    addControls(GammaColorFilter* filter, Container* container, unsigned i)
        // the outer container:
        Grid* s_layerBox = container->addControl(new Grid());
        s_layerBox->setMargin( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setPadding( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
        s_layerBox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );

        // Title:
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl(Stringify()<<"Layer "<<i, Color::Yellow) );
        // Gamma:
        LabelControl* gLabel = new LabelControl( "Gamma" );      
        gLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 1, gLabel );

        HSliderControl* gAdjust = new HSliderControl( 0.1f, 3.0f, 1.0f, new GAMMA::Set(filter) );
        gAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        gAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        gAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 1, gAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 1, new LabelControl(gAdjust) );

        // Reset button
        LabelControl* resetButton = new LabelControl( "Reset" );
        resetButton->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
        resetButton->setActiveColor( Color::Blue );
        resetButton->addEventHandler( new Reset(gAdjust) );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 3, resetButton );
Example #2
OceanControlFactory::create(OceanNode* ocean) const
    VBox* main = new VBox();

    HBox* sealLevelBox = main->addControl(new HBox());
    sealLevelBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    sealLevelBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    sealLevelBox->setHorizFill( true );

    sealLevelBox->addControl( new LabelControl("Sea Level: ", 16) );

    HSliderControl* mslSlider = sealLevelBox->addControl(new HSliderControl( -250.0f, 250.0f, 0.0f ));
    mslSlider->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
    mslSlider->setHeight( 12 );
    mslSlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    mslSlider->addEventHandler( new ChangeSeaLevel(ocean) );

    HBox* alphaBox = main->addControl(new HBox());
    alphaBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    alphaBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    alphaBox->setHorizFill( true );
    alphaBox->addControl( new LabelControl("Sea Alpha: ", 16) );

    HSliderControl* alphaSlider = alphaBox->addControl(new HSliderControl( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
    alphaSlider->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
    alphaSlider->setHeight( 12 );
    alphaSlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    alphaSlider->addEventHandler( new ChangeSeaAlpha(ocean) );

    return main;
SkyControlFactory::create(SkyNode*         sky,
                          osgViewer::View* view) const
    Grid* grid = new Grid();
    grid->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    grid->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    grid->setHorizFill( true );

    grid->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl("Time (Hours UTC): ", 16) );

    DateTime dt = sky->getDateTime();

    HSliderControl* skySlider = grid->setControl(1, 0, new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 24.0f, dt.hours() ));
    skySlider->setHorizFill( true, 300 );
    skySlider->addEventHandler( new SkyTimeSliderHandler(sky) );

    grid->setControl(2, 0, new LabelControl(skySlider) );

    grid->setControl(0, 1, new LabelControl("Min.Ambient: ", 16) );
    HSliderControl* ambient = grid->setControl(1, 1, new HSliderControl(0.0f, 1.0f, sky->getSunLight()->getAmbient().r()));
    ambient->addEventHandler( new AmbientBrightnessHandler(sky) );
    grid->setControl(2, 1, new LabelControl(ambient) );

    return grid;
Example #4
SkyControlFactory::create(SkyNode*         sky,
                          osgViewer::View* view) const
    Grid* grid = new Grid();
    grid->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    grid->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    grid->setHorizFill( true );

    grid->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl("Time: ", 16) );

    int year, month, date;
    double h;
    sky->getDateTime( year, month, date, h);

    HSliderControl* skySlider = grid->setControl(1, 0, new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 24.0f, h ));
    skySlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    skySlider->addEventHandler( new SkySliderHandler(sky) );

    grid->setControl(2, 0, new LabelControl(skySlider) );

    grid->setControl(0, 1, new LabelControl("Ambient: ", 16) );
    HSliderControl* ambient = grid->setControl(1, 1, new HSliderControl(0.0f, 1.0f, sky->getAmbientBrightness()));
    ambient->addEventHandler( new AmbientBrightnessHandler(sky) );
    grid->setControl(2, 1, new LabelControl(ambient) );

    return grid;
Example #5
createLayerItem( Grid* grid, int gridRow, int layerIndex, int numLayers, TerrainLayer* layer, bool isActive )
    // a checkbox to enable/disable the layer:
    CheckBoxControl* enabled = new CheckBoxControl( layer->getVisible() );
    enabled->addEventHandler( new LayerVisibleHandler(layer) );
    grid->setControl( 0, gridRow, enabled );

    // the layer name
    LabelControl* name = new LabelControl( layer->getName() );
    grid->setControl( 1, gridRow, name );

    ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast< ImageLayer* > (layer );
    if (imageLayer)
        // an opacity slider
        HSliderControl* opacity = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 1.0f, imageLayer->getOpacity() );
        opacity->setWidth( 125 );
        opacity->setHeight( 12 );
        opacity->addEventHandler( new LayerOpacityHandler(imageLayer) );
        grid->setControl( 2, gridRow, opacity );

    // move buttons
    if ( layerIndex < numLayers-1 && isActive )
        LabelControl* upButton = new LabelControl( "UP", 14 );
        upButton->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
        upButton->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
        upButton->addEventHandler( new MoveLayerHandler( layer, layerIndex+1 ) );
        grid->setControl( 3, gridRow, upButton );
    if ( layerIndex > 0 && isActive)
        LabelControl* upButton = new LabelControl( "DOWN", 14 );
        upButton->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
        upButton->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
        upButton->addEventHandler( new MoveLayerHandler( layer, layerIndex-1 ) );
        grid->setControl( 4, gridRow, upButton );

    // add/remove button:
    LabelControl* addRemove = new LabelControl( isActive? "REMOVE" : "ADD", 14 );
    addRemove->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    addRemove->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
    addRemove->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
    if ( isActive )
        addRemove->addEventHandler( new RemoveLayerHandler(layer) );
        addRemove->addEventHandler( new AddLayerHandler(layer) );
    grid->setControl( 5, gridRow, addRemove );
SkyControlFactory::create(SkyNode*         sky,
                          osgViewer::View* view) const
    HBox* skyBox = new HBox();
    skyBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    skyBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    skyBox->setHorizFill( true );

    skyBox->addControl( new LabelControl("Time: ", 16) );

    HSliderControl* skySlider = skyBox->addControl(new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 24.0f, 18.0f ));
    skySlider->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
    skySlider->setHeight( 12 );
    skySlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    skySlider->addEventHandler( new SkySliderHandler(sky) );

    return skyBox;
Example #7
createModelLayerItem( Grid* grid, int gridRow, ModelLayer* layer, bool isActive )
    // a checkbox to enable/disable the layer:
    CheckBoxControl* enabled = new CheckBoxControl( layer->getVisible() );
    enabled->addEventHandler( new ModelLayerVisibleHandler(layer) );
    grid->setControl( 0, gridRow, enabled );

    // the layer name
    LabelControl* name = new LabelControl( layer->getName() );
    grid->setControl( 1, gridRow, name );

    // an opacity slider
    HSliderControl* opacity = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 1.0f, layer->getOpacity() );
    opacity->setWidth( 125 );
    opacity->setHeight( 12 );
    opacity->addEventHandler( new ModelLayerOpacityHandler(layer) );
    grid->setControl( 2, gridRow, opacity );
// Build a slider to adjust the vertical scale
osgEarth::Util::Controls::Control* createUI( osg::Uniform* scaler )
    using namespace osgEarth::Util::Controls;

    struct ApplyVerticalScale : public ControlEventHandler {
        osg::Uniform* _u;
        ApplyVerticalScale(osg::Uniform* u) : _u(u) { }
        void onValueChanged(Control*, float value) {
            _u->set( value );

