void GrVkGpuRTCommandBuffer::executeDrawable(std::unique_ptr<SkDrawable::GpuDrawHandler> drawable) { GrVkRenderTarget* target = static_cast<GrVkRenderTarget*>(fRenderTarget); GrVkImage* targetImage = target->msaaImage() ? target->msaaImage() : target; CommandBufferInfo& cbInfo = fCommandBufferInfos[fCurrentCmdInfo]; VkRect2D bounds; bounds.offset = { 0, 0 }; bounds.extent = { 0, 0 }; GrVkDrawableInfo vkInfo; vkInfo.fSecondaryCommandBuffer = cbInfo.currentCmdBuf()->vkCommandBuffer(); vkInfo.fCompatibleRenderPass = cbInfo.fRenderPass->vkRenderPass(); SkAssertResult(cbInfo.fRenderPass->colorAttachmentIndex(&vkInfo.fColorAttachmentIndex)); vkInfo.fFormat = targetImage->imageFormat(); vkInfo.fDrawBounds = &bounds; #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID_FRAMEWORK vkInfo.fImage = targetImage->image(); #else vkInfo.fImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE; #endif //SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID_FRAMEWORK GrBackendDrawableInfo info(vkInfo); // After we draw into the command buffer via the drawable, cached state we have may be invalid. cbInfo.currentCmdBuf()->invalidateState(); // Also assume that the drawable produced output. cbInfo.fIsEmpty = false; drawable->draw(info); fGpu->addDrawable(std::move(drawable)); if (bounds.extent.width == 0 || bounds.extent.height == 0) { cbInfo.fBounds.join(target->getBoundsRect()); } else { cbInfo.fBounds.join(SkRect::MakeXYWH(bounds.offset.x, bounds.offset.y, bounds.extent.width, bounds.extent.height)); } }
void GrVkGpuRTCommandBuffer::submit() { if (!fRenderTarget) { return; } GrVkRenderTarget* vkRT = static_cast<GrVkRenderTarget*>(fRenderTarget); GrVkImage* targetImage = vkRT->msaaImage() ? vkRT->msaaImage() : vkRT; GrStencilAttachment* stencil = fRenderTarget->renderTargetPriv().getStencilAttachment(); auto currPreCmd = fPreCommandBufferTasks.begin(); GrVkPrimaryCommandBufferTask::Args taskArgs{fGpu, fRenderTarget, fOrigin}; for (int i = 0; i < fCommandBufferInfos.count(); ++i) { CommandBufferInfo& cbInfo = fCommandBufferInfos[i]; for (int c = 0; c < cbInfo.fNumPreCmds; ++c, ++currPreCmd) { currPreCmd->execute(taskArgs); } // TODO: Many things create a scratch texture which adds the discard immediately, but then // don't draw to it right away. This causes the discard to be ignored and we get yelled at // for loading uninitialized data. However, once MDB lands with reordering, the discard will // get reordered with the rest of the draw commands and we can remove the discard check. if (cbInfo.fIsEmpty && cbInfo.fLoadStoreState != LoadStoreState::kStartsWithClear && cbInfo.fLoadStoreState != LoadStoreState::kStartsWithDiscard) { // We have sumbitted no actual draw commands to the command buffer and we are not using // the render pass to do a clear so there is no need to submit anything. continue; } // We don't want to actually submit the secondary command buffer if it is wrapped. if (this->wrapsSecondaryCommandBuffer()) { // If we have any sampled images set their layout now. for (int j = 0; j < cbInfo.fSampledTextures.count(); ++j) { cbInfo.fSampledTextures[j]->setImageLayout( fGpu, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL, VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, false); } // There should have only been one secondary command buffer in the wrapped case so it is // safe to just return here. SkASSERT(fCommandBufferInfos.count() == 1); return; } // Make sure if we only have a discard load that we execute the discard on the whole image. // TODO: Once we improve our tracking of discards so that we never end up flushing a discard // call with no actually ops, remove this. if (cbInfo.fIsEmpty && cbInfo.fLoadStoreState == LoadStoreState::kStartsWithDiscard) { cbInfo.fBounds = SkRect::MakeWH(vkRT->width(), vkRT->height()); } if (cbInfo.fBounds.intersect(0, 0, SkIntToScalar(fRenderTarget->width()), SkIntToScalar(fRenderTarget->height()))) { // Make sure we do the following layout changes after all copies, uploads, or any other // pre-work is done since we may change the layouts in the pre-work. Also since the // draws will be submitted in different render passes, we need to guard againts write // and write issues. // Change layout of our render target so it can be used as the color attachment. // TODO: If we know that we will never be blending or loading the attachment we could // drop the VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT. targetImage->setImageLayout(fGpu, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT, false); // If we are using a stencil attachment we also need to update its layout if (stencil) { GrVkStencilAttachment* vkStencil = (GrVkStencilAttachment*)stencil; // We need the write and read access bits since we may load and store the stencil. // The initial load happens in the VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT so we // wait there. vkStencil->setImageLayout(fGpu, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT | VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT, false); } // If we have any sampled images set their layout now. for (int j = 0; j < cbInfo.fSampledTextures.count(); ++j) { cbInfo.fSampledTextures[j]->setImageLayout( fGpu, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL, VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, false); } SkIRect iBounds; cbInfo.fBounds.roundOut(&iBounds); fGpu->submitSecondaryCommandBuffer(cbInfo.fCommandBuffers, cbInfo.fRenderPass, &cbInfo.fColorClearValue, vkRT, fOrigin, iBounds); } } SkASSERT(currPreCmd == fPreCommandBufferTasks.end()); }
bool GrVkCopyManager::copySurfaceAsDraw(GrVkGpu* gpu, GrSurface* dst, GrSurfaceOrigin dstOrigin, GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceOrigin srcOrigin, const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint, bool canDiscardOutsideDstRect) { // None of our copy methods can handle a swizzle. TODO: Make copySurfaceAsDraw handle the // swizzle. if (gpu->caps()->shaderCaps()->configOutputSwizzle(src->config()) != gpu->caps()->shaderCaps()->configOutputSwizzle(dst->config())) { return false; } GrVkRenderTarget* rt = static_cast<GrVkRenderTarget*>(dst->asRenderTarget()); if (!rt) { return false; } GrVkTexture* srcTex = static_cast<GrVkTexture*>(src->asTexture()); if (!srcTex) { return false; } if (VK_NULL_HANDLE == fVertShaderModule) { SkASSERT(VK_NULL_HANDLE == fFragShaderModule && nullptr == fPipelineLayout && nullptr == fVertexBuffer.get() && nullptr == fUniformBuffer.get()); if (!this->createCopyProgram(gpu)) { SkDebugf("Failed to create copy program.\n"); return false; } } SkASSERT(fPipelineLayout); GrVkResourceProvider& resourceProv = gpu->resourceProvider(); GrVkCopyPipeline* pipeline = resourceProv.findOrCreateCopyPipeline(rt, fShaderStageInfo, fPipelineLayout->layout()); if (!pipeline) { return false; } // UPDATE UNIFORM DESCRIPTOR SET int w = srcRect.width(); int h = srcRect.height(); // dst rect edges in NDC (-1 to 1) int dw = dst->width(); int dh = dst->height(); float dx0 = 2.f * dstPoint.fX / dw - 1.f; float dx1 = 2.f * (dstPoint.fX + w) / dw - 1.f; float dy0 = 2.f * dstPoint.fY / dh - 1.f; float dy1 = 2.f * (dstPoint.fY + h) / dh - 1.f; if (kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == dstOrigin) { dy0 = -dy0; dy1 = -dy1; } float sx0 = (float)srcRect.fLeft; float sx1 = (float)(srcRect.fLeft + w); float sy0 = (float)srcRect.fTop; float sy1 = (float)(srcRect.fTop + h); int sh = src->height(); if (kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == srcOrigin) { sy0 = sh - sy0; sy1 = sh - sy1; } // src rect edges in normalized texture space (0 to 1). int sw = src->width(); sx0 /= sw; sx1 /= sw; sy0 /= sh; sy1 /= sh; float uniData[] = { dx1 - dx0, dy1 - dy0, dx0, dy0, // posXform sx1 - sx0, sy1 - sy0, sx0, sy0 }; // texCoordXform fUniformBuffer->updateData(gpu, uniData, sizeof(uniData), nullptr); const GrVkDescriptorSet* uniformDS = resourceProv.getUniformDescriptorSet(); SkASSERT(uniformDS); VkDescriptorBufferInfo uniBufferInfo; uniBufferInfo.buffer = fUniformBuffer->buffer(); uniBufferInfo.offset = fUniformBuffer->offset(); uniBufferInfo.range = fUniformBuffer->size(); VkWriteDescriptorSet descriptorWrites; descriptorWrites.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_WRITE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; descriptorWrites.pNext = nullptr; descriptorWrites.dstSet = uniformDS->descriptorSet(); descriptorWrites.dstBinding = GrVkUniformHandler::kGeometryBinding; descriptorWrites.dstArrayElement = 0; descriptorWrites.descriptorCount = 1; descriptorWrites.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER; descriptorWrites.pImageInfo = nullptr; descriptorWrites.pBufferInfo = &uniBufferInfo; descriptorWrites.pTexelBufferView = nullptr; GR_VK_CALL(gpu->vkInterface(), UpdateDescriptorSets(gpu->device(), 1, &descriptorWrites, 0, nullptr)); // UPDATE SAMPLER DESCRIPTOR SET const GrVkDescriptorSet* samplerDS = gpu->resourceProvider().getSamplerDescriptorSet(fSamplerDSHandle); GrSamplerState samplerState = GrSamplerState::ClampNearest(); GrVkSampler* sampler = resourceProv.findOrCreateCompatibleSampler( samplerState, GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo()); VkDescriptorImageInfo imageInfo; memset(&imageInfo, 0, sizeof(VkDescriptorImageInfo)); imageInfo.sampler = sampler->sampler(); imageInfo.imageView = srcTex->textureView()->imageView(); imageInfo.imageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL; VkWriteDescriptorSet writeInfo; memset(&writeInfo, 0, sizeof(VkWriteDescriptorSet)); writeInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_WRITE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; writeInfo.pNext = nullptr; writeInfo.dstSet = samplerDS->descriptorSet(); writeInfo.dstBinding = 0; writeInfo.dstArrayElement = 0; writeInfo.descriptorCount = 1; writeInfo.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER; writeInfo.pImageInfo = &imageInfo; writeInfo.pBufferInfo = nullptr; writeInfo.pTexelBufferView = nullptr; GR_VK_CALL(gpu->vkInterface(), UpdateDescriptorSets(gpu->device(), 1, &writeInfo, 0, nullptr)); VkDescriptorSet vkDescSets[] = { uniformDS->descriptorSet(), samplerDS->descriptorSet() }; GrVkRenderTarget* texRT = static_cast<GrVkRenderTarget*>(srcTex->asRenderTarget()); if (texRT) { gpu->resolveRenderTargetNoFlush(texRT); } // TODO: Make tighter bounds and then adjust bounds for origin and granularity if we see // any perf issues with using the whole bounds SkIRect bounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(rt->width(), rt->height()); // Change layouts of rt and texture. We aren't blending so we don't need color attachment read // access for blending. GrVkImage* targetImage = rt->msaaImage() ? rt->msaaImage() : rt; VkAccessFlags dstAccessFlags = VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT; if (!canDiscardOutsideDstRect) { // We need to load the color attachment so need to be able to read it. dstAccessFlags |= VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT; } targetImage->setImageLayout(gpu, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, dstAccessFlags, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT, false); srcTex->setImageLayout(gpu, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL, VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT, false); GrStencilAttachment* stencil = rt->renderTargetPriv().getStencilAttachment(); if (stencil) { GrVkStencilAttachment* vkStencil = (GrVkStencilAttachment*)stencil; // We aren't actually using the stencil but we still load and store it so we need // appropriate barriers. // TODO: Once we refactor surface and how we conntect stencil to RTs, we should not even // have the stencil on this render pass if possible. vkStencil->setImageLayout(gpu, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT, false); } VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp = canDiscardOutsideDstRect ? VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE : VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD; GrVkRenderPass::LoadStoreOps vkColorOps(loadOp, VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE); GrVkRenderPass::LoadStoreOps vkStencilOps(VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD, VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE); const GrVkRenderPass* renderPass; const GrVkResourceProvider::CompatibleRPHandle& rpHandle = rt->compatibleRenderPassHandle(); if (rpHandle.isValid()) { renderPass = gpu->resourceProvider().findRenderPass(rpHandle, vkColorOps, vkStencilOps); } else { renderPass = gpu->resourceProvider().findRenderPass(*rt, vkColorOps, vkStencilOps); } SkASSERT(renderPass->isCompatible(*rt->simpleRenderPass())); GrVkPrimaryCommandBuffer* cmdBuffer = gpu->currentCommandBuffer(); cmdBuffer->beginRenderPass(gpu, renderPass, nullptr, *rt, bounds, true); GrVkSecondaryCommandBuffer* secondary = gpu->cmdPool()->findOrCreateSecondaryCommandBuffer(gpu); if (!secondary) { return false; } secondary->begin(gpu, rt->framebuffer(), renderPass); secondary->bindPipeline(gpu, pipeline); // Uniform DescriptorSet, Sampler DescriptorSet, and vertex shader uniformBuffer SkSTArray<3, const GrVkRecycledResource*> descriptorRecycledResources; descriptorRecycledResources.push_back(uniformDS); descriptorRecycledResources.push_back(samplerDS); descriptorRecycledResources.push_back(fUniformBuffer->resource()); // One sampler, texture view, and texture SkSTArray<3, const GrVkResource*> descriptorResources; descriptorResources.push_back(sampler); descriptorResources.push_back(srcTex->textureView()); descriptorResources.push_back(srcTex->resource()); secondary->bindDescriptorSets(gpu, descriptorRecycledResources, descriptorResources, fPipelineLayout, 0, 2, vkDescSets, 0, nullptr); // Set Dynamic viewport and stencil // We always use one viewport the size of the RT VkViewport viewport; viewport.x = 0.0f; viewport.y = 0.0f; viewport.width = SkIntToScalar(rt->width()); viewport.height = SkIntToScalar(rt->height()); viewport.minDepth = 0.0f; viewport.maxDepth = 1.0f; secondary->setViewport(gpu, 0, 1, &viewport); // We assume the scissor is not enabled so just set it to the whole RT VkRect2D scissor; scissor.extent.width = rt->width(); scissor.extent.height = rt->height(); scissor.offset.x = 0; scissor.offset.y = 0; secondary->setScissor(gpu, 0, 1, &scissor); secondary->bindInputBuffer(gpu, 0, fVertexBuffer.get()); secondary->draw(gpu, 4, 1, 0, 0); secondary->end(gpu); cmdBuffer->executeCommands(gpu, secondary); cmdBuffer->endRenderPass(gpu); secondary->unref(gpu); // Release all temp resources which should now be reffed by the cmd buffer pipeline->unref(gpu); uniformDS->unref(gpu); samplerDS->unref(gpu); sampler->unref(gpu); renderPass->unref(gpu); return true; }