Example #1
// TODO Processors cannot output zeros because an empty string is all 1s
// the fix is to allow effects to take the GrGLSLExpr4 directly
void GrGLProgramBuilder::emitAndInstallProc(const GrPendingFragmentStage& proc,
                                            int index,
                                            const GrGLSLExpr4& input,
                                            GrGLSLExpr4* output) {
    // Program builders have a bit of state we need to clear with each effect
    AutoStageAdvance adv(this);
    this->nameExpression(output, "output");

    // Enclose custom code in a block to avoid namespace conflicts
    SkString openBrace;
    openBrace.printf("{ // Stage %d, %s\n", fStageIndex, proc.name());

    this->emitAndInstallProc(proc, index, output->c_str(), input.isOnes() ? NULL : input.c_str());
