Example #1
double Bd2JpsiKstar_sWave::Normalisation(DataPoint * measurement, PhaseSpaceBoundary * boundary)

    double returnValue;
    IConstraint * timeBound = boundary->GetConstraint(timeconstraintName);

    time = measurement->GetObservable( timeName )->GetValue();
    KstarFlavour = measurement->GetObservable( KstarFlavourName )->GetValue();

    if ( timeBound->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" )
        cerr << "Bound on time not provided" << endl;
        return -1.;
        tlo = timeBound->GetMinimum();
        thi = timeBound->GetMaximum();

    if(timeRes1Frac >= 0.9999)
        // Set the member variable for time resolution to the first value and calculate
        timeRes = timeRes1;
        returnValue =  buildCompositePDFdenominator();

        // Set the member variable for time resolution to the first value and calculate
        timeRes = timeRes1;
        double val1 = buildCompositePDFdenominator();
        // Set the member variable for time resolution to the second value and calculate
        timeRes = timeRes2;
        double val2 = buildCompositePDFdenominator();
        //return timeRes1Frac*val1 + (1. - timeRes1Frac)*val2;
        returnValue = timeRes1Frac*val1 + (1. - timeRes1Frac)*val2;


    if( (returnValue <= 0.) || std::isnan(returnValue) ) {
        cout << " Bd2JpsiKstar_sWave::Normalisation() returns <=0 or nan " << endl ;
        cout << " AT    " << Aperp_sq ;
        cout << " AP    " << Apara_sq ;
        cout << " A0    " << Azero_sq;
        cout << " As   " << As_sq;
        cout << "   Dperp    " << delta_perp;
        cout << "   Dpara    " << delta_para;
        cout << "   Ds     " << delta_s << endl;
        cout << "   gamma   " << gamma << endl;

        exit(1) ;

    return returnValue;
// Calculate the PDF normalisation 
double Bs2DsPiBkg_withTimeRes::Normalisation(PhaseSpaceBoundary * boundary)

	double tmin = 0.;
	double tmax = 0.;
	IConstraint * timeBound = boundary->GetConstraint(timeconstraintName);
	if ( timeBound->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" )
			cerr << "Bound on time not provided" << endl;
			return -1.;
			tmin = timeBound->GetMinimum();
			tmax = timeBound->GetMaximum();
	// Parameters
  	double timeRes = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( timeResName )->GetValue();
  	double lifetimeBd = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( lifetimeBdName )->GetValue();
	double gammaBd = 1. / lifetimeBd ;
	double val           = Mathematics::ExpInt( tmin, tmax, gammaBd, timeRes ) ;
	return val;
// int(1/(sigmaPr*sqrt(2*Pi))*exp(-(time)^2/(2*sigmaPr*sigmaPr)),time=tmin..tmax);
//                                                                   1/2                  1/2
//                                                                  2    tmin            2    tmax
//                                                         -1/2 erf(---------) + 1/2 erf(---------)
//                                                                  2 sigmaPr            2 sigmaPr
double Bs2JpsiPhiPromptBkg_tripleGaussian::Normalisation(PhaseSpaceBoundary * boundary)
	double tmin = 0.;
	double tmax = 0.;
	IConstraint * timeBound = boundary->GetConstraint(timeconstraintName);
	if ( timeBound->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" )
		cerr << "Bound on time not provided" << endl;
		exit(1) ;
		tmin = timeBound->GetMinimum();
		tmax = timeBound->GetMaximum();

	//Extract parameters
	double sigmaPr1 = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( sigmaPr1Name )->GetValue();
	double sigmaPr2 = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( sigmaPr2Name )->GetValue();
	double sigmaPr3 = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( sigmaPr3Name )->GetValue();
	double frac1 = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( frac_sigmaPr1Name )->GetValue();
	double frac23 = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( frac_sigmaPr23Name )->GetValue();

