void cleanup() { if ( pElemProp != NULL ) { pElemProp->Release(); pElemProp = NULL; } if ( pElemProps != NULL ) { pElemProps->Release(); pElemProps = NULL; } if ( pElem != NULL ) { pElem->Release(); pElem = NULL; } if ( pElemColl != NULL ) { pElemColl->Release(); pElemColl = NULL; } if ( pParentElem != NULL ) { pParentElem->Release(); pParentElem = NULL; } if ( pMgr != NULL ) { pMgr->Release(); pMgr = NULL; } SysFreeString( bstrConfigCommitPath ); SysFreeString( bstrSectionName ); SysFreeString( bstrPropertyName ); CoUninitialize(); }
HRESULT CModuleConfiguration::CreateNodeEnvironment(IHttpContext* ctx, DWORD debugPort, PCH namedPipe, PCH* env) { HRESULT hr; LPCH currentEnvironment = NULL; LPCH tmpStart, tmpIndex = NULL; DWORD tmpSize; DWORD environmentSize; IAppHostElement* section = NULL; IAppHostElementCollection* appSettings = NULL; IAppHostElement* entry = NULL; IAppHostPropertyCollection* properties = NULL; IAppHostProperty* prop = NULL; BSTR keyPropertyName = NULL; BSTR valuePropertyName = NULL; VARIANT vKeyPropertyName; VARIANT vValuePropertyName; DWORD count; BSTR propertyValue; int propertySize; CheckNull(env); *env = NULL; // this is a zero terminated list of zero terminated strings of the form <var>=<value> // calculate size of current environment ErrorIf(NULL == (currentEnvironment = GetEnvironmentStrings()), GetLastError()); environmentSize = 0; do { while (*(currentEnvironment + environmentSize++) != 0); } while (*(currentEnvironment + environmentSize++) != 0); // allocate memory for new environment variables tmpSize = 32767 - environmentSize; ErrorIf(NULL == (tmpIndex = tmpStart = new char[tmpSize]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); RtlZeroMemory(tmpIndex, tmpSize); // set PORT and IISNODE_VERSION variables ErrorIf(tmpSize < (strlen(namedPipe) + strlen(IISNODE_VERSION) + 6 + 17), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); sprintf(tmpIndex, "PORT=%s", namedPipe); tmpIndex += strlen(namedPipe) + 6; sprintf(tmpIndex, "IISNODE_VERSION=%s", IISNODE_VERSION); tmpIndex += strlen(IISNODE_VERSION) + 17; // set DEBUGPORT environment variable if requested (used by node-inspector) if (debugPort > 0) { char debugPortS[64]; sprintf(debugPortS, "%d", debugPort); ErrorIf((tmpSize - (tmpIndex - tmpStart)) < (strlen(debugPortS) + 11), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); sprintf(tmpIndex, "DEBUGPORT=%s", debugPortS); tmpIndex += strlen(debugPortS) + 11; } // add environment variables from the appSettings section of config ErrorIf(NULL == (keyPropertyName = SysAllocString(L"key")), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); vKeyPropertyName.vt = VT_BSTR; vKeyPropertyName.bstrVal = keyPropertyName; ErrorIf(NULL == (valuePropertyName = SysAllocString(L"value")), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); vValuePropertyName.vt = VT_BSTR; vValuePropertyName.bstrVal = valuePropertyName; CheckError(GetConfigSection(ctx, §ion, L"appSettings")); CheckError(section->get_Collection(&appSettings)); CheckError(appSettings->get_Count(&count)); for (USHORT i = 0; i < count; i++) { VARIANT index; index.vt = VT_I2; index.iVal = i; CheckError(appSettings->get_Item(index, &entry)); CheckError(entry->get_Properties(&properties)); CheckError(properties->get_Item(vKeyPropertyName, &prop)); CheckError(prop->get_StringValue(&propertyValue)); ErrorIf(0 == (propertySize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, propertyValue, wcslen(propertyValue), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)), E_FAIL); ErrorIf((propertySize + 2) > (tmpSize - (tmpStart - tmpIndex)), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ErrorIf(propertySize != WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, propertyValue, wcslen(propertyValue), tmpIndex, propertySize, NULL, NULL), E_FAIL); tmpIndex[propertySize] = '='; tmpIndex += propertySize + 1; SysFreeString(propertyValue); propertyValue = NULL; prop->Release(); prop = NULL; CheckError(properties->get_Item(vValuePropertyName, &prop)); CheckError(prop->get_StringValue(&propertyValue)); ErrorIf(0 == (propertySize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, propertyValue, wcslen(propertyValue), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)), E_FAIL); ErrorIf((propertySize + 1) > (tmpSize - (tmpStart - tmpIndex)), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ErrorIf(propertySize != WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, propertyValue, wcslen(propertyValue), tmpIndex, propertySize, NULL, NULL), E_FAIL); tmpIndex += propertySize + 1; SysFreeString(propertyValue); propertyValue = NULL; prop->Release(); prop = NULL; properties->Release(); properties = NULL; entry->Release(); entry = NULL; } // concatenate new environment variables with the current environment block