void GeoDataLatLonAltBoxTest::fromLineStringTest()
    qreal west = randomLon();
    qreal east = randomLon();
    qreal lat1 = randomLat();
    qreal lat2 = randomLat();
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox sourceBox;

    if ( lat1 >= lat2 ) {
        sourceBox = GeoDataLatLonBox( lat1, lat2, east, west, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    else {
        sourceBox = GeoDataLatLonBox( lat2, lat1, east, west, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

    GeoDataLinearRing ring;
    // SouthWest
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.west(), sourceBox.south() );
    // SouthEast
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.east(), sourceBox.south() );
    // NorthEast
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.east(), sourceBox.north() );
    // NorthWest
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.west(), sourceBox.north() );

    QCOMPARE( GeoDataLatLonAltBox::fromLineString( ring ).toString(), sourceBox.toString() );

void OpenCachingComModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box, qint32 number )
    if( marbleModel()->planetId() != "earth" )

    if ( m_previousbox.contains( box ) )

    QString url("http://www.opencaching.com/api/geocache/?Authorization=");
    url += AUTHKEY + QString("&bbox=%1,%2,%3,%4")
        .arg( box.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) )
        .arg( box.west(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) )
        .arg( box.north(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) )
        .arg( box.east(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
        url += QString("&exclude_bbox=%1,%2,%3,%4")
            .arg( m_previousbox.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) )
            .arg( m_previousbox.west(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) )
            .arg( m_previousbox.north(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) )
            .arg( m_previousbox.east(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    url += "&limit=" + QString::number( number );
    // TODO Limit to user set tags/types/difficulty - when there is a config dialog...

    m_previousbox = box;

//     qDebug()<<"Fetching more caches: "<<url;
    downloadDescriptionFile( QUrl( url ) );
void OsmNominatimRunner::search( const QString &searchTerm, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &preferred )
    QString base = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?";
    QString query = "q=%1&format=xml&addressdetails=1&accept-language=%2";
    QString url = QString(base + query).arg(searchTerm).arg(MarbleLocale::languageCode());
    if( !preferred.isEmpty() ) {
        GeoDataCoordinates::Unit deg = GeoDataCoordinates::Degree;
        QString viewbox( "&viewbox=%1,%2,%3,%4&bounded=1" ); // left, top, right, bottom
        url += viewbox.arg(preferred.west(deg))

    m_request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", TinyWebBrowser::userAgent("Browser", "OsmNominatimRunner") );

    QEventLoop eventLoop;

    QTimer timer;
    timer.setSingleShot( true );
    timer.setInterval( 15000 );

    connect( &timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
             &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
    connect( this, SIGNAL(searchFinished(QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*>)),
             &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()) );

    // @todo FIXME Must currently be done in the main thread, see bug 257376
    QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(startSearch()) );

Example #4
void BBCItemGetter::work()
    if ( m_items.isEmpty() ) {
        sleep( 1 );

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox box = m_scheduledBox;
    qint32 number = m_scheduledNumber;
    m_scheduledBox = GeoDataLatLonAltBox();
    m_scheduledNumber = 0;

    qint32 fetched = 0;
    QList<BBCStation>::ConstIterator it = m_items.constBegin();
    QList<BBCStation>::ConstIterator end = m_items.constEnd();

    while ( fetched < number && it != end ) {
        if ( box.contains( it->coordinate() ) ) {
            emit foundStation( (*it) );
void LocalDatabaseRunner::search( const QString &searchTerm, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &preferred )
    QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> vector;

    if (model()) {
        const QAbstractItemModel * placemarkModel = model()->placemarkModel();

        if (placemarkModel) {
            QModelIndexList resultList;
            QModelIndex firstIndex = placemarkModel->index( 0, 0 );
            resultList = placemarkModel->match( firstIndex,
                                    Qt::DisplayRole, searchTerm, -1,
                                    Qt::MatchStartsWith );

