Example #1
/// At this point, we're committed to promoting the alloca using IDF's, and the
/// standard SSA construction algorithm.  Determine which blocks need phi nodes
/// and see if we can optimize out some work by avoiding insertion of dead phi
/// nodes.
void PromoteMem2Reg::DetermineInsertionPoint(AllocaInst *AI, unsigned AllocaNum,
                                             AllocaInfo &Info) {
  // Unique the set of defining blocks for efficient lookup.
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 32> DefBlocks;
  DefBlocks.insert(Info.DefiningBlocks.begin(), Info.DefiningBlocks.end());

  // Determine which blocks the value is live in.  These are blocks which lead
  // to uses.
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 32> LiveInBlocks;
  ComputeLiveInBlocks(AI, Info, DefBlocks, LiveInBlocks);

  // Use a priority queue keyed on dominator tree level so that inserted nodes
  // are handled from the bottom of the dominator tree upwards.
  typedef std::priority_queue<DomTreeNodePair,
                              SmallVector<DomTreeNodePair, 32>,
                              DomTreeNodeCompare> IDFPriorityQueue;
  IDFPriorityQueue PQ;

  for (SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 32>::const_iterator I = DefBlocks.begin(),
                                                     E = DefBlocks.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (DomTreeNode *Node = DT.getNode(*I))
      PQ.push(std::make_pair(Node, DomLevels[Node]));

  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, BasicBlock *>, 32> DFBlocks;
  SmallPtrSet<DomTreeNode *, 32> Visited;
  SmallVector<DomTreeNode *, 32> Worklist;
  while (!PQ.empty()) {
    DomTreeNodePair RootPair = PQ.top();
    DomTreeNode *Root = RootPair.first;
    unsigned RootLevel = RootPair.second;

    // Walk all dominator tree children of Root, inspecting their CFG edges with
    // targets elsewhere on the dominator tree. Only targets whose level is at
    // most Root's level are added to the iterated dominance frontier of the
    // definition set.


    while (!Worklist.empty()) {
      DomTreeNode *Node = Worklist.pop_back_val();
      BasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();

      for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), SE = succ_end(BB); SI != SE;
           ++SI) {
        DomTreeNode *SuccNode = DT.getNode(*SI);

        // Quickly skip all CFG edges that are also dominator tree edges instead
        // of catching them below.
        if (SuccNode->getIDom() == Node)

        unsigned SuccLevel = DomLevels[SuccNode];
        if (SuccLevel > RootLevel)

        if (!Visited.insert(SuccNode))

        BasicBlock *SuccBB = SuccNode->getBlock();
        if (!LiveInBlocks.count(SuccBB))

        DFBlocks.push_back(std::make_pair(BBNumbers[SuccBB], SuccBB));
        if (!DefBlocks.count(SuccBB))
          PQ.push(std::make_pair(SuccNode, SuccLevel));

      for (DomTreeNode::iterator CI = Node->begin(), CE = Node->end(); CI != CE;
           ++CI) {
        if (!Visited.count(*CI))

  if (DFBlocks.size() > 1)
    std::sort(DFBlocks.begin(), DFBlocks.end());

  unsigned CurrentVersion = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = DFBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i)
    QueuePhiNode(DFBlocks[i].second, AllocaNum, CurrentVersion);
void IDFCalculator<NodeTy>::calculate(
    SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock *> &PHIBlocks) {
  // Use a priority queue keyed on dominator tree level so that inserted nodes
  // are handled from the bottom of the dominator tree upwards.
  typedef std::pair<DomTreeNode *, unsigned> DomTreeNodePair;
  typedef std::priority_queue<DomTreeNodePair, SmallVector<DomTreeNodePair, 32>,
                              less_second> IDFPriorityQueue;
  IDFPriorityQueue PQ;

  for (BasicBlock *BB : *DefBlocks) {
    if (DomTreeNode *Node = DT.getNode(BB))
      PQ.push({Node, Node->getLevel()});

  SmallVector<DomTreeNode *, 32> Worklist;
  SmallPtrSet<DomTreeNode *, 32> VisitedPQ;
  SmallPtrSet<DomTreeNode *, 32> VisitedWorklist;

  while (!PQ.empty()) {
    DomTreeNodePair RootPair = PQ.top();
    DomTreeNode *Root = RootPair.first;
    unsigned RootLevel = RootPair.second;

    // Walk all dominator tree children of Root, inspecting their CFG edges with
    // targets elsewhere on the dominator tree. Only targets whose level is at
    // most Root's level are added to the iterated dominance frontier of the
    // definition set.


    while (!Worklist.empty()) {
      DomTreeNode *Node = Worklist.pop_back_val();
      BasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();
      // Succ is the successor in the direction we are calculating IDF, so it is
      // successor for IDF, and predecessor for Reverse IDF.
      for (auto *Succ : children<NodeTy>(BB)) {
        DomTreeNode *SuccNode = DT.getNode(Succ);

        // Quickly skip all CFG edges that are also dominator tree edges instead
        // of catching them below.
        if (SuccNode->getIDom() == Node)

        const unsigned SuccLevel = SuccNode->getLevel();
        if (SuccLevel > RootLevel)

        if (!VisitedPQ.insert(SuccNode).second)

        BasicBlock *SuccBB = SuccNode->getBlock();
        if (useLiveIn && !LiveInBlocks->count(SuccBB))

        if (!DefBlocks->count(SuccBB))
          PQ.push(std::make_pair(SuccNode, SuccLevel));

      for (auto DomChild : *Node) {
        if (VisitedWorklist.insert(DomChild).second)