    HBox* hbox = new HBox();
    hbox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    hbox->addControl( new LabelControl("Scale:") );
    HSliderControl* slider = hbox->addControl( new HSliderControl(0.0, 5.0, 1.0, new ApplyVerticalScale(scaler)) );
    slider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    hbox->addControl( new LabelControl(slider) );

    return hbox;
    addControls(BrightnessContrastColorFilter* filter, Container* container, unsigned i)
        // the outer container:
        Grid* s_layerBox = container->addControl(new Grid());
        s_layerBox->setMargin( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setPadding( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
        s_layerBox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );

        // Title:
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl(Stringify()<<"Layer "<<i, Color::Yellow) );
        // Brightness:
        LabelControl* bLabel = new LabelControl( "Brightness" );      
        bLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 1, bLabel );

        HSliderControl* bAdjust = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f, new BC::Set(filter,0) );
        bAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        bAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        bAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 1, bAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 1, new LabelControl(bAdjust) );

        // Contrast:
        LabelControl* cLabel = new LabelControl( "Contrast" );      
        cLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 2, cLabel );

        HSliderControl* cAdjust = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f, new BC::Set(filter,1) );
        cAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        cAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        cAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 2, cAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 2, new LabelControl(cAdjust) );

        // Reset button
        LabelControl* resetButton = new LabelControl( "Reset" );
        resetButton->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
        resetButton->setActiveColor( Color::Blue );
        resetButton->addEventHandler( new Reset(bAdjust, cAdjust) );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 3, resetButton );
main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
    osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setMinimumNumStencilBits( 8 );

    std::vector< std::string > imageFiles;
    std::vector< Bounds > imageBounds;

    //Read in the image files
    std::string filename;
    Bounds bounds;
    while (arguments.read("--image", filename, bounds.xMin(), bounds.yMin(), bounds.xMax(), bounds.yMax()))
        imageFiles.push_back( filename );
        imageBounds.push_back( bounds );

    if (imageFiles.empty())
      imageBounds.push_back( Bounds(-100, 30, -90, 40) );

    bool moveVert = arguments.read("--vert");

    // load the .earth file from the command line.
    osg::Node* earthNode = osgDB::readNodeFiles( arguments );
    if (!earthNode)
        return usage( "Unable to load earth model." );

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
    EarthManipulator* manip = new EarthManipulator();
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( manip );

    osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
    root->addChild( earthNode );

    //Create the control panel
    root->addChild( createControlPanel(&viewer) );

    viewer.setSceneData( root );
    osgEarth::MapNode* mapNode = osgEarth::MapNode::findMapNode( earthNode );
    if ( mapNode )

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < imageFiles.size(); i++)
            std::string imageFile = imageFiles[i];
            //Read the image file and play it if it's a movie
            osg::Image* image = osgDB::readImageFile(imageFile);
            if (image)
                osg::ImageStream* is = dynamic_cast<osg::ImageStream*>(image);
                if (is)

            //Create a new ImageOverlay and set it's bounds
            //ImageOverlay* overlay = new ImageOverlay(mapNode->getMap()->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid(), image);        
            ImageOverlay* overlay = new ImageOverlay(mapNode);
            overlay->setImage( image );

            root->addChild( overlay );

            //Create a new ImageOverlayEditor and set it's node mask to 0 to hide it initially
            osg::Node* editor = new ImageOverlayEditor( overlay);
            //Just make an empty group for pre-2.9.6
            osg::Node* editor = new osg::Group;
            editor->setNodeMask( 0 );
            root->addChild( editor );      
            // Add an image preview
            ImageControl* imageCon = new ImageControl( image );
            imageCon->setSize( 64, 64 );
            imageCon->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            s_layerBox->setControl( 0, i, imageCon );            

            //Add some controls        
            CheckBoxControl* enabled = new CheckBoxControl( true );
            enabled->addEventHandler( new EnabledHandler(overlay) );
            enabled->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            s_layerBox->setControl( 1, i, enabled );

            //The overlay name
            LabelControl* name = new LabelControl( osgDB::getSimpleFileName( imageFile) );      
            name->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            s_layerBox->setControl( 2, i, name );

            // an opacity slider
            HSliderControl* opacity = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 1.0f, overlay->getAlpha() );
            opacity->setWidth( 125 );
            opacity->setHeight( 12 );
            opacity->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            opacity->addEventHandler( new OpacityHandler(overlay) );
            s_layerBox->setControl( 3, i, opacity );

            // Add a text label:
            LabelControl* edit = new LabelControl( "Edit" );        
            edit->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            edit->addEventHandler(new EditHandler(overlay, &viewer, editor));
            s_layerBox->setControl(4, i, edit );

    // osgEarth benefits from pre-compilation of GL objects in the pager. In newer versions of
    // OSG, this activates OSG's IncrementalCompileOpeartion in order to avoid frame breaks.
    viewer.getDatabasePager()->setDoPreCompile( true );

    // add some stock OSG handlers:
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler());    
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::LODScaleHandler());
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgGA::StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()));
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::HelpHandler(arguments.getApplicationUsage()));

    return viewer.run();
    addControls(HSLColorFilter* filter, Container* container, unsigned i)
        // the outer container:
        Grid* s_layerBox = container->addControl(new Grid());
        s_layerBox->setMargin( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setPadding( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
        s_layerBox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );

        // Title:
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl(Stringify()<<"Layer "<<i, osg::Vec4(1,1,0,1)));
        // Hue:
        LabelControl* hLabel = new LabelControl( "Hue" );      
        hLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 1, hLabel );

        HSliderControl* hAdjust = new HSliderControl( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new SetHSL(filter,0) );
        hAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        hAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        hAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 1, hAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 1, new LabelControl(hAdjust) );

        // Saturation:
        LabelControl* sLabel = new LabelControl( "Saturation" );      
        sLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 2, sLabel );

        HSliderControl* sAdjust = new HSliderControl( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new SetHSL(filter,1) );
        sAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        sAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        sAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 2, sAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 2, new LabelControl(sAdjust) );

        // Lightness
        LabelControl* lLabel = new LabelControl( "Lightness" );      
        lLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 3, lLabel );

        HSliderControl* lAdjust = new HSliderControl( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new SetHSL(filter,2) );
        lAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        lAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        lAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 3, lAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 3, new LabelControl(lAdjust) );

        // Reset button
        LabelControl* resetButton = new LabelControl( "Reset" );
        resetButton->setBackColor( osg::Vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1) );
        resetButton->setActiveColor( osg::Vec4(0.5,0.5,1,1) );
        resetButton->addEventHandler( new ResetHSL(hAdjust, sAdjust, lAdjust) );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 4, resetButton );
    addControls(ChromaKeyColorFilter* filter, Container* container, unsigned i)
        // the outer container:
        Grid* s_layerBox = container->addControl(new Grid());
        s_layerBox->setMargin( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setPadding( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
        s_layerBox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );

        // Title:
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl(Stringify()<<"Layer "<<i, Color::Yellow) );
        // Red:
        LabelControl* rLabel = new LabelControl( "Red" );      
        rLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 1, rLabel );

        HSliderControl* rAdjust = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new CHROMAKEY::SetColor(filter,0) );
        rAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        rAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        rAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 1, rAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 1, new LabelControl(rAdjust) );

        // Green:
        LabelControl* gLabel = new LabelControl( "Green" );      
        gLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 2, gLabel );

        HSliderControl* gAdjust = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new CHROMAKEY::SetColor(filter,1) );
        gAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        gAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        gAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 2, gAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 2, new LabelControl(gAdjust) );

        // Blue
        LabelControl* bLabel = new LabelControl( "Blue" );      
        bLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 3, bLabel );

