mono::object CScriptbind_Entity::GetEntitiesByClass(mono::string _class) { IEntityClass *pDesiredClass = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetClassRegistry()->FindClass(ToCryString(_class)); std::vector<EntityId> classEntities; IEntityItPtr pIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); pIt->MoveFirst(); while(!pIt->IsEnd()) { if(IEntity *pEntity = pIt->Next()) { if(pEntity->GetClass() == pDesiredClass) classEntities.push_back(pEntity->GetId()); } } if(classEntities.size()<1) return nullptr; IMonoClass *pEntityIdClass = g_pScriptSystem->GetCryBraryAssembly()->GetClass("EntityId"); IMonoArray *pArray = CreateMonoArray(classEntities.size()); for(auto it = classEntities.begin(); it != classEntities.end(); ++it) pArray->Insert(pEntityIdClass->BoxObject(&mono::entityId(*it))); return pArray->GetManagedObject(); }
virtual void OnIterStart(SActivationInfo *pActInfo) { const int type = GetPortInt(pActInfo, EIP_Type); IEntitySystem *pEntitySystem = gEnv->pEntitySystem; if (pEntitySystem) { IEntityItPtr iter = pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); if (iter) { iter->MoveFirst(); IEntity *pEntity = NULL; while (!iter->IsEnd()) { pEntity = iter->Next(); if (pEntity) { const EntityId id = pEntity->GetId(); const EEntityType entityType = GetEntityType(id); if (IsValidType(type, entityType)) { AddEntity(id); } } } } } }
void CCheckpointSystem::DeleteDynamicEntities() { IEntitySystem *pEntitySystem = gEnv->pEntitySystem; IEntityItPtr pIt = pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pIt->MoveFirst(); while (!pIt->IsEnd()) { IEntity * pEntity = pIt->Next(); uint32 nEntityFlags = pEntity->GetFlags(); // Local player must not be deleted. if (nEntityFlags & ENTITY_FLAG_LOCAL_PLAYER) continue; if (nEntityFlags & ENTITY_FLAG_SPAWNED) pEntitySystem->RemoveEntity( pEntity->GetId() ); } // Force deletion of removed entities. pEntitySystem->DeletePendingEntities(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reset entity pools pEntitySystem->GetIEntityPoolManager()->ResetPools(false); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Allows the game code to write game-specific data into the minimap xml // file on level export. Currently used to export data to StatsTool // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CEditorGame::GetAdditionalMinimapData(XmlNodeRef output) { string classes = g_pGameCVars->g_telemetryEntityClassesToExport; if(!classes.empty()) { // additional data relating to StatsTool XmlNodeRef statsNode = output->findChild("StatsTool"); if(!statsNode) { statsNode = GetISystem()->CreateXmlNode("StatsTool"); output->addChild(statsNode); } else { statsNode->removeAllChilds(); } // first build a list of entity classes from the cvar std::vector<IEntityClass*> interestingClasses; int curPos = 0; string currentClass = classes.Tokenize(",",curPos); IEntitySystem* pES = GetISystem()->GetIEntitySystem(); if(IEntityClassRegistry* pClassReg = pES->GetClassRegistry()) { while (!currentClass.empty()) { if(IEntityClass* pClass = pClassReg->FindClass(currentClass.c_str())) { interestingClasses.push_back(pClass); } currentClass = classes.Tokenize(",",curPos); } } // now iterate through all entities and save the ones which match the classes if(interestingClasses.size() > 0) { IEntityItPtr it = pES->GetEntityIterator(); while(IEntity* pEntity = it->Next()) { if(stl::find(interestingClasses, pEntity->GetClass())) { XmlNodeRef entityNode = GetISystem()->CreateXmlNode("Entity"); statsNode->addChild(entityNode); entityNode->setAttr("class", pEntity->GetClass()->GetName()); Vec3 pos = pEntity->GetWorldPos(); entityNode->setAttr("x", pos.x); entityNode->setAttr("y", pos.y); entityNode->setAttr("z", pos.z); } } } } return true; }
