Example #1
void GraphComponent::addChildInternal( GraphComponentPtr child )
	child->parentChanging( this );
	GraphComponent *previousParent = child->m_parent;
	if( previousParent )
		// remove the child from the previous parent, but don't emit parentChangedSignal.
		// this prevents a parent changed signal with new parent 0 followed by a parent
		// changed signal with the new parent.
		previousParent->removeChildInternal( child, false );
	m_children.push_back( child );
	child->m_parent = this;
	child->setName( child->m_name.value() ); // to force uniqueness
	childAddedSignal()( this, child.get() );
	child->parentChangedSignal()( child.get(), previousParent );
Example #2
void GraphComponent::addChildInternal( GraphComponentPtr child, size_t index )
	child->parentChanging( this );
	GraphComponent *previousParent = child->m_parent;
	if( previousParent )
		// remove the child from the previous parent, but don't emit parentChangedSignal.
		// this prevents a parent changed signal with new parent null followed by a parent
		// changed signal with the new parent.
		previousParent->removeChildInternal( child, false );

	m_children.insert( m_children.begin() + min( index, m_children.size() ), child );
	child->m_parent = this;
	child->setName( child->m_name.value() ); // to force uniqueness
	Signals::emitLazily( m_signals.get(), &Signals::childAddedSignal, this, child.get() );
	child->parentChanged( previousParent );
	Signals::emitLazily( child->m_signals.get(), &Signals::parentChangedSignal, child.get(), previousParent );