void Room::cacheProperties(const Hashtable& properties) { if(properties.contains(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::MAX_PLAYERS))) mMaxPlayers = ValueObject<nByte>(properties.getValue(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::MAX_PLAYERS))).getDataCopy(); if(properties.contains(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::IS_OPEN))) mIsOpen = ValueObject<bool>(properties.getValue(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::IS_OPEN))).getDataCopy(); if(properties.contains(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::PLAYER_COUNT))) mPlayerCount = ValueObject<nByte>(properties.getValue(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::PLAYER_COUNT))).getDataCopy(); mCustomProperties.put(Utils::stripToCustomProperties(properties)); mCustomProperties = Utils::stripKeysWithNullValues(mCustomProperties); }
static void clean_evaluate(bool aggressive, int depth, board_t board) { check_board(board); symmetry_t symmetry; superstandardize(board).get(board,symmetry); if (known.contains(tuple(depth,board))) return; cout << "clean evaluate: depth "<<depth<<", board "<<board<<endl; clear_supertable(); const super_t all = ~super_t(0); const side_t side0 = unpack(board,0), side1 = unpack(board,1); auto data = super_shallow_evaluate(aggressive,depth,side0,side1,all); superinfo_t info = data.lookup.info; if (depth>=1) info = super_evaluate_recurse<false>(aggressive,depth,side0,side1,data,all); GEODE_ASSERT(info.known==all); known.set(tuple(depth,board),info); }
void LoadBalancingListener::afterRoomJoined(int localPlayerNr) { mpView->info( "afterRoomJoined: localPlayerNr=", localPlayerNr ); this->mLcalPlayerNr = localPlayerNr; MutableRoom& myRoom = mpLbc->getCurrentlyJoinedRoom(); Hashtable props = myRoom.getCustomProperties(); updateGridSize(props); if(props.contains("m")) mMap = ((ValueObject<JString>*)props.getValue("m"))->getDataCopy(); mpView->initPlayers(); mpView->setupScene(mGridSize); const JVector<Player*>& players = myRoom.getPlayers(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<players.getSize(); ++i) { const Player* p = players[i]; mpView->addPlayer(p->getNumber(), p->getName().UTF8Representation().cstr(), p->getNumber() == mpLbc->getLocalPlayer().getNumber()); } mpView->changePlayerColor(localPlayerNr, mLocalPlayer.color); raiseColorEvent(); }
GEODE_COLD static void assert_delaunay(const char* prefix, const TriangleTopology& mesh, RawField<const Perturbed2,VertexId> X, const Hashtable<Vector<VertexId,2>>& constrained=Tuple<>(), const bool oriented_only=false, const bool check_boundary=true) { // Verify that all faces are correctly oriented for (const auto f : mesh.faces()) { const auto v = mesh.vertices(f); GEODE_ASSERT(triangle_oriented(X,v.x,v.y,v.z)); } if (oriented_only) return; // Verify that all internal edges are Delaunay if (!constrained.size()) { for (const auto e : mesh.interior_halfedges()) if (!mesh.is_boundary(mesh.reverse(e)) && mesh.src(e)<mesh.dst(e)) if (!is_delaunay(mesh,X,e)) throw RuntimeError(format("%snon delaunay edge: e%d, v%d v%d",prefix,e.id,mesh.src(e).id,mesh.dst(e).id)); } else { for (const auto v : constrained) if (!mesh.halfedge(v.x,v.y).valid()) throw RuntimeError(format("%smissing constraint edge: v%d v%d",prefix,v.x.id,v.y.id)); for (const auto e : mesh.interior_halfedges()) { const auto s = mesh.src(e), d = mesh.dst(e); if (!mesh.is_boundary(mesh.reverse(e)) && s<d && !constrained.contains(vec(s,d))) if (!is_delaunay(mesh,X,e)) throw RuntimeError(format("%snon delaunay edge: e%d, v%d v%d",prefix,e.id,mesh.src(e).id,mesh.dst(e).id)); } } // Verify that all boundary vertices are convex if (check_boundary) for (const auto e : mesh.boundary_edges()) { const auto v0 = mesh.src(mesh.prev(e)), v1 = mesh.src(e), v2 = mesh.dst(e); GEODE_ASSERT(triangle_oriented(X,v2,v1,v0)); } }
bool traced(bool aggressive, board_t board) { return board_flags.contains(superstandardize(board).x|(uint64_t)aggressive<<aggressive_bit); }
