bool KinectInterface::start_device() {
	kinectSensor = nullptr;
	hr = GetDefaultKinectSensor(&kinectSensor);

	// initialize Kinect Sensor
	if (FAILED(hr) || !kinectSensor) {
		std::cout << "ERROR hr=" << hr << "; sensor=" << kinectSensor << std::endl;
		return false;

	// initialize depth frame reader
	//	FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Depth | FrameSourceTypes::FrameSourceTypes_Color,
	//	&reader));
	IDepthFrameSource* depthFrameSource = nullptr;
	if (depthFrameSource) depthFrameSource->Release();

	IColorFrameSource* colorFrameSource = nullptr;
	if (depthFrameSource) colorFrameSource->Release();

	return true;
Example #2
// コンストラクタ
  // センサを取得する
  if (sensor == NULL && GetDefaultKinectSensor(&sensor) == S_OK)
    HRESULT hr;

    // センサの使用を開始する
    hr = sensor->Open();
    assert(hr == S_OK);

    // デプスデータの読み込み設定
    IDepthFrameSource *depthSource;
    hr = sensor->get_DepthFrameSource(&depthSource);
    assert(hr == S_OK);
    hr = depthSource->OpenReader(&depthReader);
    assert(hr == S_OK);
    IFrameDescription *depthDescription;
    hr = depthSource->get_FrameDescription(&depthDescription);
    assert(hr == S_OK);

    // デプスデータのサイズを得る

    // カラーデータの読み込み設定
    IColorFrameSource *colorSource;
    hr = sensor->get_ColorFrameSource(&colorSource);
    assert(hr == S_OK);
    hr = colorSource->OpenReader(&colorReader);
    assert(hr == S_OK);
    IFrameDescription *colorDescription;
    hr = colorSource->get_FrameDescription(&colorDescription);
    assert(hr == S_OK);

    // カラーデータのサイズを得る

    // 座標のマッピング
    hr = sensor->get_CoordinateMapper(&coordinateMapper);
    assert(hr == S_OK);

    // depthCount と colorCount を計算してテクスチャとバッファオブジェクトを作成する

    // デプスデータからカメラ座標を求めるときに用いる一時メモリを確保する
    position = new GLfloat[depthCount][3];

    // カラーデータを変換する用いる一時メモリを確保する
    color = new GLubyte[colorCount * 4];
IFrameDescription* Kinect2StreamImpl::getFrameDescription(OniSensorType sensorType)
  if (!m_pKinectSensor) {
    return NULL;

  IFrameDescription* frameDescription = NULL;
  if (sensorType == ONI_SENSOR_COLOR) {
    IColorFrameSource* frameSource = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_ColorFrameSource(&frameSource);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      hr = frameSource->get_FrameDescription(&frameDescription);
      if (FAILED(hr) && frameDescription) {
        frameDescription = NULL;
    if (frameSource) {
  else if (sensorType == ONI_SENSOR_DEPTH) {
    IDepthFrameSource* frameSource = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_DepthFrameSource(&frameSource);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      hr = frameSource->get_FrameDescription(&frameDescription);
      if (FAILED(hr) && frameDescription) {
        frameDescription = NULL;
    if (frameSource) {
  else { // ONI_SENSOR_IR
    IInfraredFrameSource* frameSource = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_InfraredFrameSource(&frameSource);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      hr = frameSource->get_FrameDescription(&frameDescription);
      if (FAILED(hr) && frameDescription) {
        frameDescription = NULL;
    if (frameSource) {

  return frameDescription;
void Kinect2StreamImpl::openFrameReader()
  if (!m_pKinectSensor) {