            foreach ( const QModelIndex& index, resultList )
                if( !index.isValid() ) {
                    mDebug() << "invalid index!!!";
                GeoDataPlacemark *placemark = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>(qvariant_cast<GeoDataObject*>( index.data( MarblePlacemarkModel::ObjectPointerRole )));
                if ( placemark &&
                     ( preferred.isEmpty() || preferred.contains( placemark->coordinate() ) ) ) {
                    vector.append( new GeoDataPlacemark( *placemark ));

    emit searchFinished( vector );
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testFromLineString() {
    QFETCH(GeoDataLineString, string);
    QFETCH(GeoDataLatLonBox, expected);

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox const result = GeoDataLatLonAltBox::fromLineString(string);

    QCOMPARE(result.north(), expected.north());
    QCOMPARE(result.south(), expected.south());
    QCOMPARE(result.east(), expected.east());
    QCOMPARE(result.west(), expected.west());
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testAltitude() 
    QFETCH(qreal, alt);

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox box;
    QCOMPARE(box.minAltitude(), alt);

    QCOMPARE(box.maxAltitude(), alt);
bool GeoDataLatLonAltBox::contains( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &other ) const
    // check the contain criterion for the altitude first as this is trivial:

    // mDebug() << "this " << this->toString(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    // mDebug() << "other" << other.toString(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);

    if ( d->m_maxAltitude >= other.maxAltitude() && d->m_minAltitude <= other.minAltitude() ) {
        return GeoDataLatLonBox::contains( other );

    return false;
void GeoNamesWeatherService::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box,
                                            qint32 number )
    if( marbleModel()->planetId() != "earth" ) {

    QUrl geonamesUrl( "http://ws.geonames.org/weatherJSON" );
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "north", QString::number( box.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "south", QString::number( box.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "east", QString::number( box.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "west", QString::number( box.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "maxRows", QString::number( number ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "username", "marble" );
    QUrlQuery urlQuery;
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "north", QString::number( box.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "south", QString::number( box.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "east", QString::number( box.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "west", QString::number( box.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "maxRows", QString::number( number ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "username", "marble" );
    geonamesUrl.setQuery( urlQuery );

    emit downloadDescriptionFileRequested( geonamesUrl );
Example #10
void EarthquakeModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box, qint32 number )
    if (marbleModel()->planetId() != QLatin1String("earth")) {

    const QString geonamesUrl( QLatin1String("http://ws.geonames.org/earthquakesJSON") +
        QLatin1String("?north=")   + QString::number(box.north() * RAD2DEG) +
        QLatin1String("&south=")   + QString::number(box.south() * RAD2DEG) +
        QLatin1String("&east=")    + QString::number(box.east() * RAD2DEG) +
        QLatin1String("&west=")    + QString::number(box.west() * RAD2DEG) +
        QLatin1String("&date=")    + m_endDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd") +
        QLatin1String("&maxRows=") + QString::number(number) +
        QLatin1String("&username=marble") +
    downloadDescriptionFile( QUrl( geonamesUrl ) );
void GeoNamesWeatherService::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box,
                                            const MarbleModel *model,
                                            qint32 number )
    if( model->planetId() != "earth" ) {

    QUrl geonamesUrl( "http://ws.geonames.org/weatherJSON" );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "north", QString::number( box.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "south", QString::number( box.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "east", QString::number( box.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "west", QString::number( box.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "maxRows", QString::number( number ) );