EContextEstablishTaskResult OnStep( SContextEstablishState& state ) { bool allowPlayers = (m_what & eFS_Players) != 0; bool allowGameRules = (m_what & eFS_GameRules) != 0; bool allowOthers = (m_what & eFS_Others) != 0; EntityId gameRulesId = 0; if (IEntity * pGameRules = CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetIGameRulesSystem()->GetCurrentGameRulesEntity()) gameRulesId = pGameRules->GetId(); // we are in the editor, and that means that there have been entities spawned already // that are not bound to the network context... so lets bind them! IEntityItPtr pIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); while (IEntity * pEntity = pIt->Next()) { bool isOther = true; bool isPlayer = false; IActor* pActor = CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(pEntity->GetId()); if (pActor && pActor->IsPlayer()) { isPlayer = true; isOther = false; } if (isPlayer && !allowPlayers) continue; bool isGameRules = false; if (pEntity->GetId() == gameRulesId) { isGameRules = true; isOther = false; } if (isGameRules && !allowGameRules) continue; if (isOther && !allowOthers) continue; CGameObject * pGO = (CGameObject *) pEntity->GetProxy( ENTITY_PROXY_USER ); if (pGO) { if (pGO->IsBoundToNetwork()) pGO->BindToNetwork(eBTNM_Force); // force rebinding } SEntitySpawnParams fakeParams; = pEntity->GetId(); fakeParams.nFlags = pEntity->GetFlags(); fakeParams.pClass = pEntity->GetClass(); fakeParams.qRotation = pEntity->GetRotation(); fakeParams.sName = pEntity->GetName(); fakeParams.vPosition = pEntity->GetPos(); fakeParams.vScale = pEntity->GetScale(); CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetGameContext()->OnSpawn( pEntity, fakeParams ); } return eCETR_Ok; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CGameRules::HostMigrationFindDynamicEntities(TEntityIdVec &results) { IEntityItPtr pEntityIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); while (IEntity *pEntity = pEntityIt->Next()) { if (pEntity->GetFlags() & ENTITY_FLAG_NEVER_NETWORK_STATIC) { results.push_back(pEntity->GetId()); CryLog(" found dynamic entity %i '%s'", pEntity->GetId(), pEntity->GetName()); } } }
// for editor only static void OnSysSpecLightChange( ICVar *pVar ) { IEntityItPtr it = GetIEntitySystem()->GetEntityIterator(); it->MoveFirst(); while(IEntity *pEntity = it->Next()) { IScriptTable *pScriptTable = pEntity->GetScriptTable(); if (pScriptTable && pScriptTable->HaveValue("OnSysSpecLightChanged")) { Script::CallMethod( pScriptTable, "OnSysSpecLightChanged" ); } } }
void CVar::DumpEntityClassesInUse(IConsoleCmdArgs * args) { IEntityItPtr it = GetIEntitySystem()->GetEntityIterator(); it->MoveFirst(); std::map<string, int> classes; while(IEntity *pEntity = it->Next()) { classes[pEntity->GetClass()->GetName()]++; } CryLogAlways("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (std::map<string, int>::iterator iter = classes.begin(); iter != classes.end(); ++iter) CryLogAlways("%s: %d instances", iter->first.c_str(), iter->second); }
EContextEstablishTaskResult OnStep( SContextEstablishState& state ) { CScopedRemoveObjectUnlock unlockRemovals(CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetGameContext()); if (m_skipGameRules || m_skipPlayers) { IEntityItPtr i = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); while(!i->IsEnd()) { IEntity* pEnt = i->Next(); // skip gamerules if (m_skipGameRules) if (pEnt->GetId() == CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetIGameRulesSystem()->GetCurrentGameRulesEntity()->GetId()) continue; // skip players if (m_skipPlayers) { IActor* pActor = CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(pEnt->GetId()); if (pActor && pActor->IsPlayer()) continue; } pEnt->ClearFlags(ENTITY_FLAG_UNREMOVABLE); // force remove all other entities gEnv->pEntitySystem->RemoveEntity(pEnt->GetId(), true); } if (!m_skipGameRules) gEnv->pEntitySystem->ReserveEntityId(1); } else { if(!gEnv->pSystem->IsSerializingFile()) gEnv->pEntitySystem->Reset(); gEnv->pEntitySystem->ReserveEntityId(1); } gEnv->pEntitySystem->ReserveEntityId( LOCAL_PLAYER_ENTITY_ID ); CActionGame::Get()->OnEntitySystemReset(); return