  if (m_sensorType == ONI_SENSOR_COLOR && !m_pFrameReader.color) {
    IColorFrameSource* frameSource = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_ColorFrameSource(&frameSource);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      hr = frameSource->OpenReader(&m_pFrameReader.color);
      if (FAILED(hr) && m_pFrameReader.color) {
        m_pFrameReader.color = NULL;
    if (frameSource) {
  else if (m_sensorType == ONI_SENSOR_DEPTH && !m_pFrameReader.depth) {
    IDepthFrameSource* frameSource = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_DepthFrameSource(&frameSource);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      hr = frameSource->OpenReader(&m_pFrameReader.depth);
      if (FAILED(hr) && m_pFrameReader.depth) {
        m_pFrameReader.depth = NULL;
    if (frameSource) {
  else if(!m_pFrameReader.infrared) { // ONI_SENSOR_IR
    IInfraredFrameSource* frameSource = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = m_pKinectSensor->get_InfraredFrameSource(&frameSource);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      hr = frameSource->OpenReader(&m_pFrameReader.infrared);
      if (FAILED(hr) && m_pFrameReader.infrared) {
        m_pFrameReader.infrared = NULL;
    if (frameSource) {
Example #5
bool initKinect() {
    if (FAILED(GetDefaultKinectSensor(&sensor))) {
		return false;
	if (sensor) {
		IColorFrameSource* framesource = NULL;
		if (framesource) {
			framesource = NULL;
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
Example #6
int main()
	// 1. Sensor related code
	cout << "Try to get default sensor" << endl;
		if (GetDefaultKinectSensor(&pSensor) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Get Sensor failed" << endl;
			return -1;

		cout << "Try to open sensor" << endl;
		if (pSensor->Open() != S_OK)	 {
			cerr << "Can't open sensor" << endl;
			return -1;

	// 2. Color related code
	cout << "Try to get color source" << endl;
		// Get frame source
		IColorFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
		if (pSensor->get_ColorFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get color frame source" << endl;
			return -1;

		// Get frame description
		cout << "get color frame description" << endl;
		IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = nullptr;
		if (pFrameSource->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription) == S_OK)	{

			uColorPointNum = iColorWidth * iColorHeight;
			uColorBufferSize = uColorPointNum * 4 * sizeof(BYTE);

			pCSPoints = new CameraSpacePoint[uColorPointNum];
			pColorBuffer = new BYTE[4 * uColorPointNum];
		pFrameDescription = nullptr;

		// get frame reader
		cout << "Try to get color frame reader" << endl;
		if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pColorFrameReader) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get color frame reader" << endl;
			return -1;

		// release Frame source
		cout << "Release frame source" << endl;
		pFrameSource = nullptr;

	// 3. Depth related code
	cout << "Try to get depth source" << endl;
		// Get frame source
		IDepthFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
		if (pSensor->get_DepthFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get depth frame source" << endl;
			return -1;

		// Get frame description
		cout << "get depth frame description" << endl;
		IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = nullptr;
		if (pFrameSource->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription) == S_OK) {
			int	iDepthWidth = 0,
				iDepthHeight = 0;
			uDepthPointNum = iDepthWidth * iDepthHeight;
			pDepthBuffer = new UINT16[uDepthPointNum];
		pFrameDescription = nullptr;

		// get frame reader
		cout << "Try to get depth frame reader" << endl;
		if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pDepthFrameReader) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get depth frame reader" << endl;
			return -1;

		// release Frame source
		cout << "Release frame source" << endl;
		pFrameSource = nullptr;

	// 4. Coordinate Mapper
	if (pSensor->get_CoordinateMapper(&pCoordinateMapper) != S_OK) {
		cerr << "get_CoordinateMapper failed" << endl;
		return -1;

	while (1) {
		if ((int)pColorBuffer[0] != 0) {		

	return 0;
Example #7
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	// 1a. Get default Sensor
	std::cout << "Try to get default sensor" << std::endl;
	IKinectSensor* pSensor = nullptr;
	if (GetDefaultKinectSensor(&pSensor) != S_OK) {
		cerr << "Get Sensor failed" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// 1b. Open sensor
	std::cout << "Try to open sensor" << std::endl;
	if (pSensor->Open() != S_OK) {
		cerr << "Can't open sensor" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// 2. Color Related code
	IColorFrameReader* pColorFrameReader = nullptr;
	cv::Mat	mColorImg;
	UINT uBufferSize = 0;
		// 2a. Get color frame source
		std::cout << "Try to get color source" << std::endl;
		IColorFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
		if (pSensor->get_ColorFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get color frame source" << std::endl;
			return -1;

