void CRevertibleConfigLoader::RevertCVarChanges() { if (!m_savedCVars.empty()) { CryLog ("Need to undo %" PRISIZE_T " %s...", m_savedCVars.size(), (m_savedCVars.size() == 1) ? "variable" : "variables"); IConsole * pConsole = gEnv->pConsole; CryFixedStringT<128> cmd; //Revert the saved cvars in reverse order to handle duplicate settings of the same cvar (which shouldn't be done but people ignore warnings) for (int n = m_savedCVars.size()-1; n >= 0; --n) { ICVar * var = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar(m_savedCVars[n].m_name); if (var && var->GetType() == CVAR_STRING && strlen(m_savedCVars[n].m_value) == 0) { var->Set(m_savedCVars[n].m_value); } else { cmd.Format("%s %s", m_savedCVars[n].m_name, m_savedCVars[n].m_value); } pConsole->ExecuteString(cmd.c_str(), true); } m_cvarsTextBlock.EmptyWithoutFreeing(); m_savedCVars.clear(); } }
IGameRef CGameStartup::Init(SSystemInitParams &startupParams) { MEMSTAT_CONTEXT(EMemStatContextTypes::MSC_Other, 0, "Game startup initialisation"); #if defined(CVARS_WHITELIST) startupParams.pCVarsWhitelist = &g_CVarsWhiteList; #endif // defined(CVARS_WHITELIST) startupParams.pGameStartup = this; if (!InitFramework(startupParams)) { return 0; } InlineInitializationProcessing("CGameStartup::Init"); LOADING_TIME_PROFILE_SECTION(m_pFramework->GetISystem()); ISystem* pSystem = m_pFramework->GetISystem(); startupParams.pSystem = pSystem; const ICmdLineArg* pSvBind = gEnv->pSystem->GetICmdLine()->FindArg(eCLAT_Pre, "sv_bind"); IConsole* pConsole = pSystem->GetIConsole(); if ((pSvBind != NULL) && (pConsole != NULL)) { string command = pSvBind->GetName() + string(" ") + pSvBind->GetValue(); pConsole->ExecuteString(command.c_str(), true, false); } #if defined(ENABLE_STATS_AGENT) const ICmdLineArg *pPipeArg = pSystem->GetICmdLine()->FindArg(eCLAT_Pre,"lt_pipename"); CStatsAgent::CreatePipe( pPipeArg ); #endif REGISTER_COMMAND("g_loadMod", CGameStartupStatic::RequestLoadMod,VF_NULL,""); REGISTER_COMMAND("g_unloadMod", CGameStartupStatic::RequestUnloadMod, VF_NULL, ""); // load the appropriate game/mod #if !defined(_RELEASE) const ICmdLineArg *pModArg = pSystem->GetICmdLine()->FindArg(eCLAT_Pre,"MOD"); #else const ICmdLineArg *pModArg = NULL; #endif // !defined(_RELEASE) InlineInitializationProcessing("CGameStartup::Init LoadLocalizationData"); IGameRef pOut; if (pModArg && (*pModArg->GetValue() != 0) && (pSystem->IsMODValid(pModArg->GetValue()))) { const char* pModName = pModArg->GetValue(); assert(pModName); pOut = Reset(pModName); } else { pOut = Reset(GAME_NAME); } if (!m_pFramework->CompleteInit()) { pOut->Shutdown(); return 0; } InlineInitializationProcessing("CGameStartup::Init FrameworkCompleteInit"); // should be after init game (should be executed even if there is no game) if(startupParams.bExecuteCommandLine) pSystem->ExecuteCommandLine(); pSystem->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->RegisterListener(this); // Creates and starts the realtime update system listener. if (pSystem->IsDevMode()) { CGameRealtimeRemoteUpdateListener::GetGameRealtimeRemoteUpdateListener().Enable(true); } GCOV_FLUSH; if (ISystem *pSystem = gEnv ? GetISystem() : NULL) { pSystem->RegisterErrorObserver(&m_errorObsever); pSystem->RegisterWindowMessageHandler(this); } else { CryLogAlways("failed to find ISystem to register error observer"); assert(0); } InlineInitializationProcessing("CGameStartup::Init