void AccountActionsManager::joinAccountConfFromBM ()
		IAccount *account = GetAccountFromSender (sender (), Q_FUNC_INFO);
		if (!account)

		const QVariant& bmData = sender ()->property ("Azoth/BMData");
		if (bmData.isNull ())

		const auto proto = qobject_cast<IMUCProtocol*> (account->GetParentProtocol ());
		if (!proto)
			qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
					<< account->GetAccountName ()
					<< "parent protocol does not implement IMUCProtocol";

		auto jWidget = proto->GetMUCJoinWidget ();
		IMUCJoinWidget *imjw = qobject_cast<IMUCJoinWidget*> (jWidget);
		imjw->SetIdentifyingData (bmData.toMap ());
		imjw->Join (account->GetQObject ());

		jWidget->deleteLater ();
Example #2
	void AccountsListWidget::on_Delete__released()
		QModelIndex index = Ui_.Accounts_->
		selectionModel ()->currentIndex ();
		if (!index.isValid ())

		IAccount *acc = index
				.data (RAccObj).value<IAccount*> ();

		if (QMessageBox::question (this,
					tr ("Are you sure you want to remove the account %1?")
						.arg (acc->GetAccountName ()),
					QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes)

		QObject *protoObj = acc->GetParentProtocol ();
		IProtocol *proto = qobject_cast<IProtocol*> (protoObj);
		if (!proto)
			qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
					<< "parent protocol for"
					<< acc->GetAccountID ()
					<< "doesn't implement IProtocol";
		proto->RemoveAccount (acc->GetObject ());
	void ContactListDelegate::DrawAccount (QPainter *painter,
			QStyleOptionViewItemV4 o, const QModelIndex& index) const
		QStyle *style = o.widget ?
				o.widget->style () :
				QApplication::style ();

		painter->save ();
		painter->setRenderHints (QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing | QPainter::Antialiasing);

		style->drawPrimitive (QStyle::PE_PanelButtonCommand,
				&o, painter, o.widget);

		painter->restore ();

		o.font.setBold (true);

		QStyledItemDelegate::paint (painter, o, index);

		QObject *accObj = index.data (Core::CLRAccountObject).value<QObject*> ();
		IAccount *acc = qobject_cast<IAccount*> (accObj);
		IExtSelfInfoAccount *extAcc = qobject_cast<IExtSelfInfoAccount*> (accObj);

		QIcon accIcon = extAcc ? extAcc->GetAccountIcon () : QIcon ();
		if (accIcon.isNull ())
			accIcon = qobject_cast<IProtocol*> (acc->GetParentProtocol ())->GetProtocolIcon ();

		const QRect& r = o.rect;
		const int iconSize = r.height () - 2 * CPadding;

		QImage avatarImg;
		if (extAcc)
			avatarImg = extAcc->GetSelfAvatar ();
		if (avatarImg.isNull ())
			avatarImg = Core::Instance ().GetDefaultAvatar (iconSize);
			avatarImg = avatarImg.scaled (iconSize, iconSize,
					Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);

		QPoint pxDraw = o.rect.topRight () - QPoint (CPadding, 0);

		if (!avatarImg.isNull ())
			pxDraw.rx () -= avatarImg.width ();
			const QPoint& delta = QPoint (0, (iconSize - avatarImg.height ()) / 2);
			painter->drawPixmap (pxDraw + delta,
					QPixmap::fromImage (avatarImg));
			pxDraw.rx () -= CPadding;

		if (!accIcon.isNull ())
			const int size = std::min (16, iconSize);
			const QPixmap& px = accIcon.pixmap (size, size);
			pxDraw.rx () -= px.width ();
			const QPoint& delta = QPoint (0, (iconSize - px.height ()) / 2);
			painter->drawPixmap (pxDraw + delta, px);
void AccountsListDialog::on_Delete__released()
    QModelIndex index = Ui_.Accounts_->
                        selectionModel ()->currentIndex ();
    if (!index.isValid ())

    IAccount *acc = index
                    .data (RAccObj).value<IAccount*> ();
    QObject *protoObj = acc->GetParentProtocol ();
    IProtocol *proto = qobject_cast<IProtocol*> (protoObj);
    if (!proto)
        qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
                    << "parent protocol for"
                    << acc->GetAccountID ()
                    << "doesn't implement IProtocol";
    proto->RemoveAccount (acc->GetObject ());