		// 2b. Get frame description
		std::cout << "get color frame description" << std::endl;
		int		iWidth = 0;
		int		iHeight = 0;
		IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = nullptr;
		if (pFrameSource->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription) == S_OK)	{
		pFrameDescription = nullptr;

		// 2c. get frame reader
		std::cout << "Try to get color frame reader" << std::endl;
		if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pColorFrameReader) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get color frame reader" << std::endl;
			return -1;

		// 2d. release Frame source
		std::cout << "Release frame source" << std::endl;
		pFrameSource = nullptr;

		// Prepare OpenCV data
		mColorImg = cv::Mat(iHeight, iWidth, CV_8UC4);
		uBufferSize = iHeight * iWidth * 4 * sizeof(BYTE);

	// 3. Body related code
	IBodyFrameReader* pBodyFrameReader = nullptr;
	IBody** aBodyData = nullptr;
	INT32 iBodyCount = 0;
		// 3a. Get frame source
		std::cout << "Try to get body source" << std::endl;
		IBodyFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
		if (pSensor->get_BodyFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get body frame source" << std::endl;
			return -1;

		// 3b. Get the number of body
		if (pFrameSource->get_BodyCount(&iBodyCount) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get body count" << std::endl;
			return -1;
		std::cout << " > Can trace " << iBodyCount << " bodies" << std::endl;
		aBodyData = new IBody*[iBodyCount];
		for (int i = 0; i < iBodyCount; ++i)
			aBodyData[i] = nullptr;

		// 3c. get frame reader
		std::cout << "Try to get body frame reader" << std::endl;
		if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pBodyFrameReader) != S_OK) {
			cerr << "Can't get body frame reader" << std::endl;
			return -1;

		// 3d. release Frame source
		std::cout << "Release frame source" << std::endl;
		pFrameSource = nullptr;

	// 4. get CoordinateMapper
	ICoordinateMapper* pCoordinateMapper = nullptr;
	if (pSensor->get_CoordinateMapper(&pCoordinateMapper) != S_OK) {
		std::cout << "Can't get coordinate mapper" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// Enter main loop
	cv::namedWindow("Body Image");

	// Debug:output the velocity of joints
	ofstream current_average_velocityTXT("current_average_velocity.txt");
	ofstream average_velocityTXT("average_velocity.txt");
	int frame_count = 0;
	int frame_count_for_standby = 0;
	float positionX0[25] = {0};
	float positionX1[25] = {0};
	float positionY0[25] = { 0 };
	float positionY1[25] = { 0 };
	float positionZ0[25] = { 0 };
	float positionZ1[25] = { 0 };

	float velocityX[25] = { 0 };
	float velocityY[25] = { 0 };
	float velocityZ[25] = { 0 };
	float current_velocity[25] = { 0 };
	float velocityee[8] = { 0 };
	float current_total_velocity = 0;
	float current_average_velocity = 0;
	float total_velocity = 0;
	float average_velocity = 0;

	while (true)
		// 4a. Get last frame
		IColorFrame* pColorFrame = nullptr;
		if (pColorFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pColorFrame) == S_OK)	 {
			// 4c. Copy to OpenCV image
			if (pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(uBufferSize,, ColorImageFormat_Bgra) != S_OK)	{
				cerr << "Data copy error" << endl;
			// 4e. release frame
		cv::Mat mImg = mColorImg.clone();
		// 4b. Get body data
		IBodyFrame* pBodyFrame = nullptr;	
		if (pBodyFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pBodyFrame) == S_OK) {
			// 4b. get Body data
			if (pBodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData(iBodyCount, aBodyData) == S_OK) {
				// 4c. for each body
				for (int i = 0; i < iBodyCount; ++i) {
					IBody* pBody = aBodyData[i];
					// check if is tracked
					BOOLEAN bTracked = false;
					if ((pBody->get_IsTracked(&bTracked) == S_OK) && bTracked) {
						// get joint position
						Joint aJoints[JointType::JointType_Count];
						if (pBody->GetJoints(JointType::JointType_Count, aJoints) == S_OK) {
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_SpineBase], aJoints[JointType_SpineMid], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_SpineMid], aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], aJoints[JointType_Neck], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_Neck], aJoints[JointType_Head], pCoordinateMapper);