    emit downloadDescriptionFileRequested( geonamesUrl );
Example #12
void FoursquareModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box, qint32 number )
    if( marbleModel()->planetId() != "earth" ) {
    QString apiUrl( "https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search" );
    qreal const distanceLon = marbleModel()->planetRadius() * distanceSphere( box.west(), box.north(), box.east(), box.north() );
    qreal const distanceLat = marbleModel()->planetRadius() * distanceSphere( box.west(), box.north(), box.west(), box.south() );
    qreal const area = distanceLon * distanceLat;
    if ( area > 10 * 1000 * KM2METER * KM2METER ) {
        // Large area (> 10.000 km^2) => too large for bbox queries
        apiUrl += "?ll=" + QString::number( box.center().latitude(Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
        apiUrl += ',' + QString::number( box.center().longitude(Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
        apiUrl += "&intent=checkin";
    } else {
        apiUrl += "?ne=" + QString::number( box.north(Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
        apiUrl += ',' + QString::number( box.east(Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
        apiUrl += "&sw=" + QString::number( box.south(Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
        apiUrl += ',' + QString::number( box.west(Marble::GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
        apiUrl += "&intent=browse";
    apiUrl += "&limit=" + QString::number( number );
    apiUrl += "&client_id=" + clientId;
    apiUrl += "&client_secret=" + clientSecret;
    apiUrl += "&v=20120601";
    downloadDescriptionFile( QUrl( apiUrl ) );
Example #13
void OpenCachingModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box, const MarbleModel *model, qint32 number )
    Q_UNUSED( number );

    if( model->planetId() != "earth" ) {

    // http://www.opencaching.de/doc/xml/xml11.htm
    QString openCachingUrl( "http://www.opencaching.de/xml/ocxml11.php" );
    openCachingUrl += "?modifiedsince=" + m_startDate.toString( "yyyyMMddhhmmss" );
    openCachingUrl += "&cache=1&cachedesc=1&picture=0&cachelog=1&removedobject=0";
    openCachingUrl += "&lat=" + QString::number( box.center().latitude() * RAD2DEG );
    openCachingUrl += "&lon=" + QString::number( box.center().longitude() * RAD2DEG );
    openCachingUrl += "&distance=" + QString::number( m_maxDistance );
    openCachingUrl += "&charset=utf-8&cdata=0&session=0&zip=0";
    downloadDescriptionFile( QUrl( openCachingUrl ) );
GeoDataLatLonAltBox GeoDataMultiGeometry::latLonAltBox() const
    QVector<GeoDataGeometry*>::const_iterator it = p()->m_vector.constBegin();
    QVector<GeoDataGeometry*>::const_iterator end = p()->m_vector.constEnd();

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox box;
    for (; it != end; ++it) {
        if ( !(*it)->latLonAltBox().isEmpty() ) {
            if ( box.isEmpty() ) {
                box = (*it)->latLonAltBox();
            else {
                box |= (*it)->latLonAltBox();
    return box;
Example #15
void WikipediaModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box,
                                         qint32 number )
    // Geonames only supports wikipedia articles for earth
    if (marbleModel()->planetId() != QLatin1String("earth")) {
    QUrl geonamesUrl( "http://ws.geonames.org/wikipediaBoundingBox" );
    QUrlQuery urlQuery;
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "north", QString::number( box.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "south", QString::number( box.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "east", QString::number( box.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "west", QString::number( box.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "maxRows", QString::number( number ) );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "lang", m_languageCode );
    urlQuery.addQueryItem( "username", "marble" );
    geonamesUrl.setQuery( urlQuery );

    downloadDescriptionFile( geonamesUrl );
Example #16
void PostalCodeModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box,
        const MarbleModel *model,
        qint32 number )
    Q_UNUSED( number );

    if( model->planetId() != "earth" ) {

    double const lat = box.center().latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    double const lon = box.center().longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    double const radius = qMin<double>( 30.0, box.height() * model->planet()->radius() * METER2KM );

    QUrl geonamesUrl( "http://ws.geonames.org/findNearbyPostalCodesJSON" );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "lat", QString::number( lat ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "lng", QString::number( lon ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "radius", QString::number( radius ) );
    geonamesUrl.addQueryItem( "maxRows", QString::number( numberOfItemsOnScreen ) );

    downloadDescriptionFile( QUrl( geonamesUrl ) );
Example #17
void PanoramioModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &box, qint32 number )
    if ( marbleModel()->planetId() != "earth" ) {

