because we do want to execute this if we're no longer reading the loop. if (!readingLoop) { auto ev = ParseEvent(split_result); // A loop began - set that we are reading a loop and set this loop as where to add the following commands. if (ev->GetEventType() == osb::EVT_LOOP) { loop = static_pointer_cast<osb::Loop>(ev); readingLoop = true; }else // add this event, if not a loop to this sprite. It'll be unrolled once outside. sprite->AddEvent(ev); } } previous_lead = lead_spaces; } return list; }