							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], aJoints[JointType_ShoulderLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_ShoulderLeft], aJoints[JointType_ElbowLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_ElbowLeft], aJoints[JointType_WristLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_WristLeft], aJoints[JointType_HandLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_HandLeft], aJoints[JointType_HandTipLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_HandLeft], aJoints[JointType_ThumbLeft], pCoordinateMapper);

							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], aJoints[JointType_ShoulderRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_ShoulderRight], aJoints[JointType_ElbowRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_ElbowRight], aJoints[JointType_WristRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_WristRight], aJoints[JointType_HandRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_HandRight], aJoints[JointType_HandTipRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_HandRight], aJoints[JointType_ThumbRight], pCoordinateMapper);

							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_SpineBase], aJoints[JointType_HipLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_HipLeft], aJoints[JointType_KneeLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_KneeLeft], aJoints[JointType_AnkleLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_AnkleLeft], aJoints[JointType_FootLeft], pCoordinateMapper);

							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_SpineBase], aJoints[JointType_HipRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_HipRight], aJoints[JointType_KneeRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_KneeRight], aJoints[JointType_AnkleRight], pCoordinateMapper);
							DrawLine(mImg, aJoints[JointType_AnkleRight], aJoints[JointType_FootRight], pCoordinateMapper);
						// Debug:print out the number of frame					
						std::cout << "frame " << ++frame_count << std::endl;
						for (int j = 1; j < 8; j++) {
							velocityee[j] = velocityee[j-1];
							total_velocity += velocityee[j];
						average_velocity = total_velocity / 8.0;
						if (average_velocity <= 0.0015) {	
							// determine if the person is still 
							if (frame_count_for_standby == 0) {
								PlaySound(TEXT("Alarm02.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME);
								std::cout << "Start capturing points!" << std::endl;
							// count the number of frame whose velocity is below the threshold
							if (frame_count_for_standby >= 5) {
								frame_count_for_standby = 0;
						// Debug:output the average velocity 
						average_velocityTXT << frame_count << " " << average_velocity << std::endl;
						total_velocity = 0;
						// Update the average velocity
						int available_joints = 0;
						for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
							// X 
							positionX1[i] = positionX0[i];
							positionX0[i] = aJoints[i].Position.X;
							velocityX[i] = (positionX1[i] - positionX0[i]) * (positionX1[i] - positionX0[i]);
							// Y
							positionY1[i] = positionY0[i];
							positionY0[i] = aJoints[i].Position.Y;
							velocityY[i] = (positionY1[i] - positionY0[i]) * (positionY1[i] - positionY0[i]);
							// Z
							positionZ1[i] = positionZ0[i];
							positionZ0[i] = aJoints[i].Position.Z;
							velocityZ[i] = (positionZ1[i] - positionZ0[i]) * (positionZ1[i] - positionZ0[i]);
							current_velocity[i] = sqrtf(velocityX[i] + velocityY[i] + velocityZ[i]);
							// exclude the discrete velocity
							if (current_velocity[i] < 0.01) {
								current_total_velocity += current_velocity[i];
						// If no joint is available, save the velocity of last frame
						if (available_joints != 0) {
							current_average_velocity = current_total_velocity / available_joints;
						velocityee[0] = current_average_velocity;
						// Debug:output the current average velocity 
						current_average_velocityTXT << frame_count << " " << current_average_velocity << std::endl;
						current_total_velocity = 0;					
			} else {
				cerr << "Can't read body data" << endl;
			// 4e. release frame
		// show image
		cv::imshow("Body Image",mImg);
		// 4c. check keyboard input
		if (cv::waitKey(30) == VK_ESCAPE) {
	// 3. delete body data array
	delete[] aBodyData;
	// 3. release frame reader
	std::cout << "Release body frame reader" << std::endl;
	pBodyFrameReader = nullptr;
	// 2. release color frame reader
	std::cout << "Release color frame reader" << std::endl;
	pColorFrameReader = nullptr;
	// 1c. Close Sensor
	std::cout << "close sensor" << std::endl;
	// 1d. Release Sensor
	std::cout << "Release sensor" << std::endl;
	pSensor = nullptr;