    // FIXME: Download a list of constant number, because the parser doesn't support
    // loading a file of an unknown length.
    QUrl jsonUrl( "http://www.panoramio.com/map/get_panoramas.php?from="
                  + QString::number( 0 )
                  + "&order=upload_date"
                  + "&set=public"
                  + "&to="   + QString::number( number )
//                   + "&to=" + QString::number( number )
                  + "&minx=" + QString::number( box.west() * RAD2DEG )
                  + "&miny=" + QString::number( box.south() * RAD2DEG )
                  + "&maxx=" + QString::number( box.east() * RAD2DEG )
                  + "&maxy=" + QString::number( box.north() * RAD2DEG )
                  + "&size=small");

    downloadDescriptionFile( jsonUrl );
Example #18
GeoDataLatLonAltBox GeoDataLatLonAltBox::fromLineString(  const GeoDataLineString& lineString  )
    // If the line string is empty return a boundingbox that contains everything
    if ( lineString.size() == 0 ) {
        return GeoDataLatLonAltBox();

    const qreal altitude = lineString.first().altitude();

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox temp ( GeoDataLatLonBox::fromLineString( lineString ), altitude, altitude );

    qreal maxAltitude = altitude;
    qreal minAltitude = altitude;

    // If there's only a single node stored then the boundingbox only contains that point
    if ( lineString.size() == 1 ) {
        temp.setMinAltitude( minAltitude );
        temp.setMaxAltitude( maxAltitude );
        return temp;

    QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::ConstIterator it( lineString.constBegin() );
    QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::ConstIterator itEnd( lineString.constEnd() );

    for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
        // Get coordinates and normalize them to the desired range.
        const qreal altitude = (it)->altitude();

        // Determining the maximum and minimum latitude
        if ( altitude > maxAltitude ) maxAltitude = altitude;
        if ( altitude < minAltitude ) minAltitude = altitude;

    temp.setMinAltitude( minAltitude );
    temp.setMaxAltitude( maxAltitude );
    return temp;
Example #19
GeoDataLatLonAltBox GeoDataContainer::latLonAltBox() const
    Q_D(const GeoDataContainer);
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox result;

    QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::const_iterator it = d->m_vector.constBegin();
    QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::const_iterator end = d->m_vector.constEnd();
    for (; it != end; ++it) {

        // Get all the placemarks from GeoDataContainer
        if ( (*it)->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPlacemarkType ) {
            GeoDataPlacemark *placemark = static_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>(*it);

            // Only use visible placemarks for extracting their latLonAltBox and
            // making an union with the global latLonAltBox Marble will fit its
            // zoom to
            if (placemark->isVisible())
                if (result.isEmpty()) {
                    result = placemark->geometry()->latLonAltBox();
                } else {
                    result |= placemark->geometry()->latLonAltBox();
        else if ( (*it)->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataFolderType
                 || (*it)->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataDocumentType ) {
            GeoDataContainer *container = static_cast<GeoDataContainer*>(*it);
            if (result.isEmpty()) {
                result = container->latLonAltBox();
            } else {
                result |= container->latLonAltBox();
    return result;
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testContainerBox() {
    QFETCH(qreal, lon1);
    QFETCH(qreal, lat1);
    QFETCH(qreal, lon2);
    QFETCH(qreal, lat2);
    QFETCH(qreal, lon3);
    QFETCH(qreal, lat3);

    GeoDataPlacemark p1, p2, p3;
    p1.setCoordinate(lon1, lat1, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    p2.setCoordinate(lon2, lat2, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    p3.setCoordinate(lon3, lat3, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    GeoDataFolder f1, f2;
    f1.append(new GeoDataPlacemark(p1));
    f2.append(new GeoDataPlacemark(p2));
    f2.append(new GeoDataPlacemark(p3));
    f1.append(new GeoDataFolder(f2));
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox box = f1.latLonAltBox();

