void HTMLFormattingElementList::tryToEnsureNoahsArkConditionQuickly(HTMLStackItem* newItem, Vector<HTMLStackItem*>& remainingCandidates)

    if (m_entries.size() < kNoahsArkCapacity)

    // Use a vector with inline capacity to avoid a malloc in the common case
    // of a quickly ensuring the condition.
    Vector<HTMLStackItem*, 10> candidates;

    size_t newItemAttributeCount = newItem->attributes().size();

    for (size_t i = m_entries.size(); i; ) {
        Entry& entry = m_entries[i];
        if (entry.isMarker())

        // Quickly reject obviously non-matching candidates.
        HTMLStackItem* candidate = entry.stackItem().get();
        if (newItem->localName() != candidate->localName() || newItem->namespaceURI() != candidate->namespaceURI())
        if (candidate->attributes().size() != newItemAttributeCount)


    if (candidates.size() < kNoahsArkCapacity)
        return; // There's room for the new element in the ark. There's no need to copy out the remainingCandidates.

// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tree-construction.html#mathml-text-integration-point
bool HTMLElementStack::isMathMLTextIntegrationPoint(HTMLStackItem& item)
    return item.hasTagName(MathMLNames::miTag)
        || item.hasTagName(MathMLNames::moTag)
        || item.hasTagName(MathMLNames::mnTag)
        || item.hasTagName(MathMLNames::msTag)
        || item.hasTagName(MathMLNames::mtextTag);
Example #3
bool HTMLElementStack::inScope(Element* targetElement) const {
  for (ElementRecord* pos = m_top.get(); pos; pos = pos->next()) {
    HTMLStackItem* item = pos->stackItem();
    if (item->node() == targetElement)
      return true;
    if (isScopeMarker(item))
      return false;
  ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();  // <html> is always on the stack and is a scope marker.
  return false;
Example #4
bool HTMLElementStack::hasNumberedHeaderElementInScope() const {
  for (ElementRecord* record = m_top.get(); record; record = record->next()) {
    HTMLStackItem* item = record->stackItem();
    if (item->isNumberedHeaderElement())
      return true;
    if (isScopeMarker(item))
      return false;
  ASSERT_NOT_REACHED();  // <html> is always on the stack and is a scope marker.
  return false;
bool inScopeCommon(HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord* top, const AtomicString& targetTag)
    for (HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord* pos = top; pos; pos = pos->next()) {
        HTMLStackItem* item = pos->stackItem().get();
        if (item->matchesHTMLTag(targetTag))
            return true;
        if (isMarker(item))
            return false;
    ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // <html> is always on the stack and is a scope marker.
    return false;
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tree-construction.html#html-integration-point
bool HTMLElementStack::isHTMLIntegrationPoint(HTMLStackItem& item)
    if (item.hasTagName(MathMLNames::annotation_xmlTag)) {
        const Attribute* encodingAttr = item.findAttribute(MathMLNames::encodingAttr);
        if (encodingAttr) {
            const String& encoding = encodingAttr->value();
            return equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(encoding, "text/html")
                || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(encoding, "application/xhtml+xml");
        return false;
    return item.hasTagName(SVGNames::foreignObjectTag)
        || item.hasTagName(SVGNames::descTag)
        || item.hasTagName(SVGNames::titleTag);
void HTMLFormattingElementList::ensureNoahsArkCondition(HTMLStackItem* newItem)
    Vector<HTMLStackItem*> candidates;
    tryToEnsureNoahsArkConditionQuickly(newItem, candidates);
    if (candidates.isEmpty())

    // We pre-allocate and re-use this second vector to save one malloc per
    // attribute that we verify.
    Vector<HTMLStackItem*> remainingCandidates;

    const Vector<Attribute>& attributes = newItem->attributes();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < attributes.size(); ++i) {
        const Attribute& attribute = attributes[i];

        for (size_t j = 0; j < candidates.size(); ++j) {
            HTMLStackItem* candidate = candidates[j];

            // These properties should already have been checked by tryToEnsureNoahsArkConditionQuickly.
            ASSERT(newItem->attributes().size() == candidate->attributes().size());
            ASSERT(newItem->localName() == candidate->localName() && newItem->namespaceURI() == candidate->namespaceURI());

            Attribute* candidateAttribute = candidate->getAttributeItem(attribute.name());
            if (candidateAttribute && candidateAttribute->value() == attribute.value())

        if (remainingCandidates.size() < kNoahsArkCapacity)


    // Inductively, we shouldn't spin this loop very many times. It's possible,
    // however, that we wil spin the loop more than once because of how the
    // formatting element list gets permuted.
    for (size_t i = kNoahsArkCapacity - 1; i < candidates.size(); ++i)