	return 0;
Example #8
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   int first_time = 0;
   Size screen_size(1440, 900);//the dst image size,e.g.100x100
   Scalar text_color = Scalar(0, 255, 0);
   Scalar text_color2 = Scalar(0, 255, 255);
   Scalar text_color3 = Scalar(0, 0, 255);

   inhaler_coach coach;
   coach.control = 0;
   thread mThread(test_func, &coach);

   // 1a. Get Kinect Sensor
   cout << "Try to get default sensor" << endl;
   IKinectSensor* pSensor = nullptr;
   if (GetDefaultKinectSensor(&pSensor) != S_OK)
      cerr << "Get Sensor failed" << endl;
      return -1;

   // 1b. Open sensor
   cout << "Try to open sensor" << endl;
   if (pSensor->Open() != S_OK)
      cerr << "Can't open sensor" << endl;
      return -1;

   // 2. Color Related code
   IColorFrameReader* pColorFrameReader = nullptr;
   cv::Mat	mColorImg;
   UINT uBufferSize = 0;
   UINT uColorPointNum = 0;
   int iWidth = 0;
   int iHeight = 0;
      // 2a. Get color frame source
      cout << "Try to get color source" << endl;
      IColorFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
      if (pSensor->get_ColorFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get color frame source" << endl;
         return -1;

      // 2b. Get frame description
      cout << "get color frame description" << endl;
      IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = nullptr;
      if (pFrameSource->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription) == S_OK)
      pFrameDescription = nullptr;

      // 2c. get frame reader
      cout << "Try to get color frame reader" << endl;
      if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pColorFrameReader) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get color frame reader" << endl;
         return -1;

      // 2d. release Frame source
      cout << "Release frame source" << endl;
      pFrameSource = nullptr;

      // Prepare OpenCV data
      mColorImg = cv::Mat(iHeight, iWidth, CV_8UC4);
      uBufferSize = iHeight * iWidth * 4 * sizeof(BYTE);
      uColorPointNum = iHeight * iWidth;

   // 3. Depth related code
   IDepthFrameReader* pDepthFrameReader = nullptr;
   UINT uDepthPointNum = 0;
   int iDepthWidth = 0, iDepthHeight = 0;
   cout << "Try to get depth source" << endl;
      // Get frame source
      IDepthFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
      if (pSensor->get_DepthFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get depth frame source" << endl;
         return -1;

      // Get frame description
      cout << "get depth frame description" << endl;
      IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = nullptr;
      if (pFrameSource->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription) == S_OK)
         uDepthPointNum = iDepthWidth * iDepthHeight;
      pFrameDescription = nullptr;

      // get frame reader
      cout << "Try to get depth frame reader" << endl;
      if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pDepthFrameReader) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get depth frame reader" << endl;
         return -1;

      // release Frame source
      cout << "Release frame source" << endl;
      pFrameSource = nullptr;

   // 4. Body related code
   IBodyFrameReader* pBodyFrameReader = nullptr;
   IBody** aBodyData = nullptr;
   INT32 iBodyCount = 0;
      // 3a. Get frame source
      cout << "Try to get body source" << endl;
      IBodyFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
      if (pSensor->get_BodyFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get body frame source" << endl;
         return -1;

