static HostSpinBox *SlideshowOpenGLTransitionLength() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox( "SlideshowOpenGLTransitionLength", 500, 120000, 500); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Duration of OpenGL Transition (milliseconds)")); gc->setValue(2000); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *SetSearchMaxResultsReturned() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("MaxSearchResults", 0, 20000, 100); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Maximum Search Results")); gc->setValue(300); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Used to limit the number of results " "returned when using the search feature.")); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *MythArchiveDriveSpeed() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("MythArchiveDriveSpeed", 0, 48, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("DVD Drive Write Speed")); gc->setValue(0); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("This is the write speed to use when burning a DVD. " "Set to 0 to allow growisofs to choose the fastest available speed.")); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *JobQueueCheckFrequency() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("JobQueueCheckFrequency", 5, 300, 5); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Job Queue check frequency (secs)")); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("When looking for new jobs to process, the " "Job Queue will wait this many seconds between checks.")); gc->setValue(60); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs", 1, 10, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Maximum simultaneous jobs on this backend")); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("The Job Queue will be limited to running " "this many simultaneous jobs on this backend.")); gc->setValue(1); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *MythGalleryOverlayCaption() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("GalleryOverlayCaption", 0, 600, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Overlay caption")); gc->setValue(0); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("This is the number of seconds to show a caption " "on top of a full size picture.")); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *SlideshowDelay() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("SlideshowDelay", 0, 86400, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Slideshow Delay")); gc->setValue(5); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("This is the number of seconds to display each " "picture.")); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *UPNPRebuildDelay() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("UPnP/RebuildDelay", 0, 1440, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("UPnP media update time")); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("How often (in minutes) MythTV will check " "for new videos to serve via UPnP. " "0 = Off. ")); gc->setValue(30); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *VisualScaleHeight() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("VisualScaleHeight", 1, 2, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Height for Visual Scaling")); gc->setValue(1); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("If set to \"2\", visualizations will be " "scaled in half. Currently only used by " "the goom visualization. Reduces CPU load " "on slower machines.")); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *SetRandomWeight() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("IntelliRandomWeight", 0, 100, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Random Weight")); gc->setValue(15); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Used in \"Smart\" Shuffle mode. " "This weighting affects how much strength is " "given to good old (peudo-)randomness " "when ordering a group of songs.")); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *SetLastPlayWeight() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("IntelliLastPlayWeight", 0, 100, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Last Play Weight")); gc->setValue(25); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Used in \"Smart\" Shuffle mode. " "This weighting affects how much strength is " "given to how long it has been since a given " "track was played when ordering a group of songs.")); return gc; };
static HostSpinBox *SetRatingWeight() { HostSpinBox *gc = new HostSpinBox("IntelliRatingWeight", 0, 100, 1); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Rating Weight")); gc->setValue(35); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Used in \"Smart\" Shuffle mode. " "This weighting affects how much strength is " "given to your rating of a given track when " "ordering a group of songs.")); return gc; };
SlideSettings::SlideSettings() : VerticalConfigurationGroup() { setLabel(tr("Slideshow")); HostComboBox *tranBox = new HostComboBox("GalleryTransitionType"); tranBox->setLabel(tr("Transition")); tranBox->setHelpText(tr("Effect to use between slides")); // Initialise selected transition TransitionRegistry availableTransitions(GetMythPainter()->SupportsAnimation()); TransitionMap transitions = availableTransitions.GetAll(); QMapIterator<int, Transition*> i(transitions); while (i.hasNext()) {; tranBox->addSelection(i.value()->objectName(), QString::number(i.key())); } addChild(tranBox); HostSpinBox *slide = new HostSpinBox("GallerySlideShowTime", 100, 60000, 100); slide->setLabel(tr("Slide Duration (ms)")); slide->setHelpText(tr("The time that a slide is displayed (between transitions), " "in milliseconds.")); addChild(slide); HostSpinBox *transition = new HostSpinBox("GalleryTransitionTime", 100, 60000, 100); transition->setLabel(tr("Transition Duration (ms)")); transition->setHelpText(tr("The time that each transition lasts, in milliseconds.")); addChild(transition); }