Example #1
void HostipRunner::slotRequestFinished( QNetworkReply* reply )
    double lon(0.0), lat(0.0);
    for ( QString line = reply->readLine(); !line.isEmpty(); line = reply->readLine() ) {
        QString lonInd = "Longitude: ";
        if ( line.startsWith(lonInd) ) {
            lon = line.mid( lonInd.length() ).toDouble();

        QString latInd = "Latitude: ";
        if (line.startsWith( latInd) ) {
            lat = line.mid( latInd.length() ).toDouble();

    QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> placemarks;

    if (lon != 0.0 && lat != 0.0) {
        GeoDataPlacemark *placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;

        placemark->setName( m_hostInfo.hostName() );

        QString description("%1 (%2)");
        placemark->setDescription( description.
                                 arg( m_hostInfo.hostName() ).
                                 arg( m_hostInfo.addresses().first().toString() ) );

        placemark->setCoordinate( lon * DEG2RAD, lat * DEG2RAD );
        placemark->setVisualCategory( GeoDataFeature::Coordinate );
        placemarks << placemark;
    emit searchFinished( placemarks );
void OsmNominatimRunner::handleResult( QNetworkReply* reply )
    QDomDocument xml;
    if (!xml.setContent(reply->readAll())) {
        qWarning() << "Cannot parse osm nominatim result";

    QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> placemarks;
    QDomElement root = xml.documentElement();
    QDomNodeList places = root.elementsByTagName("place");
    for (int i=0; i<places.size(); ++i) {
        QDomNode place = places.at(i);
        QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = place.attributes();
        QString lon = attributes.namedItem("lon").nodeValue();
        QString lat = attributes.namedItem("lat").nodeValue();
        QString desc = attributes.namedItem("display_name").nodeValue();
        QString key = attributes.namedItem("class").nodeValue();
        QString value = attributes.namedItem("type").nodeValue();

        QString name = place.firstChildElement(value).text();
        QString road = place.firstChildElement("road").text();

        QString city = place.firstChildElement("city").text();
        if( city.isEmpty() ) {
            city = place.firstChildElement("town").text();
            if( city.isEmpty() ) {
                city = place.firstChildElement("village").text();
            } if( city.isEmpty() ) {
                city = place.firstChildElement("hamlet").text();

        QString administrative = place.firstChildElement("county").text();
        if( administrative.isEmpty() ) {
            administrative = place.firstChildElement("region").text();
            if( administrative.isEmpty() ) {
                administrative = place.firstChildElement("state").text();

        QString country = place.firstChildElement("country").text();

        QString description;
        for (int i=0; i<place.childNodes().size(); ++i) {
            QDomElement item = place.childNodes().at(i).toElement();
            description += item.nodeName() + ':' + item.text() + '\n';
        description += "Category: " + key + '/' + value;

        if (!lon.isEmpty() && !lat.isEmpty() && !desc.isEmpty()) {
            QString placemarkName;
            GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
            // try to provide 2 fields
            if (!name.isEmpty()) {
                placemarkName = name;
            if (!road.isEmpty() && road != placemarkName ) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += ", ";
                placemarkName += road;
            if (!city.isEmpty() && !placemarkName.contains(",") && city != placemarkName) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += ", ";
                placemarkName += city;
            if (!administrative.isEmpty()&& !placemarkName.contains(",") && administrative != placemarkName) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += ", ";
                placemarkName += administrative;
            if (!country.isEmpty()&& !placemarkName.contains(",") && country != placemarkName) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += ", ";
                placemarkName += country;
            if (placemarkName.isEmpty()) {
                placemarkName = desc;
            placemark->setName( placemarkName );
            placemark->setCoordinate( lon.toDouble(), lat.toDouble(), 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            GeoDataFeature::GeoDataVisualCategory category = GeoDataFeature::OsmVisualCategory( key + '=' + value );
            placemark->setVisualCategory( category );
            placemarks << placemark;
    emit searchFinished( placemarks );
Example #3
GeoDataDocument *ShpRunner::parseFile(const QString &fileName, DocumentRole role, QString &error)
    QFileInfo fileinfo( fileName );
    if (fileinfo.suffix().compare(QLatin1String("shp"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) {
        error = QStringLiteral("File %1 does not have a shp suffix").arg(fileName);
        mDebug() << error;
        return nullptr;

    SHPHandle handle = SHPOpen( fileName.toStdString().c_str(), "rb" );
    if ( !handle ) {
        error = QStringLiteral("Failed to read %1").arg(fileName);
        mDebug() << error;
        return nullptr;
    int entities;
    int shapeType;
    SHPGetInfo( handle, &entities, &shapeType, NULL, NULL );
    mDebug() << " SHP info " << entities << " Entities "
             << shapeType << " Shape Type ";

