Example #1
// -- Adds a run to the CCImage
inline void 
CCImage::add_single_run(int y, int x1, int x2, int ccid)
  int index = runs.hbound();
  Run& run = runs[index];
  run.y = y;
  run.x1 = x1;
  run.x2 = x2;
  run.ccid = ccid;
Example #2
DjVuPalette::compute_palette(int maxcolors, int minboxsize)
  if (!hist)
    G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuPalette.no_color") );
  if (maxcolors<1 || maxcolors>MAXPALETTESIZE)
    G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuPalette.many_colors") );
  // Paul Heckbert: "Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display", 
  // SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings, page 297.  (also in ppmquant)
  // Collect histogram colors
  int sum = 0;
  int ncolors = 0;
  GTArray<PData> pdata;
  { // extra nesting for windows
    for (GPosition p = *hist; p; ++p)
      PData &data = pdata[ncolors++];
      int k = hist->key(p);
      data.p[0] = (k>>16) & 0xff;
      data.p[1] = (k>>8) & 0xff;
      data.p[2] = (k) & 0xff;
      data.w = (*hist)[p];
      sum += data.w;
  // Create first box
  GList<PBox> boxes;
  PBox newbox;
  newbox.data = pdata;
  newbox.colors = ncolors;
  newbox.boxsize = 256;
  newbox.sum = sum;
  // Repeat spliting boxes
  while (boxes.size() < maxcolors)
      // Find suitable box
      GPosition p;
      for (p=boxes; p; ++p)
        if (boxes[p].colors>=2 && boxes[p].boxsize>minboxsize) 
      if (! p)
      // Find box boundaries
      PBox &splitbox = boxes[p];
      unsigned char pmax[3];
      unsigned char pmin[3];
      pmax[0] = pmin[0] = splitbox.data->p[0];
      pmax[1] = pmin[1] = splitbox.data->p[1];
      pmax[2] = pmin[2] = splitbox.data->p[2];
      { // extra nesting for windows
        for (int j=1; j<splitbox.colors; j++)
          pmax[0] = umax(pmax[0], splitbox.data[j].p[0]);
          pmax[1] = umax(pmax[1], splitbox.data[j].p[1]);
          pmax[2] = umax(pmax[2], splitbox.data[j].p[2]);
          pmin[0] = umin(pmin[0], splitbox.data[j].p[0]);
          pmin[1] = umin(pmin[1], splitbox.data[j].p[1]);
          pmin[2] = umin(pmin[2], splitbox.data[j].p[2]);
      // Determine split direction and sort
      int bl = pmax[0]-pmin[0]; 
      int gl = pmax[1]-pmin[1];
      int rl = pmax[2]-pmin[2];
      splitbox.boxsize = (bl>gl ? (rl>bl ? rl : bl) : (rl>gl ? rl : gl));
      if (splitbox.boxsize <= minboxsize)
      if (gl == splitbox.boxsize)
        qsort(splitbox.data, splitbox.colors, sizeof(PData), gcomp);
      else if (rl == splitbox.boxsize)
        qsort(splitbox.data, splitbox.colors, sizeof(PData), rcomp);
        qsort(splitbox.data, splitbox.colors, sizeof(PData), bcomp);
      // Find median
      int lowercolors = 0;
      int lowersum = 0;
      while (lowercolors<splitbox.colors-1 && lowersum+lowersum<splitbox.sum)
        lowersum += splitbox.data[lowercolors++].w;
      // Compute new boxes
      newbox.data = splitbox.data + lowercolors;
      newbox.colors = splitbox.colors - lowercolors;
      newbox.sum = splitbox.sum - lowersum;
      splitbox.colors = lowercolors;
      splitbox.sum = lowersum;
      // Insert boxes at proper location
      GPosition q;
      for (q=p; q; ++q)
        if (boxes[q].sum < newbox.sum)
      boxes.insert_before(q, newbox);
      for (q=p; q; ++q)
        if (boxes[q].sum < splitbox.sum)
      boxes.insert_before(q, boxes, p);
  // Fill palette array
  ncolors = 0;
  { // extra nesting for windows
    for (GPosition p=boxes; p; ++p)
      PBox &box = boxes[p];
      // Compute box representative color
      float bsum = 0;
      float gsum = 0;
      float rsum = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<box.colors; j++)
          float w = (float)box.data[j].w;
          bsum += box.data[j].p[0] * w;
          gsum += box.data[j].p[1] * w;
          rsum += box.data[j].p[2] * w;
      PColor &color = palette[ncolors++];
      color.p[0] = (unsigned char) fmin(255, bsum/box.sum);
      color.p[1] = (unsigned char) fmin(255, gsum/box.sum);
      color.p[2] = (unsigned char) fmin(255, rsum/box.sum);
      color.p[3] = ( color.p[0]*BMUL + color.p[1]*GMUL + color.p[2]*RMUL) / SMUL;
  // Save dominant color
  PColor dcolor = palette[0];
  // Sort palette colors in luminance order
  qsort((PColor*)palette, ncolors, sizeof(PColor), lcomp);
  // Clear invalid data
  delete pmap;
  pmap = 0;
  // Return dominant color
  return color_to_index_slow(dcolor.p);
Example #3
// -- Merges small ccs of similar color and splits large ccs
CCImage::merge_and_split_ccs(int smallsize, int largesize)
  int ncc = ccs.size();
  int nruns = runs.size();
  int splitsize = largesize;
  if (ncc <= 0) return;
  // Associative map for storing merged ccids
  GMap<Grid_x_Color,int> map;
  nregularccs = ncc;
  // Set the correct ccids for the runs
  for (int ccid=0; ccid<ccs.size(); ccid++)
      CC* cc = &ccs[ccid];
      if (cc->nrun <= 0) continue;
      Grid_x_Color key;
      key.color = cc->color;
      int ccheight = cc->bb.height();
      int ccwidth = cc->bb.width();
      if (ccheight<=smallsize && ccwidth<=smallsize)
          key.gridi = (cc->bb.ymin+cc->bb.ymax)/splitsize/2;
          key.gridj = (cc->bb.xmin+cc->bb.xmax)/splitsize/2;
          int newccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc);
          for(int runid=cc->frun; runid<cc->frun+cc->nrun; runid++)