        HSliderControl* bAdjust = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new CHROMAKEY::SetColor(filter,2) );
        bAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        bAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        bAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 3, bAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 3, new LabelControl(bAdjust) );

        // Distance
        LabelControl* distLabel = new LabelControl( "Distance" );      
        distLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 4, distLabel );

        HSliderControl* distAdjust = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f, new CHROMAKEY::SetDistance(filter) );
        distAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        distAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        distAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 4, distAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 4, new LabelControl(distAdjust) );

        // Reset button
        LabelControl* resetButton = new LabelControl( "Reset" );
        resetButton->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
        resetButton->setActiveColor( Color::Blue );
        resetButton->addEventHandler( new Reset(rAdjust, gAdjust, bAdjust, distAdjust) );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 5, resetButton );
Example #13
createControls( ControlCanvas* cs )
    // a container centered on the screen, containing an image and a text label.
        VBox* center = new VBox();
        center->setFrame( new RoundedFrame() );
        center->getFrame()->setBackColor( 1,1,1,0.5 );
        center->setPadding( 10 );
        center->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        center->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );

        // Add an image:
        osg::Image* image = osgDB::readImageFile( "http://osgearth.org/chrome/site/osgearth.gif" );
        if ( image ) {
            ImageControl* imageCon = new ImageControl( image );
            imageCon->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            imageCon->setFixSizeForRotation( true );
            imageCon->addEventHandler( new ImageRotationHandler );
            center->addControl( imageCon );
            center->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );

        // Add a text label:
        LabelControl* label = new LabelControl( "osgEarth Controls Toolkit" );
        label->setFont( osgText::readFontFile( "arialbd.ttf" ) );
        label->setFontSize( 24.0f );
        label->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        label->setMargin( 5 );
        center->addControl( label );

        // Add another
        LabelControl* label2 = new LabelControl( "(Click the osgEarth logo to rotate it)" );
        label2->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        center->addControl( label2 );

        cs->addControl( center );

    // a simple vbox with absolute positioning in the upper left with two text labels.
        VBox* ul = new VBox();
        ul->setFrame( new Frame() );
        ul->setPosition( 20, 20 );
        ul->setPadding( 10 );
            LabelControl* title = new LabelControl( "Upper left control", 22, osg::Vec4f(1,1,0,1) );
            ul->addControl( title );

            LabelControl* content = new LabelControl( "Here is some text in the upper left control" );
            ul->addControl( content );

            HBox* c2 = new HBox();
            c2->setSpacing( 10 );
                HSliderControl* slider = new HSliderControl( 0, 100 );
                slider->setBackColor( .6,0,0,1 );
                slider->setHeight( 25 );
                slider->setWidth( 300 );
                slider->addEventHandler( new MySliderHandler() );
                c2->addControl( slider );

                s_sliderLabel = new LabelControl();
                s_sliderLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
                c2->addControl( s_sliderLabel );        
            ul->addControl( c2 );

            HBox* c3 = new HBox();
            c3->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            c3->setSpacing( 10 );
                HBox* c4 = new HBox();
                c4->setSpacing( 5 );
                    c4->addControl( new CheckBoxControl( true ) );
                    c4->addControl( new LabelControl( "Checkbox 1" ) );
                c3->addControl( c4 );

                HBox* c5 = new HBox();
                c5->setSpacing( 5 );
                    c5->addControl( new CheckBoxControl( false ) );
                    c5->addControl( new LabelControl( "Checkbox 2" ) );
                c3->addControl( c5 );
            ul->addControl( c3 );
        cs->addControl( ul );

        ul->addEventHandler( new MyClickHandler );

    // a centered hbox container along the bottom on the screen.
        HBox* bottom = new HBox();
        bottom->setFrame( new RoundedFrame() );
        bottom->setMargin( 10 );
        bottom->setSpacing( 145 );
        bottom->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
        bottom->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );

        for( int i=0; i<4; ++i )
            LabelControl* label = new LabelControl();
            std::stringstream buf;
            buf << "Label_" << i;
            label->setText( buf.str() );
            label->setMargin( 10 );
            label->setBackColor( 1,1,1,0.4 );
            bottom->addControl( label );

            label->addEventHandler( new MyClickHandler );

        cs->addControl( bottom );
Example #14
/** creates some UI controls for adjusting the decluttering parameters. */
createControls( osgViewer::View* view )
    //ControlCanvas* canvas = ControlCanvas::getOrCreate(view);

    // title bar
    VBox* vbox = new VBox(Control::ALIGN_NONE, Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM, 2, 1 );
    vbox->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.5) );
    vbox->addControl( new LabelControl("osgEarth Tracks Demo", Color::Yellow) );

    // checkbox that toggles decluttering of tracks
    struct ToggleDecluttering : public ControlEventHandler {
        void onValueChanged( Control* c, bool on ) {
            ScreenSpaceLayout::setDeclutteringEnabled( on );
    HBox* dcToggle = vbox->addControl( new HBox() );
    dcToggle->addControl( new CheckBoxControl(true, new ToggleDecluttering()) );
    dcToggle->addControl( new LabelControl("Declutter") );

    // checkbox that toggles the coordinate display
    struct ToggleCoords : public ControlEventHandler {
        void onValueChanged( Control* c, bool on ) {
            g_showCoords = on;
    HBox* coordsToggle = vbox->addControl( new HBox() );
    coordsToggle->addControl( new CheckBoxControl(true, new ToggleCoords()) );
    coordsToggle->addControl( new LabelControl("Show locations") );

    // grid for the slider controls so they look nice
    Grid* grid = vbox->addControl( new Grid() );
    grid->setHorizFill( true );
    grid->setChildHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );
    grid->setChildSpacing( 6 );

    unsigned r=0;

    // event handler for changing decluttering options
    struct ChangeFloatOption : public ControlEventHandler {
        optional<float>& _param;
        LabelControl* _label;
        ChangeFloatOption( optional<float>& param, LabelControl* label ) : _param(param), _label(label) { }
        void onValueChanged( Control* c, float value ) {
            _param = value;
            _label->setText( Stringify() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << value );
            ScreenSpaceLayout::setOptions( g_dcOptions );

    grid->setControl( 0, r, new LabelControl("Sim loop duration:") );
    LabelControl* speedLabel = grid->setControl( 2, r, new LabelControl(Stringify() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << *g_duration) );
    HSliderControl* speedSlider = grid->setControl( 1, r, new HSliderControl(
                                      600.0, 30.0, *g_duration, new ChangeFloatOption(g_duration, speedLabel) ) );
    speedSlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );

    grid->setControl( 0, ++r, new LabelControl("Min scale:") );
    LabelControl* minAnimationScaleLabel = grid->setControl( 2, r, new LabelControl(Stringify() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << *g_dcOptions.minAnimationScale()) );
    grid->setControl( 1, r, new HSliderControl(
                          0.0, 1.0, *g_dcOptions.minAnimationScale(), new ChangeFloatOption(g_dcOptions.minAnimationScale(), minAnimationScaleLabel) ) );

    grid->setControl( 0, ++r, new LabelControl("Min alpha:") );
    LabelControl* alphaLabel = grid->setControl( 2, r, new LabelControl(Stringify() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << *g_dcOptions.minAnimationAlpha()) );
    grid->setControl( 1, r, new HSliderControl(
                          0.0, 1.0, *g_dcOptions.minAnimationAlpha(), new ChangeFloatOption(g_dcOptions.minAnimationAlpha(), alphaLabel) ) );

    grid->setControl( 0, ++r, new LabelControl("Activate time (s):") );
    LabelControl* actLabel = grid->setControl( 2, r, new LabelControl(Stringify() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << *g_dcOptions.inAnimationTime()) );
    grid->setControl( 1, r, new HSliderControl(
                          0.0, 2.0, *g_dcOptions.inAnimationTime(), new ChangeFloatOption(g_dcOptions.inAnimationTime(), actLabel) ) );

    grid->setControl( 0, ++r, new LabelControl("Deactivate time (s):") );
    LabelControl* deactLabel = grid->setControl( 2, r, new LabelControl(Stringify() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << *g_dcOptions.outAnimationTime()) );
    grid->setControl( 1, r, new HSliderControl(
                          0.0, 2.0, *g_dcOptions.outAnimationTime(), new ChangeFloatOption(g_dcOptions.outAnimationTime(), deactLabel) ) );

    return vbox;
Example #15
OceanControlFactory::create(OceanSurfaceNode* ocean,
                            osgViewer::View*  view   ) const
    VBox* main = new VBox();