	//Reality checks
	if( sigmaPr1 <= 0. ) {cout << "Bs2JpsiPhiPromptBkg_tripleGaussian::Normalisation() : sigmaPr1 < 0 : " << sigmaPr1 << endl ;exit(1); }
	if( sigmaPr2 <= 0. ) {cout << "Bs2JpsiPhiPromptBkg_tripleGaussian::Normalisation() : sigmaPr2 < 0 : " << sigmaPr2 << endl ; exit(1); }
	if( sigmaPr3 <= 0. ) {cout << "Bs2JpsiPhiPromptBkg_tripleGaussian::Normalisation() : sigmaPr3 < 0 : " << sigmaPr3 << endl ; exit(1); }

	double val1 = 0.5 * ( erf( tmax/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr1) ) - erf( tmin/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr1 )) );
	double val2 = 0.5 * ( erf( tmax/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr2) ) - erf( tmin/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr2 )) );
	double val3 = 0.5 * ( erf( tmax/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr3) ) - erf( tmin/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr3 )) );

	return frac1*val1 + (1.-frac1)*(frac23*val2 + (1.-frac23)*val3) ;
double Bs2JpsiPhi_mistagObservable_alt::Normalisation(DataPoint * measurement, PhaseSpaceBoundary * boundary)
	// Get observables into member variables
	t = measurement->GetObservable( timeName )->GetValue() - timeOffset;
	ctheta_tr = measurement->GetObservable( cosThetaName )->GetValue();
	phi_tr      = measurement->GetObservable( phiName )->GetValue();
	ctheta_1   = measurement->GetObservable( cosPsiName )->GetValue();	
	tagFraction = measurement->GetObservable( mistagName )->GetValue();
	//tagFraction= 0.5;  //PELC

	// Get time boundaries into member variables
	IConstraint * timeBound = boundary->GetConstraint("time");
	if ( timeBound->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" ) {
		cerr << "Bound on time not provided" << endl;
		return 0;
	else {
		tlo = timeBound->GetMinimum();
		thi = timeBound->GetMaximum();
	// Recalculate cached values if Physics parameters have changed
	// Must do this for each of the two resolutions.
// I dont think you can cache any more as normalisation depends upon the mistag which now changes per event.
	if( true /*! normalisationCacheValid*/ )  {
		for( tag = -1; tag <= 1; tag ++ ) {
            resolution =  resolution1 ;
			normalisationCacheValueRes1[tag+1] = this->diffXsecNorm1( );
            resolution =  resolution2 ;
			normalisationCacheValueRes2[tag+1] = this->diffXsecNorm1( );
		normalisationCacheValid = true ;
	// Return normalisation value according to tag 

	tag = (int)measurement->GetObservable( tagName )->GetValue();

	double returnValue  = resolution1Fraction*normalisationCacheValueRes1[tag+1] + (1. - resolution1Fraction)*normalisationCacheValueRes2[tag+1] ;
	if( (returnValue <= 0.) || isnan(returnValue) ) {
		cout << " Bs2JpsiPhi_mistagObservable_alt::Normalisation() returns <=0 or nan " << endl ;
		cout << " gamma " << gamma() ;
		cout << " gl    " << gamma_l() ;
		cout << " gh    " << gamma_h() ;
		cout << " AT    " << AT() ;
		cout << " AP    " << AP() ;
		cout << " A0    " << A0() ;
		exit(1) ;
	return returnValue ;
// int(1/(sigmaPr*sqrt(2*Pi))*exp(-(time)^2/(2*sigmaPr*sigmaPr)),time=tmin..tmax);
//                                                                   1/2                  1/2
//                                                                  2    tmin            2    tmax
//                                                         -1/2 erf(---------) + 1/2 erf(---------)
//                                                                  2 sigmaPr            2 sigmaPr
double Bs2JpsiPhiPromptBkg_withTimeRes::Normalisation(PhaseSpaceBoundary * boundary)
        double tmin = 0.;
        double tmax = 0.;
        IConstraint * timeBound = boundary->GetConstraint( timeconstraintName );
        if ( timeBound->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" )
                cerr << "Bound on time not provided" << endl;
                return -1.;
                tmin = timeBound->GetMinimum();
                tmax = timeBound->GetMaximum();
        double sigmaPr = allParameters.GetPhysicsParameter( sigmaPrName )->GetValue();
	double val = 0.5 * ( erf( tmax/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr) ) - erf( tmin/(sqrt(2.)*sigmaPr )) );