    DBFHandle dbfhandle;
    dbfhandle = DBFOpen( fileName.toStdString().c_str(), "rb");
    int nameField = DBFGetFieldIndex( dbfhandle, "Name" );
    int noteField = DBFGetFieldIndex( dbfhandle, "Note" );
    int mapColorField = DBFGetFieldIndex( dbfhandle, "mapcolor13" );

    GeoDataDocument *document = new GeoDataDocument;
    document->setDocumentRole( role );

    if ( mapColorField != -1 ) {
        GeoDataSchema schema;
        GeoDataSimpleField simpleField;
        simpleField.setType( GeoDataSimpleField::Double );
        schema.addSimpleField( simpleField );
        document->addSchema( schema );

    for ( int i=0; i< entities; ++i ) {
        GeoDataPlacemark  *placemark = 0;
        placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
        document->append( placemark );

        SHPObject *shape = SHPReadObject( handle, i );
        if (nameField != -1) {
            const char* info = DBFReadStringAttribute( dbfhandle, i, nameField );
            // TODO: defaults to utf-8 encoding, but could be also something else, optionally noted in a .cpg file
            placemark->setName( info );
            mDebug() << "name " << placemark->name();
        if (noteField != -1) {
            const char* note = DBFReadStringAttribute( dbfhandle, i, noteField );
            // TODO: defaults to utf-8 encoding, see comment for name
            placemark->setDescription( note );
            mDebug() << "desc " << placemark->description();

        double mapColor = DBFReadDoubleAttribute( dbfhandle, i, mapColorField );
        if ( mapColor ) {
            GeoDataStyle::Ptr style(new GeoDataStyle);
            if ( mapColor >= 0 && mapColor <=255 ) {
                quint8 colorIndex = quint8( mapColor );
                style->polyStyle().setColorIndex( colorIndex );
            else {
                quint8 colorIndex = 0;     // mapColor is undefined in this case
                style->polyStyle().setColorIndex( colorIndex );
            placemark->setStyle( style );

        switch ( shapeType ) {
            case SHPT_POINT: {
                GeoDataPoint *point = new GeoDataPoint( *shape->padfX, *shape->padfY, 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                placemark->setGeometry( point );
                mDebug() << "point " << placemark->name();

            case SHPT_MULTIPOINT: {
                GeoDataMultiGeometry *geom = new GeoDataMultiGeometry;
                for( int j=0; j<shape->nVertices; ++j ) {
                    geom->append( new GeoDataPoint( GeoDataCoordinates(
                                  shape->padfX[j], shape->padfY[j],
                                  0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) ) );
                placemark->setGeometry( geom );
                mDebug() << "multipoint " << placemark->name();

            case SHPT_ARC: {
                if ( shape->nParts != 1 ) {
                    GeoDataMultiGeometry *geom = new GeoDataMultiGeometry;
                    for( int j=0; j<shape->nParts; ++j ) {
                        GeoDataLineString *line = new GeoDataLineString;
                        int itEnd = (j + 1 < shape->nParts) ? shape->panPartStart[j+1] : shape->nVertices;
                        for( int k=shape->panPartStart[j]; k<itEnd; ++k ) {
                            line->append( GeoDataCoordinates(
                                          shape->padfX[k], shape->padfY[k],
                                          0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
                        geom->append( line );
                    placemark->setGeometry( geom );
                    mDebug() << "arc " << placemark->name() << " " << shape->nParts;

                } else {
                    GeoDataLineString *line = new GeoDataLineString;
                    for( int j=0; j<shape->nVertices; ++j ) {
                        line->append( GeoDataCoordinates(
                                      shape->padfX[j], shape->padfY[j],
                                      0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
                    placemark->setGeometry( line );
                    mDebug() << "arc " << placemark->name() << " " << shape->nParts;

            case SHPT_POLYGON: {
                if ( shape->nParts != 1 ) {
                    bool isRingClockwise = false;
                    GeoDataMultiGeometry *multigeom = new GeoDataMultiGeometry;
                    GeoDataPolygon *poly = 0;
                    int polygonCount = 0;
                    for( int j=0; j<shape->nParts; ++j ) {
                        GeoDataLinearRing ring;
                        int itStart = shape->panPartStart[j];
                        int itEnd = (j + 1 < shape->nParts) ? shape->panPartStart[j+1] : shape->nVertices;
                        for( int k = itStart; k<itEnd; ++k ) {
                            ring.append( GeoDataCoordinates(
                                         shape->padfX[k], shape->padfY[k],
                                         0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
                        isRingClockwise = ring.isClockwise();
                        if ( j == 0 || isRingClockwise ) {
                            poly = new GeoDataPolygon;
                            poly->setOuterBoundary( ring );
                            if ( polygonCount > 1 ) {
                                multigeom->append( poly );
                        else {
                            poly->appendInnerBoundary( ring );
                    if ( polygonCount > 1 ) {
                        placemark->setGeometry( multigeom );
                    else {
                        placemark->setGeometry( poly );
                        delete multigeom;
                        multigeom = 0;
                    mDebug() << "donut " << placemark->name() << " " << shape->nParts;