    HBox* oceanBox1 = main->addControl(new HBox());
    oceanBox1->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    oceanBox1->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    oceanBox1->setHorizFill( true );

    oceanBox1->addControl( new LabelControl("Sea Level: ", 16) );

    HSliderControl* mslSlider = oceanBox1->addControl(new HSliderControl( -250.0f, 250.0f, 0.0f ));
    mslSlider->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
    mslSlider->setHeight( 12 );
    mslSlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    mslSlider->addEventHandler( new ChangeSeaLevel(ocean) );

    HBox* oceanBox2 = main->addControl(new HBox());
    oceanBox2->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    oceanBox2->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    oceanBox2->setHorizFill( true );

    oceanBox2->addControl( new LabelControl("Low Feather: ", 16) );

    HSliderControl* lfSlider = oceanBox2->addControl(new HSliderControl( -1000.0, 250.0f, -100.0f ));
    lfSlider->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
    lfSlider->setHeight( 12 );
    lfSlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    lfSlider->addEventHandler( new ChangeLowFeather(ocean) );

    HBox* oceanBox3 = main->addControl(new HBox());
    oceanBox3->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    oceanBox3->setChildSpacing( 10 );
    oceanBox3->setHorizFill( true );

    oceanBox3->addControl( new LabelControl("High Feather: ", 16) );

    HSliderControl* hfSlider = oceanBox3->addControl(new HSliderControl( -500.0f, 500.0f, -10.0f ));
    hfSlider->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
    hfSlider->setHeight( 12 );
    hfSlider->setHorizFill( true, 200 );
    hfSlider->addEventHandler( new ChangeHighFeather(ocean) );

    return main;
Example #16
MapNodeHelper::parse(MapNode*             mapNode,
                     osg::ArgumentParser& args,
                     osgViewer::View*     view,
                     osg::Group*          root,
                     Control*             userControl ) const
    // this is a dubious move.
    if ( !root )
        root = mapNode;

    // options to use for the load
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions();

    // parse out custom example arguments first:
    bool useSky        = args.read("--sky");
    bool useOcean      = args.read("--ocean");
    bool useMGRS       = args.read("--mgrs");
    bool useDMS        = args.read("--dms");
    bool useDD         = args.read("--dd");
    bool useCoords     = args.read("--coords") || useMGRS || useDMS || useDD;
    bool useOrtho      = args.read("--ortho");
    bool useAutoClip   = args.read("--autoclip");

    float ambientBrightness = 0.2f;
    args.read("--ambientBrightness", ambientBrightness);

    std::string kmlFile;
    args.read( "--kml", kmlFile );

    std::string imageFolder;
    args.read( "--images", imageFolder );

    std::string imageExtensions;
    args.read("--image-extensions", imageExtensions);

    // install a canvas for any UI controls we plan to create:
    ControlCanvas* canvas = ControlCanvas::get(view, false);

    Container* mainContainer = canvas->addControl( new VBox() );
    mainContainer->setAbsorbEvents( true );
    mainContainer->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
    mainContainer->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );
    mainContainer->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

    // install the user control:
    if ( userControl )
        mainContainer->addControl( userControl );

    // look for external data in the map node:
    const Config& externals = mapNode->externalConfig();

    const Config& skyConf         = externals.child("sky");
    const Config& oceanConf       = externals.child("ocean");
    const Config& annoConf        = externals.child("annotations");
    const Config& declutterConf   = externals.child("decluttering");
    Config        viewpointsConf  = externals.child("viewpoints");

    // some terrain effects.
    const Config& normalMapConf   = externals.child("normal_map");
    const Config& detailTexConf   = externals.child("detail_texture");
    const Config& lodBlendingConf = externals.child("lod_blending");
    const Config& vertScaleConf   = externals.child("vertical_scale");
    const Config& contourMapConf  = externals.child("contour_map");

    // backwards-compatibility: read viewpoints at the top level:
    const ConfigSet& old_viewpoints = externals.children("viewpoint");
    for( ConfigSet::const_iterator i = old_viewpoints.begin(); i != old_viewpoints.end(); ++i )
        viewpointsConf.add( *i );

    // Loading a viewpoint list from the earth file:
    if ( !viewpointsConf.empty() )
        std::vector<Viewpoint> viewpoints;

        const ConfigSet& children = viewpointsConf.children();
        if ( children.size() > 0 )
            for( ConfigSet::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i )
                viewpoints.push_back( Viewpoint(*i) );

        if ( viewpoints.size() > 0 )
            Control* c = ViewpointControlFactory().create(viewpoints, view);
            if ( c )
                mainContainer->addControl( c );

    // Adding a sky model:
    if ( useSky || !skyConf.empty() )
        double hours = skyConf.value( "hours", 12.0 );
        SkyNode* sky = new SkyNode( mapNode->getMap() );
        sky->setAmbientBrightness( ambientBrightness );
        sky->setDateTime( DateTime(2011, 3, 6, hours) );
        sky->attach( view );
        root->addChild( sky );
        Control* c = SkyControlFactory().create(sky, view);
        if ( c )
            mainContainer->addControl( c );

    // Adding an ocean model:
    if ( useOcean || !oceanConf.empty() )
        OceanSurfaceNode* ocean = new OceanSurfaceNode( mapNode, oceanConf );
        if ( ocean )
            root->addChild( ocean );
            Control* c = OceanControlFactory().create(ocean, view);
            if ( c )

    // Loading KML from the command line:
    if ( !kmlFile.empty() )
        KMLOptions kml_options;
        kml_options.declutter() = true;

        // set up a default icon for point placemarks:
        IconSymbol* defaultIcon = new IconSymbol();
        kml_options.defaultIconSymbol() = defaultIcon;

        osg::Node* kml = KML::load( URI(kmlFile), mapNode, kml_options );
        if ( kml )
            Control* c = AnnotationGraphControlFactory().create(kml, view);
            if ( c )
                c->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );
                canvas->addControl( c );
            root->addChild( kml );

    // Annotations in the map node externals:
    if ( !annoConf.empty() )
        osg::Group* annotations = 0L;
        AnnotationRegistry::instance()->create( mapNode, annoConf, dbOptions.get(), annotations );
        if ( annotations )
            root->addChild( annotations );

    // Configure the de-cluttering engine for labels and annotations:
    if ( !declutterConf.empty() )
        Decluttering::setOptions( DeclutteringOptions(declutterConf) );

    // Configure the mouse coordinate readout:
    if ( useCoords )
        LabelControl* readout = new LabelControl();
        readout->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        readout->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        readout->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

        Formatter* formatter = 
            useMGRS ? (Formatter*)new MGRSFormatter(MGRSFormatter::PRECISION_1M, 0L, MGRSFormatter::USE_SPACES) :
            useDMS  ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS) :
            useDD   ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DECIMAL_DEGREES) :

