Example #1
/* for geomtransform, we don't have the mapObj */
shapeObj *msV8TransformShape(shapeObj *shape, const char* filename)
  TryCatch try_catch;
  Isolate *isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
  V8Context *v8context = (V8Context*)isolate->GetData();

  HandleScope handle_scope(v8context->isolate);

  /* execution context */
  Local<Context> context = Local<Context>::New(v8context->isolate, v8context->context);
  Context::Scope context_scope(context);
  Handle<Object> global = context->Global();

  Shape* shape_ = new Shape(shape);
  Handle<Value> ext = External::New(shape_);
              Shape::Constructor()->NewInstance(1, &ext));

  Handle<Value> value = global->Get(String::New("geomtransform"));
  if (value->IsUndefined()) {
    msDebug("msV8TransformShape: Function 'geomtransform' is missing.\n");
    return NULL;
  Handle<Function> func = Handle<Function>::Cast(value);
  Handle<Value> result = func->Call(global, 0, 0);
  if (result.IsEmpty() && try_catch.HasCaught()) {

  if (!result.IsEmpty() && result->IsObject()) {
    Handle<Object> obj = result->ToObject();
    if (obj->GetConstructorName()->Equals(String::New("shapeObj"))) {
      Shape* new_shape = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Shape>(result->ToObject());
      if (shape == new_shape->get()) {
        shapeObj *new_shape_ = (shapeObj *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(shapeObj));
        msCopyShape(shape, new_shape_);
        return new_shape_;
      else {
        return new_shape->get();

  return NULL;
Example #2
bool V8Util::constructorNameMatches(Handle<Object> object, const char* name)
	HandleScope scope;
	Local<String> constructorName = object->GetConstructorName();
	return strcmp(*String::Utf8Value(constructorName), name) == 0;
Example #3
Handle<Value> Proxy::proxyConstructor(const Arguments& args)
	HandleScope scope;
	JNIEnv *env = JNIScope::getEnv();
	Local<Object> jsProxy = args.Holder();

	Handle<Object> properties = Object::New();
	jsProxy->Set(propertiesSymbol, properties, PropertyAttribute(DontEnum));

	Handle<Object> prototype = jsProxy->GetPrototype()->ToObject();

	Handle<Function> constructor = Handle<Function>::Cast(prototype->Get(constructorSymbol));
	jclass javaClass = (jclass) External::Unwrap(constructor->Get(javaClassSymbol));

	// If ProxyFactory::createV8Proxy invoked us, unwrap
	// the pre-created Java proxy it sent.
	jobject javaProxy = ProxyFactory::unwrapJavaProxy(args);
	bool deleteRef = false;
	if (!javaProxy) {
		javaProxy = ProxyFactory::createJavaProxy(javaClass, jsProxy, args);
		deleteRef = true;

	JNIUtil::logClassName("Create proxy: %s", javaClass);

	Proxy *proxy = new Proxy(javaProxy);

	int length = args.Length();

	if (length > 0 && args[0]->IsObject()) {
		Handle<Value> argsStr = V8Util::jsonStringify(args[0]);
		String::Utf8Value str(argsStr);
		LOGV(TAG, "    with args: %s", *str);

		bool extend = true;
		Handle<Object> createProperties = args[0]->ToObject();
		Local<String> constructorName = createProperties->GetConstructorName();
		if (strcmp(*String::Utf8Value(constructorName), "Arguments") == 0) {
			extend = false;
			int32_t argsLength = createProperties->Get(String::New("length"))->Int32Value();
			if (argsLength > 1) {
				Handle<Value> properties = createProperties->Get(1);
				if (properties->IsObject()) {
					extend = true;
					createProperties = properties->ToObject();

		if (extend) {
			Handle<Array> names = createProperties->GetOwnPropertyNames();
			int length = names->Length();

			for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
				Handle<Value> name = names->Get(i);
				Handle<Value> value = createProperties->Get(name);
				bool isProperty = true;
				if (name->IsString()) {
					Handle<String> nameString = name->ToString();
					if (!jsProxy->HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(nameString)
						&& !jsProxy->HasRealNamedProperty(nameString)) {
						jsProxy->Set(name, value);
						isProperty = false;
				if (isProperty) {
					properties->Set(name, value);

	if (!args.Data().IsEmpty() && args.Data()->IsFunction()) {
		Handle<Function> proxyFn = Handle<Function>::Cast(args.Data());
		Handle<Value> *fnArgs = new Handle<Value>[length];
		for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
			fnArgs[i] = args[i];
		proxyFn->Call(jsProxy, length, fnArgs);

	if (deleteRef) {
		JNIEnv *env = JNIScope::getEnv();
		if (env) {

	return jsProxy;