      // 3b. Get the number of body
      if (pFrameSource->get_BodyCount(&iBodyCount) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get body count" << endl;
         return -1;
      cout << " > Can trace " << iBodyCount << " bodies" << endl;
      aBodyData = new IBody*[iBodyCount];
      for (int i = 0; i < iBodyCount; ++i)
         aBodyData[i] = nullptr;

      // 3c. get frame reader
      cout << "Try to get body frame reader" << endl;
      if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pBodyFrameReader) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get body frame reader" << endl;
         return -1;

      // 3d. release Frame source
      cout << "Release frame source" << endl;
      pFrameSource = nullptr;

   // 4. Body Index releated code
   IBodyIndexFrameReader* pBIFrameReader = nullptr;
   cout << "Try to get body index source" << endl;
      // Get frame source
      IBodyIndexFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr;
      if (pSensor->get_BodyIndexFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get body index frame source" << endl;
         return -1;

      // get frame reader
      cout << "Try to get body index frame reader" << endl;
      if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pBIFrameReader) != S_OK)
         cerr << "Can't get depth frame reader" << endl;
         return -1;

      // release Frame source
      cout << "Release frame source" << endl;
      pFrameSource = nullptr;

   // 5. background
   cv::Mat imgBG(iHeight, iWidth, CV_8UC3);

   // 4. get CoordinateMapper
   ICoordinateMapper* pCoordinateMapper = nullptr;
   if (pSensor->get_CoordinateMapper(&pCoordinateMapper) != S_OK)
      cout << "Can't get coordinate mapper" << endl;
      return -1;

   // Enter main loop
   UINT16* pDepthPoints = new UINT16[uDepthPointNum];
   BYTE*	pBodyIndex = new BYTE[uDepthPointNum];
   DepthSpacePoint* pPointArray = new DepthSpacePoint[uColorPointNum];

   cv::namedWindow("Inhaler Coach");
   while (true)
      // 4a. Get last frame
      IColorFrame* pColorFrame = nullptr;
      if (pColorFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pColorFrame) == S_OK)
         pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(uBufferSize,, ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
         pColorFrame = nullptr;
      cv::Mat mImg = mColorImg.clone();
      // 8b. read depth frame
      IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = nullptr;
      if (pDepthFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pDepthFrame) == S_OK)
         pDepthFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray(uDepthPointNum, pDepthPoints);
         pDepthFrame = nullptr;

      // 8c. read body index frame
      IBodyIndexFrame* pBIFrame = nullptr;
      if (pBIFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pBIFrame) == S_OK)
         pBIFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray(uDepthPointNum, pBodyIndex);
         pBIFrame = nullptr;

      cv::Mat imgTarget = imgBG.clone();
      // 9b. map color to depth
      if (pCoordinateMapper->MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(uDepthPointNum, pDepthPoints, uColorPointNum, pPointArray) == S_OK)
         for (int y = 0; y < imgTarget.rows; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < imgTarget.cols; ++x)
               // ( x, y ) in color frame = rPoint in depth frame
               const DepthSpacePoint& rPoint = pPointArray[y * imgTarget.cols + x];

               // check if rPoint is in range
               if (rPoint.X >= 0 && rPoint.X < iDepthWidth && rPoint.Y >= 0 && rPoint.Y < iDepthHeight)
                  // fill color from color frame if this pixel is user
                  int iIdx = (int)rPoint.X + iDepthWidth * (int)rPoint.Y;
                  if (pBodyIndex[iIdx] < 6)
                     cv::Vec4b& rPixel =<cv::Vec4b>(y, x);
           <cv::Vec3b>(y, x) = cv::Vec3b(rPixel[0], rPixel[1], rPixel[2]);
   cv::Mat imgTarget = mImg.clone();

      // 4b. Get body data
      IBodyFrame* pBodyFrame = nullptr;
      if (pBodyFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pBodyFrame) == S_OK)

         // 4b. get Body data
         if (pBodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData(iBodyCount, aBodyData) == S_OK)
            // 4c. for each body
            for (int i = 0; i < iBodyCount; ++i)
               IBody* pBody = aBodyData[i];

