Example #1
// DecomposeLclFld: Decompose GT_LCL_FLD.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeLclFld(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_LCL_FLD);

    GenTree*       tree     = use.Def();
    GenTreeLclFld* loResult = tree->AsLclFld();
    loResult->gtType        = TYP_INT;

    GenTree* hiResult = m_compiler->gtNewLclFldNode(loResult->gtLclNum, TYP_INT, loResult->gtLclOffs + 4);
    BlockRange().InsertAfter(loResult, hiResult);

    return FinalizeDecomposition(use, loResult, hiResult);
Example #2
// DecomposeCnsLng: Decompose GT_CNS_LNG.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeCnsLng(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_CNS_LNG);

    GenTree* tree  = use.Def();
    INT32    hiVal = tree->AsLngCon()->HiVal();

    GenTree* loResult = tree;
    loResult->gtType = TYP_INT;

    GenTree* hiResult = new (m_compiler, GT_CNS_INT) GenTreeIntCon(TYP_INT, hiVal);
    BlockRange().InsertAfter(loResult, hiResult);

    return FinalizeDecomposition(use, loResult, hiResult);
Example #3
// DecomposeLclVar: Decompose GT_LCL_VAR.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeLclVar(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR);

    GenTree*   tree   = use.Def();
    unsigned   varNum = tree->AsLclVarCommon()->gtLclNum;
    LclVarDsc* varDsc = m_compiler->lvaTable + varNum;

    GenTree* loResult = tree;
    loResult->gtType  = TYP_INT;

    GenTree* hiResult = m_compiler->gtNewLclLNode(varNum, TYP_INT);
    BlockRange().InsertAfter(loResult, hiResult);

    if (varDsc->lvPromoted)
        assert(varDsc->lvFieldCnt == 2);
        unsigned loVarNum = varDsc->lvFieldLclStart;
        unsigned hiVarNum = loVarNum + 1;
        noway_assert(varDsc->lvLRACandidate == false);

        loResult->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs  = 0;
        loResult->AsLclFld()->gtFieldSeq = FieldSeqStore::NotAField();

        hiResult->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs  = 4;
        hiResult->AsLclFld()->gtFieldSeq = FieldSeqStore::NotAField();


    return FinalizeDecomposition(use, loResult, hiResult);
Example #4
// FinalizeDecomposition: A helper function to finalize LONG decomposition by
// taking the resulting two halves of the decomposition, and tie them together
// with a new GT_LONG node that will replace the original node.
// Arguments:
//    ppTree - the original tree node
//    data - tree walk context
//    loResult - the decomposed low part
//    hiResult - the decomposed high part
// Return Value:
//    None.
void DecomposeLongs::FinalizeDecomposition(GenTree** ppTree, Compiler::fgWalkData* data, GenTree* loResult, GenTree* hiResult)
    assert(ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(*ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(data != nullptr);
    assert(loResult != nullptr);
    assert(hiResult != nullptr);
    assert(m_compiler->compCurStmt != nullptr);

    GenTree* tree = *ppTree;

    m_compiler->fgInsertTreeInListAfter(hiResult, loResult, m_compiler->compCurStmt->AsStmt());

    GenTree* newTree = new (m_compiler, GT_LONG) GenTreeOp(GT_LONG, TYP_LONG, loResult, hiResult);
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(hiResult, newTree);
    m_compiler->fgFixupIfCallArg(data->parentStack, tree, newTree);
    *ppTree = newTree;
Example #5
// DecomposeNot: Decompose GT_NOT.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeNot(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_NOT);

    GenTree* tree   = use.Def();
    GenTree* gtLong = tree->gtGetOp1();
    noway_assert(gtLong->OperGet() == GT_LONG);
    GenTree* loOp1 = gtLong->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* hiOp1 = gtLong->gtGetOp2();


    GenTree* loResult    = tree;
    loResult->gtType     = TYP_INT;
    loResult->gtOp.gtOp1 = loOp1;

    GenTree* hiResult = new (m_compiler, GT_NOT) GenTreeOp(GT_NOT, TYP_INT, hiOp1, nullptr);
    BlockRange().InsertAfter(loResult, hiResult);

    return FinalizeDecomposition(use, loResult, hiResult);
Example #6
// DecomposeCast: Decompose GT_CAST.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeCast(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_CAST);