	return val;
Example #6
	void copyPhaseSpaceBoundary( PhaseSpaceBoundary * newBoundary, PhaseSpaceBoundary * oldBoundary )
		vector<string> names = oldBoundary->GetAllNames();
		vector<string>::iterator nameIter = names.begin();
		vector<double> values;
		double min, max;
		string unit;
		for ( ; nameIter != names.end(); ++nameIter )
			IConstraint * constraint = oldBoundary->GetConstraint( *nameIter );
			unit = constraint->GetUnit();
			if ( constraint->IsDiscrete() )
				values = constraint->GetValues();
				newBoundary->SetConstraint( *nameIter, values, unit );
			else {
				min = constraint->GetMinimum();
				max = constraint->GetMaximum();
				newBoundary->SetConstraint( *nameIter, min, max, unit );
double Bs2JpsiPhi_SignalAlt_MO_v4::Normalisation(DataPoint * measurement, PhaseSpaceBoundary * boundary)

	if( _numericIntegralForce ) return -1. ;

	// Get observables into member variables
	tag = (int)measurement->GetObservable( tagName )->GetValue();
	_mistag = measurement->GetObservable( mistagName )->GetValue() ;
	if( useEventResolution() ) eventResolution = measurement->GetObservable( eventResolutionName )->GetValue();
	// Get time boundaries into member variables
	IConstraint * timeBound = boundary->GetConstraint( timeName );
	if ( timeBound->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" ) {
		cerr << "Bound on time not provided" << endl;
		return 0;
	else {
		tlo = timeBound->GetMinimum();
		thi = timeBound->GetMaximum();

	//*** This is what will be returned.***
	//How it is calcualted depends upon how resolution is treated
	double returnValue=0 ;

	// If we are going to use event-by-event resolution, then all the caching is irrelevant and will be bypassed.
	// You cant cache either untagged or tagged since the resolution will change from event to event and affect the normalisation.
	if( useEventResolution() )  {
		if( resolutionScale <=0. ) resolution = 0. ;
		else resolution = eventResolution * resolutionScale ;
		returnValue = this->diffXsecCompositeNorm1( 0 );
	//We are not going to use event by event resolution so we can use all the caching machinery
	else {
		//First job for any new set of parameters is to Cache the time integrals
		if( ! timeIntegralCacheValid ) {
			CacheTimeIntegrals() ;
			timeIntegralCacheValid = true ;
			// if( ! useEventResolution() ) timeIntegralCacheValid = true ;
		//If this is an untagged event and the result has been cached, then it can be used
		// Otherwise must calculate the normalisation	
		if( (tag==0) && normalisationCacheValid ) {
			returnValue = normalisationCacheUntagged ;
		//So we need to calculate the normalisation 
		else {
			if( resolutionScale <= 0. ) {
				resolution = 0. ;
				returnValue = this->diffXsecCompositeNorm1( 0 );
			else {						
				double val1=0. , val2=0., val3=0. ;		
				double resolution1Fraction = 1. - resolution2Fraction - resolution3Fraction ;
				if(resolution1Fraction > 0 ) {
					resolution = resolution1 * resolutionScale ;
					val1 = this->diffXsecCompositeNorm1( 1 );
				if(resolution2Fraction > 0 ) {
					resolution = resolution2 * resolutionScale ;
					val2 = this->diffXsecCompositeNorm1( 2 );
				if(resolution3Fraction > 0 ) {
					resolution = resolution3 * resolutionScale ;
					val3 = this->diffXsecCompositeNorm1( 3 );
				returnValue = resolution1Fraction*val1 + resolution2Fraction*val2 + resolution3Fraction*val3 ;	
		// If this is an untagged event then the normaisation is invariant and so can be cached
		//if( (tag==0) && !normalisationCacheValid && !useEventResolution() )  {
		if( (tag==0) && !normalisationCacheValid )  {
			normalisationCacheUntagged = returnValue ;
			normalisationCacheValid = true ;
	// Conditions to throw exception
	bool c1 = std::isnan(returnValue)  ;
	bool c2 = (returnValue <= 0.) ;	
	if( DEBUGFLAG && (c1 || c2 ) ) {
		this->DebugPrint( " Bs2JpsiPhi_SignalAlt_MO_v4::Normalisation() returns <=0 or nan :" , returnValue ) ;
		if( std::isnan(returnValue) ) throw( 23 );
		if( returnValue <= 0. ) throw( 823 );
	return returnValue ;
Example #8
//Constructor with correct argument
MakeFoam::MakeFoam( IPDF * InputPDF, PhaseSpaceBoundary * InputBoundary, DataPoint * InputPoint ) : finishedCells(), centerPoints(), centerValues(), cellIntegrals(), integratePDF(InputPDF)
	//Make the container to hold the possible cells
	queue<PhaseSpaceBoundary*> possibleCells;
	PhaseSpaceBoundary* firstCell = InputBoundary;

