void SummonHiFirepawHelper(Player* summoner, uint32 entry) { uint32 phase = summoner->GetPhaseMask(); uint32 team = summoner->GetTeam(); Position pos; summoner->GetPosition(&pos); Guardian* summon = new Guardian(NULL, summoner, false); if (!summon->Create(sObjectMgr->GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT), summoner->GetMap(), phase, entry, 0, team, pos.GetPositionX(), pos.GetPositionY(), pos.GetPositionZ(), pos.GetOrientation())) { delete summon; return; } summon->SetHomePosition(pos); summon->InitStats(0); summoner->GetMap()->AddToMap(summon->ToCreature()); summon->InitSummon(); summon->InitStatsForLevel(10); summon->SetFollowAngle(summoner->GetAngle(summon)); summon->SetReactState(REACT_AGGRESSIVE); }
void Player::UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(bool ranged) { float val2 = 0.0f; float level = float(getLevel()); ChrClassesEntry const* entry = sChrClassesStore.LookupEntry(getClass()); UnitMods unitMod = ranged ? UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_RANGED : UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER; uint16 index = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER; if (ranged) { index = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER; val2 = (level + std::max(GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) - 10.0f, 0.0f)) * entry->RAPPerAgility; } else { float strengthValue = std::max((GetStat(STAT_STRENGTH) - 10.0f) * entry->APPerStrenth, 0.0f); float agilityValue = std::max((GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) - 10.0f) * entry->APPerAgility, 0.0f); SpellShapeshiftFormEntry const* form = sSpellShapeshiftFormStore.LookupEntry(GetShapeshiftForm()); // Directly taken from client, SHAPESHIFT_FLAG_AP_FROM_STRENGTH ? if (form && form->flags1 & 0x20) agilityValue += std::max((GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) - 10.0f) * entry->APPerStrenth, 0.0f); val2 = strengthValue + agilityValue; } SetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE, val2); float base_attPower = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) * GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT); float attPowerMod = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE); //add dynamic flat mods if (!ranged) { AuraEffectList const& mAPbyArmor = GetAuraEffectsByType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_OF_ARMOR); for (AuraEffectList::const_iterator iter = mAPbyArmor.begin(); iter != mAPbyArmor.end(); ++iter) // always: ((*i)->GetModifier()->m_miscvalue == 1 == SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL) attPowerMod += int32(GetArmor() / (*iter)->GetAmount()); } SetInt32Value(index, (uint32)base_attPower); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER field Pet* pet = GetPet(); //update pet's AP Guardian* guardian = GetGuardianPet(); //automatically update weapon damage after attack power modification if (ranged) { UpdateDamagePhysical(RANGED_ATTACK); if (pet && pet->IsHunterPet()) // At ranged attack change for hunter pet pet->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); } else { UpdateDamagePhysical(BASE_ATTACK); if (CanDualWield() && haveOffhandWeapon()) //allow update offhand damage only if player knows DualWield Spec and has equipped offhand weapon UpdateDamagePhysical(OFF_ATTACK); if (getClass() == CLASS_SHAMAN || getClass() == CLASS_PALADIN) // mental quickness UpdateSpellDamageAndHealingBonus(); if (pet && pet->IsPetGhoul()) // At melee attack power change for DK pet pet->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); if (guardian && guardian->IsSpiritWolf()) // At melee attack power change for Shaman feral spirit guardian->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); } }
