Example #1
ShipBattle::Hits ShipBattle::AutoAssignHits(const Dice& dice, const Game& game) const
	Hits hits;

	Dice remainingDice = dice;

	std::map<int, std::set<int>> destroyedShips; // group index, ship indices.

	// Try to destroy ships (biggest type and most damaged ship first.) 
	std::vector<int> groupIndices = GetTargetGroupIndicesBiggestFirst();
	for (int groupIndex : groupIndices)
		if (remainingDice.empty())

		const Group& group = m_groups[groupIndex];
		int toHit = GetToHitRoll(group.shipType, game);

		Hits groupHits = GetHitsToDestroy(group, remainingDice, toHit);
		hits.insert(hits.begin(), groupHits.begin(), groupHits.end());

		// Remember destroyed ships so we don't try to damage them. 
		for (auto& hit : groupHits)

	// Try to damage remaining ships. Only need to consider the weakest ship of each group. 
	for (int groupIndex : groupIndices)
		if (remainingDice.empty())

		const Group& group = m_groups[groupIndex];
		const auto shipIndices = GetShipIndicesWeakestFirst(group);

		// Check if the whole group has been destroyed. 
		// We can't just check if shipIndices is empty, because the damamge hasn't been applied yet. 
		if (destroyedShips[groupIndex].size() == shipIndices.size())

		int toHit = GetToHitRoll(group.shipType, game);

		for (int shipIndex : shipIndices)
			if (destroyedShips[groupIndex].count(shipIndex) == 0) // Still alive.
				Dice used = remainingDice.RemoveAll(toHit);
				if (!used.empty())
					hits.push_back(Hit(group.shipType, shipIndex, used));

				break; // No point checking healthier ships. 

	return hits;