	//Make a list of observables to integrate over
	vector<string> doIntegrate, dontIntegrate;
	vector<string> pdfDontIntegrate = InputPDF->GetDoNotIntegrateList();
	StatisticsFunctions::DoDontIntegrateLists( InputPDF, InputBoundary, &(pdfDontIntegrate), doIntegrate, dontIntegrate );

	//Continue until all possible cells have been examined
	while ( !possibleCells.empty() )
		//Remove the next possible cell
		PhaseSpaceBoundary* currentCell = possibleCells.front();

		//Set up the histogram storage
		vector< vector<double> > histogramBinHeights, histogramBinMiddles, histogramBinMaxes;
		double normalisation = 0.0;
		for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
			vector<double> binHeights, binMiddles, binMaxes;
			IConstraint * temporaryConstraint = currentCell->GetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex] );
			double minimum = temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum();
			double delta = ( temporaryConstraint->GetMaximum() - minimum ) / (double)HISTOGRAM_BINS;

			//Loop over bins
			for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < HISTOGRAM_BINS; ++binIndex )
				binMiddles.push_back( minimum + ( delta * ( binIndex + 0.5 ) ) );
				binMaxes.push_back( minimum + ( delta * ( binIndex + 1.0 ) ) );


		//MC sample the cell, make projections, sort of
		for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < MAXIMUM_SAMPLES; ++sampleIndex )
			//Create a data point within the current cell
			DataPoint samplePoint( InputPoint->GetAllNames() );
			for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
				//Generate random values to explore integrable observables
				IConstraint * temporaryConstraint = currentCell->GetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex] );
				samplePoint.SetObservable( doIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryConstraint->CreateObservable() );
			for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < dontIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
				//Use given values for unintegrable observables
				Observable * temporaryObservable = new Observable( *(InputPoint->GetObservable( dontIntegrate[observableIndex] )) );
				samplePoint.SetObservable( dontIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryObservable );
				delete temporaryObservable;

			//Evaluate the function at this point
			double sampleValue = InputPDF->Evaluate( &samplePoint );
			normalisation += sampleValue;

			//Populate the histogram
			for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
				double observableValue = samplePoint.GetObservable( doIntegrate[observableIndex] )->GetValue();

				for ( int binIndex = 0; binIndex < HISTOGRAM_BINS; ++binIndex )
					if ( observableValue < histogramBinMaxes[observableIndex][unsigned(binIndex)] )
						histogramBinHeights[observableIndex][unsigned(binIndex)] += sampleValue;

		//Normalise the histograms
		for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
			for ( int binIndex = 0; binIndex < HISTOGRAM_BINS; ++binIndex )
				histogramBinHeights[observableIndex][unsigned(binIndex)] /= normalisation;

		//Find the maximum gradient
		vector<double> midPoints;
		string maximumGradientObservable, unit;
		double maximumGradient=0.;
		double lowPoint=0.;
		double splitPoint=0.;
		double highPoint=0.;
		for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
			//Find the size of the cell in this observable
			IConstraint * temporaryConstraint = currentCell->GetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex] );
			double cellMaximum = temporaryConstraint->GetMaximum();
			double cellMinimum = temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum();