eCETR_Ok; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CGameRules::HostMigrationFindDynamicEntities(TEntityIdVec &results) { IItemSystem *pItemSystem = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIItemSystem(); IEntityItPtr pEntityIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); while (IEntity *pEntity = pEntityIt->Next()) { if (pEntity->GetFlags() & ENTITY_FLAG_NEVER_NETWORK_STATIC) { results.push_back(pEntity->GetId()); CryLog(" found dynamic entity %i '%s'", pEntity->GetId(), pEntity->GetName()); } else { /*CItem *pItem = static_cast<CItem*>(pItemSystem->GetItem(pEntity->GetId())); if (pItem) { // Need to reset owner on static items since they will be given to players again once we've rejoined pItem->SetOwnerId(0); }*/ } } }
mono::object CScriptbind_Entity::GetEntitiesByClasses(mono::object classes) { IMonoArray *pClassArray = *classes; int numClasses = pClassArray->GetSize(); IEntityClass **pClasses = new IEntityClass *[numClasses]; for(int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) pClasses[i] = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetClassRegistry()->FindClass(ToCryString((mono::string)pClassArray->GetManagedObject())); IEntityItPtr pIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); IMonoClass *pEntityIdClass = GetMonoScriptSystem()->GetCryBraryAssembly()->GetClass("EntityId"); IMonoArray *pEntities = CreateDynamicMonoArray(); pIt->MoveFirst(); while(!pIt->IsEnd()) { if(IEntity *pEntity = pIt->Next()) { IEntityClass *pEntityClass = pEntity->GetClass(); for(int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { if(pEntityClass == pClasses[i]) { pEntities->InsertMonoObject(pEntityIdClass->BoxObject(&mono::entityId(pEntity->GetId()))); break; } } } } auto result = pEntities->GetManagedObject(); pEntities->Release(); return result; }
mono::object CScriptbind_Entity::GetEntitiesByClass(mono::string _class) { IEntityClass *pDesiredClass = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetClassRegistry()->FindClass(ToCryString(_class)); IEntityItPtr pIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); IMonoClass *pEntityIdClass = GetMonoScriptSystem()->GetCryBraryAssembly()->GetClass("EntityId"); IMonoArray *pEntities = CreateDynamicMonoArray(); pIt->MoveFirst(); while(!pIt->IsEnd()) { if(IEntity *pEntity = pIt->Next()) { if(pEntity->GetClass() == pDesiredClass) pEntities->InsertMonoObject(pEntityIdClass->BoxObject(&mono::entityId(pEntity->GetId()))); } } auto result = pEntities->GetManagedObject(); pEntities->Release(); return result; }
void CMPTutorial::Update() { FUNCTION_PROFILER(GetISystem(), PROFILE_GAME); if(!m_enabled && g_pGameCVars->g_PSTutorial_Enabled) EnableTutorialMode(true); else if(m_enabled && !g_pGameCVars->g_PSTutorial_Enabled) EnableTutorialMode(false); m_currentEvent.m_msgDisplayTime -= gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameTime(); if(!m_enabled) { if(m_currentEvent.m_msgDisplayTime < 0.0f && m_currentEvent.m_msgRemovalCondition != eMRC_None) { m_currentEvent.m_msgRemovalCondition = eMRC_None; SAFE_HUD_FUNC(ShowTutorialText(NULL,1)); } } // update the text... must be done even if not enabled, to ensure the 'you may reenable...' // message is shown correctly. if(m_currentEvent.m_numChunks > 0) { // calculate how far through the current sound we are CTimeValue now = gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameStartTime(); float soundTimer = now.GetMilliSeconds() - m_currentEvent.m_soundStartTime; assert(soundTimer >= 0); float soundPercent = 1.0f; if(m_currentEvent.m_soundLength == 0.0f && m_currentEvent.m_pCurrentSound.get()) { m_currentEvent.m_soundLength = m_currentEvent.m_pCurrentSound->GetLengthMs(); } if(m_currentEvent.m_soundLength > 0.0f) { soundPercent = soundTimer / m_currentEvent.m_soundLength; } for(int i=m_currentEvent.m_numChunks-1; i > m_currentEvent.m_currentChunk; --i) { if(m_currentEvent.m_chunks[i].m_startPercent <= soundPercent) { m_currentEvent.m_currentChunk = i; int pos = 2; // 2=bottom, 1=middle IActor *pClientActor = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetClientActor(); if(pClientActor && pClientActor->GetLinkedVehicle()) { pos = 1; } SAFE_HUD_FUNC(ShowTutorialText(m_currentEvent.m_chunks[i].m_text, pos)); break; } } } if(!m_enabled) return; CPlayer* pPlayer = static_cast<CPlayer*>(g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetClientActor()); if(!pPlayer) return; // don't start until game begins if(pPlayer->GetSpectatorMode() != 0 || g_pGame->GetGameRules()->GetCurrentStateId() != 3) return; if(!m_initialised) { m_initialised = true; if(g_pGame->GetHUD()) { // register as a HUD listener g_pGame->GetHUD()->RegisterListener(this); } // go through entity list and pull out the factories. IEntityItPtr pIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); while (!pIt->IsEnd()) { if (IEntity * pEnt = pIt->Next()) { if(pEnt->GetClass() == m_pHQClass) { m_baseList.push_back(pEnt->GetId()); //CryLog("Adding HQ %d to list: %d", pEnt->GetId(), m_baseList.size()); } else if(pEnt->GetClass() == m_pAlienEnergyPointClass) { m_alienEnergyPointList.push_back(pEnt->GetId()); //CryLog("Adding AEP %d to list: %d", pEnt->GetId(), m_alienEnergyPointList.size()); } else if(pEnt->GetClass() == m_pSpawnGroupClass) { m_spawnGroupList.push_back(pEnt->GetId()); //CryLog("Adding spawngroup %d to list: %d", pEnt->GetId(), m_spawnGroupList.size()); } else if(pEnt->GetClass() == m_pFactoryClass) { m_factoryList.push_back(pEnt->GetId()); //CryLog("Adding Factory %d to list: %d", pEnt->GetId(), m_factoryList.size()); } } } } // first the briefing events. These are shown in order. bool showPrompt = CheckBriefingEvents(pPlayer); // player has been killed if(pPlayer->GetHealth() <= 0) { showPrompt = TriggerEvent(eTE_Killed); } else if(!showPrompt) { // check each event type here. Which might take a while. // entering a neutral factory // enter prototype factory // enter hostile factory // find alien crash m_entityCheckTimer -= gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameTime(); if(m_entityCheckTimer < 0.0f) { CheckNearbyEntities(pPlayer); m_entityCheckTimer = ENTITY_CHECK_TIME; } // board vehicle and vehicle tutorials CheckVehicles(pPlayer); // player has been wounded if(pPlayer->GetHealth() < pPlayer->GetMaxHealth()) TriggerEvent(eTE_Wounded); // bases m_baseCheckTimer -= gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameTime(); if(m_baseCheckTimer < 0.0f) { CheckBases(pPlayer); m_baseCheckTimer = ENTITY_CHECK_TIME; } } bool promptShown = false; for(int i=0; i<eTE_NumEvents; ++i) { if(m_events[i].m_status == eMS_Waiting) { if(m_currentEvent.m_msgDisplayTime < -MESSAGE_GAP_TIME) { ShowMessage(m_events[i]); } promptShown = true; break; } } if(!promptShown && (m_currentEvent.m_msgRemovalCondition == eMRC_Time) && (m_currentEvent.m_msgDisplayTime < 0.0f)) { HideMessage(); } }
virtual void OnPostUpdate(float fDeltaTime) { // Get it once, then unregister to prevent unnescessary updates if(!m_get) { gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->UnregisterListener(this); return; } m_get = false; // Grab the container, and make sure its valid (user has to create it for us and pass the valid ID) IFlowSystemContainerPtr pContainer = gEnv->pFlowSystem->GetContainer(GetPortInt(&m_actInfo, EIP_ContainerId)); if(!pContainer) return; IEntityItPtr pIt = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); while (!pIt->IsEnd()) { if (IEntity *pEntity = pIt->Next()) { //skip Local player if (IPhysicalEntity *physEnt = pEntity->GetPhysics()) { IActor *pClientActor = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetClientActor(); if (!pClientActor) return; //skip the client actor entity if (physEnt == pClientActor->GetEntity()->GetPhysics()) continue; AABB worldBounds; pEntity->GetWorldBounds(worldBounds); //skip further calculations if the entity is not visible at all... if (gEnv->pSystem->GetViewCamera().IsAABBVisible_F(worldBounds) == CULL_EXCLUSION) continue; Vec3 wpos = pEntity->GetWorldPos(); Quat rot = pEntity->GetWorldRotation(); AABB localBounds; pEntity->GetLocalBounds(localBounds); //get min and max values of the entity bounding box (local positions) Vec3 points[2]; points[0] = wpos + rot * localBounds.min; points[1] = wpos + rot * localBounds.max; Vec3 pointsProjected[2]; //project the bounding box min max values to screen positions for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) { gEnv->pRenderer->ProjectToScreen(points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z, &pointsProjected[i].x, &pointsProjected[i].y, &pointsProjected[i].z); const float fWidth = (float)gEnv->pRenderer->GetWidth(); const float fHeight = (float)gEnv->pRenderer->GetHeight(); //scale projected values to the actual screen resolution pointsProjected[i].x *= 0.01f * fWidth; pointsProjected[i].y *= 0.01f * fHeight; } //check if the projected bounding box min max values are fully or partly inside the screen selection if ((m_screenX <= pointsProjected[0].x && pointsProjected[0].x <= m_screenX2) || (m_screenX >= pointsProjected[0].x && m_screenX2 <= pointsProjected[1].x) || (m_screenX <= pointsProjected[1].x && m_screenX2 >= pointsProjected[1].x) || (m_screenX <= pointsProjected[0].x && m_screenX2 >= pointsProjected[1].x)) { if ((m_screenY <= pointsProjected[0].y && m_screenY2 >= pointsProjected[0].y) || (m_screenY <= pointsProjected[1].y && m_screenY2 >= pointsProjected[0].y) || (m_screenY <= pointsProjected[1].y && m_screenY2 >= pointsProjected[1].y)) { // Add entity to container pContainer->AddItem(TFlowInputData(pEntity->GetId())); } } } } } }
void CBaseManager::Validate(BuildingGUID nGUID) { ControllerList ValidateList; ControllerList::iterator itBuilding = m_ControllerList.begin(); if (GUID_INVALID != nGUID) { // Find it itBuilding = m_ControllerList.find(nGUID); // Check if it is ready to be validated if (true == itBuilding->second->BeforeValidate()) ValidateList[itBuilding->first] = itBuilding->second; } else { // Check all of them for (itBuilding; itBuilding != m_ControllerList.end(); itBuilding++) { if (true == itBuilding->second->BeforeValidate()) ValidateList.insert(ControllerList::value_type(itBuilding->first,itBuilding->second)); } } if (true == ValidateList.empty()) return; // Must have something to continue with // Look for new interfaces and tell them they now represent me IEntity *pEntity = NULL; IEntitySystem *pES = gEnv->pEntitySystem; IEntityItPtr pIt = pES->GetEntityIterator(); while (false == pIt->IsEnd()) { if (NULL != (pEntity = pIt->Next())) { // Check if it has a CNCBuilding property table and that it is // interfacing this particular one IScriptTable *pTable; if (NULL != pEntity && NULL != (pTable = pEntity->GetScriptTable())) { // Get property table SmartScriptTable props, cncbuilding; if (true == pTable->GetValue("Properties", props) && true == props->GetValue("CNCBuilding", cncbuilding)) { // Extract and build GUID char const* szTeam = 0; char const* szClass = 0; cncbuilding->GetValue("Team", szTeam); cncbuilding->GetValue("Class", szClass); BuildingGUID GUID = g_D6Core->pBaseManager->GenerateGUID(szTeam, szClass); itBuilding = ValidateList.find(GUID); if (itBuilding != ValidateList.end()) itBuilding->second->AddInterface(pEntity); } } } } // And finally, validate them all for (itBuilding = ValidateList.begin(); itBuilding != ValidateList.end(); itBuilding++) { itBuilding->second->Validate(); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CGameRules::OnPromoteToServer(SHostMigrationInfo& hostMigrationInfo, uint32& state) { if (!g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->ShouldMigrateNub(hostMigrationInfo.m_session)) { return true; } CryLogAlways("[Host Migration]: CGameRules::OnPromoteToServer() started"); // Server time will change after we migrate (change from old server time to new server time) m_gameStartedTime.SetValue(m_gameStartedTime.GetValue() - m_cachedServerTime.GetValue()); m_gameStartTime.SetValue(m_gameStartTime.GetValue() - m_cachedServerTime.GetValue()); // If