    GenTree* tree     = use.Def();
    GenTree* loResult = nullptr;
    GenTree* hiResult = nullptr;

    assert(tree->gtPrev == tree->gtGetOp1());
    NYI_IF(tree->gtOverflow(), "TYP_LONG cast with overflow");
    switch (tree->AsCast()->CastFromType())
        case TYP_INT:
            if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_UNSIGNED)
                loResult = tree->gtGetOp1();

                hiResult = new (m_compiler, GT_CNS_INT) GenTreeIntCon(TYP_INT, 0);
                BlockRange().InsertAfter(loResult, hiResult);
                NYI("Lowering of signed cast TYP_INT->TYP_LONG");

            NYI("Unimplemented type for Lowering of cast to TYP_LONG");

    return FinalizeDecomposition(use, loResult, hiResult);
Example #7
// DecomposeStoreInd: Decompose GT_STOREIND.
// Arguments:
//    tree - the tree to decompose
// Return Value:
//    None.
void DecomposeLongs::DecomposeStoreInd(GenTree** ppTree, Compiler::fgWalkData* data)
    assert(ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(*ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(data != nullptr);
    assert((*ppTree)->OperGet() == GT_STOREIND);
    assert(m_compiler->compCurStmt != nullptr);

    GenTree* tree = *ppTree;

    assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp2->OperGet() == GT_LONG);

    GenTreeStmt* curStmt = m_compiler->compCurStmt->AsStmt();
    bool isEmbeddedStmt = !curStmt->gtStmtIsTopLevel();

    // Example input trees (a nested embedded statement case)
    //   <linkBegin Node>
    //   *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //   |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //   |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  |  {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //   |  |  {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //   |  |  {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclFld    long   V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0    
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1    
    //   |  |  {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //   |  |  {  |  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //   |  |  {  |  +--*  gt_long   long
    //   |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir long
    //   |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //   |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //   |  +--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //   \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    //  <linkEndNode>
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})

    GenTree* linkBegin = m_compiler->fgGetFirstNode(tree)->gtPrev;
    GenTree* linkEnd = tree->gtNext;
    GenTree* gtLong = tree->gtOp.gtOp2;

    // Save address to a temp. It is used in storeIndLow and storeIndHigh trees.
    GenTreeStmt* addrStmt = CreateTemporary(&tree->gtOp.gtOp1);
    JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving address tree to a temp var:\n");

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1->OperIsLeaf())
        GenTreeStmt* dataLowStmt = CreateTemporary(&gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving low data tree to a temp var:\n");

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2->OperIsLeaf())
        GenTreeStmt* dataHighStmt = CreateTemporary(&gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving high data tree to a temp var:\n");

    // Example trees after embedded statements for address and data are added.
    // This example saves all address and data trees into temp variables 
    // to show how those embedded statements are created.
    //  *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //  |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //  |  |  {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclFld    long   V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380380
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |  {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  |  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  |  +--*  gt_long   long
    //  |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir long
    //  |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //  |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //  |  +--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //  \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})

    GenTree* addrBase = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* dataHigh = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2;
    GenTree* dataLow = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* storeIndLow = tree;

    // Rewrite storeIndLow tree to save only lower 32-bit data.
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2   (address)
    //  ...
    //  |  |  {  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3   (lower 32-bit data)
    //  |  |  {  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir int
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}})

    m_compiler->fgSnipNode(curStmt, gtLong);
    m_compiler->fgSnipNode(curStmt, dataHigh);
    storeIndLow->gtOp.gtOp2 = dataLow;
    storeIndLow->gtType = TYP_INT;

    // Construct storeIndHigh tree
    // | | {  *stmtExpr  void  (embedded)(IL ? ? ? ... ? ? ? )
    // | | { | / --*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    // | | { | | / --*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    // | | { | +--*  lea(b + 4)  ref
    // | | {  \--*  storeIndir int
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}})

    GenTree* addrBaseHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_LCL_VAR) GenTreeLclVar(GT_LCL_VAR, 
        addrBase->TypeGet(), addrBase->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum(), BAD_IL_OFFSET);
    GenTree* addrHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_REF, addrBaseHigh, nullptr, 0, genTypeSize(TYP_INT));
    GenTree* storeIndHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_STOREIND) GenTreeStoreInd(TYP_INT, addrHigh, dataHigh);
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags = (storeIndLow->gtFlags & (GTF_ALL_EFFECT | GTF_LIVENESS_MASK));
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags |= GTF_REVERSE_OPS;

