bool CLModel::TryDropFile (const QMimeData* mime, const QModelIndex& parent) { if ( (Core::CLREntryType).value<Core::CLEntryType> () != Core::CLETContact) return false; QObject *entryObj = (Core::CLREntryObject).value<QObject*> (); ICLEntry *entry = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (entryObj); if (entry->Variants ().isEmpty ()) return false; IAccount *acc = qobject_cast<IAccount*> (entry->GetParentAccount ()); ITransferManager *mgr = qobject_cast<ITransferManager*> (acc->GetTransferManager ()); if (!mgr) return false; const QList<QUrl>& urls = mime->urls (); if (urls.isEmpty ()) return false; QString text; if (urls.size () > 2) text = tr ("Are you sure you want to send %n files to %1?", 0, urls.size ()) .arg (entry->GetEntryName ()); else { QStringList list; Q_FOREACH (const QUrl& url, urls) list << QFileInfo (url.path ()).fileName (); text = tr ("Are you sure you want to send %1 to %2?") .arg ("<em>" + list.join (", ") + "</em>") .arg (entry->GetEntryName ()); } if (QMessageBox::question (0, "LeechCraft", text, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes) return false; Q_FOREACH (const QUrl& url, urls) { const QString& path = url.toLocalFile (); if (!QFileInfo (path).exists ()) continue; QObject *job = mgr->SendFile (entry->GetEntryID (), entry->Variants ().first (), path); Core::Instance ().GetTransferJobManager()->HandleJob (job); } return true; }
void MetaEntry::handleRealNameChanged (const QString&) { QObject *obj = sender (); ICLEntry *entry = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (obj); handleRealVariantsChanged (entry->Variants (), obj); }
void ContactListDelegate::DrawContact (QPainter *painter, QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option, const QModelIndex& index) const { QObject *entryObj = (Core::CLREntryObject).value<QObject*> (); ICLEntry *entry = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (entryObj); const bool isMUC = entry->GetEntryType () == ICLEntry::ETMUC; QStyle *style = option.widget ? option.widget->style () : QApplication::style (); const QRect& r = option.rect; const int sHeight = r.height (); const int iconSize = sHeight - 2 * CPadding; const int clientIconSize = (iconSize > 16) ? 16 : iconSize; const QIcon& stateIcon = (Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon> (); QString name = (Qt::DisplayRole).value<QString> (); const QString status = entry->GetStatus ().StatusString_.replace ('\n', ' '); const QImage& avatarImg = ShowAvatars_ ? Core::Instance ().GetAvatar (entry, iconSize) : QImage (); const int unreadNum = (Core::CLRUnreadMsgCount).toInt (); const QString& unreadStr = unreadNum ? QString (" %1 :: ").arg (unreadNum) : QString (); if (ShowStatuses_ && !status.isEmpty ()) name += " (" + status + ")"; const bool selected = option.state & QStyle::State_Selected; const QColor fgColor = selected ? option.palette.color (QPalette::HighlightedText) : option.palette.color (QPalette::Text); QFont unreadFont; int unreadSpace = 0; if (unreadNum) { unreadFont = option.font; unreadFont.setBold (true); unreadSpace = CPadding + QFontMetrics (unreadFont).width (unreadStr); } const int textShift = 2 * CPadding + iconSize + unreadSpace; const QStringList& vars = entry->Variants (); QList<QIcon> clientIcons; if (!isMUC && ShowClientIcons_) { const auto& iconsMap = Core::Instance ().GetClientIconForEntry (entry); for (int i = 0; i < std::min (vars.size (), 4); ++i) clientIcons << iconsMap [ (i)]; clientIcons.erase (std::remove_if (clientIcons.begin (), clientIcons.end (), [] (const QIcon& icon) { return icon.isNull (); }), clientIcons.end ()); } if (entry->GetEntryType () == ICLEntry::ETPrivateChat) { const QByteArray& aff = (Core::CLRAffiliation).toByteArray (); const QIcon& icon = Core::Instance ().GetAffIcon (aff); if (!icon.isNull ()) clientIcons.prepend (icon); } if (!vars.isEmpty ()) { const QMap<QString, QVariant>& addInfo = entry->GetClientInfo (vars.first ()); if (addInfo.contains ("user_activity")) { const QMap<QString, QVariant>& actInfo = addInfo ["user_activity"].toMap (); const QString& iconName = ActivityIconset_ + '/' + GetActivityIconName (actInfo ["general"].toString (), actInfo ["specific"].toString ()); QIcon icon = ActivityIconCache_ [iconName]; if (icon.isNull ()) icon = QIcon (Core::Instance () .GetResourceLoader (Core::RLTActivityIconLoader)-> GetIconPath (iconName)); if (!icon.isNull ()) { clientIcons.prepend (icon); ActivityIconCache_ [iconName] = icon; } } if (addInfo.contains ("user_mood")) { const QMap<QString, QVariant>& moodInfo = addInfo ["user_mood"].toMap (); QString iconName = moodInfo ["mood"].toString (); iconName [0] = (0).toUpper (); iconName.prepend (MoodIconset_ + '/'); QIcon icon = MoodIconCache_ [iconName]; if (icon.isNull ()) icon = QIcon (Core::Instance () .GetResourceLoader (Core::RLTMoodIconLoader)-> GetIconPath (iconName)); if (!icon.isNull ()) { clientIcons.prepend (icon); MoodIconCache_ [iconName] = icon; } } if (addInfo.contains ("user_tune")) LoadSystemIcon ("/notification_roster_tune", clientIcons); ISupportGeolocation *geoloc = qobject_cast<ISupportGeolocation*> (entry->GetParentAccount ()); if (geoloc) { const GeolocationInfo_t& info = geoloc-> GetUserGeolocationInfo (entryObj, vars.value (0, QString ())); if (!info.isEmpty ()) LoadSystemIcon ("/geolocation", clientIcons); } } const int clientsIconsWidth = clientIcons.isEmpty () ? 0 : clientIcons.size () * (clientIconSize + CPadding); /* text for width is total width minus shift of the text from * the left (textShift) minus space for avatar (if present) with * paddings minus space for client icons and paddings between * them: there are N-1 paddings inbetween if there are N icons. */ const int textWidth = r.width () - textShift - (isMUC || !ShowAvatars_ ? 0 : (iconSize + 2 * CPadding)) - clientsIconsWidth; QPixmap pixmap (r.size ()); pixmap.fill (Qt::transparent); QPainter p (&pixmap); if (selected || (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)) { QStyleOptionViewItemV4 bgOpt = option; bgOpt.rect.moveTopLeft (QPoint (0, 0)); style->drawPrimitive (QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &bgOpt, &p, option.widget); } p.setPen (fgColor); if (unreadNum) { p.setFont (unreadFont); p.drawText (textShift - unreadSpace, CPadding, textWidth, r.height () - 2 * CPadding, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, unreadStr); } p.setFont (option.font); p.drawText (textShift, CPadding, textWidth, r.height () - 2 * CPadding, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, option.fontMetrics.elidedText (name, Qt::ElideRight, textWidth)); const QPixmap& stateIconPx = stateIcon.pixmap (iconSize, iconSize); p.drawPixmap (QPoint (CPadding, (sHeight - stateIconPx.height ()) / 2), stateIconPx); if (!avatarImg.isNull ()) p.drawPixmap (QPoint (textShift + textWidth + clientsIconsWidth + CPadding, CPadding), QPixmap::fromImage (avatarImg)); int currentShift = textShift + textWidth + CPadding; Q_FOREACH (const QIcon& icon, clientIcons) { p.drawPixmap (QPoint (currentShift, (sHeight - stateIconPx.height ()) / 2), icon.pixmap (clientIconSize, clientIconSize)); currentShift += clientIconSize + CPadding; }