        MouseCoordsTool* mcTool = new MouseCoordsTool( mapNode );
        mcTool->addCallback( new MouseCoordsLabelCallback(readout, formatter) );
        view->addEventHandler( mcTool );

        canvas->addControl( readout );

    // Configure for an ortho camera:
    if ( useOrtho )
        EarthManipulator* manip = dynamic_cast<EarthManipulator*>(view->getCameraManipulator());
        if ( manip )
            manip->getSettings()->setCameraProjection( EarthManipulator::PROJ_ORTHOGRAPHIC );

    // Install an auto clip plane clamper
    if ( useAutoClip )
        mapNode->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );

    // Scan for images if necessary.
    if ( !imageFolder.empty() )
        std::vector<std::string> extensions;
        if ( !imageExtensions.empty() )
            StringTokenizer( imageExtensions, extensions, ",;", "", false, true );
        if ( extensions.empty() )
            extensions.push_back( "tif" );

        OE_INFO << LC << "Loading images from " << imageFolder << "..." << std::endl;
        ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
        DataScanner scanner;
        scanner.findImageLayers( imageFolder, extensions, imageLayers );

        if ( imageLayers.size() > 0 )
            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i )
                mapNode->getMap()->addImageLayer( i->get() );
        OE_INFO << LC << "...found " << imageLayers.size() << " image layers." << std::endl;

    // Install a normal map layer.
    if ( !normalMapConf.empty() )
        osg::ref_ptr<NormalMap> effect = new NormalMap(normalMapConf, mapNode->getMap());
        if ( effect->getNormalMapLayer() )
            mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( effect.get() );

    // Install a detail texturer
    if ( !detailTexConf.empty() )
        osg::ref_ptr<DetailTexture> effect = new DetailTexture(detailTexConf);
        if ( effect->getImage() )
            mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( effect.get() );

    // Install elevation morphing
    if ( !lodBlendingConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new LODBlending(lodBlendingConf) );

    // Install vertical scaler
    if ( !vertScaleConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new VerticalScale(vertScaleConf) );

    // Install a contour map effect.
    if ( !contourMapConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new ContourMap(contourMapConf) );

    // Generic named value uniform with min/max.
    VBox* uniformBox = 0L;
    while( args.find( "--uniform" ) >= 0 )
        std::string name;
        float minval, maxval;
        if ( args.read( "--uniform", name, minval, maxval ) )
            if ( uniformBox == 0L )
                uniformBox = new VBox();
                uniformBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
                canvas->addControl( uniformBox );
            osg::Uniform* uniform = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, name);
            uniform->set( minval );
            root->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( uniform, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            HBox* box = new HBox();
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(name) );
            HSliderControl* hs = box->addControl( new HSliderControl(minval, maxval, minval, new ApplyValueUniform(uniform)));
            hs->setHorizFill(true, 200);
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(hs) );
            uniformBox->addControl( box );
            OE_INFO << LC << "Installed uniform controller for " << name << std::endl;

    root->addChild( canvas );
Example #17
MapNodeHelper::parse(MapNode*             mapNode,
                     osg::ArgumentParser& args,
                     osgViewer::View*     view,
                     osg::Group*          root,
                     Container*           userContainer ) const
    if ( !root )
        root = mapNode;

    // options to use for the load
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions();

    // parse out custom example arguments first:
    bool useMGRS       = args.read("--mgrs");
    bool useDMS        = args.read("--dms");
    bool useDD         = args.read("--dd");
    bool useCoords     = args.read("--coords") || useMGRS || useDMS || useDD;

    bool useAutoClip   = args.read("--autoclip");
    bool animateSky    = args.read("--animate-sky");
    bool showActivity  = args.read("--activity");
    bool useLogDepth   = args.read("--logdepth");
    bool useLogDepth2  = args.read("--logdepth2");
    bool kmlUI         = args.read("--kmlui");

    if (args.read("--verbose"))
    if (args.read("--quiet"))

    float ambientBrightness = 0.2f;
    args.read("--ambientBrightness", ambientBrightness);

    std::string kmlFile;
    args.read( "--kml", kmlFile );

    std::string imageFolder;
    args.read( "--images", imageFolder );

    std::string imageExtensions;
    args.read("--image-extensions", imageExtensions);
    // animation path:
    std::string animpath;
    if ( args.read("--path", animpath) )
        view->setCameraManipulator( new osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator(animpath) );

    // Install a new Canvas for our UI controls, or use one that already exists.
    ControlCanvas* canvas = ControlCanvas::getOrCreate( view );

    Container* mainContainer;
    if ( userContainer )
        mainContainer = userContainer;
        mainContainer = new VBox();
        mainContainer->setAbsorbEvents( true );
        mainContainer->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        mainContainer->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );
        mainContainer->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
    canvas->addControl( mainContainer );

    // Add an event handler to toggle the canvas with a key press;
    view->addEventHandler(new ToggleCanvasEventHandler(canvas) );

    // look for external data in the map node:
    const Config& externals = mapNode->externalConfig();

    //const Config& screenSpaceLayoutConf = 
    //    externals.hasChild("screen_space_layout") ? externals.child("screen_space_layout") :
    //    externals.child("decluttering"); // backwards-compatibility

    // some terrain effects.
    // TODO: Most of these are likely to move into extensions.
    const Config& lodBlendingConf = externals.child("lod_blending");
    const Config& vertScaleConf   = externals.child("vertical_scale");

    // Shadowing.
    if (args.read("--shadows"))
        int unit;
        if ( mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit(unit, "ShadowCaster") )
            ShadowCaster* caster = new ShadowCaster();
            caster->setTextureImageUnit( unit );
            caster->setLight( view->getLight() );
            caster->getShadowCastingGroup()->addChild( mapNode );
            if ( mapNode->getNumParents() > 0 )
                insertGroup(caster, mapNode->getParent(0));
                root = caster;

    // Loading KML from the command line:
    if ( !kmlFile.empty() )
        KMLOptions kml_options;
        kml_options.declutter() = true;

        // set up a default icon for point placemarks:
        IconSymbol* defaultIcon = new IconSymbol();
        kml_options.defaultIconSymbol() = defaultIcon;

        TextSymbol* defaultText = new TextSymbol();
        defaultText->halo() = Stroke(0.3,0.3,0.3,1.0);
        kml_options.defaultTextSymbol() = defaultText;

        osg::Node* kml = KML::load( URI(kmlFile), mapNode, kml_options );
        if ( kml )
            if (kmlUI)
                Control* c = AnnotationGraphControlFactory().create(kml, view);
                if ( c )
                    c->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );
                    canvas->addControl( c );
            root->addChild( kml );
            OE_NOTICE << "Failed to load " << kmlFile << std::endl;

    //// Configure the de-cluttering engine for labels and annotations:
    //if ( !screenSpaceLayoutConf.empty() )
    //    ScreenSpaceLayout::setOptions( ScreenSpaceLayoutOptions(screenSpaceLayoutConf) );

    // Configure the mouse coordinate readout:
    if ( useCoords )
        LabelControl* readout = new LabelControl();
        readout->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        readout->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        readout->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

        Formatter* formatter = 
            useMGRS ? (Formatter*)new MGRSFormatter(MGRSFormatter::PRECISION_1M, 0L, MGRSFormatter::USE_SPACES) :
            useDMS  ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS) :
            useDD   ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DECIMAL_DEGREES) :

        MouseCoordsTool* mcTool = new MouseCoordsTool( mapNode );
        mcTool->addCallback( new MouseCoordsLabelCallback(readout, formatter) );
        view->addEventHandler( mcTool );

        canvas->addControl( readout );

    // Configure for an ortho camera:
    if ( args.read("--ortho") )
        view->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho(-1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1);