    // Internal links of storeIndHigh tree
    dataHigh->gtPrev = nullptr;
    dataHigh->gtNext = nullptr;
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(dataHigh, addrBaseHigh);
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(addrBaseHigh, addrHigh);
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(addrHigh, storeIndHigh);
    // External links of storeIndHigh tree
    //dataHigh->gtPrev = nullptr;
    if (isEmbeddedStmt)
        // If storeIndTree is an embedded statement, connect storeIndLow
        // and dataHigh
        storeIndLow->gtNext = dataHigh;
        dataHigh->gtPrev = storeIndLow;
    storeIndHigh->gtNext = linkEnd;
    if (linkEnd != nullptr)
        linkEnd->gtPrev = storeIndHigh;


    // Example final output 
    //  *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //  |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //  |  |     {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |     /--*  lclFld    int    V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |     +--*  lclFld    int    V01 arg1         [+12]
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |  /--*  gt_long   long
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0    
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1    
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |     {  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |     {  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |     {  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |     {  \--*  storeIndir int
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |     {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  |  +--*  lea(b+4)  ref
    //  |  |     {  \--*  storeIndir int
    //  |  |  /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //  |  +--*  putarg_stk [+0x00] ref
    //  |  |  /--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //  |  +--*  putarg_reg ref
    //  |  |  /--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //  |  +--*  putarg_reg int
    //  \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})
Example #8
// DecomposeStoreLclVar: Decompose GT_STORE_LCL_VAR.
// Arguments:
//    ppTree - the tree to decompose
//    data - tree walk context
// Return Value:
//    None.
void DecomposeLongs::DecomposeStoreLclVar(GenTree** ppTree, Compiler::fgWalkData* data)
    assert(ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(*ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(data != nullptr);
    assert((*ppTree)->OperGet() == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR);
    assert(m_compiler->compCurStmt != nullptr);

    GenTreeStmt* curStmt = m_compiler->compCurStmt->AsStmt();

    GenTree* tree = *ppTree;
    GenTree* nextTree = tree->gtNext;
    GenTree* rhs = tree->gtGetOp1();
    if ((rhs->OperGet() == GT_PHI) || (rhs->OperGet() == GT_CALL))
        // GT_CALLs are not decomposed, so will not be converted to GT_LONG
        // GT_STORE_LCL_VAR = GT_CALL are handled in genMultiRegCallStoreToLocal

    noway_assert(rhs->OperGet() == GT_LONG);
    unsigned varNum = tree->AsLclVarCommon()->gtLclNum;
    LclVarDsc* varDsc = m_compiler->lvaTable + varNum;

    GenTree* loRhs = rhs->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* hiRhs = rhs->gtGetOp2();
    GenTree* hiStore = m_compiler->gtNewLclLNode(varNum, TYP_INT);

    if (varDsc->lvPromoted)
        assert(varDsc->lvFieldCnt == 2);

        unsigned loVarNum = varDsc->lvFieldLclStart;
        unsigned hiVarNum = loVarNum + 1;
        noway_assert(varDsc->lvLRACandidate == false);

        tree->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs = 0;
        tree->AsLclFld()->gtFieldSeq = FieldSeqStore::NotAField();

        hiStore->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs = 4;
        hiStore->AsLclFld()->gtFieldSeq = FieldSeqStore::NotAField();

    tree->gtOp.gtOp1 = loRhs;
    tree->gtType = TYP_INT;

    loRhs->gtNext = tree;
    tree->gtPrev = loRhs;

    hiStore->gtOp.gtOp1 = hiRhs;
    hiStore->gtFlags |= GTF_VAR_DEF;


    tree->gtNext = hiRhs;
    hiRhs->gtPrev = tree;
    hiRhs->gtNext = hiStore;
    hiStore->gtPrev = hiRhs;
    hiStore->gtNext = nextTree;
    if (nextTree != nullptr)
        nextTree->gtPrev = hiStore;
    nextTree = hiRhs;

    bool isEmbeddedStmt = !curStmt->gtStmtIsTopLevel();
    if (!isEmbeddedStmt)
        tree->gtNext = nullptr;
        hiRhs->gtPrev = nullptr;

Example #9
// DecomposeArith: Decompose GT_ADD, GT_SUB, GT_OR, GT_XOR, GT_AND.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeArith(LIR::Use& use)

    GenTree*   tree = use.Def();
    genTreeOps oper = tree->OperGet();

    assert((oper == GT_ADD) || (oper == GT_SUB) || (oper == GT_OR) || (oper == GT_XOR) || (oper == GT_AND));

    GenTree* op1 = tree->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* op2 = tree->gtGetOp2();

