int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  int n1 = 5, m1 = 2, m2 = 2;
  if(argc >= 4) {
	n1 = atoi(argv[1]);
	m1 = atoi(argv[2]);
	m2 = atoi(argv[3]);
  } else {
    cout << endl 
	 << " Erroneous calling sequence; should be " << endl 
	 << " qpgen-dense-mehrotra.exe n my mz " << endl
	 << " where n  = # primal variables, " << endl
	 << "       my = # equality constraints, " << endl
	 << "       mz = # inequality constraints " << endl << endl;
    return 1;
  int nnzQ = (int) .20 * (n1 * n1);
  int nnzA = (int) .15 * (m1 * n1);
  int nnzC = (int) .10 * (m2 * n1);

  if( nnzQ < 3 * n1 ) nnzQ = 3 * n1;
  if( nnzA < 3 * m1 ) nnzA = 3 * m1;
  if( nnzC < 3 * m2 ) nnzC = 2 * m2;

  QpGenSparseMa27 * qp   = new QpGenSparseMa27( n1, m1, m2,
						  nnzQ, nnzA, nnzC );
  QpGenData * prob; QpGenVars * soln;
  qp->makeRandomData( prob, soln );
  QpGenVars * vars      = (QpGenVars *) qp->makeVariables( prob );
  Residuals * resid     = qp->makeResiduals( prob );

  GondzioSolver * s   = new GondzioSolver( qp, prob );
  int result = s->solve(prob,vars, resid);
  delete s;

  if( 0 == result ) {
    cout << "\nComputed solution:\n\n";

    QpGenVars * temp = (QpGenVars *) qp->makeVariables( prob );

    cout << "\nChecking the solution...";
    if( solutionMatches( vars, soln, temp, 1e-4 ) ) {
      cout << "The solution appears to be correct.\n";
    } else {
      cout << "\nThe solution may be wrong "
	"(or the generated problem may be ill conditioned.)\n";
    delete temp;
  } else {
    cout << "Could not solve this problem.\n";

  delete vars;  
  delete soln;
  delete prob;
  delete qp;

  return result;
Example #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  Huber     * huber = new Huber;
  HuberData * prob  = 0;
  int quiet = 0, print_soln = 0;
  char * outfilename = 0;
  int argsOk = 1;
  { // Scope of iarg
    int iarg;
    for( iarg = 1; iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-'; iarg++ ) {
      // it is a option. Check against recognized options
      if( 0 == strcmp( argv[iarg], "-quiet" ) ||
	  0 == strcmp( argv[iarg], "--quiet" ) ) {
	quiet = 1;
      } else if ( 0 == strcmp( argv[iarg], "-print_solution" ) ||
		  0 == strcmp( argv[iarg], "--print_solution" ) ) {

	print_soln = 1;
      } else {
	cerr << argv[0] << ": "
	     << argv[iarg] << " is not a recognized option.\n";
	argsOk = 0;
    if( iarg >= argc ) argsOk = 0;  // Not enough arguments 
    if( argsOk ) { // the options were read successfully
      if( 0 == strcmp( argv[iarg] , "random" ) ) {
	if( iarg + 3 != argc ) { // wrong number of input args
	  argsOk = 0;
	} else { // the right number of args for a random problem
	  int nobservations = atoi(argv[iarg+1]);
	  int npredictors   = atoi(argv[iarg+2]);
	  if(nobservations <= 0 || npredictors <= 0) {
	    cerr << " Dimensions of random problem should be positive:"
		 << " nobservations=" << nobservations
		 << ", npredictors=" << npredictors << endl;
	    return 1;// bail out
	  if( nobservations < npredictors ) {
	    cerr << " The number of observations "
	         << "must be at least as large as\n"
		 << " the number of predictors."
		 << " nobservations=" << nobservations
		 << ", npredictors=" << npredictors << endl;
	    return 1; // bail out
	  prob    = (HuberData *) huber->makeRandomData( nobservations,
							 npredictors, 1.0 );
	} // end else the right number of args for a random problem
      } else { // data is to be read from a file
	if( iarg + 2 != argc ) { // wrong number of input args
	  argsOk = 0;
	} else { // the right number of args
	  char * filename = argv[iarg];
	  double cutoff   = atof( argv[iarg+1] );

	  int iErr;
	  prob = (HuberData *)
	    huber->makeDataFromText(filename, cutoff, iErr);
	  if(iErr != huberinputok) {
	    cerr << " Error reading input file " << filename
		 << " : TERMINATE\n";
	    return 1;
	  { // Get a name for the output file
	    int lenname = strlen( filename );
	    outfilename = new char[ lenname + 5 ];
	    strcpy( outfilename, filename );
	    strcat( outfilename, ".out" );
	} // else the right number of args
      } // end else data is to be read from a file
    } // end if the options were read sucessfully
  } // end scope of iarg
  if( !argsOk ) {
    cerr << "Usage:\n\n";
    cerr << "    " << argv[0] << " [ --quiet ] [ --print-solution ] "
	 << "filename cutoff\n\nor\n\n";
    cerr << "    " << argv[0] << " [ --quiet ] [ --print-solution ] "
	 << "random nobs npred\n\n";
    cerr << "where \"random\" is a literal keyword.\n\n";

    delete huber;
    delete prob;

    return 1;

  // OK, solve this sucker. 

  GondzioSolver * s       = new GondzioSolver( huber, prob );
  HuberVars     * vars    = (HuberVars * ) huber->makeVariables( prob );
  Residuals     * resid   = huber->makeResiduals( prob );

  if( !quiet ) s->monitorSelf();
  int status = s->solve(prob,vars, resid);

  // print the interesting variables: beta
  if( (!quiet && vars->npredictors < 20) ||
      !outfilename || print_soln ) {
  if( outfilename ) {
      ofstream outfile( outfilename );
      outfile << vars->npredictors << endl;
      vars->beta->writeToStream( outfile );
    delete [] outfilename;

  delete vars;
  delete resid;
  delete s;
  delete prob;
  delete huber;

  return status;