    QCOMPARE(box.north(), qMax(qMax(lat1, lat2), lat3));
    QCOMPARE(box.east(), qMax(qMax(lon1, lon2), lon3));
    QCOMPARE(box.south(), qMin(qMin(lat1, lat2), lat3));
    QCOMPARE(box.west(), qMin(qMin(lon1, lon2), lon3));
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testContains()
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox const largeBox = GeoDataLatLonAltBox::fromLineString( GeoDataLineString()
            << GeoDataCoordinates( -20.0, +10.0, 15.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree )
            << GeoDataCoordinates( +20.0, -10.0, 25.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox const smallBox = GeoDataLatLonAltBox::fromLineString( GeoDataLineString()
            << GeoDataCoordinates( -2.0, +1.0, 18.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree )
            << GeoDataCoordinates( +2.0, -1.0, 22.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

    QVERIFY( largeBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates( 5.0, 5.0, 20.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    QVERIFY( largeBox.contains( smallBox ) );
    QVERIFY( largeBox.contains( largeBox ) );
    QVERIFY( !smallBox.contains( largeBox ) );
    QVERIFY(  smallBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates(    0.0,   0.0, 20.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    QVERIFY( !largeBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates(   5.0,   5.0, 30.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    QVERIFY( !largeBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates(   5.0,   5.0, 10.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    QVERIFY( !largeBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates(  35.0,   5.0, 20.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    QVERIFY( !largeBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates( -35.0,   5.0, 20.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    QVERIFY( !largeBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates(   5.0,  35.0, 20.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
    QVERIFY( !largeBox.contains( GeoDataCoordinates(   5.0, -35.0, 20.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
Example #22
bool GeoDataLatLonAltBox::intersects( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &other ) const
            // Case 1: maximum altitude of other box intersects:
    if (    ( d->m_maxAltitude >= other.maxAltitude() && d->m_minAltitude <= other.maxAltitude() )
            // Case 2: maximum altitude of this box intersects:
         || ( other.maxAltitude() >= d->m_maxAltitude && other.minAltitude() <= d->m_maxAltitude )
            // Case 3: minimum altitude of other box intersects:
         || ( d->m_maxAltitude >= other.minAltitude() && d->m_minAltitude <= other.minAltitude() ) 
            // Case 4: minimum altitude of this box intersects:
         || ( other.maxAltitude() >= d->m_minAltitude && other.minAltitude() <= d->m_minAltitude ) ) {

        if ( GeoDataLatLonBox::intersects( other ) )
            return true;


    return false;
Example #23
QVector<TileCoordsPyramid> DownloadRegion::region( const TextureLayer *textureLayer, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &downloadRegion ) const
    Q_ASSERT( textureLayer );
    int const westX = d->rad2PixelX( downloadRegion.west(), textureLayer );
    int const northY = d->rad2PixelY( downloadRegion.north(), textureLayer );
    int const eastX = d->rad2PixelX( downloadRegion.east(), textureLayer );
    int const southY = d->rad2PixelY( downloadRegion.south(), textureLayer );

    // FIXME: remove this stuff
    mDebug() << "DownloadRegionDialog downloadRegion:"
             << "north:" << downloadRegion.north()
             << "south:" << downloadRegion.south()
             << "east:" << downloadRegion.east()
             << "west:" << downloadRegion.west();
    mDebug() << "north/west (x/y):" << westX << northY;
    mDebug() << "south/east (x/y):" << eastX << southY;

    int const tileWidth = textureLayer->tileSize().width();
    int const tileHeight = textureLayer->tileSize().height();
    mDebug() << "DownloadRegionDialog downloadRegion: tileSize:" << tileWidth << tileHeight;