			//Store the mid point
			double observableMiddle = cellMinimum + ( ( cellMaximum - cellMinimum ) / 2.0 );

			for ( int binIndex = 1; binIndex < HISTOGRAM_BINS; ++binIndex )
				double gradient = abs( histogramBinHeights[observableIndex][ unsigned(binIndex - 1) ] - histogramBinHeights[observableIndex][unsigned(binIndex)] );

				//Update maximum
				if ( ( observableIndex == 0 && binIndex == 1 ) || gradient > maximumGradient )
					maximumGradient = gradient;
					maximumGradientObservable = doIntegrate[observableIndex];
					unit = temporaryConstraint->GetUnit();
					highPoint = cellMaximum;
					splitPoint = ( histogramBinMiddles[observableIndex][ unsigned(binIndex - 1) ] + histogramBinMiddles[observableIndex][unsigned(binIndex)] ) / 2.0;
					lowPoint = cellMinimum;

		//If the maximum gradient is within tolerance, the cell is finished
		if ( maximumGradient < MAXIMUM_GRADIENT_TOLERANCE )
			//Store the finished cell

			//Create a data point at the center of the current cell
			DataPoint* cellCenter = new DataPoint( InputPoint->GetAllNames() );
			for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
				//Use the mid points for the integrable values
				Observable * temporaryObservable = cellCenter->GetObservable( doIntegrate[observableIndex] );
				Observable* temporaryObservable2 = new Observable( temporaryObservable->GetName(), midPoints[observableIndex], temporaryObservable->GetUnit() );
				cellCenter->SetObservable( doIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryObservable2 );
				delete temporaryObservable2;
			for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < dontIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
				//Use given values for unintegrable observables
				Observable * temporaryObservable = new Observable( *(InputPoint->GetObservable( dontIntegrate[observableIndex] )) );
				cellCenter->SetObservable( dontIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryObservable );
				delete temporaryObservable;

			//Store the center point
			//Create two cells to replace the current cell
			PhaseSpaceBoundary* daughterCell1 = new PhaseSpaceBoundary( currentCell->GetAllNames() );
			PhaseSpaceBoundary* daughterCell2 = new PhaseSpaceBoundary( currentCell->GetAllNames() );

			for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
				IConstraint * temporaryConstraint = currentCell->GetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex] );
				if ( doIntegrate[observableIndex] == maximumGradientObservable )
					//Split the cells on the observable with the greatest gradient
					daughterCell1->SetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex], lowPoint, splitPoint, unit );
					daughterCell2->SetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex], splitPoint, highPoint, unit );
					//Copy the continuous constraint (if it can be integrated, it must be continuous)
					daughterCell1->SetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum(), temporaryConstraint->GetMaximum(), temporaryConstraint->GetUnit() );
					daughterCell2->SetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum(), temporaryConstraint->GetMaximum(), temporaryConstraint->GetUnit() );
			for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < dontIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
				IConstraint * temporaryConstraint = currentCell->GetConstraint( dontIntegrate[observableIndex] );
				if ( temporaryConstraint->IsDiscrete() )
					//Copy the discrete constraint
					daughterCell1->SetConstraint( dontIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryConstraint->GetValues(), temporaryConstraint->GetUnit() );
					daughterCell2->SetConstraint( dontIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryConstraint->GetValues(), temporaryConstraint->GetUnit() );
					//Copy the continuous constraint
					daughterCell1->SetConstraint( dontIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum(), temporaryConstraint->GetMaximum(), temporaryConstraint->GetUnit() );
					daughterCell2->SetConstraint( dontIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum(), temporaryConstraint->GetMaximum(), temporaryConstraint->GetUnit() );

			//Add the two new cells to the possibles

		//Make sure you don't exceed the maximum number of cells
		if ( int(finishedCells.size() + possibleCells.size()) >= MAXIMUM_CELLS )
			cout << "MakeFoam warning: maximum cells reached with " << possibleCells.size() << " unexplored" << endl;