End"); #if defined(CRY_UNIT_TESTING) // Register All unit tests of this module. #if defined(_LIB) if(gEnv->pSystem) { CryUnitTest::Test *pTest = CryUnitTest::Test::m_pFirst; for (; pTest != 0; pTest = pTest->m_pNext) { CryUnitTest::IUnitTestManager *pTestManager = gEnv->pSystem->GetITestSystem()->GetIUnitTestManager(); if (pTestManager) { pTest->m_unitTestInfo.module = "StaticBinary"; pTestManager->CreateTest( pTest->m_unitTestInfo ); } } } #endif // run unit tests CryUnitTest::IUnitTestManager *pTestManager = (gEnv && gEnv->pSystem) ? gEnv->pSystem->GetITestSystem()->GetIUnitTestManager() : NULL; if (pTestManager) { const ICmdLineArg* pSkipUnitTest = gEnv->pSystem->GetICmdLine()->FindArg(eCLAT_Pre, "skip_unit_tests"); if(pSkipUnitTest == NULL) { const ICmdLineArg* pUseUnitTestExcelReporter = gEnv->pSystem->GetICmdLine()->FindArg(eCLAT_Pre, "use_unit_test_excel_reporter"); if(pUseUnitTestExcelReporter) { gEnv->pSystem->GetITestSystem()->GetIUnitTestManager()->RunAllTests(CryUnitTest::ExcelReporter); } else // default is the minimal reporter { gEnv->pSystem->GetITestSystem()->GetIUnitTestManager()->RunAllTests(CryUnitTest::MinimalReporter); } } } #endif // CRY_UNIT_TESTING assert(gEnv); PREFAST_ASSUME(gEnv); GetISystem()->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->OnSystemEvent(ESYSTEM_EVENT_RANDOM_SEED, (UINT_PTR)gEnv->pTimer->GetAsyncTime().GetMicroSecondsAsInt64(), 0); return pOut; }
void CRevertibleConfigLoader::ApplyAndStoreCVar( const char *szKey, const char *szValue ) { ICVar * var = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar(szKey); if (var == NULL) { GameWarning("Variable \"%s\" not found (trying to set it to '%s')", szKey, szValue); return; } const char * oldValue = var->GetString(); if (oldValue!=0 && 0 == strcmp(szValue, oldValue)) { CryLog("No need to change \"%s\" to '%s' as that's also its current value", szKey, szValue ); return; } if (m_allowCheatCVars || (var->GetFlags() & VF_CHEAT) == 0) { const int numStoredCvars = (int)m_savedCVars.size(); #ifndef _RELEASE const char* savedValue = NULL; for (int i=0; i<numStoredCvars; i++) { if (stricmp(m_savedCVars[i].m_name, szKey) == 0) { savedValue = m_savedCVars[i].m_value; break; } } if (savedValue) { GameWarning("Already got an old value for cvar \"%s\" (currently '%s'), about to add another entry...", szKey, savedValue); } #endif SSavedCVar savedCvar; savedCvar.m_name = m_cvarsTextBlock.StoreText(szKey); savedCvar.m_value = m_cvarsTextBlock.StoreText(var->GetString()); if (savedCvar.m_name && savedCvar.m_value) { m_savedCVars.push_back(savedCvar); CryLog("Changing \"%s\" cvar from '%s' to '%s' (now got %" PRISIZE_T " %s to revert when switching game type)", szKey, oldValue, szValue, m_savedCVars.size(), (m_savedCVars.size() == 1) ? "cvar" : "cvars"); } else { GameWarning("!Ran out of room in cvar array.\nPlease increase maxTextBufferSize - current value is %" PRISIZE_T ".\nFor now, game won't remember to undo \"%s = %s\".", m_cvarsTextBlock.GetSizeNeeded(), szKey, var->GetString()); } } else { GameWarning("!Can't change \"%s\" cvar from '%s' to '%s' because it is a cheat var and cannot be changed in release mode", szKey, oldValue, szValue); return; } CryFixedStringT<128> cmd; cmd.Format("%s %s", szKey, szValue); IConsole * pConsole = gEnv->pConsole; pConsole->ExecuteString(cmd.c_str(), true); }