    int const visibleLevelX1 = qMin( westX, eastX );
    int const visibleLevelY1 = qMin( northY, southY );
    int const visibleLevelX2 = qMax( westX, eastX );
    int const visibleLevelY2 = qMax( northY, southY );

    mDebug() << "visible level pixel coords (level/x1/y1/x2/y2):" << d->m_visibleTileLevel
             << visibleLevelX1 << visibleLevelY1 << visibleLevelX2 << visibleLevelY2;

    int bottomLevelX1, bottomLevelY1, bottomLevelX2, bottomLevelY2;
    // the pixel coords calculated above are referring to the visible tile level,
    // if the bottom level is a different level, we have to take it into account
    if ( d->m_visibleTileLevel > d->m_tileLevelRange.second ) {
        int const deltaLevel = d->m_visibleTileLevel - d->m_tileLevelRange.second;
        bottomLevelX1 = visibleLevelX1 >> deltaLevel;
        bottomLevelY1 = visibleLevelY1 >> deltaLevel;
        bottomLevelX2 = visibleLevelX2 >> deltaLevel;
        bottomLevelY2 = visibleLevelY2 >> deltaLevel;
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testDefaultConstruction()
    GeoDataLatLonBox const latLonBox;

    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.north(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.south(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.east(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.west(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.rotation(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.width(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.height(), 0.0 );
    QVERIFY( !latLonBox.crossesDateLine() );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.center(), GeoDataCoordinates( 0, 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( latLonBox.isNull() );
    QVERIFY( latLonBox.isEmpty() );

    QVERIFY( (latLonBox|latLonBox).isNull() );
    QVERIFY( (latLonBox|latLonBox).isEmpty() );
    QVERIFY( !latLonBox.intersects( latLonBox ) );

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox const latLonAltBox;

    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.north(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.south(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.east(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.west(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.rotation(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.width(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.height(), 0.0 );
    QVERIFY( !latLonAltBox.crossesDateLine() );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.center(), GeoDataCoordinates( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( latLonAltBox.isNull() );
    QVERIFY( latLonAltBox.isEmpty() );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.minAltitude(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.maxAltitude(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.altitudeMode(), ClampToGround );

    QVERIFY( (latLonAltBox|latLonAltBox).isNull() );
    QVERIFY( (latLonAltBox|latLonAltBox).isEmpty() );
    QVERIFY( !latLonAltBox.intersects( latLonAltBox ) );
Example #25
bool ViewportParams::resolves ( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &latLonAltBox ) const
    return    latLonAltBox.width() + latLonAltBox.height() > 2.0 * angularResolution()
           || latLonAltBox.maxAltitude() - latLonAltBox.minAltitude() > 10000;
Example #26
GeoDataLatLonAltBox EquirectProjection::latLonAltBox( const QRect& screenRect,
                                                      const ViewportParams *viewport ) const
    qreal west;
    qreal north = 90*DEG2RAD;
    geoCoordinates( screenRect.left(), screenRect.top(), viewport, west, north, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );

    qreal east;
    qreal south = -90*DEG2RAD;
    geoCoordinates( screenRect.right(), screenRect.bottom(), viewport, east, south, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );

    // For the case where the whole viewport gets covered there is a
    // pretty dirty and generic detection algorithm:
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox latLonAltBox;
    latLonAltBox.setNorth( north, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );
    latLonAltBox.setSouth( south, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );
    latLonAltBox.setWest( west, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );
    latLonAltBox.setEast( east, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );
    latLonAltBox.setMinAltitude(      -100000000.0 );
    latLonAltBox.setMaxAltitude( 100000000000000.0 );

    // Convenience variables
    int  radius = viewport->radius();
    int  width  = viewport->width();

    // The remaining algorithm should be pretty generic for all kinds of 
    // flat projections:

    int xRepeatDistance = 4 * radius;
    if ( width >= xRepeatDistance ) {
        latLonAltBox.setWest( -M_PI );
        latLonAltBox.setEast( +M_PI );

    // Now we need to check whether maxLat (e.g. the north pole) gets displayed
    // inside the viewport.

