Example #1
InterpreterFrame::initExecuteFrame(JSContext *cx, HandleScript script, AbstractFramePtr evalInFramePrev,
                                   const Value &thisv, HandleObject scopeChain, ExecuteType type)
     * See encoding of ExecuteType. When GLOBAL isn't set, we are executing a
     * script in the context of another frame and the frame type is determined
     * by the context.
    flags_ = type | HAS_SCOPECHAIN;

    JSObject *callee = nullptr;
    if (!(flags_ & (GLOBAL))) {
        if (evalInFramePrev) {
            MOZ_ASSERT(evalInFramePrev.isFunctionFrame() || evalInFramePrev.isGlobalFrame());
            if (evalInFramePrev.isFunctionFrame()) {
                callee = evalInFramePrev.callee();
                flags_ |= FUNCTION;
            } else {
                flags_ |= GLOBAL;
        } else {
            FrameIter iter(cx);
            MOZ_ASSERT(iter.isFunctionFrame() || iter.isGlobalFrame());
            if (iter.isFunctionFrame()) {
                callee = iter.callee(cx);
                flags_ |= FUNCTION;
            } else {
                flags_ |= GLOBAL;

    Value *dstvp = (Value *)this - 2;
    dstvp[1] = thisv;

    if (isFunctionFrame()) {
        dstvp[0] = ObjectValue(*callee);
        exec.fun = &callee->as<JSFunction>();
        u.evalScript = script;
    } else {
        dstvp[0] = NullValue();
        exec.script = script;
#ifdef DEBUG
        u.evalScript = (JSScript *)0xbad;

    scopeChain_ = scopeChain.get();
    prev_ = nullptr;
    prevpc_ = nullptr;
    prevsp_ = nullptr;

    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(evalInFramePrev, isDebuggerEvalFrame());
    evalInFramePrev_ = evalInFramePrev;

    if (script->isDebuggee())

#ifdef DEBUG
    Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch(&rval_, 1);