void Player::UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(bool ranged) { float val2 = 0.0f; float level = float(getLevel()); ChrClassesEntry const* entry = sChrClassesStore.LookupEntry(getClass()); UnitMods unitMod_pos = ranged ? UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_RANGED_POS : UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_POS; UnitMods unitMod_neg = ranged ? UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_RANGED_NEG : UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_NEG; uint16 index = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER; uint16 index_mod_pos = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_POS; uint16 index_mod_neg = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_NEG; uint16 index_mult = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER_MULTIPLIER; if (ranged) { index = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER; val2 = (level + std::max(GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) - 10.0f, 0.0f)) * entry->RAPPerAgility; index_mod_pos = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_POS; index_mod_neg = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_NEG; index_mult = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER_MULTIPLIER; } else { // This is general. float strengthValue = std::max((GetStat(STAT_STRENGTH) - 10.0f) * entry->APPerStrenth, 0.0f); float agilityValue = std::max((GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) - 10.0f) * entry->APPerAgility, 0.0f); // This is specific. switch (getClass()) { case CLASS_HUNTER: // in the case of Rogues, Hunters, and Shamans, each point of Agility will add 2 AP case CLASS_ROGUE: case CLASS_SHAMAN: agilityValue = std::max(GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) * 2, 0.0f); break; case CLASS_WARRIOR: // Warriors, Paladins, and Death Knights will gain 2 AP from each point of Strength. case CLASS_PALADIN: case CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT: strengthValue = std::max(GetStat(STAT_STRENGTH) * 2, 0.0f); break; case CLASS_DRUID: // Druids will gain 2 AP from Agility in Bear/Cat form. You have NO strenght in Bear form. if (IsInFeralForm()) if (GetShapeshiftForm() == FORM_CAT || GetShapeshiftForm() == FORM_BEAR) agilityValue = std::max(GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) * 2, 0.0f); break; } val2 = strengthValue + agilityValue; } SetModifierValue(unitMod_pos, BASE_VALUE, val2); float base_attPower = (GetModifierValue(unitMod_pos, BASE_VALUE) - GetModifierValue(unitMod_neg, BASE_VALUE)) * (GetModifierValue(unitMod_pos, BASE_PCT) + (1 - GetModifierValue(unitMod_neg, BASE_PCT))); float attPowerMod_pos = GetModifierValue(unitMod_pos, TOTAL_VALUE); float attPowerMod_neg = GetModifierValue(unitMod_neg, TOTAL_VALUE); //add dynamic flat mods if (!ranged) { AuraEffectList const& mAPbyArmor = GetAuraEffectsByType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_OF_ARMOR); for (AuraEffectList::const_iterator iter = mAPbyArmor.begin(); iter != mAPbyArmor.end(); ++iter) { // always: ((*i)->GetModifier()->m_miscvalue == 1 == SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL) int32 attPowerMod = int32(GetArmor() / (*iter)->GetAmount()); if (attPowerMod > 0) attPowerMod_pos += attPowerMod; else attPowerMod_neg -= attPowerMod; } } float attPowerMultiplier = (GetModifierValue(unitMod_pos, TOTAL_PCT) + (1 - GetModifierValue(unitMod_neg, TOTAL_PCT))) - 1.0f; SetInt32Value(index, (uint32)base_attPower); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER field SetInt32Value(index_mod_pos, (uint32) attPowerMod_pos); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_POS field SetInt32Value(index_mod_neg, (uint32) attPowerMod_neg); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_NEG field SetFloatValue(index_mult, attPowerMultiplier); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER_MULTIPLIER field Pet* pet = GetPet(); //update pet's AP Guardian* guardian = GetGuardianPet(); //automatically update weapon damage after attack power modification if (ranged) { UpdateDamagePhysical(RANGED_ATTACK); if (pet && pet->IsHunterPet()) // At ranged attack change for hunter pet pet->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); } else { UpdateDamagePhysical(BASE_ATTACK); if (CanDualWield() && haveOffhandWeapon()) //allow update offhand damage only if player knows DualWield Spec and has equipped offhand weapon UpdateDamagePhysical(OFF_ATTACK); if (getClass() == CLASS_SHAMAN || getClass() == CLASS_PALADIN) // mental quickness UpdateSpellDamageAndHealingBonus(); if (pet && pet->IsPetGhoul()) // At melee attack power change for DK pet pet->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); if (guardian && guardian->IsSpiritWolf()) // At melee attack power change for Shaman feral spirit guardian->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); } }