            runs[runid].ccid = newccid;
      else if (ccheight>=largesize || ccwidth>=largesize)
          for(int runid=cc->frun; runid<cc->frun+cc->nrun; runid++)
              Run *r = & runs[runid];
              key.gridi = r->y/splitsize;
              key.gridj = r->x1/splitsize;
              int gridj_end = r->x2/splitsize;
              int gridj_span = gridj_end - key.gridj;
              r->ccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc);
              if (gridj_span>0)
                  // truncate current run 
                  r = &runs[runid];
                  int x = key.gridj*splitsize + splitsize;
                  int x_end = r->x2;
                  r->x2 = x-1;
                  // append additional runs to the runs array
                  while (++key.gridj < gridj_end)
                      Run& newrun = runs[nruns++];
                      newrun.y = r->y;
                      newrun.x1 = x;
                      x += splitsize;
                      newrun.x2 = x-1;
                      newrun.color = key.color;
                      newrun.ccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc);
                  // append last run to the run array
                  Run& newrun = runs[nruns++];
                  newrun.y = r->y;
                  newrun.x1 = x;
                  newrun.x2 = x_end;
                  newrun.color = key.color;
                  newrun.ccid = makeccid(key, map, ncc);
  // Recompute cc descriptors
Example #4
// -- Performs color connected component analysis
  // Sort runs
  // Single Pass Connected Component Analysis (with unodes)
  int n;
  int p=0;
  GTArray<int> umap;
  for (n=0; n<=runs.hbound(); n++)
      int y = runs[n].y;
      int x1 = runs[n].x1 - 1;
      int x2 = runs[n].x2 + 1;
      int color = runs[n].color;
      int id = (umap.hbound() + 1);
      // iterate over previous line runs
      if (p>0) p--;
      for(;runs[p].y < y-1;p++);
      for(;(runs[p].y < y) && (runs[p].x1 <= x2);p++ )
          if ( runs[p].x2 >= x1 )
              if (runs[p].color == color)
                  // previous run touches current run and has same color
                  int oid = runs[p].ccid;
                  while (umap[oid] < oid)
                    oid = umap[oid];
                  if ((int)id > umap.hbound()) {
                    id = oid;
                  } else if (id < oid) {
                    umap[oid] = id;
                  } else {
                    umap[id] = oid;
                    id = oid;
                  // freshen previous run id
                  runs[p].ccid = id;
              // stop if previous run goes past current run
              if (runs[p].x2 >= x2)
      // create new entry in umap
      runs[n].ccid = id;
      if (id > umap.hbound())
          umap[id] = id;
  // Update umap and ccid
  for (n=0; n<=runs.hbound(); n++)
      Run &run = runs[n];
      int ccid = run.ccid;
      while (umap[ccid] < ccid)
        ccid = umap[ccid];
      umap[run.ccid] = ccid;
      run.ccid = ccid;
Example #5
// -- Merges small ccs and split large ccs
  int ncc = ccs.size();
  int nruns = runs.size();
  int splitsize = largesize;
  if (ncc <= 0) return;
  // Grid of special components
  int gridwidth = (width+splitsize-1)/splitsize;
  nregularccs = ncc;
  // Set the correct ccids for the runs
  for (int ccid=0; ccid<ncc; ccid++)
      CC* cc = &ccs[ccid];
      if (cc->nrun <= 0) continue;
      int ccheight = cc->bb.height();
      int ccwidth = cc->bb.width();
      if (ccheight<=smallsize && ccwidth<=smallsize)
          int gridi = (cc->bb.ymin+cc->bb.ymax)/splitsize/2;
          int gridj = (cc->bb.xmin+cc->bb.xmax)/splitsize/2;
          int newccid = ncc + gridi*gridwidth + gridj;
          for(int runid=cc->frun; runid<cc->frun+cc->nrun; runid++)
            runs[runid].ccid = newccid;
      else if (ccheight>=largesize || ccwidth>=largesize)
          for(int runid=cc->frun; runid<cc->frun+cc->nrun; runid++)
              Run& r = runs[runid];
              int y = r.y;
              int x_start = r.x1;
              int x_end = r.x2;
              int gridi = y/splitsize;
              int gridj_start = x_start/splitsize;
              int gridj_end = x_end/splitsize;
              int gridj_span = gridj_end-gridj_start;
              int newccid = ncc + gridi*gridwidth + gridj_start;
              if (! gridj_span)
                  r.ccid = newccid;
              else // gridj_span>0
                  // truncate the current run 
                  r.ccid = newccid++;
                  int x = (gridj_start+1)*splitsize;
                  r.x2 = x-1;
                  // append additional runs to the runs array
                  for(int gridj=gridj_start+1; gridj<gridj_end; gridj++)
                      Run& newrun = runs[nruns++];
                      newrun.y = y;
                      newrun.x1 = x;
                      x += splitsize;
                      newrun.x2 = x-1;
                      newrun.ccid = newccid++;
                  // append last run to the run array
                  Run& newrun = runs[nruns++];
                  newrun.y = y;
                  newrun.x1 = x;
                  newrun.x2 = x_end;
                  newrun.ccid = newccid++;                      
  // Recompute cc descriptors