    // activity monitor (debugging)
    if ( showActivity )
        VBox* vbox = new VBox();
        vbox->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        vbox->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        vbox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
        view->addEventHandler( new ActivityMonitorTool(vbox) );
        canvas->addControl( vbox );

    // Install an auto clip plane clamper
    if ( useAutoClip )
        mapNode->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );

    // Install logarithmic depth buffer on main camera
    if ( useLogDepth )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer (vertex-only) on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( false );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    else if ( useLogDepth2 )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer (precise) on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( true );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    // Scan for images if necessary.
    if ( !imageFolder.empty() )
        std::vector<std::string> extensions;
        if ( !imageExtensions.empty() )
            StringTokenizer( imageExtensions, extensions, ",;", "", false, true );
        if ( extensions.empty() )
            extensions.push_back( "tif" );

        OE_INFO << LC << "Loading images from " << imageFolder << "..." << std::endl;
        ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
        DataScanner scanner;
        scanner.findImageLayers( imageFolder, extensions, imageLayers );

        if ( imageLayers.size() > 0 )
            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i )
                mapNode->getMap()->addImageLayer( i->get() );
        OE_INFO << LC << "...found " << imageLayers.size() << " image layers." << std::endl;

    // Install elevation morphing
    if ( !lodBlendingConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new LODBlending(lodBlendingConf) );

    // Install vertical scaler
    if ( !vertScaleConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new VerticalScale(vertScaleConf) );

    // Install a contour map effect.
    if (args.read("--contourmap"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("contourmap", ConfigOptions()));

        // with the cmdline switch, hids all the image layer so we can see the contour map.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < mapNode->getMap()->getNumImageLayers(); ++i) {

    // Generic named value uniform with min/max.
    VBox* uniformBox = 0L;
    while( args.find( "--uniform" ) >= 0 )
        std::string name;
        float minval, maxval;
        if ( args.read( "--uniform", name, minval, maxval ) )
            if ( uniformBox == 0L )
                uniformBox = new VBox();
                uniformBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
                canvas->addControl( uniformBox );
            osg::Uniform* uniform = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, name);
            uniform->set( minval );
            root->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( uniform, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            HBox* box = new HBox();
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(name) );
            HSliderControl* hs = box->addControl( new HSliderControl(minval, maxval, minval, new ApplyValueUniform(uniform)));
            hs->setHorizFill(true, 200);
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(hs) );
            uniformBox->addControl( box );
            OE_INFO << LC << "Installed uniform controller for " << name << std::endl;

    // Map inspector:
    if (args.read("--inspect"))
        mapNode->addExtension( Extension::create("mapinspector", ConfigOptions()) );

    // Memory monitor:
    if (args.read("--monitor"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("monitor", ConfigOptions()) );

    // Simple sky model:
    if (args.read("--sky"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("sky_simple", ConfigOptions()) );

    // Simple ocean model:
    if (args.read("--ocean"))
        mapNode->addExtension(Extension::create("ocean_simple", ConfigOptions()));

    // Hook up the extensions!
    for(std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<Extension> >::const_iterator eiter = mapNode->getExtensions().begin();
        eiter != mapNode->getExtensions().end();
        Extension* e = eiter->get();

        // Check for a View interface:
        ExtensionInterface<osg::View>* viewIF = ExtensionInterface<osg::View>::get( e );
        if ( viewIF )
            viewIF->connect( view );

        // Check for a Control interface:
        ExtensionInterface<Control>* controlIF = ExtensionInterface<Control>::get( e );
        if ( controlIF )
            controlIF->connect( mainContainer );

    root->addChild( canvas );
MapNodeHelper::parse(MapNode*             mapNode,
                     osg::ArgumentParser& args,
                     osgViewer::View*     view,
                     osg::Group*          root,
                     Control*             userControl ) const
    if ( !root )
        root = mapNode;

    // options to use for the load
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions();

    // parse out custom example arguments first:
    bool useSky        = args.read("--sky");
    bool useOcean      = args.read("--ocean");
    bool useMGRS       = args.read("--mgrs");
    bool useDMS        = args.read("--dms");
    bool useDD         = args.read("--dd");
    bool useCoords     = args.read("--coords") || useMGRS || useDMS || useDD;
    bool useOrtho      = args.read("--ortho");
    bool useAutoClip   = args.read("--autoclip");
    bool useShadows    = args.read("--shadows");
    bool animateSky    = args.read("--animate-sky");
    bool showActivity  = args.read("--activity");
    bool useLogDepth   = args.read("--logdepth");
    bool useLogDepth2  = args.read("--logdepth2");
    bool kmlUI         = args.read("--kmlui");

    if (args.read("--verbose"))
    if (args.read("--quiet"))

    float ambientBrightness = 0.2f;
    args.read("--ambientBrightness", ambientBrightness);

    std::string kmlFile;
    args.read( "--kml", kmlFile );

    std::string imageFolder;
    args.read( "--images", imageFolder );

    std::string imageExtensions;
    args.read("--image-extensions", imageExtensions);
    // animation path:
    std::string animpath;
    if ( args.read("--path", animpath) )
        view->setCameraManipulator( new osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator(animpath) );

    // Install a new Canvas for our UI controls, or use one that already exists.
    ControlCanvas* canvas = ControlCanvas::getOrCreate( view );

    Container* mainContainer = canvas->addControl( new VBox() );
    mainContainer->setAbsorbEvents( true );
    mainContainer->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
    mainContainer->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_LEFT );
    mainContainer->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

    // install the user control:
    if ( userControl )
        mainContainer->addControl( userControl );

    // look for external data in the map node:
    const Config& externals = mapNode->externalConfig();

    const Config& skyConf         = externals.child("sky");
    const Config& oceanConf       = externals.child("ocean");
    const Config& annoConf        = externals.child("annotations");
    const Config& declutterConf   = externals.child("decluttering");

    // some terrain effects.
    // TODO: Most of these are likely to move into extensions.
    const Config& lodBlendingConf = externals.child("lod_blending");
    const Config& vertScaleConf   = externals.child("vertical_scale");
    const Config& contourMapConf  = externals.child("contour_map");

    // Adding a sky model:
    if ( useSky || !skyConf.empty() )
        SkyOptions options(skyConf);
        if ( options.getDriver().empty() )
            if ( mapNode->getMapSRS()->isGeographic() )

        SkyNode* sky = SkyNode::create(options, mapNode);
        if ( sky )
            sky->attach( view, 0 );
            if ( mapNode->getNumParents() > 0 )
                osgEarth::insertGroup(sky, mapNode->getParent(0));
                sky->addChild( mapNode );
                root = sky;
            Control* c = SkyControlFactory().create(sky, view);
            if ( c )
                mainContainer->addControl( c );

            if (animateSky)
                sky->setUpdateCallback( new AnimateSkyUpdateCallback() );


    // Adding an ocean model:
    if ( useOcean || !oceanConf.empty() )
        OceanNode* ocean = OceanNode::create(OceanOptions(oceanConf), mapNode);
        if ( ocean )
            // if there's a sky, we want to ocean under it
            osg::Group* parent = osgEarth::findTopMostNodeOfType<SkyNode>(root);
            if ( !parent ) parent = root;
            parent->addChild( ocean );

            Control* c = OceanControlFactory().create(ocean);
            if ( c )

    // Shadowing.
    if ( useShadows )
        ShadowCaster* caster = new ShadowCaster();
        caster->setLight( view->getLight() );
        caster->getShadowCastingGroup()->addChild( mapNode->getModelLayerGroup() );
        if ( mapNode->getNumParents() > 0 )
            insertGroup(caster, mapNode->getParent(0));
            root = caster;