ErrorIf(NULL == (*env = (LPCH)new char[environmentSize + (tmpIndex - tmpStart)]), ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); memcpy(*env, tmpStart, (tmpIndex - tmpStart)); memcpy(*env + (tmpIndex - tmpStart), currentEnvironment, environmentSize); // cleanup FreeEnvironmentStrings(currentEnvironment); section->Release(); appSettings->Release(); SysFreeString(keyPropertyName); SysFreeString(valuePropertyName); delete [] tmpStart; return S_OK; Error: if (currentEnvironment) { FreeEnvironmentStrings(currentEnvironment); currentEnvironment = NULL; } if (section) { section->Release(); section = NULL; } if (appSettings) { appSettings->Release(); appSettings = NULL; } if (keyPropertyName) { SysFreeString(keyPropertyName); keyPropertyName = NULL; } if (valuePropertyName) { SysFreeString(valuePropertyName); valuePropertyName = NULL; } if (entry) { entry->Release(); entry = NULL; } if (properties) { properties->Release(); properties = NULL; } if (prop) { prop->Release(); prop = NULL; } if (propertyValue) { SysFreeString(propertyValue); propertyValue = NULL; } if (tmpStart) { delete [] tmpStart; tmpStart = NULL; } return hr; }
REQUEST_NOTIFICATION_STATUS OnSendResponse( IN IHttpContext * pHttpContext, IN ISendResponseProvider * pProvider ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pProvider ); pMgr = NULL; pParentElem = NULL; pElemColl = NULL; pElem = NULL; pElemProps = NULL; pElemProp = NULL; hr = S_OK; bstrConfigCommitPath = SysAllocString( L"MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST" ); bstrSectionName = SysAllocString( L"system.webServer/stripHeaders" ); bstrPropertyName = SysAllocString( L"name" ); dwElementCount = 0; vtPropertyName.vt = VT_BSTR; vtPropertyName.bstrVal = bstrPropertyName; // Initialize hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // Set the error status. pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); // cleanup cleanup(); // End additional processing. return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } // Create hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof( AppHostAdminManager ), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof( IAppHostAdminManager ), (void**) &pMgr ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); cleanup(); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } // Get the admin section hr = pMgr->GetAdminSection( bstrSectionName, bstrConfigCommitPath, &pParentElem ); if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( &pParentElem == NULL ) ) { pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); cleanup(); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } // Get the site collection hr = pParentElem->get_Collection( &pElemColl ); if ( FAILED ( hr ) || ( &pElemColl == NULL ) ) { pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); cleanup(); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } // Get the elements hr = pElemColl->get_Count( &dwElementCount ); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < dwElementCount; i++ ) { VARIANT vtItemIndex; vtItemIndex.vt = VT_I2; vtItemIndex.iVal = i; // Add a new section group hr = pElemColl->get_Item( vtItemIndex, &pElem ); if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( &pElem == NULL ) ) { pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); cleanup(); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } // Get the child elements hr = pElem->get_Properties( &pElemProps ); if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( &pElemProps == NULL ) ) { pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); cleanup(); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } hr = pElemProps->get_Item( vtPropertyName, &pElemProp ); if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( pElemProp == NULL ) ) { pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); cleanup(); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } hr = pElemProp->get_Value( &vtValue ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); cleanup(); return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } // Retrieve a pointer to the response. IHttpResponse * pHttpResponse = pHttpContext->GetResponse(); // Test for an error. if ( pHttpResponse != NULL ) { // convert bstr to string in order to delete header _bstr_t header( vtValue.bstrVal ); // delete header hr = pHttpResponse->DeleteHeader( (char *)header ); // Test for an error. if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // Set the error status. pProvider->SetErrorStatus( hr ); // cleanup cleanup(); // End additional processing. return RQ_NOTIFICATION_FINISH_REQUEST; } } // loop_cleanup if ( pElem != NULL ) { pElem->Release(); pElem = NULL; } } cleanup(); // Return processing to the pipeline. return RQ_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE; }