void Player::UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(bool ranged) { float val2 = 0.0f; float level = float(getLevel()); ChrClassesEntry const* entry = sChrClassesStore.AssertEntry(getClass()); UnitMods unitMod = ranged ? UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_RANGED : UNIT_MOD_ATTACK_POWER; uint16 index = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER; uint16 index_mod = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_POS; uint16 index_mult = UNIT_FIELD_ATTACK_POWER_MULTIPLIER; if (ranged) { index = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER; index_mod = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_POS; index_mult = UNIT_FIELD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER_MULTIPLIER; } if (!HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_OVERRIDE_ATTACK_POWER_BY_SP_PCT)) { if (!ranged) { float strengthValue = std::max(GetStat(STAT_STRENGTH) * entry->AttackPowerPerStrength, 0.0f); float agilityValue = std::max(GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) * entry->AttackPowerPerAgility, 0.0f); SpellShapeshiftFormEntry const* form = sSpellShapeshiftFormStore.LookupEntry(GetShapeshiftForm()); // Directly taken from client, SHAPESHIFT_FLAG_AP_FROM_STRENGTH ? if (form && form->Flags & 0x20) agilityValue += std::max(GetStat(STAT_AGILITY) * entry->AttackPowerPerStrength, 0.0f); val2 = strengthValue + agilityValue; } else val2 = (level + std::max(GetStat(STAT_AGILITY), 0.0f)) * entry->RangedAttackPowerPerAgility; } else { int32 minSpellPower = GetInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_HEALING_DONE_POS); for (int i = SPELL_SCHOOL_HOLY; i < MAX_SPELL_SCHOOL; ++i) minSpellPower = std::min(minSpellPower, GetInt32Value(PLAYER_FIELD_MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_POS + i)); val2 = CalculatePct(float(minSpellPower), GetFloatValue(PLAYER_FIELD_OVERRIDE_AP_BY_SPELL_POWER_PERCENT)); } SetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE, val2); float base_attPower = GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_VALUE) * GetModifierValue(unitMod, BASE_PCT); float attPowerMod = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_VALUE); float attPowerMultiplier = GetModifierValue(unitMod, TOTAL_PCT) - 1.0f; //add dynamic flat mods if (!ranged) { AuraEffectList const& mAPbyArmor = GetAuraEffectsByType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_OF_ARMOR); for (AuraEffectList::const_iterator iter = mAPbyArmor.begin(); iter != mAPbyArmor.end(); ++iter) // always: ((*i)->GetModifier()->m_miscvalue == 1 == SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL) attPowerMod += int32(GetArmor() / (*iter)->GetAmount()); } SetInt32Value(index, (uint32)base_attPower); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER field SetInt32Value(index_mod, (uint32)attPowerMod); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER_MOD_POS field SetFloatValue(index_mult, attPowerMultiplier); //UNIT_FIELD_(RANGED)_ATTACK_POWER_MULTIPLIER field Pet* pet = GetPet(); //update pet's AP Guardian* guardian = GetGuardianPet(); //automatically update weapon damage after attack power modification if (ranged) { UpdateDamagePhysical(RANGED_ATTACK); if (pet && pet->IsHunterPet()) // At ranged attack change for hunter pet pet->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); } else { UpdateDamagePhysical(BASE_ATTACK); if (Item* offhand = GetWeaponForAttack(OFF_ATTACK, true)) if (CanDualWield() || offhand->GetTemplate()->GetFlags3() & ITEM_FLAG3_ALWAYS_ALLOW_DUAL_WIELD) UpdateDamagePhysical(OFF_ATTACK); if (HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPELL_DAMAGE_OF_ATTACK_POWER) || HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPELL_HEALING_OF_ATTACK_POWER) || HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_OVERRIDE_SPELL_POWER_BY_AP_PCT)) UpdateSpellDamageAndHealingBonus(); if (pet && pet->IsPetGhoul()) // At melee attack power change for DK pet pet->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); if (guardian && guardian->IsSpiritWolf()) // At melee attack power change for Shaman feral spirit guardian->UpdateAttackPowerAndDamage(); } }