Example #1
void RenderPartObject::updateWidget(bool onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins)
  String url;
  String serviceType;
  Vector<String> paramNames;
  Vector<String> paramValues;
  Frame* frame = m_view->frame();
  if (element()->hasTagName(objectTag)) {

      HTMLObjectElement* o = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(element());

      if (!o->isFinishedParsingChildren())
      // Check for a child EMBED tag.
      HTMLEmbedElement* embed = 0;
      for (Node* child = o->firstChild(); child;) {
          if (child->hasTagName(embedTag)) {
              embed = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElement*>(child);
          } else if (child->hasTagName(objectTag))
              child = child->nextSibling();         // Don't descend into nested OBJECT tags
              child = child->traverseNextNode(o);   // Otherwise descend (EMBEDs may be inside COMMENT tags)
      // Use the attributes from the EMBED tag instead of the OBJECT tag including WIDTH and HEIGHT.
      HTMLElement *embedOrObject;
      if (embed) {
          embedOrObject = (HTMLElement *)embed;
          url = embed->url();
          serviceType = embed->serviceType();
      } else
          embedOrObject = (HTMLElement *)o;
      // If there was no URL or type defined in EMBED, try the OBJECT tag.
      if (url.isEmpty())
          url = o->m_url;
      if (serviceType.isEmpty())
          serviceType = o->m_serviceType;
      HashSet<StringImpl*, CaseFoldingHash> uniqueParamNames;
      // Scan the PARAM children.
      // Get the URL and type from the params if we don't already have them.
      // Get the attributes from the params if there is no EMBED tag.
      Node *child = o->firstChild();
      while (child && (url.isEmpty() || serviceType.isEmpty() || !embed)) {
          if (child->hasTagName(paramTag)) {
              HTMLParamElement* p = static_cast<HTMLParamElement*>(child);
              String name = p->name().lower();
              if (url.isEmpty() && (name == "src" || name == "movie" || name == "code" || name == "url"))
                  url = p->value();
              if (serviceType.isEmpty() && name == "type") {
                  serviceType = p->value();
                  int pos = serviceType.find(";");
                  if (pos != -1)
                      serviceType = serviceType.left(pos);
              if (!embed && !name.isEmpty()) {
          child = child->nextSibling();
      // When OBJECT is used for an applet via Sun's Java plugin, the CODEBASE attribute in the tag
      // points to the Java plugin itself (an ActiveX component) while the actual applet CODEBASE is
      // in a PARAM tag. See <http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/1.2/docs/tags.html>. This means
      // we have to explicitly suppress the tag's CODEBASE attribute if there is none in a PARAM,
      // else our Java plugin will misinterpret it. [4004531]
      String codebase;
      if (!embed && MIMETypeRegistry::isJavaAppletMIMEType(serviceType)) {
          codebase = "codebase";
          uniqueParamNames.add(codebase.impl()); // pretend we found it in a PARAM already
      // Turn the attributes of either the EMBED tag or OBJECT tag into arrays, but don't override PARAM values.
      NamedAttrMap* attributes = embedOrObject->attributes();
      if (attributes) {
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) {
              Attribute* it = attributes->attributeItem(i);
              const AtomicString& name = it->name().localName();
              if (embed || !uniqueParamNames.contains(name.impl())) {
      // If we still don't have a type, try to map from a specific CLASSID to a type.
      if (serviceType.isEmpty() && !o->m_classId.isEmpty())
          mapClassIdToServiceType(o->m_classId, serviceType);
      if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url))

      // Find out if we support fallback content.
      m_hasFallbackContent = false;
      for (Node *child = o->firstChild(); child && !m_hasFallbackContent; child = child->nextSibling()) {
          if ((!child->isTextNode() && !child->hasTagName(embedTag) && !child->hasTagName(paramTag)) || // Discount <embed> and <param>
              (child->isTextNode() && !static_cast<Text*>(child)->containsOnlyWhitespace()))
              m_hasFallbackContent = true;
      if (onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) {
          KURL completedURL;
          if (!url.isEmpty())
              completedURL = frame->loader()->completeURL(url);
          if (frame->loader()->client()->objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType) == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin)
      bool success = frame->loader()->requestObject(this, url, AtomicString(o->name()), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues);
      if (!success && m_hasFallbackContent)
  } else if (element()->hasTagName(embedTag)) {
      HTMLEmbedElement *o = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElement*>(element());
      url = o->url();
      serviceType = o->serviceType();

      if (url.isEmpty() && serviceType.isEmpty())
      if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url))
      // add all attributes set on the embed object
      NamedAttrMap* a = o->attributes();
      if (a) {
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < a->length(); ++i) {
              Attribute* it = a->attributeItem(i);
      if (onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) {
          KURL completedURL;
          if (!url.isEmpty())
              completedURL = frame->loader()->completeURL(url);
          if (frame->loader()->client()->objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType) == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin)
      frame->loader()->requestObject(this, url, o->getAttribute(nameAttr), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues);
Example #2
JSValue* JSHTMLObjectElement::getValueProperty(ExecState* exec, int token) const
    switch (token) {
    case FormAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr(imp->form()));
    case CodeAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->code());
    case AlignAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->align());
    case ArchiveAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->archive());
    case BorderAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->border());
    case CodeBaseAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->codeBase());
    case CodeTypeAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->codeType());
    case DataAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->data());
    case DeclareAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsBoolean(imp->declare());
    case HeightAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->height());
    case HspaceAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsNumber(imp->hspace());
    case NameAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->name());
    case StandbyAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->standby());
    case TabIndexAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsNumber(imp->tabIndex());
    case TypeAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->type());
    case UseMapAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->useMap());
    case VspaceAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsNumber(imp->vspace());
    case WidthAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->width());
    case ContentDocumentAttrNum: {
        HTMLObjectElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(impl());

        return checkNodeSecurity(exec, imp->contentDocument()) ? toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr(imp->contentDocument())) : jsUndefined();
    case ConstructorAttrNum:
        return getConstructor(exec);
    return 0;