                } else {
                    GeoDataPolygon *poly = new GeoDataPolygon;
                    GeoDataLinearRing ring;
                    for( int j=0; j<shape->nVertices; ++j ) {
                        ring.append( GeoDataCoordinates(
                                         shape->padfX[j], shape->padfY[j],
                                         0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
                    poly->setOuterBoundary( ring );
                    placemark->setGeometry( poly );
                    mDebug() << "poly " << placemark->name() << " " << shape->nParts;

    SHPClose( handle );

    DBFClose( dbfhandle );

    if ( document->size() ) {
        document->setFileName( fileName );
        return document;
    } else {
        delete document;
        return nullptr;
Example #4
void OsmNominatimRunner::handleResult( QNetworkReply* reply )
    QDomDocument xml;
    if (!xml.setContent(reply->readAll())) {
        qWarning() << "Cannot parse osm nominatim result";
        qWarning() << reply->error();

    QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> placemarks;
    QDomElement root = xml.documentElement();
    QDomNodeList places = root.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("place"));
    for (int i=0; i<places.size(); ++i) {
        QDomNode place = places.at(i);
        QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = place.attributes();
        QString lon = attributes.namedItem(QStringLiteral("lon")).nodeValue();
        QString lat = attributes.namedItem(QStringLiteral("lat")).nodeValue();
        QString desc = attributes.namedItem(QStringLiteral("display_name")).nodeValue();
        QString key = attributes.namedItem(QStringLiteral("class")).nodeValue();
        QString value = attributes.namedItem(QStringLiteral("type")).nodeValue();

        OsmPlacemarkData data;

        GeoDataExtendedData placemarkData = extractChildren(place);
        placemarkData.addValue(GeoDataData(QStringLiteral("class"), key));
        placemarkData.addValue(GeoDataData(QStringLiteral("type"), value));

        QString name = place.firstChildElement(value).text();
        QString road = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("road")).text();
        placemarkData.addValue(GeoDataData(QStringLiteral("name"), name));

        QString city = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("city")).text();
        if( city.isEmpty() ) {
            city = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("town")).text();
            if( city.isEmpty() ) {
                city = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("village")).text();
            } if( city.isEmpty() ) {
                city = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("hamlet")).text();

        QString administrative = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("county")).text();
        if( administrative.isEmpty() ) {
            administrative = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("region")).text();
            if( administrative.isEmpty() ) {
                administrative = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("state")).text();
                data.addTag(QStringLiteral("addr:state"), administrative);
            } else {
                data.addTag(QStringLiteral("district"), administrative);

        QString country = place.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("country")).text();

        QString description;
        for (int i=0; i<place.childNodes().size(); ++i) {
            QDomElement item = place.childNodes().at(i).toElement();
            description += item.nodeName() + QLatin1Char(':') + item.text() + QLatin1Char('\n');
        description += QLatin1String("Category: ") + key + QLatin1Char('/') + value;

        if (!lon.isEmpty() && !lat.isEmpty() && !desc.isEmpty()) {
            QString placemarkName;
            GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark;
            // try to provide 2 fields
            if (!name.isEmpty()) {
                placemarkName = name;
            if (!road.isEmpty() && road != placemarkName ) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += QLatin1String(", ");
                placemarkName += road;
                data.addTag(QStringLiteral("addr:street"), road);
            if (!city.isEmpty() && !placemarkName.contains(QLatin1Char(',')) && city != placemarkName) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += QLatin1String(", ");
                placemarkName += city;
                data.addTag(QStringLiteral("addr:city"), city);
            if (!administrative.isEmpty() && !placemarkName.contains(QLatin1Char(',')) && administrative != placemarkName) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += QLatin1String(", ");
                placemarkName += administrative;
            if (!country.isEmpty() && !placemarkName.contains(QLatin1Char(',')) && country != placemarkName) {
                if( !placemarkName.isEmpty() ) {
                    placemarkName += QLatin1String(", ");
                placemarkName += country;
                data.addTag(QStringLiteral("addr:country"), country);
            if (placemarkName.isEmpty()) {
                placemarkName = desc;
            placemark->setName( placemarkName );
            placemark->setCoordinate( lon.toDouble(), lat.toDouble(), 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            const auto category = StyleBuilder::determineVisualCategory(data);
            placemark->setVisualCategory( category );
            placemarks << placemark;
    emit searchFinished( placemarks );