               // check if is tracked
               BOOLEAN bTracked = false;
               if ((pBody->get_IsTracked(&bTracked) == S_OK) && bTracked)
                  // get joint position
                  Joint aJoints[JointType::JointType_Count];
                  if (pBody->GetJoints(JointType::JointType_Count, aJoints) == S_OK)
                     if (coach.state == 0){
                        coach.state = 1;
                        if (first_time == 0){
                           first_time = 1;
                           PlaySound(TEXT("welcome.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME);
#ifdef COACH_DEBUG               
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_SpineBase], aJoints[JointType_SpineMid], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_SpineMid], aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], aJoints[JointType_Neck], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_Neck], aJoints[JointType_Head], pCoordinateMapper);

                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], aJoints[JointType_ShoulderLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_ShoulderLeft], aJoints[JointType_ElbowLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_ElbowLeft], aJoints[JointType_WristLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_WristLeft], aJoints[JointType_HandLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_HandLeft], aJoints[JointType_HandTipLeft], pCoordinateMapper);
                     //DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_HandLeft], aJoints[JointType_ThumbLeft], pCoordinateMapper);

                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_SpineShoulder], aJoints[JointType_ShoulderRight], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_ShoulderRight], aJoints[JointType_ElbowRight], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_ElbowRight], aJoints[JointType_WristRight], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_WristRight], aJoints[JointType_HandRight], pCoordinateMapper);
                     DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_HandRight], aJoints[JointType_HandTipRight], pCoordinateMapper);
                     //DrawLine(imgTarget, aJoints[JointType_HandRight], aJoints[JointType_ThumbRight], pCoordinateMapper);
                     ColorSpacePoint q;
                     ColorSpacePoint head;
                     //ColorSpacePoint w;

                     pCoordinateMapper->MapCameraPointToColorSpace(aJoints[JointType_Head].Position, &head);
                     // check shaking
                     coach.shaking_detection(aJoints, pCoordinateMapper);
                     q = coach.position_checking(aJoints, pCoordinateMapper);
                     circle(imgTarget, cv::Point(q.X, q.Y), 10, Scalar(0, 255, 255), 10, 8, 0);
                     //circle(imgTarget, cv::Point(q.X, q.Y), 10, Scalar(0, 255, 255), 10, 8, 0);
                     rectangle(imgTarget, Point(head.X - 50, head.Y - 40), Point(head.X + 50, head.Y + 90), Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
                     //circle(imgTarget, cv::Point(w.X, w.Y), 10, Scalar(255, 0, 255), 10, 8, 0);
            cerr << "Can't read body data" << endl;

         // 4e. release frame

      switch (coach.state){
         case 0: putText(imgTarget, "CMU Inhaler Coaching System", Point(120, 120), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 2, text_color); break;
         case 1: putText(imgTarget, "Please shake the inhaler", Point(20, 120), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 2, text_color2); break;
         case 2: putText(imgTarget, "Shaking detected", Point(20, 120), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 2, text_color2); break;
         case 3: putText(imgTarget, "Please put the inhaler in front of your mouth", Point(20, 120), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 2, text_color2); break;
         case 4: putText(imgTarget, "Position check OK", Point(20, 120), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 2, text_color2); break;
         case 5: putText(imgTarget, "You forget to shake the inhaler first!!!", Point(20, 120), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 2, text_color3); break;

      // show image
      Mat dst;
      resize(imgTarget, dst, screen_size);
      imshow("Coach", dst);
      // 4c. check keyboard input
      if (cv::waitKey(30) == VK_ESCAPE){
   // 3. delete body data array
   delete[] aBodyData;

   // 3. release frame reader
   cout << "Release body frame reader" << endl;
   pBodyFrameReader = nullptr;

   // 2. release color frame reader
   cout << "Release color frame reader" << endl;
   pColorFrameReader = nullptr;

   // 1c. Close Sensor
   cout << "close sensor" << endl;

   // 1d. Release Sensor
   cout << "Release sensor" << endl;
   pSensor = nullptr;

   return 0;