    // Loading KML from the command line:
    if ( !kmlFile.empty() )
        KMLOptions kml_options;
        kml_options.declutter() = true;

        // set up a default icon for point placemarks:
        IconSymbol* defaultIcon = new IconSymbol();
        kml_options.defaultIconSymbol() = defaultIcon;

        osg::Node* kml = KML::load( URI(kmlFile), mapNode, kml_options );
        if ( kml )
            if (kmlUI)
                Control* c = AnnotationGraphControlFactory().create(kml, view);
                if ( c )
                    c->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );
                    canvas->addControl( c );
            root->addChild( kml );
            OE_NOTICE << "Failed to load " << kmlFile << std::endl;

    // Annotations in the map node externals:
    if ( !annoConf.empty() )
        osg::Group* annotations = 0L;
        AnnotationRegistry::instance()->create( mapNode, annoConf, dbOptions.get(), annotations );
        if ( annotations )
            root->addChild( annotations );

    // Configure the de-cluttering engine for labels and annotations:
    if ( !declutterConf.empty() )
        Decluttering::setOptions( DeclutteringOptions(declutterConf) );

    // Configure the mouse coordinate readout:
    if ( useCoords )
        LabelControl* readout = new LabelControl();
        readout->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        readout->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        readout->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );

        Formatter* formatter = 
            useMGRS ? (Formatter*)new MGRSFormatter(MGRSFormatter::PRECISION_1M, 0L, MGRSFormatter::USE_SPACES) :
            useDMS  ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS) :
            useDD   ? (Formatter*)new LatLongFormatter(LatLongFormatter::FORMAT_DECIMAL_DEGREES) :

        MouseCoordsTool* mcTool = new MouseCoordsTool( mapNode );
        mcTool->addCallback( new MouseCoordsLabelCallback(readout, formatter) );
        view->addEventHandler( mcTool );

        canvas->addControl( readout );

    // Configure for an ortho camera:
    if ( useOrtho )
        EarthManipulator* manip = dynamic_cast<EarthManipulator*>(view->getCameraManipulator());
        if ( manip )
            manip->getSettings()->setCameraProjection( EarthManipulator::PROJ_ORTHOGRAPHIC );

    // activity monitor (debugging)
    if ( showActivity )
        VBox* vbox = new VBox();
        vbox->setBackColor( Color(Color::Black, 0.8) );
        vbox->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_RIGHT );
        vbox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
        view->addEventHandler( new ActivityMonitorTool(vbox) );
        canvas->addControl( vbox );

    // Install an auto clip plane clamper
    if ( useAutoClip )
        mapNode->addCullCallback( new AutoClipPlaneCullCallback(mapNode) );

    // Install logarithmic depth buffer on main camera
    if ( useLogDepth )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( true );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    else if ( useLogDepth2 )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Activating logarithmic depth buffer (vertex-only) on main camera" << std::endl;
        osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;
        logDepth.setUseFragDepth( false );
        logDepth.install( view->getCamera() );

    // Scan for images if necessary.
    if ( !imageFolder.empty() )
        std::vector<std::string> extensions;
        if ( !imageExtensions.empty() )
            StringTokenizer( imageExtensions, extensions, ",;", "", false, true );
        if ( extensions.empty() )
            extensions.push_back( "tif" );

        OE_INFO << LC << "Loading images from " << imageFolder << "..." << std::endl;
        ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
        DataScanner scanner;
        scanner.findImageLayers( imageFolder, extensions, imageLayers );

        if ( imageLayers.size() > 0 )
            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i )
                mapNode->getMap()->addImageLayer( i->get() );
        OE_INFO << LC << "...found " << imageLayers.size() << " image layers." << std::endl;

    // Install elevation morphing
    if ( !lodBlendingConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new LODBlending(lodBlendingConf) );

    // Install vertical scaler
    if ( !vertScaleConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new VerticalScale(vertScaleConf) );

    // Install a contour map effect.
    if ( !contourMapConf.empty() )
        mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->addEffect( new ContourMap(contourMapConf) );

    // Generic named value uniform with min/max.
    VBox* uniformBox = 0L;
    while( args.find( "--uniform" ) >= 0 )
        std::string name;
        float minval, maxval;
        if ( args.read( "--uniform", name, minval, maxval ) )
            if ( uniformBox == 0L )
                uniformBox = new VBox();
                uniformBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
                canvas->addControl( uniformBox );
            osg::Uniform* uniform = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, name);
            uniform->set( minval );
            root->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform( uniform, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            HBox* box = new HBox();
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(name) );
            HSliderControl* hs = box->addControl( new HSliderControl(minval, maxval, minval, new ApplyValueUniform(uniform)));
            hs->setHorizFill(true, 200);
            box->addControl( new LabelControl(hs) );
            uniformBox->addControl( box );
            OE_INFO << LC << "Installed uniform controller for " << name << std::endl;

    // Process extensions.
    for(std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<Extension> >::const_iterator eiter = mapNode->getExtensions().begin();
        eiter != mapNode->getExtensions().end();
        Extension* e = eiter->get();

        // Check for a View interface:
        ExtensionInterface<osg::View>* viewIF = ExtensionInterface<osg::View>::get( e );
        if ( viewIF )
            viewIF->connect( view );

        // Check for a Control interface:
        ExtensionInterface<Control>* controlIF = ExtensionInterface<Control>::get( e );
        if ( controlIF )
            controlIF->connect( mainContainer );

    root->addChild( canvas );
    addControls(CMYKColorFilter* filter, Container* container, unsigned i)
        // the outer container:
        Grid* s_layerBox = container->addControl(new Grid());
        s_layerBox->setMargin( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setPadding( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildSpacing( 10 );
        s_layerBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setAbsorbEvents( true );
        s_layerBox->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_TOP );

        // Title:
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 0, new LabelControl(Stringify()<<"Layer "<<i, Color::Yellow) );
        // Cyan:
        LabelControl* cLabel = new LabelControl( "Cyan" );      
        cLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 1, cLabel );

        HSliderControl* cAdjust = new HSliderControl( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new CMYK::Set(filter,0) );
        cAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        cAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        cAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 1, cAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 1, new LabelControl(cAdjust) );

        // Magenta:
        LabelControl* mLabel = new LabelControl( "Magenta" );      
        mLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 2, mLabel );

        HSliderControl* mAdjust = new HSliderControl( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new CMYK::Set(filter,1) );
        mAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        mAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        mAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 2, mAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 2, new LabelControl(mAdjust) );

        // Yellow
        LabelControl* yLabel = new LabelControl( "Yellow" );      
        yLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 3, yLabel );

        HSliderControl* yAdjust = new HSliderControl( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new CMYK::Set(filter,2) );
        yAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        yAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        yAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 3, yAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 3, new LabelControl(yAdjust) );

        // Black
        LabelControl* kLabel = new LabelControl( "Black" );      
        kLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 0, 4, kLabel );

        HSliderControl* kAdjust = new HSliderControl( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, new CMYK::Set(filter,3) );
        kAdjust->setWidth( 125 );
        kAdjust->setHeight( 12 );
        kAdjust->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 4, kAdjust );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 2, 4, new LabelControl(kAdjust) );

        // Reset button
        LabelControl* resetButton = new LabelControl( "Reset" );
        resetButton->setBackColor( Color::Gray );
        resetButton->setActiveColor( Color::Blue );
        resetButton->addEventHandler( new Reset(cAdjust, mAdjust, yAdjust, kAdjust) );
        s_layerBox->setControl( 1, 5, resetButton );
createControls( ControlCanvas* cs )
    // a container centered on the screen, containing an image and a text label.
        VBox* center = new VBox();
        center->setFrame( new RoundedFrame() );
        center->getFrame()->setBackColor( 1,1,1,0.5 );
        center->setPadding( 10 );
        center->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        center->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );

