Example #1
bool CDatum::DeserializeTextUTF8 (IByteStream &Stream, CDatum *retDatum)

//	DeserializeTextUTF8
//	Loads straight UTF-8 into a single string value.

	CStringBuffer Buffer;

	//	See if we have an encoding mark

	Stream.Read(BOM, sizeof(BOM));
	if (BOM[0] == 0xef && BOM[1] == 0xbb && BOM[2] == 0xbf)
		;	//	UTF-8

	//	Otherwise, not an encoding mark, so write it to the buffer

		Buffer.Write(BOM, sizeof(BOM));

	//	Write the rest

	Buffer.Write(Stream, Stream.GetStreamLength());
	return CreateStringFromHandoff(Buffer, retDatum);
Example #2
bool CDatum::CreateBinary (IByteStream &Stream, int iSize, CDatum *retDatum)

//	CreateBinary
//	Creates a string datum containing binary data from the stream.
//	If iSize is -1 then we read as much as the stream has.
//	Otherwise  we read up to iSize.

	//	LATER: Handle streams more than 2GB. Instead of asking how much space
	//	is left, maybe we should just ask to truncate the size that we're
	//	requesting.
	int iDataRemaining = Stream.GetStreamLength() - Stream.GetPos();
	int iBinarySize = (iSize < 0 ? iDataRemaining : Min(iDataRemaining, iSize));

	//	0-size

	if (iBinarySize == 0)
		*retDatum = CDatum();
		return true;

	//	Read the stream

	CComplexBinary *pBinary;
		pBinary = new CComplexBinary(Stream, iBinarySize);
	catch (...)
		return false;

	//	Done

	*retDatum = CDatum(pBinary);

	//	Done

	return true;