    // Both operands must have already been decomposed into GT_LONG operators.
    noway_assert((op1->OperGet() == GT_LONG) && (op2->OperGet() == GT_LONG));

    // Capture the lo and hi halves of op1 and op2.
    GenTree* loOp1 = op1->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* hiOp1 = op1->gtGetOp2();
    GenTree* loOp2 = op2->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* hiOp2 = op2->gtGetOp2();

    // We don't have support to decompose a TYP_LONG node that already has a child that has
    // been decomposed into parts, where the high part depends on the value generated by the
    // low part (via the flags register). For example, if we have:
    //    +(gt_long(+(lo3, lo4), +Hi(hi3, hi4)), gt_long(lo2, hi2))
    // We would decompose it here to:
    //    gt_long(+(+(lo3, lo4), lo2), +Hi(+Hi(hi3, hi4), hi2))
    // But this would generate incorrect code, because the "+Hi(hi3, hi4)" code generation
    // needs to immediately follow the "+(lo3, lo4)" part. Also, if this node is one that
    // requires a unique high operator, and the child nodes are not simple locals (e.g.,
    // they are decomposed nodes), then we also can't decompose the node, as we aren't
    // guaranteed the high and low parts will be executed immediately after each other.

    NYI_IF(hiOp1->OperIsHigh() || hiOp2->OperIsHigh() ||
               (GenTree::OperIsHigh(GetHiOper(oper)) &&
                (!loOp1->OperIsLeaf() || !hiOp1->OperIsLeaf() || !loOp1->OperIsLeaf() || !hiOp2->OperIsLeaf())),
           "Can't decompose expression tree TYP_LONG node");

    // Now, remove op1 and op2 from the node list.

    // We will reuse "tree" for the loResult, which will now be of TYP_INT, and its operands
    // will be the lo halves of op1 from above.
    GenTree* loResult = tree;
    loResult->gtType     = TYP_INT;
    loResult->gtOp.gtOp1 = loOp1;
    loResult->gtOp.gtOp2 = loOp2;

    GenTree* hiResult = new (m_compiler, oper) GenTreeOp(GetHiOper(oper), TYP_INT, hiOp1, hiOp2);
    BlockRange().InsertAfter(loResult, hiResult);

    if ((oper == GT_ADD) || (oper == GT_SUB))
        if (loResult->gtOverflow())
            hiResult->gtFlags |= GTF_OVERFLOW;
            loResult->gtFlags &= ~GTF_OVERFLOW;
        if (loResult->gtFlags & GTF_UNSIGNED)
            hiResult->gtFlags |= GTF_UNSIGNED;

    return FinalizeDecomposition(use, loResult, hiResult);
Example #10
// DecomposeStoreLclVar: Decompose GT_STORE_LCL_VAR.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeStoreLclVar(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR);

    GenTree* tree = use.Def();
    GenTree* rhs  = tree->gtGetOp1();
    if ((rhs->OperGet() == GT_PHI) || (rhs->OperGet() == GT_CALL))
        // GT_CALLs are not decomposed, so will not be converted to GT_LONG
        // GT_STORE_LCL_VAR = GT_CALL are handled in genMultiRegCallStoreToLocal
        return tree->gtNext;

    noway_assert(rhs->OperGet() == GT_LONG);
    unsigned   varNum = tree->AsLclVarCommon()->gtLclNum;
    LclVarDsc* varDsc = m_compiler->lvaTable + varNum;

    GenTree* loRhs   = rhs->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* hiRhs   = rhs->gtGetOp2();
    GenTree* hiStore = m_compiler->gtNewLclLNode(varNum, TYP_INT);

    if (varDsc->lvPromoted)
        assert(varDsc->lvFieldCnt == 2);

        unsigned loVarNum = varDsc->lvFieldLclStart;
        unsigned hiVarNum = loVarNum + 1;
        noway_assert(varDsc->lvLRACandidate == false);

        tree->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs  = 0;
        tree->AsLclFld()->gtFieldSeq = FieldSeqStore::NotAField();

        hiStore->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs  = 4;
        hiStore->AsLclFld()->gtFieldSeq = FieldSeqStore::NotAField();

    // 'tree' is going to steal the loRhs node for itself, so we need to remove the
    // GT_LONG node from the threading.

    tree->gtOp.gtOp1 = loRhs;
    tree->gtType     = TYP_INT;

    hiStore->gtOp.gtOp1 = hiRhs;
    hiStore->gtFlags |= GTF_VAR_DEF;


    BlockRange().InsertAfter(tree, hiStore);

    return hiStore->gtNext;