			//Dump out any possible cells into finished, without any further examination
			while ( !possibleCells.empty() )
				//Move the cell from "possible" to "finished"
				PhaseSpaceBoundary* temporaryCell = possibleCells.front();

				//Create a data point at the center of the current cell
				DataPoint* cellCenter = new DataPoint( InputPoint->GetAllNames() );
				for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < doIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
					//Calculate the cell mid point
					IConstraint * temporaryConstraint = temporaryCell->GetConstraint( doIntegrate[observableIndex] );
					double midPoint = temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum() + ( ( temporaryConstraint->GetMaximum() - temporaryConstraint->GetMinimum() ) / 2  );

					//Use the mid points for the integrable values
					Observable * temporaryObservable = cellCenter->GetObservable( doIntegrate[observableIndex] );
					Observable* temporaryObservable2 = new Observable( temporaryObservable->GetName(), midPoint, temporaryObservable->GetUnit() );
					cellCenter->SetObservable( doIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryObservable2 );
					delete temporaryObservable2;
				for (unsigned int observableIndex = 0; observableIndex < dontIntegrate.size(); ++observableIndex )
					//Use given values for unintegrable observables
					Observable * temporaryObservable = new Observable( *(InputPoint->GetObservable( dontIntegrate[observableIndex] )) );
					cellCenter->SetObservable( dontIntegrate[observableIndex], temporaryObservable );
					delete temporaryObservable;

				//Store the center point

			//Exit the foam loop

	//Now all the cells have been made!
	//Make a numerical integrator for the function
	RapidFitIntegrator cellIntegrator( InputPDF, true );

	//Find the function value at the center of each cell, and the integral of the function over the cell
	for (unsigned int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < finishedCells.size(); ++cellIndex )
		//Integrate the cell
		double integral = cellIntegrator.Integral( InputPoint, finishedCells[cellIndex] );

		//Evaluate the function at the center of the cell
		double value = InputPDF->Evaluate( centerPoints[cellIndex] );
double Bs2DsPi_lowmassbkg_updated::Normalisation(PhaseSpaceBoundary * boundary)
	double mhigh, mlow, sum ;

	IConstraint * massBound = boundary->GetConstraint( constraint_massName );
	if ( massBound->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" )
		cerr << "Bound on mass not provided in Bs2DsPi_lowmassbkg_updated" << endl;
		return 1.0 ;
		mlow = massBound->GetMinimum();
		mhigh = massBound->GetMaximum();

	double histo_max=histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(nxbins);
	double histo_min=histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);

	double histo_range = histo_max - histo_min;
	double bin_width = histo_range / nxbins;

	int nbin_low =1;
	int nbin_high = nxbins;

	bool c0 = (mlow>mhigh) ;
	bool c1 = (mhigh>histo_max) || (mlow<histo_min) ;
	if ( c0 || c1  )
		cerr << "Mass boundaries aren't withing the background histogram range in Bs2DsPi_lowmassbkg_updated" << endl;
		exit(1) ;

	for( nbin_low=1; nbin_low <= nxbins; ++nbin_low ) {
		if( histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(nbin_low)  > mlow ) break ;
	for( nbin_high=nxbins; nbin_high >= 1; --nbin_high ) {
		if( histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(nbin_high)  < mhigh ) break ;

	//cout << "mlow occurs in bin" << nbin_low << endl;
	//cout << "mhigh occurs in bin" << nbin_high << endl;

	sum = 0;

	for(int i = nbin_low; i <= nbin_high; ++i){
		double bin_content = histo->GetBinContent(i);
		sum += (int) bin_content;
		//cout << "loop " << i << ", ";

	//cout << "number of bins " << nxbins << endl;
	//cout << "sum of bins looped " << sum << endl;
	//cout << "histo range " << histo_range << endl;
	//cout << "bin_width " << bin_width << endl;
	//cout << "total number enteries in histo " << total_num_entries << endl;

	//cout << "end normalisation " << endl;

	double value = (sum * bin_width) / total_num_entries;

	//cout << "return " << value << endl;

	return value;