        // Add an image:
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = osgDB::readImageFile("http://demo.pelicanmapping.com/rmweb/readymap_logo.png");
        if ( image.valid() )
            s_imageControl = new ImageControl( image.get() );
            s_imageControl->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            s_imageControl->setFixSizeForRotation( true );
            //imageCon->addEventHandler( new ImageRotationHandler );
            center->addControl( s_imageControl );
            center->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );

        // Add a text label:
        LabelControl* label = new LabelControl( "osgEarth Controls Toolkit" );
        label->setFont( osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getDefaultFont() );
        label->setFontSize( 24.0f );
        label->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        label->setMargin( 5 );
        center->addControl( label );

        // Rotation slider
        HBox* rotateBox = new HBox();
        rotateBox->setChildVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
        rotateBox->setHorizFill( true );
        rotateBox->setBackColor( Color::Blue );
            rotateBox->addControl( new LabelControl("Rotate: ") );

            HSliderControl* rotateSlider = new HSliderControl( -180.0, 180.0, 0.0 );
            rotateSlider->addEventHandler( new RotateImage() );
            rotateSlider->setHeight( 8.0f );
            rotateSlider->setHorizFill( true );
            rotateBox->addControl( rotateSlider );
        center->addControl( rotateBox );

        cs->addControl( center );

    // a simple vbox with absolute positioning in the upper left with two text labels.
        VBox* ul = new VBox();
        ul->setPosition( 20, 20 );
        ul->setPadding( 10 );
            LabelControl* title = new LabelControl( "Upper left control", 22, osg::Vec4f(1,1,0,1) );
            ul->addControl( title );

            LabelControl* content = new LabelControl( "Here is some text in the upper left control" );
            ul->addControl( content );

            HBox* c2 = new HBox();
            c2->setChildSpacing( 10 );
                HSliderControl* slider = new HSliderControl( 0, 100 );
                slider->setBackColor( .6,0,0,1 );
                slider->setHeight( 25 );
                slider->setWidth( 300 );
                slider->addEventHandler( new MySliderHandler() );
                c2->addControl( slider );

                s_sliderLabel = new LabelControl();
                s_sliderLabel->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
                c2->addControl( s_sliderLabel );        
            ul->addControl( c2 );

            HBox* c3 = new HBox();
            c3->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
            c3->setChildSpacing( 10 );
                HBox* c4 = new HBox();
                c4->setChildSpacing( 5 );
                    c4->addControl( new CheckBoxControl( true ) );
                    c4->addControl( new LabelControl( "Checkbox 1" ) );
                c3->addControl( c4 );

                HBox* c5 = new HBox();
                c5->setChildSpacing( 5 );
                    c5->addControl( new CheckBoxControl( false ) );
                    c5->addControl( new LabelControl( "Checkbox 2" ) );
                c3->addControl( c5 );
            ul->addControl( c3 );
        cs->addControl( ul );

        ul->addEventHandler( new MyClickHandler );

    // a centered hbox container along the bottom on the screen.
        HBox* bottom = new HBox();
        bottom->setFrame( new RoundedFrame() );
        bottom->setMargin( 10 );
        bottom->setChildSpacing( 145 );
        bottom->setVertAlign( Control::ALIGN_BOTTOM );
        bottom->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );

        for( int i=0; i<4; ++i )
            LabelControl* label = new LabelControl();
            std::stringstream buf;
            buf << "Label_" << i;
            std::string str;
            str = buf.str();
            label->setText( str );
            label->setMargin( 10 );
            label->setBackColor( 1,1,1,0.4 );
            bottom->addControl( label );

            label->addEventHandler( new MyClickHandler );

        cs->addControl( bottom );
Example #21
addLayerItem( Grid* grid, int layerIndex, int numLayers, Layer* layer, bool isActive )
    int gridCol = 0;
    int gridRow = grid->getNumRows();

    VisibleLayer* visibleLayer = dynamic_cast<VisibleLayer*>(layer);

    // only show layers that derive from VisibleLayer
    if (!visibleLayer)

    ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast<ImageLayer*>(layer);

    // don't show hidden coverage layers
    if (imageLayer && imageLayer->isCoverage() && !imageLayer->getVisible())
    ElevationLayer* elevationLayer = dynamic_cast<ElevationLayer*>(layer);

    // a checkbox to toggle the layer's visibility:
    if (visibleLayer && layer->getEnabled() && !(imageLayer && imageLayer->isCoverage()))
        CheckBoxControl* visibility = new CheckBoxControl( visibleLayer->getVisible() );
        visibility->addEventHandler( new ToggleLayerVisibility(visibleLayer) );
        grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, visibility );

    // the layer name
    LabelControl* name = new LabelControl( layer->getName() );
    if (!layer->getEnabled())
    grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, name );

    // layer type
    std::string typeName = typeid(*layer).name();
    typeName = typeName.substr(typeName.find_last_of(":")+1);
    LabelControl* typeLabel = new LabelControl(typeName, osg::Vec4(.5,.7,.5,1));
    grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, typeLabel );

    // status indicator
    LabelControl* statusLabel =
        layer->getStatus().isError() ? new LabelControl("[error]", osg::Vec4(1,0,0,1)) :
        !layer->getEnabled()?          new LabelControl("[disabled]", osg::Vec4(1,1,1,0.35)) :
                                       new LabelControl("[ok]", osg::Vec4(0,1,0,1)) ;
    grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, statusLabel );

    if (visibleLayer && !elevationLayer && visibleLayer->getEnabled())
        // an opacity slider
        HSliderControl* opacity = new HSliderControl( 0.0f, 1.0f, visibleLayer->getOpacity() );
        opacity->setWidth( 125 );
        opacity->setHeight( 12 );
        opacity->addEventHandler( new LayerOpacityHandler(visibleLayer) );
        grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, opacity );

    // zoom button
    if (layer->getExtent().isValid())
        LabelControl* zoomButton = new LabelControl("GO", 14);
        zoomButton->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
        zoomButton->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
        zoomButton->addEventHandler( new ZoomLayerHandler(layer) );
        grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, zoomButton );

    // move buttons
    if ( layerIndex < numLayers-1 && isActive )
        LabelControl* upButton = new LabelControl( "UP", 14 );
        upButton->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
        upButton->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
        upButton->addEventHandler( new MoveLayerHandler( layer, layerIndex+1 ) );
        grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, upButton );

    if ( layerIndex > 0 && isActive)
        LabelControl* upButton = new LabelControl( "DOWN", 14 );
        upButton->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
        upButton->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
        upButton->addEventHandler( new MoveLayerHandler( layer, layerIndex-1 ) );
        grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, upButton );

    // add/remove button:
    LabelControl* addRemove = new LabelControl( isActive? "REMOVE" : "ADD", 14 );
    addRemove->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    addRemove->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
    addRemove->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
    addRemove->addEventHandler( new RemoveLayerHandler(layer) );
    grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, addRemove );

    // enable/disable button
    LabelControl* enableDisable = new LabelControl(layer->getEnabled() ? "DISABLE" : "ENABLE", 14);
    enableDisable->setHorizAlign( Control::ALIGN_CENTER );
    enableDisable->setBackColor( .4,.4,.4,1 );
    enableDisable->setActiveColor( .8,0,0,1 );
    enableDisable->addEventHandler( new EnableDisableHandler(layer) );
    grid->setControl( gridCol, gridRow, enableDisable );

    if (layer->getStatus().isError())
        grid->setControl(gridCol, gridRow, new LabelControl(layer->getStatus().message(), osg::Vec4(1,.2,.2,1)));