    // We need a point on the screen at maxLat that definitely gets displayed:
    qreal averageLongitude = latLonAltBox.east();

    GeoDataCoordinates maxLatPoint( averageLongitude, maxLat(), 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );
    GeoDataCoordinates minLatPoint( averageLongitude, minLat(), 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );

    qreal dummyX, dummyY; // not needed

    if ( screenCoordinates( maxLatPoint, viewport, dummyX, dummyY ) ) {
        latLonAltBox.setEast( +M_PI );
        latLonAltBox.setWest( -M_PI );
    if ( screenCoordinates( minLatPoint, viewport, dummyX, dummyY ) ) {
        latLonAltBox.setEast( +M_PI );
        latLonAltBox.setWest( -M_PI );

    return latLonAltBox;
Example #27
void PhotoPluginModel::getAdditionalItems( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box,
                                           qint32 number )
    // Flickr only supports images for earth
    if (marbleModel()->planetId() != QLatin1String("earth")) {

    if( box.west() <= box.east() ) {
        const QString bbox =
            QString::number(box.west() * RAD2DEG) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(box.south() * RAD2DEG) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(box.east() * RAD2DEG) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(box.north() * RAD2DEG);
        QHash<QString,QString> options;
        options.insert( "per_page", QString::number( number ) );
        options.insert( "bbox",     bbox );
        options.insert( "sort",     "interestingness-desc" );
        options.insert( "license", m_licenses );
        downloadDescriptionFile( generateUrl( "flickr", "flickr.photos.search", options ) );
    else {
        // Flickr api doesn't support bboxes with west > east so we have to split in two boxes
        const QString bboxWest =
            QString::number(box.west() * RAD2DEG) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(box.south() * RAD2DEG) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(180 ) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(box.north() * RAD2DEG);
        QHash<QString,QString> optionsWest;
        optionsWest.insert( "per_page", QString::number( number/2 ) );
        optionsWest.insert( "bbox",     bboxWest );
        optionsWest.insert( "sort",     "interestingness-desc" );
        optionsWest.insert( "license", m_licenses );

        downloadDescriptionFile( generateUrl( "flickr", "flickr.photos.search", optionsWest ) );
        const QString bboxEast =
            QString::number(-180) +QLatin1Char( ',') +
            QString::number(box.south() * RAD2DEG) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(box.east() * RAD2DEG) + QLatin1Char(',') +
            QString::number(box.north() * RAD2DEG);

        QHash<QString,QString> optionsEast;
        optionsEast.insert( "per_page", QString::number( number/2 ) );
        optionsEast.insert( "bbox",     bboxEast );
        optionsEast.insert( "sort",     "interestingness-desc" );
        optionsEast.insert( "license", m_licenses );

        downloadDescriptionFile( generateUrl( "flickr", "flickr.photos.search", optionsEast ) );
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testPack() {
    QFETCH(GeoDataCoordinates, coordinates);

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox const original = GeoDataLatLonAltBox(coordinates);

    QBuffer buffer;
    bool const isOpenForWriting = buffer.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly);


    QDataStream out(&buffer);

    bool const isOpenForReading = buffer.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly);


    QDataStream in(&buffer);

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox unpacked;


#if 0
    QCOMPARE(unpacked.north(), original.north());
    QCOMPARE(unpacked.south(), original.south());
    QCOMPARE(unpacked.east(), original.east());
    QCOMPARE(unpacked.west(), original.west());

    QCOMPARE(unpacked.maxAltitude(), original.maxAltitude());
    QCOMPARE(unpacked.minAltitude(), original.minAltitude());
    QCOMPARE(unpacked.altitudeMode(), original.altitudeMode());