Example #1
GradDpElement :: computeStressVectorAndLocalCumulatedStrain(FloatArray &answer, double localCumulatedStrain, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    NLStructuralElement *elem = this->giveNLStructuralElement();

    double nlCumulatedStrain;

    int nlGeo = elem->giveGeometryMode();
    StructuralCrossSection *cs = elem->giveStructuralCrossSection();
    GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface *dpmat = static_cast< GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface * >(
        cs->giveMaterialInterface(GradDpMaterialExtensionInterfaceType, gp) );

    if ( !dpmat ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Material doesn't implement the required DpGrad interface!");

    this->computeNonlocalCumulatedStrain(nlCumulatedStrain, gp, tStep);
    if ( nlGeo == 0 ) {
        FloatArray Epsilon;
        this->computeLocalStrainVector(Epsilon, gp, tStep);
        dpmat->giveRealStressVectorGrad(answer, localCumulatedStrain, gp, Epsilon, nlCumulatedStrain, tStep);
    } else if ( nlGeo == 1 ) {
        if ( elem->giveDomain()->giveEngngModel()->giveFormulation() == TL ) {
            FloatArray vF;
            this->computeDeformationGradientVector(vF, gp, tStep);
            dpmat->giveFirstPKStressVectorGrad(answer, localCumulatedStrain, gp, vF, nlCumulatedStrain, tStep);
        } else {
            FloatArray vF;
            this->computeDeformationGradientVector(vF, gp, tStep);
            dpmat->giveCauchyStressVectorGrad(answer, localCumulatedStrain, gp, vF, nlCumulatedStrain, tStep);
Example #2
LargeStrainMasterMaterialGrad :: giveFirstPKStressVectorGrad(FloatArray &answer1, double &answer2, GaussPoint *gp, const FloatArray &vF, double nonlocalCumulatedStrain, TimeStep *tStep)
    LargeStrainMasterMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< LargeStrainMasterMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
    MaterialMode mode = gp->giveMaterialMode();
    if  ( mode == _3dMat ) {
        Material *mat;
        StructuralMaterial *sMat;
        mat = domain->giveMaterial(slaveMat);
        sMat = dynamic_cast< StructuralMaterial * >(mat);
        if ( sMat == NULL ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("material %d has no Structural support", slaveMat);

        GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface *dpmat = static_cast< GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface * >( sMat->giveInterface(GradDpMaterialExtensionInterfaceType) );
        if ( !dpmat ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Material doesn't implement the required DpGrad interface!");

        double lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, E1, E2, E3;
        FloatArray eVals, SethHillStrainVector, stressVector, stressM;
        FloatMatrix F, C, eVecs, SethHillStrain;
        FloatMatrix L1, L2, T;
        //store of deformation gradient into 3x3 matrix
        //compute right Cauchy-Green tensor(C), its eigenvalues and eigenvectors
        C.beTProductOf(F, F);
        // compute eigen values and eigen vectors of C
        C.jaco_(eVals, eVecs, 40);
        // compute Seth - Hill's strain measure, it depends on mParameter
        lambda1 = eVals.at(1);
        lambda2 = eVals.at(2);
        lambda3 = eVals.at(3);
        if ( m == 0 ) {
            E1 = 1. / 2. * log(lambda1);
            E2 = 1. / 2. * log(lambda2);
            E3 = 1. / 2. * log(lambda3);
        } else {
            E1 = 1. / ( 2. * m ) * ( pow(lambda1, m) - 1. );
            E2 = 1. / ( 2. * m ) * ( pow(lambda2, m) - 1. );
            E3 = 1. / ( 2. * m ) * ( pow(lambda3, m) - 1. );

        SethHillStrain.resize(3, 3);
        for ( int i = 1; i < 4; i++ ) {
            for ( int j = 1; j < 4; j++ ) {
                SethHillStrain.at(i, j) = E1 * eVecs.at(i, 1) * eVecs.at(j, 1) + E2 *eVecs.at(i, 2) * eVecs.at(j, 2) + E3 *eVecs.at(i, 3) * eVecs.at(j, 3);

        dpmat->giveRealStressVectorGrad(stressVector, answer2, gp, SethHillStrainVector, nonlocalCumulatedStrain, tStep);
        this->constructTransformationMatrix(T, eVecs);

        stressVector.at(4) = 2 * stressVector.at(4);
        stressVector.at(5) = 2 * stressVector.at(5);
        stressVector.at(6) = 2 * stressVector.at(6);

        stressM.beProductOf(T, stressVector);
        stressM.at(4) = 1. / 2. *  stressM.at(4);
        stressM.at(5) = 1. / 2. *  stressM.at(5);
        stressM.at(6) = 1. / 2. *  stressM.at(6);

        this->constructL1L2TransformationMatrices(L1, L2, eVals, stressM, E1, E2, E3);

        FloatMatrix junk, P, TL;
        FloatArray secondPK;
        junk.beProductOf(L1, T);
        P.beTProductOf(T, junk);
        //transformation of the stress to the 2PK stress and then to 1PK
        stressVector.at(4) = 0.5 * stressVector.at(4);
        stressVector.at(5) = 0.5 * stressVector.at(5);
        stressVector.at(6) = 0.5 * stressVector.at(6);
        secondPK.beProductOf(P, stressVector);
        answer1.beProductOf(F, secondPK); // P = F*S
        junk.beProductOf(L2, T);
        TL.beTProductOf(T, junk);

    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Unknown material mode.");