this migration has reset (we're not the original anticipated host, remove any entities from the first attempt if (!m_hostMigrationCachedEntities.empty()) { HostMigrationRemoveDuplicateDynamicEntities(); } // Now we know we're the server, remove the actors for anyone we know isn't going to migrate CGameLobby *pGameLobby = g_pGame->GetGameLobby(); CRY_ASSERT(pGameLobby); if (pGameLobby) { TPlayers playersToRemove; IActorSystem *pActorSystem = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem(); playersToRemove.reserve(pActorSystem->GetActorCount()); IActorIteratorPtr actorIt = pActorSystem->CreateActorIterator(); IActor *pActor; while (pActor = actorIt->Next()) { if (pActor->IsPlayer()) { CRY_ASSERT(pActor->GetChannelId()); SCryMatchMakingConnectionUID conId = pGameLobby->GetConnectionUIDFromChannelID((int) pActor->GetChannelId()); if (pGameLobby->GetSessionNames().Find(conId) == SSessionNames::k_unableToFind) { CryLog(" player '%s' has not got a corresponding CGameLobby entry, removing actor", pActor->GetEntity()->GetName()); playersToRemove.push_back(pActor->GetEntityId()); } } } const int numPlayersToRemove = playersToRemove.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numPlayersToRemove; ++ i) { FakeDisconnectPlayer(playersToRemove[i]); } } for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++ i) { m_migratedPlayerChannels[i] = 0; } IItemSystem *pItemSystem = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIItemSystem(); IEntityItPtr it = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator(); it->MoveFirst(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_hostMigrationItemMaxCount; ++ i) { m_pHostMigrationItemInfo[i].Reset(); } uint32 itemIndex = 0; IEntity *pEntity = NULL; while (pEntity = it->Next()) { IItem *pItem = pItemSystem->GetItem(pEntity->GetId()); if (pItem) { if (pItem->GetOwnerId()) { IEntity *pOwner = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(pItem->GetOwnerId()); if (pOwner) { EntityId currentItemId = 0; IActor *pOwnerActor = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(pOwner->GetId()); if (pOwnerActor) { IItem *pCurrentItem = pOwnerActor->GetCurrentItem(); currentItemId = pCurrentItem ? pCurrentItem->GetEntityId() : 0; } CryLog("[CG] Item '%s' is owned by '%s'", pEntity->GetName(), pOwner->GetName()); //m_pHostMigrationItemInfo[itemIndex].Set(pEntity->GetId(), pOwner->GetId(), pItem->IsUsed(), (pItem->GetEntityId() == currentItemId)); itemIndex ++; if (itemIndex >= m_hostMigrationItemMaxCount) { CRY_ASSERT(itemIndex < m_hostMigrationItemMaxCount); break; } } } } // Tell entities that we're host migrating // - Currently only used by ForbiddenArea but may well be needed for other entities later // - Currently only called on the new server, add to OnDemoteToClient if we need to use this on a client IScriptTable *pScript = pEntity->GetScriptTable(); if (pScript != NULL && pScript->GetValueType("OnHostMigration") == svtFunction) { m_pScriptSystem->BeginCall(pScript, "OnHostMigration"); m_pScriptSystem->PushFuncParam(pScript); m_pScriptSystem->PushFuncParam(true); m_pScriptSystem->EndCall(); } } // This needs initialising on the new server otherwise the respawn timer will be counting down // from uninitialised data. Likewise for the pre-round timer. ResetReviveCycleTime(); const int numRespawnParams = m_respawndata.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numRespawnParams; ++ i) { SEntityRespawnData *pData = &m_respawndata[i]; pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(pData->m_currentEntityId); if (pEntity == NULL) { CryLog(" detected respawn entity (id=%u) is not present, scheduling for respawn", pData->m_currentEntityId); ScheduleEntityRespawn(pData->m_currentEntityId, false, g_pGameCVars->g_defaultItemRespawnTimer); } } CryLog("[Host Migration]: CGameRules::OnPromoteToServer() finished"); CCCPOINT(HostMigration_OnPromoteToServer); return true; }