GEODE_NEVER_INLINE static void add_constraint_edges(MutableTriangleTopology& mesh, RawField<const EV,VertexId> X, RawArray<const Vector<int,2>> edges, const bool validate) { if (!edges.size()) return; IntervalScope scope; Hashtable<Vector<VertexId,2>> constrained; Array<VertexId> left_cavity, right_cavity; // List of vertices for both cavities const auto random = new_<Random>(key+7); for (int i=0;i<edges.size();i++) { // Randomly choose an edge to ensure optimal time complexity const auto edge = edges[int(random_permute(edges.size(),key+5,i))].sorted(); auto v0 = VertexId(edge.x), v1 = VertexId(edge.y); const auto vs = vec(v0,v1); GEODE_ASSERT(mesh.valid(v0) && mesh.valid(v1)); { // Check if the edge already exists in the triangulation. To ensure optimal complexity, // we loop around both vertices interleaved so that our time is O(min(degree(v0),degree(v1))). const auto s0 = mesh.halfedge(v0), s1 = mesh.halfedge(v1); { auto e0 = s0, e1 = s1; do { if (mesh.dst(e0)==v1 || mesh.dst(e1)==v0) goto success; // The edge already exists, so there's nothing to be done. e0 = mesh.left(e0); e1 = mesh.left(e1); } while (e0!=s0 && e1!=s1); } // Find a triangle touching v0 or v1 containing part of the v0-v1 segment. // As above, we loop around both vertices interleaved. auto e0 = s0; { auto e1 = s1; if (mesh.is_boundary(e0)) e0 = mesh.left(e0); if (mesh.is_boundary(e1)) e1 = mesh.left(e1); const auto x0 = Perturbed2(v0.id,X[v0]), x1 = Perturbed2(v1.id,X[v1]); const auto e0d = mesh.dst(e0), e1d = mesh.dst(e1); bool e0o = triangle_oriented(x0,Perturbed2(e0d.id,X[e0d]),x1), e1o = triangle_oriented(x1,Perturbed2(e1d.id,X[e1d]),x0); for (;;) { // No need to check for an end condition, since we're guaranteed to terminate const auto n0 = mesh.left(e0), n1 = mesh.left(e1); const auto n0d = mesh.dst(n0), n1d = mesh.dst(n1); const bool n0o = triangle_oriented(x0,Perturbed2(n0d.id,X[n0d]),x1), n1o = triangle_oriented(x1,Perturbed2(n1d.id,X[n1d]),x0); if (e0o && !n0o) break; if (e1o && !n1o) { // Swap v0 with v1 and e0 with e1 so that our ray starts at v0 swap(v0,v1); swap(e0,e1); break; } e0 = n0; e1 = n1; e0o = n0o; e1o = n1o; } } // If we only need to walk one step, the retriangulation is a single edge flip auto cut = mesh.reverse(mesh.next(e0)); if (mesh.dst(mesh.next(cut))==v1) { if (constrained.contains(vec(mesh.src(cut),mesh.dst(cut)).sorted())) throw DelaunayConstraintConflict(vec(v0.id,v1.id),vec(mesh.src(cut).id,mesh.dst(cut).id)); cut = mesh.flip_edge(cut); goto success; } // Walk from v0 to v1, collecting the two cavities. const auto x0 = Perturbed2(v0.id,X[v0]), x1 = Perturbed2(v1.id,X[v1]); right_cavity.copy(vec(v0,mesh.dst(cut))); left_cavity .copy(vec(v0,mesh.src(cut))); mesh.erase(mesh.face(e0)); for (;;) { if (constrained.contains(vec(mesh.src(cut),mesh.dst(cut)).sorted())) throw DelaunayConstraintConflict(vec(v0.id,v1.id),vec(mesh.src(cut).id,mesh.dst(cut).id)); const auto n = mesh.reverse(mesh.next(cut)), p = mesh.reverse(mesh.prev(cut)); const auto v = mesh.src(n); mesh.erase(mesh.face(cut)); if (v == v1) { left_cavity.append(v); right_cavity.append(v); break; } else if (triangle_oriented(x0,x1,Perturbed2(v.id,X[v]))) { left_cavity.append(v); cut = n; } else { right_cavity.append(v); cut = p; } } // Retriangulate both cavities left_cavity.reverse(); cavity_delaunay(mesh,X,left_cavity,random), cavity_delaunay(mesh,X,right_cavity,random); } success: constrained.set(vs); } // If desired, check that the final mesh is constrained Delaunay if (validate) assert_delaunay("constrained delaunay validate: ",mesh,X,constrained); }
void MutableRoom::cacheProperties(const Hashtable& properties) { if(properties.contains(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::IS_VISIBLE))) mIsVisible = ValueObject<bool>(properties.getValue(static_cast<nByte>(Properties::Room::IS_VISIBLE))).getDataCopy(); super::cacheProperties(properties); }